The disposition field of an event specifies the busi-
ness condition of the event’s objects, subsequent
to the event. The disposition is assumed to hold
true until another event indicates a change of dis-
position. Intervening events that do not specify a
disposition field have no effect on the presumed
disposition of the object (EPCGlobal, b).
• The Action type says how an event relates to
the lifecycle of the entity being described. For
example, Aggregation Event is used to capture
events related to physical aggregations of objects,
such as cases aggregated to a pallet. Through-
out its life, the pallet load participates in many
business process steps, each of which may gen-
erate an EPCIS event. The action field of each
event says how the aggregation itself has changed
during the event: have objects been added to
the aggregation, have objects been removed from
the aggregation, or has the aggregation simply
been observed without change to its membership?
The Action type is an enumerated type having
three possible values namely ADD, OBSERVE
and DELETE. For more details check out EPCIS
standards (EPCGlobal, b).
To link data to the business process we use the au-
tomata framework. An automaton is a model of be-
havior for a system composed of a finite number of
states, transitions between those states, and actions
( (Hopcroft et al., 2007)).
More formally, an automaton is a sixtuple
(E, X, x
, F, Γ, X
), where:
• E is the event set (a finite non empty set of sym-
• X is a finite non empty set of states.
• x
is an initial state, an element of S.
• F is the state transition function: F : X x E → X
• Γ is the active event function defined as Γ : X →
• X
is the set of final states, a (possibly empty) sub-
set of S.
The finite non empty set of states, X
, is defined as an
ordered pair of two values namely Business step and
Business disposition. It could be extended to include
more fields than the ones listed. These are the ones
specified in the EPCglobal data standards for event
data. All the states are referred to by number in the
transition table or the state diagram. The state table
listing the business steps and dispositions for the busi-
ness scenario discussed in this section is shown in Ta-
ble 1.
It is not necessary to use the same definition of
states, although it is advisable to make use of standard
Table 1: State Definition Table.
BizStep BizLogic
- -
shipping in transit
accepting in progress
receiving in progress
- inspecting
receiving sellable accessible
receiving sellable not accessible
- receiving
storing sellable not accessible
storing non sellable expired
storing non sellable recalled
storing non sellable damaged
storing non sellable no pedigree match
storing non sellable other
holding non sellable expired
holding non sellable recalled
holding non sellable damaged
holding non sellable no pedigree match
holding non sellable other
holding returned
Stocking sellable accessible
Picking In progress
Stag Outb non sellable expired
Stag Outb non sellable recalled
Stag Outb non sellable damaged
Stag Outb non sellable no pedigree match
Stag Outb non sellable other
Destroying Destroyed
vocabularies for business steps and business disposi-
tions specified by the EPCglobal or by other industry
standards bodies. Note that the initial state x
is ‘-1’.
It denotes a wait state. When a uniquely identifiable
object (or EPC) is seen for the first time, its initial
state is set to ‘-1’. When it is seen once again, its ex-
istence is confirmed and it is assigned a state number.
There could be additional wait states which have not
been included. The set of the wait states and the set
define the set X.
The event set E consists of the following:
• Tags being read at a location.(e.g. 1000 EPCs
were observed at the receiving bay)
• Transaction events.(An advance shipment notice
is sent listing the EPCs that are being shipped)
• Timed checking events(e.g. Every day a check
is performed if a product has exceeded its expiry
• Checking events about the integrity of the pro-
ducte.g. Pedigree checks
A list of possible event sets for the business scenario
in discussion is given in Table 2.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems