category, using the LO classification scheme based
on our proposed metadata typology (Morales, García
and Barrón, 2007b).
Our proposed adaptation of the LOM “9.
Classification” metadata category comprises the key
quantitative and qualitative data collected with our
LO quality evaluation tool. In presenting a summary
of learners’ comments on LO quality, item “9.3.
Description” provides a useful means of further
improving that quality.
Our prototype knowledge model sought to
demonstrate how LOs can be established as a basic
unit of learning, taking into account key educational
needs. It can be used to adapt an LO to a specific
type of course at university level.
The LO quality evaluation tool enabled us to
collect a wide range of information useful for
improving both LO1 and LO2. In attributing a
numerical value to LO quality, the rating scale
helped specify exactly which data to incorporate into
the metadata schema.
It is important to remember that metadata
editors today only classify LOs according to specific
established purposes. We used the LOM “9.
Classification” metadata category because we
believe it useful for defining and adapting new LO
classification schemes that would allow users to
acquire and manage LOs suited to their own
individual needs.
Finally, the results obtained with the LO quality
evaluation tool helped highlight exactly what
improvements needed to be made. Sorting
evaluation criteria into different categories made it
possible to evaluate the LOs from both pedagogical
and technical points of view.
Our future work will focus on developing an
LO creation tool based on our knowledge model. We
will also seek to improve the quality of LOs by
taking into account the accessibility issues that are
crucial to LO management.
This work was co-financed by the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science, the FEDER-KEOPS
project (TSI2005-00960) and the Junta de Castilla y
León local government project (SA056A07).
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems