B. Prados-Suárez
Software Engineering Department. University of Granada, Spain
E. González Revuelta
Computer Science Department. Torrecárdenas Hospital, Almería, Spain
C. Peña Yáñez, G. Carmona Martínez
Computer Science Department. San Cecilio Hospital, Granada, Spain
C. Molina Fernández
Software Engineering Department. University of Jaén, Spain
Keywords: Health Ontologies, Hospital knowledge representation, Semantic organization of results, Hospital
Information Systems, Semantic retrieval of hospital reports.
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to contextualize the access to the huge amount of results and reports that a
Hospital Information System (HIS) can reach to have. Our target is to integrate a semantic layer with the
HIS, so that the user can employ this layer to access just the precise information needed, under his working
context. Here we propose a new navigation system based on the semantic characteristics of the data
acceded, their complementary characteristics, properties and relations, providing so the HIS with a new tool
to solve an evident problem for the users.
Nowadays a characteristic of Hospital Information
Systems (HIS) is the huge amount of data they
manage, generate and store, as well as their wide
variety and typology. Among these data reports or
outputs can be found, which are the direct result of
concrete queries, as well as results, that are more
elaborated data obtained from statistical processes or
a basic exploitation of the information in the DB,
using the tools offered by the applications of the
concrete area or department Prados M., Peña M.C.
2003. Examples of reports are the list of patients
waiting for a given surgery or the list of medicines
prescribed by each medical speciality; while the
average duration of the hospital stay or the
efficiency indicators in each medical speciality are
examples of results. The set of all these documents
and data is what we call Universe of Result Reports
A serious inconvenience is that the access to
these data must be done by a complicated browse
though the menus of different applications, which
gives rise to severe problems like:
There is so much information available that the
user can not find what is looking for.
There are a number of reports and outputs, that
are wrongly controlled, and these are sometimes
There is no proper organization of the
information, making quite difficult the retrieval.
There is also a great amount of redundant
results that, in addition, can be acceded from
different applications.
Prados-Suárez B., González Revuelta E., Peña Yáñez C., Carmona Martínez G. and Molina Fernández C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 300-305
DOI: 10.5220/0001711003000305
The user doesn’t know the structure of the
results, and hence what can he obtain from them
and from where (which application) must do it.
The user obtains something that is not what
he/she really needs, or even can not find it.
The models used to exploit the information
changes along the time, as well as the criteria,
purposes and requirements.
To solve these problems it would be necessary to
define logical structures to organize the URR,
designing it under semantic criteria. In this way new
navigation systems can be designed to allow the user
to focus or widen the information queries Lambrix
P., Habbouche M. and Perez M. (2003).
This is the target we face in this paper: The
analysis and design of a system that enables the user
to obtain accurate and appropriate information, as
well as to create fine and useful results user
interface, with as much knowledge as possible.
Our proposal to face this task is to establish a
conceptualization of the URR, by means of
It is well known that Ontologies are conceptualizations
with a variety of utilities, among which we remark two:
on one hand, they are quite helpful in decision
making tasks like diagnostic decision in Medicine
Lambrix P., Habbouche M. and Perez M. (2003); on
the other hand, they are useful in Document
Retrieval Systems and Semantic Information
Retrieval Systems, where information is acceded by
its meaning and not just from a given terminological
description Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J.and Lassila,
O., (2001).
Today there is a wide variety of applications of
Ontologies within specialized fields, like “Health
Systems”, especially for medical terminology
analysis and the extraction of its semantic
characteristics Angelova, Galia, (2000). Within this
framework, is especially significant their use on
“query expansion”, to detect the kernel of a user’s
query and extend it with variants, finding the
documents with most relevant information
Strzalkowski, Tomek; Lin, Fang; Wang, Jin;and
Pérez-Carballo, José (1999). In addition, Ontologies
have been used to unify the medical language in
multilingual frameworks Scope Web site (2002)
and for semantic categorization of medical diagnosis
terminology Prados Reyes, M. Peña Yañez C., Vila
Miranda A. and Prados-Suarez B., (2006).
However, Ontologies themselves can also be directly
useful for the user as a tool to integrate data and
applications, offering the possibility to know
conceptualization itself, and use it to improve the
information access. This is the framework where we
present our proposal.
To develop our proposal we have the HIS of the
Hospital San Cecilio, in Granada. This system
covers the traditional areas of every HIS, and has an
extensive catalogue of results and reports, whose
contents are structured according to their
membership to HIS applications.
This catalogue (our URR), can be assumed as a
“catalogue document”, where each document is a
report that, as every document, can be identified by a
set of formal and semantic characteristics. The
contents in the URR catalogue have different types,
(from statistical reports to reports relating attributes
from the data model), but they always have a sample
The representation of these data and their
characteristics gives raise to a Knowledge Base,
designed according to an Ontology, that will be the
support to develop the Semantic Retrieval System of
the universe URR.
The actually implemented HIS covers the Economical-
administrative and Logistical- assistance fields,
managing the Operational Systems of the Hospital
Organization, and hence its activity.
Functionally it is structured in several levels, as
indicated in Figure 1.
To develop the system proposed in this paper we
have followed the next steps:
1- Determine the Type of Universe to Study: Most
of the elements in our URR have small formal
differences, like the presentation order of the results,
or the grouping criteria. Hence, under a documentary
point of view they are different, while from the
semantic point of view they have the same value. It
lead us to represent the formal differences as
properties in the Ontology, or inside the executed
procedure, being more relevant the semantic value.
2- Definition of the Types of URR Formal
Characteristics and the Semantic Valuation
Criteria: The main purpose of this stage is to find
which components are interesting and allow the user
to access the URR, focusing or widening the queries.
The elements found in this stage will have a
correspondence in the Ontology design.
3- Design and Development of the Ontology: Here
we have structured the components according to
semantic characteristics, hierarchies of classes and
relations between them, according to the universe
URR. Hence we focus exclusively on the
Operational System, avoiding the inclusion of
classes, relations, or properties that don’t exist in the
operational system, though they would have logical
4- Ontology Representation: In this last stage we
have implemented the Ontology using the tool
Protégé, following a representation through
conceptual scheme.
Figure 1: Functional structure levels of HIS.
Analyzing the URR we have found the following
possible contents:
Attributes from the data model tables.
Attributes generated in the executed
procedure, as partial or total results.
Statistical calculations of different types.
Under a functional point of view, these reports
belong to a concrete application of the HIS, and are
generated by procedures included on that application
as modules or tasks.
6.1 Formal Analysis of the URR
Formally a document from the URR has the
following characteristics:
Type: This property can have one of the next values:
“query relation report”, “operative recount” or
“statistical report”.
Proprietary Application: This characteristic references
the functional module from the HIS logical design
that manages the information and procedures related
to the concrete target document. This characteristic
follows the logical levels structure of the HIS,
shown in bold letter in Figure 1 (System –
Subsystem – Functional Scope – Application –
Module – Procedure). Its values are, as an example,
“absenteeism” Module, from the “Human Resources
Management” Application, as well as those in
capital letter in Figure 1.
Computing Procedure that Generates (executes)
the Document: This attribute is referred to the
physical unit from the physical design that generates
the target document.
Domain of the Showed Attributes: This is the set
of data from the Operational System that are showed
in the document.
Generated Data: References the total results or
statistical values computed on the execution process.
Query Descriptors: Are those that allow the user to
filter the query for a particular document. Usually
they are very limited set like date, functional unit,
diagnosis, etc., and can be structured according to
their meaning.
6.2 Semantic Analysis of the URR
The semantic analysis of the URR offers a
perspective about its meaning from a given point of
view of interest, like the “business management”
perspective from the point of view of the
“administrative management”.
This task acquires maximum interest if we
consider that we have a logical structure of the
knowledge, showed in Figure 2, based on several
levels (contexts, scenarios, images, views), which
makes possible the semantic pertinency of a given
document to a concrete image or view Prados M.,
Peña M.C., Prados M.B. and Garrido J.M. (2004).
As an example, a report about the occupation of the
operating rooms is related (pertinent) to the
“Efficiency of operating rooms use” image, which
belongs to the “Surgical activity” scenario from the
Medical Carecontext.
In addition to the pertinency, there may be other
characteristics with semantic value like:
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Orientation: That determines the type of user to
which the document is directed: Medical directors,
Management, Central Services…
Confidentiality level: With three possible values:
low, medium and high.
The aim of the Ontology design is to elaborate a
proposal according to the existing HIS, but opened
to the incorporation of new elements to the URR,
that could give raise to new “main classes” (defined
later) or instances.
The basic criteria that must be verified are the
hierarchization (ordering), modularization (concept
isolation), abstraction, clarity and coherency.
Considering it, we have defined the following
elements for the design:
z Domain: Set of reports and results (URR) that
can be obtained from the Hospital Information
System. Hence, the concepts or Domain
elements will be the Results, corresponding to
reports/outputs/lists issued from the variety of
information sources, on user demand.
z Classes: Each class corresponds to one of the
formal or semantic characteristics defined on
the URR. Here we define the concept of “main
class” to mean that the instances of that type of
class are elements from the URR, and we
establish as main class the semantic
This way, as an example we say that an “extern
emergency assistance delay report” is an instance of
the class “Emergency efficiency”, which is a
subclass of “Emergency assistance activity”,
instance at the same time of “Assistance activity”
that is a subclass of the “Operational context”.
z Properties: Assigned to each element or class
of the URR domain, represent the set of
characteristics of a given element or set of
elements. There are two types of properties:
complex properties, defined as relations
between ontology classes; and explicit
properties, defined exclusively for a given class
or instance, without generating a new class.
z Instances: the elements in the URR are
assigned to instances of the semantic
categorization. They will be represented by the
naming of the physical unit of the HIS. There
will also be instances corresponding to the
individual terminal elements of the class
hierarchies, and will be defined in the Ontology
as “direct classes”.
Figure 1: Semantic Categorization scheme. Example:
Operational Context Scenarios.
7.1 Identification of Ontology Classes
The main conceptual classes defined in the Ontology
Semantic Categorization: Represents the cognitive
focus approached by a URR document, and obeys to
user criteria formalized following the levels schema
in Figure 2. Its instances are the URR documents
expressed as a code according to the physical unit or
executable computing procedure.
Logical Model Functions: This class represents the
organization activities, computerized and structured
according to hierarchies of functional requirements.
An approach to this class hierarchization is shown in
Figure 1. As an example, the control of the
“temporary working inability” is a member of
“Absenteeism control”, member at the same time of
“Human resources management”, member again of
“Administrative management”, that belongs to the
Economic-Administrative subsystem.
Receiver: Final destination of the document. We
have planned three types: “Local”, “Extern” and
“Publication”. The class “Local” generates a
hierarchic line following the organic structure of the
Hospital government. The “Extern” class represents
different institutions that are users of the hospital
information, while “Publication” refers different
ways to announce the information (web pages,
notice board…).
Chronology: Establishes the “periodical” (and
period) or “on demand” character.
Confidentiality Level: Unavoidably associated to
every hospital document.
Query Strategy: Represents the dimensions through
which the user can select or filter the content of a
document It is useful to inform the user about the
possibilities to focus the query.
Leaning to decision: Indicates the interest of the
document under a strategic point of view, like
periodic control, evolution or research.
Semantic Valoration of the Contents: It refers to
the set of resulting information in a URR document.
Concretely, it refers the physical data model, and the
structure and contents of the data tables themselves.
Hierarchies in this class are identified according to
three levels: “application”, “table type” (historical,
movements, master, and base) and “data type” (own
attribute, situation attribute, movement attribute).
7.2 Properties Definition
The aim of the properties is to enrich the conceptual
structure of the Ontology, to properly define URR
documents according to their formal and semantic
characteristics. We have two types of properties:
Complex Properties: Are an integral part of the
Ontology, and are defined as relations between
classes. As an example, a report of the “Attended
emergencies”, which is a member of “Emergency
frequentiation”, has the properties of being
confidential, of local use for Medical management,
can be selected chronologically, functionally or by
its characters, and show the data in the table
“Emergency movements”.
Explicit Properties: Represent qualities of one or
several classes, and are useful only when they are
assigned to a few classes since, otherwise they
would finally become a new class. This type of
properties is reserved for very specific
characteristics of a class or instance, like a document
which totals some concrete values according to a
specific calculation. These properties can be easily
added and removed to enable or disallow some
given characteristic.
7.3 Ontology Generation with
Once made the intellectual tasks to define the
Ontology, the use of the tool Protégé Natasha Noy
and Samson Tu, (2003) has made possible to easily
obtain the conceptual scheme, the properties and
characteristics, with the advantage of the possibility
of generate a model in XML and RDF. Since this
tool is quite useful for maintenance tasks it also
offers the possibility of facing the problem in an
increasing way.
As previously mentioned our aim is to enable the
access through the user’s concepts, to improve the
accessibility to the information without having to
know the technical or functional structure of the
Since every document in the URR is marked by
the Ontology according to a set of formal or
semantic properties, it can be indexed by a set of
descriptors, as in any Documentary System Gil
Leyva, I. and Rodríguez Muñoz, J.V. (1996). With
it, we can offer the user different access ways:
Simple Documentary Query: The user formulates
the query equation from which the “query kernel” is
obtained, by “query expansion”, as a set of
descriptors of the concepts in the Ontology. From
this query, the reports indexed by this set are
obtained Scope Web site (2002).
Focusing by Semantic Categorization: It locates
the user in the cognitive field and selects the reports
pertinent to the target study. It is performed by
accessing the class “semantic categorization”, whose
navigation allows the centre the query and know the
properties related to each level or instance.
Ontology Navigation: The user gets into the
Ontology structure, knowing its classes, and from
them focus or widen the query field or analyze the
properties of a given class up to reach the instance
level that is the target of the selection.
Query Contextualization: Quite similar to a
documentary query, but by descriptors in the
knowledge base, returning to the user the context by
means of the hierarchical relations and the properties
defined in the Ontology, as well as the documents
pertinent to that context. Among them, the user will
select those interesting for him/her. As can be seen,
this is a semantic query procedure.
The design proposed in this paper is a
conceptualization of the URR obtained from the
HIS. This design satisfies the needs posed by the
habitual users of the HIS, offering them an interface
that makes easier the access to the URR contents,
allowing the user to know a priori what can be
interesting for a concrete study, the characteristics
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and limitations of the contents and other documents
that can be useful.
Hence, the proposed design has a mainly practical
character, and represent a practical application of the
Ontologies, restricted but useful to easily solve a
problem that can be generalized and extended to
other fields, especially in the hospital framework.
The structural richness of the Ontology is
conditioned by the characteristics and extent of the
HIS, but we think that it is secondary, since the
update, maintenance and extent of the Ontology and
its data model is easy to bring up to date.
The process to implement the model has been
cyclic and iterative: on an initial model and
implementation we have iteratively discover
relations or classes, those have modified the
conceptual model and have unchained the pertinent
modifications cascade.
This work was partially supported by the Junta de
Andalucía, under Project P07-TIC 03175.
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