Lili Yang
, Malcolm King
and Shuang Hua Yang
Business School, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, U.K.
Computer Science Department, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, U.K.
Keywords: Computer network, employee security risk assessment, organisational issue, human factors.
Abstract: This paper aims to develop a multiple perspective framework for employee security risk assessment by
simultaneously, not sequentially, addressing three distinct perspectives: technical, organisational, and
human factor perspectives. Interactions between technical approaches and human factors, and between
organisational issues and human factors are investigated. A security related question library that integrates
organisational culture and human factors with network security risk assessment in a BS ISO/IEC 27001
compliant environment is established in order to identify security vulnerabilities.
Performing employee security risk assessment is a
big challenge for any security engineer as human
factors are critical elements that represent both
safeguards and major threats (McCumber, 2004).
DTI Survey (2006) reports that 65% UK large
businesses in 2006 have suffered from staff misuse
of information systems. There are a number of the
existing security risk assessment tools. Most, if not
all of them, however are technical focused without
any consideration of organisational and human
issues. The definition of information security
provided by Tsujii (2004) illustrates the multi-
perspective nature of information security. Dhillon
and Backhouse (2001) mentioned that traditional
approaches to information security have not
considered impacts of organisational and human
issues adequately. In this article we aim to integrate
technical issues, organisational culture and human
factors for employee risk assessment in a BS
ISO/IEC 27001 compliant environment by
organising security related questions. A structured
question library for this integration is established
and applied in the multiple perspective integrated
approach for the employee security risk assessment.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section
2 reviews the multiple perspective concept. Section
3 presents the interaction between technical,
organisational and human factor perspectives. A
structured question library is established in Section 4
for the multiple perspective vulnerability
identification. Section 5 provides an illustration of
the approach through a case study analysis and from
this conlusions are drawn in Section 6.
The multiple perspective concept was initially
proposed in the 80’s for technology assessment by
Linstone et al. (1981) and was considered
appropriate for the design and management of
complex systems which are sociotechnological in
nature. Linstone proposed a techncal perspective
(T), an organisational perspective (O), and a
personal perspective (P). The word perspective is
used to distinguish how we are looking from what
we are looking at. We believe that the T, O, P
perspective concept here is suitable for security risk
assessment as well.
Yang L., King M. and Hua Yang S. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 311-315
DOI: 10.5220/0001711603110315
Any element can be viewed from the technical
perspective, or the organisational perspective, or the
personal perspective and may appear differently
depending on how it is viewed. As indicated by
Linstone et al. (1981), the use of the T perspective to
study the technical elements, the use of the O
perspective to study the organisation elements, and
the use of the P perspective to study the individual
elements are vital but by no means adquate. Any
perspective may illuminate any element. It is
inconceivable that a technical element can be
understood without use of the T perspective. But the
O and P perspectives may add important insights.
Similarly, appreciation of an organisation requires
an O perspective, but much can be gained by use of
the T and P perspectives. Linstone et al. concluded
that “most importantly, the different perspectives are
mutually supportive, not mutually exclusive”.
Even though the multiple perspective concept
has been widely appreciated in the inforamtion
security community, for example the McCumber
Cube model of information systems security (1991)
presents security measures in three layers: technical,
policy and practice, and huamn factors. However it
is rare to see any approach or a real application that
has implemented the multiple perspective concept in
security risk assessment. Most of the existing secuity
risk assessment tools are technical focused with little
or no consideration of organisational and personal
factors in literature.
It is not surprising that the main features of
computer network security practices adopted by an
organisation are technical. Any tangible and
intangible assets must be protected by technical
controls that depend on technical approaches. The
typical technial approaches include: (a)
Identification and authentication. These controls
prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the
computer system. Security controls include
passwords and firewalls. (b) Logical access control.
These controls ensure that sensitive information
assets and information systems are only accessed by
authorized individuals. Security controls include
access policy and technical mechanisms such as
encryption and access control lists. (c) Audit trails.
These controls ensure the users are accountable for
their actions and that indications of system
instability or security problems are identified and
tracked. Security controls include audit events and
review of audit trails. However, these technical
mechanisms do not offer much protection when
employees have a right of access but use it for
malicious pruposes or make human errors because of
‘carelessness’ or ‘lack of awareness’. There are
many inidcations that the technical secuirty
measures are not very successful. Most analyses
suggest technical solutions are not enough, and ‘the
human factor’ is often the cause of the downfall,
beacause organisational structures and cultures allow
the human errors or malicious actions happen.
Many organisations are exploring organisational
policies that are limited to training staff in the
security procedures they are expected to follow.
These appear to focus on what not do, i.e. how to
avoid creating a security risk. Very little is available
about how to create a security culture in which
employees take positive responsibility for creating a
climate of security and trust.
Many problems can occur if a balance among the
three perspectives can not be achieved. Employees
may work around the existing security system to
meet their work demands because of the poor
usability of the technical system such as too rigid or
inappropriate in an emerging situation, or a poor
match to their skills and organisational cultures. All
these inappropriate interactions may put the need for
security in jeopardy. In one particular example, the
staff of an Accident and Emergency Department in a
UK hospital (Collins, 2007) found that putting their
smart card and their password into a computer every
time when they wanted a patient record was taking
precious minutes away from treating patients. So
they decided that the leader of the shift would put
his card into a computer at the beginning of the shift
and leave it there for everybody to use. They also
decided to make public what they are doing to
challenge what they regard as a time consuming and
inappropriate way of protecting patient security. The
feature of this example was that the actions of
employees are creating the potential for security
breaches that may be serious for patients and in turn
for the NHS Trust. However, they are doing this not
out of malice or ignorance; they are doing it because
the constraints of the security procedures are getting
in the way of what they regard as legitimate ways of
undertaking their work. In this case, and potentially
in many others, the need is for security policies,
procedures, and technical approaches that are
accepted by employees and are found to be
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Checklist approach is one way to prompt people to
check for some aspects of security that may be
overlooked. The IT security professional must
ensure they are answering the questions from the
checklists. When these questions are written down,
the job becomes much easier. However, checklists
are hard to compile and easy to misuse. The
available questions in the checklist are normally
limited as it does not deal with the complex nature
of security risk assessment and does not cover the
technical, organisational, and human factor
In this section a structured question library is
proposed for the multiple perspective vulnerability
identification in terms of BS ISO/IEC 27001, an
international standard about ‘Information technology
– security techniques – information security
management - systems requirements’ (ISO/IEC
27001, 2007). The focus is on why an incident
occurred and what should be done in the first place
to prevent it. The structure of the knowledge
base/questions library is also considered. BS
ISO/IEC 27001 adopts a process approach, called
PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), for establishing,
implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing,
maintaining, and improving an organisation’s ISMS
(Information Security management System). Process
approaches are based on the assumption that
important properties of a system, e.g. security
properties, can be inferred indirectly from
documentary evidence showing how the system was
constructed and analysed. A precondition of a
process-based security assessment is that the
interactions between construction and analysis
processes are validated and documented, and
documentary evidence is accurate, i.e. shows
whether the processes have been applied correctly.
The scope of the standard is broad. Its requirements
are “intended to be applicable to all organizations,
regardless of type, size, and nature.” One of the key
outcomes in the plan phase of PDCA is a series of
the identified risks including the assets within the
scope of the ISMS, the owners of these assets, the
threats to those assets, the vulnerabilities that might
be exploited by the threats, and the impacts that
losses of confidentiality, integrity and availability
may have on the assets.
Annex A in BS ISO/IEC 27001 gives the lists of
the control objectives and controls for information
security that are “directly derived from and aligned
with those listed in BS ISO/IEC 1799:2005”. These
Security Policy,
Organisation (of internal organisation and
external parties)
Asset Management
Human Resources Security before during &
after employment
Physical & Environmental Security
Communications and Operations Management
Access Control
Information Systems Acquisition, Development
& Maintenance
Correct Processing In Applications
(cryptography & reliability issues)
Information Security Incident Management
Business Continuity Management (risk
assessment & recovery planning)
Compliance with Legal Requirements
The lists are not exhaustive but cover most
aspects in the information security domain from
technical, organisational and human factor
From A.5.1.1 and A5.1.2 of BS ISO/IEC 27001
two vulnerability related questions can be derived as
Question Q.5.1.1: Has an information security
policy been approved by management, published,
and communicated to all employees and relevant
external parties?
If the answer is ‘Yesto the question Q.5.1.1
there will be no weak point in the production,
dissemination, and communication of the
information security policy. Otherwise, a vulnerable
point has been identified.
Question Q.5.1.2: Has the information security
policy been reviewed at planned intervals or when
significant changes occur?
If the answer is ‘Yesto the question Q.5.1.2
there will be no weak point in the updating of the
information security policy. Otherwise, a vulnerable
point has been identified.
Questions Q.5.1.1 and Q.5.1.2 identify the
vulnerability from the organisational aspect.
Similarly, a set of comprehensive questions can be
derived from BS ISO/IEC 27001 from technical,
organisational, and human factor perspectives.
For the questions to be efficiently used in
security vulnerability identification they must be
structured in a logical fashion. It is reasonable to
classify the questions into three categories:
technical, organisational, and human factor and ask
‘how’, ‘where’, and ‘who’ related questions
separately. The technical category covers all the
questions concerning the technical approaches
adopted, facilities employed including software
packages and hardware equipments. These questions
ask how the security will be enhanced or degraded.
The organisational category covers all the questions
concerning management, security policy, and
physical environment. This type of questions asks
where the security will be enhanced or degraded, i.e.
at what soft and hard environments. The human
factor category covers those questions concerning
employee vulnerabilities and asks who will take
actions to enhance or degrade the security.
In principle, each question should only belong to
one category. In practice, it might be the case that
some questions belong to several categories. In these
cases, the questions are defined into different
version with a different description and an emphasis
on a single perspective. Thereby any overlap
between questions and categories can be removed.
A well known example (Koumpis et al. 2007), the
theft of a laptop computer from a UK building
society in 2006 underlines how the technical,
organisational, and human factors are all critical
influences on the security risks imposed by
employees. A long-standing employee downloaded a
customer database to his laptop computer so he
could work at home. This laptop computer was
subsequently stolen, and the employee did not
inform the company until returning from a three
week holiday. The building society did not inform
their customers for a further three months. The
Financial Services Authority (FSA), the regulator of
all providers of financial services in the UK,
imposed a fine of just under £1 million on the
building society, concluding that the company had
failed to assess the risks, and had not implemented
proper procedures and training to manage the risk. A
combination of factors have clearly led to this
security breach: technical factors enabled data
transfer to the laptop computer, lack of logging of
such actions, and access to the data by the public
through the absence of encryption or 'kill'
technology; human factors include the lack of
appreciation of the risks involved by the individual;
organisational factors include the lack of policies
regarding safe working practices.
The action that took place in this accident is ‘a
customer database was downloaded to an
employee’s laptop computer and brought outside a
working place’. If the following questions have been
asked in a regular security risk assessment, this
accident may have been prevented from happening
in the first place.
Technical perspective – how to take the action:
Q.9.2.1: Has equipment been sited or protected
to reduce the risks from environmental threats and
hazards, and opportunities for unauthorized access?
Taking a company laptop computer to home
obviously gives a ‘No’ answer to this question.
Q.10.10.4: Have system administrator and
system operator activities been logged?
If the answer to Q.10.10.4 is ‘Yes’, any database
downloading activities should be logged and the
system administrator should be alerted when the
downloading activity is happening.
Q.11.5.3: Have systems for managing passwords
been interactive and ensured quality passwords?
If the database and the laptop computer are
password protected any unauthorised access may be
Organisational perspective – where to take the
Q.9.2.5: Has security been applied to off-site
equipment by taking into account the different risks
of working outside the organisation's premises?
This question is directly related with taking the
laptop computer to home. The positive answer to
Q.9.2.5 may introduce more security protection
measures into the laptop computer.
Q.9.2.7: Has equipment, information, or
software not been taken off-site without prior
Positive answer to Q.9.2.7 will alert management
with possible risks of losing their sensitive customer
Q.12.3.1: Has a policy on the use of
cryptographic controls for protection of information
been developed and implemented?
Any encryption on the database will further stop
the information breach.
Human perspective – who to take the action:
Q.8.2.2: Have all employees of the organisation
received appropriate awareness training and regular
updates in organisational policies and procedures, as
relevant for their job function?
Lack of security training should have been
avoided if the answer to Q.8.2.2 is ‘Yes’.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The UK government departments such as the
Technology Strategy Board responded proactively to
the growth in network security failures through its
technology programme and the network security
innovation platform. This article is part of the
outcome of the research on the human vulnerabilities
in network security initiative with its focus on
employee risk assessment. The proposed multi-
perspective approach has addressed employee
security risk in all its aspects, particularly in:
organisational issues, technical approaches, and
human factors, and that any perspective may
illuminate any issue, the different perspectives are
mutually supportive, not mutually exclusive.
Interactions between these three perspectives have
been identified. Employees may work around the
existing security system to meet their work demands
because of the inappropriate interactions among
these three perspectives such as poor usability of the
technical system or a poor match to their skills and
organisational cultures. All these inappropriate
interactions may put the need for security in
jeopardy. Employee risk assessment can be carried
out simultaneously from human factors (who),
technical approach (how), and organisational issue
(where) perspectives. A library of vulnerability
related questions derived from BS ISO/IEC27001 is
structured and applied in the employee security risk
assessment. A case study has been used for the
application and explanation.
This research was financially funded by the
Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and BAE
Systems in the UK. Project number
Collins, T., 2007. NHS security dilemma as smartcards
shared, Computer Weekly, 20th January.
Dhillon, G and Backhouse, J., 2001. Current direction in
IS security research: towards socio-organisational
perspectives, Information System Journal, 11, pp. 127
Douglas J. Landoll, The security risk assessment
handbook: a complete guide for performing security
risk ncis, 2005assessments, Boca Raton, Fla: Taylor &
Francis, 2005
DTI, 2006. Information security breaches survey,
Available at
6.pdf, accessed in 2007.
ISO/IEC 27001,
csnumber=42103, accessed in 2007.
Koumpis C, Farrell G, May A, Mailley J, Maguire M,
Sdralia V., 2007.To err is human, to design-out divine;
reducing human error as a cause of cyber security
breaches, A Human factors Working Group
Complementary White Paper, Cyber Security
Knowledge Transfer Network, Vodera Ltd &
Loughborough University.
Linstone, H., 1981. The multiple perspective concept with
applications to technology assessment and other
decision areas, Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, 20, pp. 275-325.
McCumber, J, 1991. Information systems security: a
comprehensive model, Proceedings of the 14
National Computer Security Conference, Washington,
D.C., October.
McCumber, J., 2004. Assessing and managing security
risk in IT systems.
Tsujii, S., 2004. Paradigm of information security as
interdisciplinary comprehensive science, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Cyberworlds.