Mohamed Boukhebouze, Youssef Amghar and Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat
LIRIS, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, Lyon, France
Keywords: Business process modelling, modelling methodology, business rules, business agility, business process
Abstract: In this paper we present the BP-FAMA framework (Business Process Framework for Agility of Modelling
and Analysis), motivated by the need to have an abstraction level in which algorithmic preoccupation and
the management rules are separated for a better evolution of processes. Nowadays the approaches proposed
are based on a mixing of business rules and algorithmic structures making the process difficult to change.
The other motivation is the improvement of the quality of the translation of process specification to high-
level executable process. These objectives don’t go without the need for new agile modelling languages:
BPAMN (Business Process Agile Modelling Notation) and a new agile execution language: BPAEL
(Business Process Agile Execution Language).
Efficient organizations working impose to refer to
robust business processes adapted to their activities.
The definition and execution of these processes
require respectively a model and tools for
collaboration, definition, deployment,
implementation, and process control. The business
process management (BPM) consists in managing
from beginning to end of company business
processes to get a better overview with their
interactions. The objective is to enable policy
deciders, business analysts, functional teams and
technical teams to collaborate in the definition and
evolution of business processes via a single tool
aggregating different visions. It is also designed to
optimize these processes, and try to automate them
as much as possible with the help of business
The process modelling is then an important step
in this management, because it allows specifying the
business knowledge of a company. For this reason, it
must be based on powerful languages in order to
give a full business process description. In this
context two standards are proposed: a common
graphical notation for modelling tools called BPMN,
and process execution language called BPEL, to
make processes portable on different platforms.
These two specifications are now stable and adapted
to business needs. Several editors have adopted and
included them in their tools. However, these
specifications have to be checked before their
implementation, unfortunately, these standards focus
more on the business description level, including
functional aspects of a process, without providing
mechanisms to support the specifications
verification. Indeed, both the reliability of the
process and maintenance costs drives us to give a
great attention to verification issues.
Business rules are a collective knowledge which
involve shared representations of behaviours or
business models (organizational rules), the common
representations on the environment for example (the
facts), and the language used to communicate and
interpret the rules and facts. By the dynamic nature
of the environment, the facts change, the rules
change because the organization can change. The
language can change as well because it corresponds
to successive interpretations made before.
Accordingly two major problems are identified:
(1) Mixing algorithmic preoccupation and
management rules at the abstraction level. This
mixing makes the process difficult to change:
agility. (2) Even if there are tools that allow the
transition from a process specification to a high-
level BPEL process, nothing guarantees the quality
of the process generated at the analysis level.
In this paper we describe the architecture of the
BP-FAMA framework (Business Process
Framework for Agility of Modelling and Analysis)
which is in progress within our laboratory and which
responds to those two problems. We introduce in
section 2 our motivations for proposing this
framework. In section 3 we describe the BP-FAMA
Boukhebouze M., Amghar Y. and Benharkat A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 368-373
DOI: 10.5220/0001712703680373
architecture. Section 4 specifies in more detail the
two new languages BPAMN and BPAEL. In the
remaining sections we describe an illustration
through a use case and discussion of our work.
To reach our goals, we have attempted to answer
two questionings: how to model a business process
in an agile way and how to analyse a business
process. First, the process modelling is then an
important step in this management, because it allows
specifying the business knowledge of a company.
For this reason, it must be based on powerful
languages in order to give a full business process
description. In this context, several process
description languages have been proposed, such as
UML (OMG, 2007) and BPMN (OMG, 2006)
YAWL (Van der Aalst, 2005). These languages are
generally intended to represent the definition of a
process using graphical notations that can intuitively
describe a business process. This convivial manner
increases mainly the comprehension and visibility of
these processes, makes possible the design
evaluation and allows then the generation of the
associated executable language. The latter specify
the fulfilment of the process activities. These
languages which are interpreted by execution engine
use XML syntax to describe the implementation of
the process. In the literature several languages
execution process have been proposed. BPEL4WS
(OASIS, 2007) are the most commonly known
language because it can represent a larger number of
business process basic elements compared to its
predecessors. For this reason, it becomes the most
used language in industry.
However, using these languages and reference
models, designers implement business rules in the
code of business process, this practice makes
business process rigid and difficult to maintain.
Indeed, the dynamic nature of organizations
environments makes the rules subject to
modification. Therefore, the integration of
algorithmic logic and business rules into the same
code processes compromises agility of modelling.
To solve this problem, business rules tracking and
identification in a business process modelling seems
necessary and important to allow the evolution and
maintenance of rules independently of the process
and make sharing these rules possible by other
Secondly, companies must be based on robust
business processes to achieve their objective. The
process reliability is a crucial issue because they
automate all or part of the company value chain and
at the same time capitalize on their information
system. An erroneous business process can have
economically grievous effect. Several studies have
been conducted to investigate the nature of the errors
and exceptions occurred in a business process like
(Russell, 2006). In general way, these exceptions
can be divided into two classes:
2 - The random exceptions relate to events which are
not be modelled by the designer and which are liable
to cause exceptions. In fact, these events are
infrequent and unexpected for example a hardware
failure in the computer system can destabilize the
business process operation or unavailability of one
or more resources when an activity instance in
process wants access. To assist the designer to find
errors in the process specifications, a number of
techniques are used:
1- The verification by formal models is viewed as
the most used technique to detect errors in
specifications during a business process modelling.
These models need to formalize the specification in
a formal model (e.g., the Petri net, process algebra…
etc.). The objective, of using these models in
specification process, is double: on the one hand,
they provide the complete process description
reliance on its requirement by eliminating the
contradictions and ambiguities (formal
specification). On the other hand, they minimize the
likelihood that a malfunction can occur while on
basing on the verification properties of models for
example deadlock or net vivacity...etc. In this way
we can detect errors by taking into account the
model properties. We have identified a number of
works that use this technique to verify the proper
functioning of business processes. In general way,
the Petri Net (PN) is the model mostly used
(Martens, 2003) and (Yang, 2005) because it
combines the advantages of graphical representation
with the semantics aspect attributed to the modelled
processes behaviour. However, the process algebra
also has imposed on the process verification
(Koshkina, 2004). It consists of a language based on
a mathematical formalism dedicated to the
description of concurrent systems. This model is
based principally on the competition theories and the
algebras techniques.
2- The design verification aims to find the elements
which can lead to errors or elements which represent
a potential source of errors in a business process
modelling. This technique offers a good modelling
style by requiring to the designers to respect
modelling rules in order to minimize the errors risk.
An example of these rules is proposed by (Gruhn,
2007) for the verification of EPC and Dongen’s
work (Van Dongen, 2005) which checks MySAP
reference models across ARIS AGL.
The design technique verification can’t replace
the verification by formal models, because it tries
only to limit the well-known error. The combination
of verification design technique and verification
formal models technique proves to be profitable to
analyze a business process modeling, because it
increases the certitude that failure will not occur.
However, the algorithms time consumption of these
technologies depends on the complexity of the
algorithms translation of the business processes
definition in formal models and the complexity of
algorithms for detecting properties to be checked.
This time is added to the effective time of business
process execution by an execution engine. What is
more, the change in a part of a process leads to its
re-verification in totality. On the other hand, these
techniques focus only on the coherence of the
processes and don’t guarantee that the implemented
process meets the requirements of designers. For this
reason, the need for a framework that helps us to
solve these problems is growing. For this way, we
propose BP-FAMA framework which allows:
- Favour flexibility of business processes modelling
and execution to take into account the dynamic
character of the different business processes
elements (business rules).
- React in an unstable situation and reach a more
stable situation i.e. respond to exceptions runtime in
order to avoid to call algorithms verification at each
change of a process element, as well as avoid
interrupting the business processes execution at each
random exception.
- Analyze the fulfilment of process executable to
verify that it agree with what has been modelled.
The objective of the FAMA is to improve the
functioning of BPMS (see Figure 1). In fact, this
platform can:
Figure 1: the BP-FAMA architecture.
- Favour the agility of the modelling business
processes. For this reason, we propose two new
modelling languages, the first language is called
BPAMN (Business Process Agile Modelling
Notation) is a graphical language very similar to its
ancestor BPMN. This new language allows the
identification of the business rules in modelling
level. In this manner, the monitoring of these rules is
possible from beginning to end of a business
process. The second language is called BPEDL
(Business Process Elements Description Language)
is a language describing the various elements of
business processes, this language allows to add
information to complete the definition graphics
process. This information will be used to ensure
consistency when we integrate updates of the
business rules automatically.
- Favour the agility of the process in running. For
this reason, we propose a new execution language
called BPAEL (Business Process Agile Execution
Language) which is based entirely on his ancestor
BPEL and extends with location and identification
of business rules in a process BPAEL. This is done
by adding a new activity structured called “RULE”.
- Integration of a verification step in each phase of a
business process life cycle. In the specification
phase, the designer is assisted to model the process
by detecting elements that can be a potential source
of errors. In the deployment phase, functional
coherence process modelling is verified by using a
formal model. In the execution phase, the
verification is launched in demon to intercept
possible exceptions and try to react in order to drive
the execution of the process towards a stable
situation. In the diagnostic phase, the process is
rebuilt from the information accumulated during the
execution of a large number of the process instance,
to ensure that what has been modelled corresponds
to what actually is running.
- Analyze the fulfilment of process executable to
verify that it agree with what has been modelled.
3.1 The Specification Phase
In the specification phase, the designers define the
elements constituting the business process or they
redefine the elements of a process in order to
improve it. This definition is a dialogue medium
between the processes responsible and operational
teams in charge of executing them. To this end,
graphical languages are used in this phase to
describe the process models because they provide a
convivial representation and an easier way to
understand the process. The new graphical language,
called BPAMN, is used in order to describe a
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
business process (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Architecture of the specification phase.
This language allows using a complete graphical
notation (graphics and charts) for the representation
of a business process. This graphical notation is
inherited from the standard BPMN. The advantage
of this new language is the separation of the business
rules definition from the algorithmic logic of a
business processes. This separation makes possible
to independently manage business rules using a rules
repository, and allows the sharing of rules by
multiple processes. The check of rules updating is
necessary to maintain the coherence of the rules
repository. This is why the formulation of business
rules must be rigorous, concise and precise to ensure
that those rules are unambiguous, coherent,
complete and enunciate with a common business
vocabulary. At the same time, an early verification is
performed to identify known errors in the modelling
3.2 The Deployment Phase
In the deployment phase, the process model is
implemented by developing business applications
needed in the allocation of resources which carry out
different process activities. In this way, the process
becomes operational. The FAMA business process is
implemented by translating its modelling expressed
using the BPAMN in a new execution language
called BPAEL (see figure 3).
Indeed, this new
language is entirely based on the BPEL standard, at
which we add a new structured activity called
"Rule". Thelatter allows identifying the business
rules in a process BPAEL. In that way, updates rules
can be incorporated into the process automatically.
However, the language BPAEL, like its predecessor
BPEL, doesn’t provide mechanisms to support the
verification of process specifications. For this raison,
we have used formal models to identify possible
functional errors. Among the different models used
in the literature for this type of verification, we
opted for Petri Net (PN) due to their great ability to
model a wide variety of business processes.
Figure 3: Architecture of the deployment phase.
Moreover, the PN offer a wide range of
mathematical properties for analyzing the proper
functioning of the process. To this end, a tool for
rewriting the specification of the process in terms of
PN (translators) is proposed. The Petri Net obtained
are expressed in the language PNML (Petri Net
Markup Language) which is used by large PN
analysis tools (analyzers). The latter allow certain
properties to verify for instance, deadlock or net
vivacity...etc. They can detect errors by taking into
account the properties detected. Finally, the
allocation of resources can be checked using process
elements descriptions expressed in BPEDL.
3.3 The Execution Phase
In the execution phase, an execution engine
interprets the fulfilment specification of process
activities which are expressed by using the FAMA
execution language (BPAEL). This interpretation is
performed by automating interactions between
process participants (the documents, the information
and tasks) and allocating the different resources. A
verification demon is launched in parallel with the
execution of FAMA process in order to intercept
non modelled exceptions like a hardware failure or
an unavailability of a resource (see figure 4).
Figure 4: Architecture of the execution phase.
In this way, we try to reach from an unstable process
situation to more stable situation. We also avoid
calling verification by PN model, which is costly in
terms of execution time (time of performing the
translation algorithm plus analysis algorithm).
Finally, the different log files and traces
accumulated during the execution of a large number
of process instances are stored in a specific base to
be used in the next step.
3.4 The Diagnostic Phase
In the diagnostic phase, the executable process is
analyzed in order to measure the operational
performance basing on the log files. For this raison,
the FAMA executable process is analyzed in order
rebuilt the business processes based on information
accumulated in the previous phase (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: The architecture of the diagnostic phase.
The result will be compared with the modelled
process to check if this last correspond to the same
set of activities which are actually running.
In the following, we will describe the two new
FAMA languages: BPAMN and BPAEL.
4.1 The BPAMN Language
The specification of a business process consists in
formal description of the basic elements that
constitute the process by using a meta-model. The
latter allows the definition of the syntax and
semantics of a process respecting meta-model. For
this reason, graphical notations are used to help an
intuitive description of a business process. In this
way, the representation of the process becomes
understandable and enables evaluation of the design
phase as well as the generation of the associated
executable code. Whereas, a complete representation
of the business enterprise knowledge is necessary to
automate and analyze the process, this obviously
depends on the power of the meta-model used.
BPAMN comes to add an agility dimension into a
BPMN representation. Indeed, this new language
allows the identification of the business rules in
modelling level by using new symbols dedicated to
model the business rules elements separately from
the other business process elements. In this manner,
the location of these rules is possible from beginning
to end of a business process.
4.2 The BPAEL Language
In this section we describe a new process execution
language called BPAEL. It is proposed in order to
trace business rules in the process. Indeed, the
BPAEL is based entirely on the BPEL standard, at
which we add a new structured activity called Rule
for the location of the business rules in a process
BPAEL. Indeed, this new activity combines the
operation of the Pick activity which allows
intercepting events and If activity which allows
introducing conditions. A rule identifier is added
into this new activity in order to keep track of
business rule within rule repertory (see figure 6).
Figure 6: The declaration of the rule activity
In this section we introduce the famous example of
purchase order process to illustrate BPAMN
language (see Figure 7.A) and illustrate BPAEL
language (see Figure 7.B).
(A) (B)
Figure 7: Purchase order process.
On receipt of an order from a client, this process
calculates the final price and sends a bill to the
client, the latter has the option to pay in cash or by
credit card. The bill was finally registered. However,
this process must respect a constraint: requires that
the customer must be saved in the database in order
to satisfy his command. When we went to model this
business process, we have to identify and represent
its different elements using a modelling lanuage.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The Figure 7.A shows a graphic representation of
the purchase order process by using BPAMN. The
rectangles with rounded corners represent the
activities of the process as "Calculate the initial
price". In other hand, the designer of this business
process can predict the business rules which are
more susceptible to change. We assume that the
constraint which the process must respect has a good
chance to change. For this reason the designer will
need to separate its definition from the process. By
using BPAMN, this separation is possible. Indeed
this constraint (business rules) will be represented by
using a cross. As a result, the rule represented by the
first cross figure will trigger if the receipt of an order
(receipt event message is represented by the icon), if
the customer is registered (this condition is
expressed by the icon), then we continue to execute
the process. To express this mechanism we use the
symbol rule link. Otherwise (if the client is not
registered) stops the process by cancelling the order.
At the same time, the identification of business rules
within a BPAEL process is done by using the RULE
activity. The rule is implemented in the RULE
activity (see Figure 7.B), this last will trigger if the
receipt of an order (<onMessage>), if the customer
is registered (IsClientIsRegistered("ClientName") =
false), then we stops the process (<Reply "Purchase
order annulled"/>) .
The BPM come today to include the entire life cycle
process. Indeed, this cycle is beginning from
definition of processes, through deployment and
execution until the analysis of these processes. The
modelling phase is crucial for a company. Because it
helps to describe its value chain. Especially since it
is a means of dialogue between processes
responsible and operational teams in charge of
executing them. To be successful, it must be based
on methods and standards languages. In this context
two specifications have been proposed: the BPMN
and BPEL. Unfortunately by using these
specifications, the designers face up to two
problems: 1) the implementation of business rules in
the business process code makes the latter rigid and
difficult to maintain. 2) The lack of mechanisms to
support the verification process. For this raison, we
have proposed in this paper a framework called BP-
FAMA which tries to respond to these two
problems. Indeed we believe that business rules
must be identified by the designer during the
specification phase and the deployment phase of the
process. The lack of a rules identification
mechanism in both standard BPMN and BPEL
pushed us to propose extensions to these standards:
the BPAMN language graphical modelling agile
processes and BPAEL language implementing agile
processes. This identification rule in a business
process allows keeping track of rules in order to
manage them separated from the algorithmic logic of
the process and also to integrate its updated
automatically. We also believe that providing a
complete analysis to a business process, the
integration of a verification step in each phase of the
business process life cycle is necessary. In the
specification phase by detecting elements that can be
a potential source of errors. In the deployment phase
by using a formal model. In the execution phase by
trying to react in order to drive the execution of the
process towards a stable situation. In the diagnostic
phase rebuilding the process to ensure that what has
been modelled corresponds to what actually is
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