respondents that agree with this IT problem
decreases from 40.9% to 21.3% in the group of those
are implementing ITIL. On the other hand, the
frequency of respondents that disagree with this IT
problem rises from 59.1% to 78.7% in the group of
those that are implementing ITIL. Then, we can
affirm that, at least in the analyzed sample, the
adoption of ITIL tends to decrease the lack of clear
alignment among IT actions and strategic goals of
the organization.
Table 7 presents another association about
ITIL. It shows the contingency table between ITIL
adoption and the question 1.1, which is about the
lack of formal decision making process. This
association has p-value of 4.79x10
, allowing us to
reject the null hypothesis of no association between
the variables.
Table 7: Association between ITIL adoption and the lack
of formal decision making process (Q1.1).
ITIL Impl. Planning
Q1.1 (%) (%) (%) (%) Answers
Agree 25.5 44.3 60.5 42.7 70
Disagree 74.5 55.7 39.5 57.3 94
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 164
In this case, there is also a negative association
between ITIL adoption and the lack of formal
decision making process (Q1.1). The frequency of
respondents that agree with this IT problem
decreases from 42.7% to 25.5% in the group of those
are implementing ITIL. On the other hand, the
frequency of respondents that disagree with this IT
problem rises from 57.3% to 74.5% in the group of
those that are implementing ITIL. Then, we can
affirm that, at least in the analyzed sample, the
adoption of ITIL tends to decrease the lack of formal
decision making process.
Table 8 presents the contingency table
between People CMM adoption and the question
1.5. This association has p-value of 5.84x10
allowing us to reject the null hypothesis of no
association between the variables.
Table 8: Association between People CMM adoption and
frequent IT project delays (Q1.5).
Impl. Planning
Q1.5 (%) (%) (%) (%) Answers
Agree 40.0 70.9 76.5 70.0 112
Disagree 60.0 29.1 23.5 30.0 48
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 160
In this case, there is also a negative association
between People CMM adoption and frequent IT
project delays (Q1.5). The frequency of respondents
that agree with this IT problem decreases from 70%
to 40% in the group of those are implementing
People CMM. On the other hand, the frequency of
respondents that disagree with this IT problem rises
from 30% to 60% in the group of those that are
implementing People CMM. Then, we can affirm
that, at least in the analyzed sample, the adoption of
People CMM tends to decrease the frequency of IT
project delays.
This paper presents results from a quantitative
research that was conducted among 260 participants
of a software quality event in Brazil. The main
contribution is the identification of the respondent’s
vision about the relationship of the quality
instruments adoption and the several IT problems.
The results obtained through this survey
provided an overview of the impact of the analyzed
IT problems in the organizations. Through the
appliance of statistical tests, we also obtained
understanding about the impact of the quality
instruments in some IT problems.
As future work, other dimensions of the survey
will be analyzed and a framework to quality
instruments integration will be developed.
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