Harris Wu and Georges Arnaout
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Packaged Software Implementation, Web 2.0, Wiki, case-based reasoning.
Abstract: Companies increasingly rely on implementing packaged software instead of developing custom solutions.
Packaged software implementation (PSI) is the process to solve business problems by customizing and
integrating an off-the-shelf software package. However, there has been a lack of CASE (Computer Aided
Software Engineering) tools to support PSI. This paper presents a Web 2.0 based tool that supports case-
based reasoning in PSI. The tool helps users explore past design cases, find a similar case, and reuse the
design for that case in new problem situations. Our belief is that by utilizing the social power of a large
group of users, better designs can be achieved at lower risks and lower costs.
One of the trends in information systems
development is the increasing use of off-the-shelf
software packages. The worldwide ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) software market is expected to
grow from $28.8 billion in 2006 to $47.7 billion by
2011, according to AMR Research. Many other
software packages such as scientific and engineering
packages also have billion-dollar markets.
Two key issues in packaged software
implementations (PSI) are: 1) design exploration:
how to arrive at a good design by exploring
alternatives; and 2) reuse: how to save the cost and
decrease the risks by reusing existing designs. In
fact, packaged software implementations frequently
practice case-based reasoning: explore the past
implementation cases, find a similar case, and reuse
the design for that case. As the same software
package is being deployed in many implementations,
there is a huge potential for designs to be shared,
explored and reused across different
implementations. However, there has been a lack of
CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)
tools that support design sharing, exploration and
Our fundamental belief is that by utilizing the
collective power of a software community, better
designs can be achieved at a lower cost. To explore
the potential of the collective power, we are
developing and evaluating a Web 2.0 CASE tool that
supports collaboration, exploration and reuse in a
packaged software implementation community. The
tool allows the community to collaboratively create,
evolve and classify a repository of cases. The tool
allows users to explore the complex design space
along multiple perspectives. The tool allows users to
collaboratively recommend existing designs to new
business requirements.
In the following sections we will first discuss the
unique challenges in packaged software
implementations, and how case-based reasoning as a
design methodology may help address these
challenges. Then we discuss how Web 2.0 can be
applied towards cased-based reasoning. We present
a Web 2.0 CASE tool that is being developed to
support packaged software implementations. We
report the deployment of the prototype in the
community of an open-source software package.
PSI is different from ground-up software
development in many ways:
There is no design of a complete system.
Instead, PSI focuses on pieces of customization
and integration.
Wu H. and Arnaout G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 343-346
DOI: 10.5220/0001715103430346
Packaged software customers share similar
customization, integration, enhancement, and
upgrade needs.
Instead of the traditional top-down design
paradigm, PSI starts from gap analysis to
package customization and integration. A
significant portion of PSI is matching problems
to existing solutions.
Packaged software implementations often
involve external consultants, who bring “the
best practice” from implementations for other
customers. The ability to leverage consultants’
past experience is important to a successful PSI.
Packaged software implementations usually are
joint efforts by several organizations: business
users and technical personnel from the customer
(the client company), functional and technical
consultants from the implementation
consultancy, and the software vendor. Inter-
organizational collaboration is far more
challenging than intra-company collaboration in
tradition software development.
Due to the proprietary nature of packaged
software, PSI typically does not use mainstream
IDE (Integrated development environment)
tools. The availability and applicability of
CASE (computer aided software engineering)
tools is very limited.
Due to the limitations and the rigidity of the
software package, certain seemingly-simple
business requirements may be cost prohibitive
or infeasible. As PSI often involves contracts
within a fixed price range, lowering the risk is
given top consideration among the design
choices. Exploring the technical limitations and
possible risk areas occurs as early as in pre-sales
and contract negotiation.
As seen from above, design exploration and
reuse can significantly lower the cost, increase the
quality and reduce the risks in packaged software
implementations. Exploring and reusing past designs
as a methodology is called case-based reasoning
(CBR), defined as a problem solving approach that
solves a new problem by exploring previous
experiences, recalling a similar situation and reusing
information from that situation (Maher and Pu
1997). Despite its significant benefits, CBR is
largely under-utilized in PSI. The biggest challenge
to CBR is to build a rich, up-to-date, explorable and
reusable knowledge base of cases. Next section will
look at how social power can be utilized to build
such a knowledge base.
A new trend on the Web is to utilize the “free brains
and labor out there” among Internet users.
Harnessing social intelligence, i.e. utilizing
individual users’ knowledge and efforts, is one of
the core competencies of “Web 2.0” (O’Reilly,
2005). We see such phenomenon everywhere now:
collaborative spam email filtering, Wikipedia (the
largest encyclopaedia) and even CNN.com’s attempt
to create user contributed news.
The CBR process can potentially harness the
social intelligence from various participants in
packaged software implementations. Besides
documenting and contributing their unique
experiences, individuals can help improve each
others’ designs. Individuals can categorize design
cases along multiple dimensions. Their
categorizations help draw connections between a
new problem situation and existing solutions. Our
fundamental belief is that a diverse, large group of
people can do better than a small team of experts.
Documenting and collaboratively evolving the
cases can be aided by today’s Wiki (Web-based
collaborative editing) systems. Wiki can allow
customers and consultants collaboratively edit the
requirement and design documents. An existing
solution can be updated for a functional
enhancement or compatibility with a new release.
While typical project documents are archived after
the project completion, the documents in a wiki can
evolve after the software implementation goes into
production. A past design can be copied, modified
and reused in a wiki, perhaps by another team, for
another project. The ease of contribution and the
informality lead to success as in Wikipedia.
Searching for cases can be aided by social
tagging. Emerging social tagging systems such as
del.icio.us and flickr.com allow users to assign free-
formed keywords (tags) to any documents, and share
these tags. Any users can browse these tags, or
search for documents tagged with given keywords.
While traditional repositories require objects to be
labeled with metadata at the time of creation or by
privileged administrators, social tagging allows
users label objects not created or owned by them,
and share these labels. In other words, the metadata
is created by data consumers versus data producers.
The connections such drawn between objects and
concepts (tags) are often beyond what is conceived
at the time of creation or by any central indexers.
Exploration of a complex design space can be
made easier if the past design cases are categorized
along multiple perspectives, i.e. classified along
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
multiple facets. For example, design documents can
be categorized by software product, release,
geography, business process, technology, integration
interface, etc. Although good for casual discovery
and serendipitous reuse, tags do not support
systematic exploration as hierarchical structures do.
Some recent research allows users to collaboratively
classify documents into a predefined faceted schema
(Quintarelli et al., 2006), or automatically build a
hierarchical schema from tags (Schmitz and Patrick,
2006). Furthermore, it is possible to allow users to
edit and evolve the faceted schema in a wiki fashion
(Wu et al., 2007).
Members of a PSI community can recommend
solutions to each other’s new business problems, or
point out similar problem situations. Automatic
recommendation is also possible, just like the book
recommendations by amazon.com. For collaborative
recommendation to succeed, users need to formulate
their problems well. Categorizing both the problems
and solutions will help. In addition, it is important to
capture feedback on user- or system-provided
Figure 1: Major Components of the Tool.
Figure 1 shows the major components of the Web
2.0 CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)
tool that we are developing. While traditional
software engineering relies on general knowledge of
a problem domain, case-based reasoning utilizes the
specific knowledge of concrete cases. The center of
the CASE tool is a repository of cases along with the
metadata on these cases. The interactive components
are Web-based and only require users to have a Web
browser. The tool is implemented on the LAMP
platform: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
To reduce the efforts “reinventing the wheel”,
particularly the user interface development efforts,
the tool integrates several popular open source
components (Figure 2) in addition to custom coding.
Figure 2: Integration of Open Source Components.
We choose Joomla, a popular open-source
content management system (CMS), as the container
for our CASE tool. We want to use an open source
CMS as it is appropriate for a knowledge repository
and content management. Also, popular open source
CMS tools have thousands of developers and large
numbers of extensions with rich features. For
example, Joomla has a Community Builder
extension (not included in Figure 2) that supports
user profile and reputation management, which
saves our own efforts in developing similar features.
Other popular CMS we have considered include
Drupal, Plone and Zope, which are almost equally
good. We choose Joomla as its community seems to
be most vibrant. Joomla won the best CMS award by
PacktPub.com in 2007.
Mantis, MediaWiki and phpBB are the best-of-
breed open source tools in their respective arenas:
issue tracking, wiki, and discussion forum. Issue
tracking/resolution tools are used in about every
packaged software implementation, for testing, go-
live preparation and post-live maintenance. Wikis
and discussion forums are increasingly used in PSI,
particularly the implementations of open source
software. By integrating Joomla with these tools, the
knowledge and experience embedded in the
discussions and issue resolutions can be utilized as
“cases” to support problem solving in the future. It is
worth noting that there already exist Joomla
extensions that integrate Joomla with Mantis,
MediaWiki and phpBB. Similarly, the existing
Docman extension provides a number of file
management features such as uploads/downloads,
search, category management and access control.
Files, Joomla content items, discussion threads,
issues and resolutions are all considered as
knowledge cases in the repository.
The Docbook:Collab component allows
collaborative editing, document assembly and also
import/export of Joomla content to XML and
various other formats. Import/export is important to
integrating the front-end with back-end techniques
that further manipulate the user-contributed content.
(Discussion Forum)
(Issue Tracking)
(Collaborative Editing)
(Classification, Tagging
and Recommendation)
(Content Assembly)
(Document Management)
We are adding more features to make it usable for
modular document collaboration and case
encapsulation. We are also fixing this component for
browsers other than FireFox/Mozilla as it was
originally limited to.
We created the Joomenco component to allow
users to explore the case repository using a faceted
classification (Hearst, 2006). Furthermore,
Joomenco allows users to collaboratively build the
faceted schema and classify documents into this
schema, in addition to tagging documents with free-
form keywords. We also allow users to recommend
a solution to a problem, essentially by tagging the
document containing the problem situation with a
link to the relevant solution.
In addition to development and integration of the
aforementioned user interface components, we are
developing server-side features such as automatic
classification and recommendation. At this stage we
are experimenting with different underlying
A preliminary prototype of the tool has been
deployed at the community of PostBooks, a full-
fledged open-source ERP software package. In
addition to the major components discussed above, a
bridge is added between Joomla and Sourceforge so
that issues and discussions can be transferred
seamlessly between them.
Figure 3: Joomla-based Interface of the Prototype.
After the deployment of the prototype, the user
participation has seen a significant increase.
PostBooks ranked as #10 on Sourceforge.net in
December 2007, up from around #60 prior to the
deployment of the tool. User participation increased,
likely because now they see the benefit of utilizing
the case repository to find solutions, and therefore
they are more motivated to contributing problem
descriptions and solutions. As one developer noted,
“we didn't tell people to do this, they're just doing
it.” We will survey users on whether and how much
the system has saved their efforts or improved
quality of their implementations.
As formative evaluation, the deployment has
suggested priorities in developing and improving the
tool. For example, we are repackaging the Joomenco
component (to remove custom code dependencies),
and plan to release the component soon to the open
source community. We are adding feedback
mechanisms to various components of the tool, to
capture what users have considered to be useful or
not useful. We are working on algorithms that
provide real-time recommendations to user-entered
problem situations. We are also improving the
access control of the tool to address confidentiality,
privacy, and security issues.
This project is supported in part by the United States
National Science Foundation, Award No. 0725277.
Hearst, M.A., Clustering versus Faceted Categories for
Information Exploration. Communications of the
ACM, 2006( 49(4)).
Maher, M. L and Pu, P. Issues and Applications of Case-
Based Reasoning in Design. Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 1997
O'Reilly, What is Web 2.0, September 30, 2005.
Quintarelli, E., L. Rosati, and Resmini, A. Facetag:
Integrating Bottom-up and Top-down Classification in
a Social Tagging System. 2006.
Schmitz and Patrick, Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags.
Workshop in Collaborative Web Tagging, 2006.
Wu, H., Zubair, M. and Maly, K. “Collaborative
Classification of Growing Collections with Evolving
Facets,” ACM Hypertext and Hypermedia Conf. 2007.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems