Rafael Silveira
, Joan Pastor
and Enric Mayol
Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Estudis d’Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicacions, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Keywords: Enterprise Integration, Enterprise Information Systems Integration, Enterprise Application Integration
(EAI), Business Process Management (BPM), Information Systems (IS), IC-BPM suites.
Abstract: Enterprise information systems integration is essential for organizations to fulfil interoperability
requirements between applications and business processes. To carry out most typical integration
requirements, traditional software development methodologies are not suitable. Neither are enterprise
package implementation methodologies. Thus, specific ad-hoc methodologies are needed for information
systems integration. This paper proposes the basis for a new method for enterprise information systems
integration in order to facilitate continuous learning and centralized management during all the integration
process. This method has been developed based on the ontology defined in ISO/IEC 24744.
Nowadays, it is common that enterprises develop
specific projects for the integration of both disparate
information systems (IS) within one enterprise and
between IS from several enterprises. For such a task,
it is a good practice that facilitates project success to
apply an adequate method. Despite the fact that
traditional software engineering methods alone are
not adequate for enterprise information system
integration (Themistocleous & Irani, 2006),
previously published methods, specific for
enterprise IS integration, have not yet had a great
level of popularity. Therefore, two research lines
could be proposed: first, to analyse why these
methods are not so popular and second, to define
new enterprise IS integration methods more focused
on usefulness.
In this paper we propose the bases for a new
method for enterprise IS integration, which we are
designing with an aim towards continuous learning
and with a centralized management as a differential
feature. Moreover, we propose explicit evaluation
phases to improve the quality of the integration task
to be undertaken.
The paper is structured as follows. We begin
with an introduction to enterprise IS integration
projects. Then, section 3 describes the bases of the
proposed method. In section 4 we establish
relationships with previous research on integration
methods, and in section 5 we present our
conclusions and ideas for further work.
Enterprise IS integration refers, depending on the
context, to different concepts as Information
Technology Integration, Information System
Integration, Application Integration, Business
Integration or Data Integration, among others.
However, the main task of all of them implies to
integrate some element of enterprise. Currently,
enterprises have the need to integrate their data,
processes, applications or systems. At the end of the
90s, the high development costs, the trust in the
reliable operation of robust legacy systems, and the
need for the quick integration of new kinds of IS
such as eBusiness applications, motivated the rise of
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). In fact
EAI was originally defined (Linthicum, 1999) as the
unrestricted sharing of data between two or more
organization applications, where a group of
technologies allow information flow and exchange
among different applications and business processes,
Silveira R., Pastor J. and Mayol E. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 349-354
DOI: 10.5220/0001715603490354
of the same enterprise or between different
enterprises. Much more recently, the adoption of
web-services technology and Service-Oriented
Architectures (SOA), have changed the nature of the
IS development and integration paradigm. This new
approach supports high levels of system artefact
reuse and can frequently result in dramatically
reduced coding for new application functionality.
This new approach has promoted a new service
market, as the convergence of the previously
independent tool markets for EAI, Workflows and
Document Management, and Business Process
Management tools (Meta Group, 2003). By the end
of 2006, Forrester defined this new service market
as that one of the Integration Centric Business
Process Management (IC-BPM) suites (Vollmer &
Peyret, 2006).
To carry out an enterprise IS integration project,
we could try to adapt and use some prior
development approach, such as a more conventional
software development methodology or some
proprietary enterprise package implantation
methodology. However, none of these alternatives
fits in a natural and easy way with the situations
arising in enterprise IS integration projects. Typical
software development methodologies are designed
for the bespoke construction of software solutions
from anew, while in enterprise IS integration
projects we find a varied set of legacy applications
that are to be integrated along some pre-existing or
newly designed business process. Enterprise IS
integration is far different from implementing an
enterprise package. Legacy applications are
heterogeneous in several ways, while enterprise
packages are much more homogenous and their
implementation methodologies and tools are adapted
to such a state.
To define a new method it is convenient to refer to
previous method engineering results. Fortunately,
Method Engineering is not a new research area and
since the 90s many articles and proposals have been
published (Brinkkemper et al., 1999) (Weerd et al.,
2007). Our goal is to organize artefacts and
activities that can be found in a typical integration
project by using an ontology that will allow us to
formalize our method in a more straightforward
way. To accomplish this goal, we have based our
initial proposal on the ontology defined by the
ISO/IEC 24744 (González et al., 2007).
The ISO/IEC 24744 standard introduces the
Software Engineering Metamodel for Development
Methodologies, the aim of which is to define
methodologies in information-based domains (ie.
areas characterized by their intensive reliance on
information management and processing), such as
software, business or systems engineering. ISO/IEC
24744 is an instrument that is suited to our needs
and that also provides a quality and diffusion
Figure 1: Class diagrams of methodological elements.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Additionally, our method is based on an iterative
approach and bears continuous evaluation tasks in
the end of each integration stage. It promotes the
acquisition of integration knowledge through several
evaluation stages. These stages allow us to learn
from past successful actions as well as mistakes, and
to identify causes of deviations with respect to
initially-planned duration, budget or integrated
functionality. At the beginning of each new cycle, if
necessary, objectives may be adjusted based on
results on previous cycles. Moreover, we take also
into account several lessons learned from our
participation in a real enterprise IS integration
project within a big Spanish insurance enterprise.
Figure 1 shows the domain of usual method
elements of enterprise IS integration and their
relationship. We consider the following four main
Stages. Different development activities are
scheduled in a generic level, through an
integration life cycle, where we distinguish
its stages and internal phases.
Work units. Activities which should be
done during the integration project.
Producers. Enterprise roles with the
responsibility to do those work units.
Work Products. Set of artefacts considered
during the execution of work units.
Given the ontology described above, we define a life
cycle for enterprise IS integration with three basic
stages: Procurement, Implementation and Use. For
each stage we define four phases (see Figure 2). As
central elements in this cycle there are two kinds of
artefacts, those that make up the integration
(applications, processes, systems, tools) and those
that support project management (management tools
such as balanced scorecard). In each stage, we
distinguish two specific phases that interact with the
management artefacts: a first phase that includes
planning tasks, and a second one that includes
evaluation tasks. Management tools propose
initiatives to be considered during planning phases,
while evaluation phases generate feedback that is
used as data input for these management tools. In
this way, our proposal pretends to promote
continuous learning.
Next, we describe the main elements of our
method: life cycle, integration artefacts, and
management artefacts, among other important
Figure 2: Our Enterprise IS integration life cycle.
3.1 Life Cycle
We propose a life cycle for an enterprise IS
integration project defined in terms of three main
stages, each one decomposed in four phases (Figure
2). Our life cycle stages are:
Procurement: Composed by the phases
named Planning, Scenarios building,
Contract and Evaluation.
Implementation: Composed by the phases
named Planning, Alignment and
Development, Deployment and Evaluation.
Use: Composed by the phases named
Planning, Usage and Evolution,
Deployment and Evaluation.
3.1.1 Procurement
In this stage, enterprise needs for the development
of the future integrated IS are studied and a
conceptual integration solution is designed. This
solution involves the conceptual description of
applications to be integrated and the interfaces
between them. Phases of this stage are the
Procurement Planning: At this phase, business
processes and requirements are analyzed; integration
requirements are compiled; risks, benefits and
organizational impacts are evaluated; integration
strategies are established; available tools and
technological alternatives are analyzed; and possible
integration developments are identified. Moreover,
perspective and business initiatives are considered;
knowledge from integration experience is used.
Scenarios Building and Business Process
Reengineering: Possible scenarios are built by
considering tools, technologies and architectures.
Design and development efforts are forecasted for
each scenario. Besides, it is an opportunity to do
appropriate business process reengineering. The
scenario most convenient is selected. The evaluation
of different IC-BPM suites may be done, fir example
through a quality model for EAI tools (Silveira &
Pastor, 2006). Plus, other non-technical system
factors, such as organizational issues (barriers,
benefits, costs, etc.), should be considered
(Themistocleous & Irani, 2001).
Contracting: Finally, the chosen IC-BPM suite
is acquired, the implementation and maintenance
team is contracted, and the organizational benefits
and impacts are estimated.
Procurement Evaluation: The quality of the
procurement process is evaluated. The results are
analyzed and stored in a base knowledge.
3.1.2 Implementation
After designing a conceptual solution and having the
tools and the technical team to carry on with it, the
implementation stage may start with the following
Implementation Planning: According to the
business initiatives and strategy of the hosting
enterprise or enterprises, the implementation of the
solution is planned, the implementation teams are
coordinated and the deployment strategy is defined.
Moreover, knowledge from integration experience is
Alignment and Development: In this phase, the
architecture is deployed, the integration tools are
customized and the interconnecting code is designed
and developed. Unitary and integrated tests are
designed, populated and applied.
Deployment: Finally, data migrations are
executed, the new applications and interfaces are
distributed, the business processes are deployed, and
the system operators are trained.
Implementation Evaluation: The quality of the
integration process is evaluated. The results are
analyzed and stored in a knowledge base.
3.1.3 Use
After the resulting integrated information system is
deployed, it begins to be used and eventually will
need to be maintained.
Usage Planning: System usage and its evolution
(maintenance) are planned taking into account
enterprise strategy. Moreover, perspective and
business initiatives are considered; knowledge from
integration experience is used
Use and Evolution: The system is used and its
evolution maintenance strategy is followed.
Deploy Patches and New Versions: New
patches and versions are proposed to redress system
behaviour when appropriate.
Usage Evaluation: At this phase, the alignment
between the system integration and the enterprise
strategy is evaluated. The results are analyzed and
stored in a knowledge base. Moreover, it is also
considered how the system use fulfils the enterprise
3.2 Integration Artefacts
According to our ontology, we can say that
integration artefacts are Work Products. A work
product is an artefact of interest to the integration
effort. Many work products are created during the
development effort, but many others are procured
outside and are modified during the development.
Clearly, the IC-BPM suites are examples of artefacts
that are modified or customized during the
development while “glue code” is an example of a
product that is created during the development. All
of these are artefacts that compose the centre of
integration and we call them Integration artefacts.
Our method revolves around a group of
integration artefacts that compose the integrated IS.
These artefacts are the business processes,
applications and enterprise systems to be integrated,
the tools that simplify integration tasks and the
overall architecture where integration is going to be
3.3 Management Artefacts
Apart from integration artefacts, we distinguish
another type of work product, which are generated
in the development of the project in order to be used
as tools in the integration project management. We
call them Management artefacts. Over the work
products, events are executed through the concrete
action of specifics tasks.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In our method, we include the development of a
model for the management of the project. For
example, management tools as balanced scorecard
may be essential to align business strategies with
information integration strategies. Moreover, these
may be the key in continuous learning through
cycles of evaluation and analysis of the results that
are used as input for future iterations.
3.4 Others Key Elements
To provide a complete method it is necessary to
describe some additional methodological elements
that so far we have not described in our domain such
as: Work Units and Roles. In this paper, we have not
deepened in their description, but we present a brief
Work units describe the main activities that must
be done in each phase; these activities can be
processes or specific tasks. Typically, a process is
described associating it to a set of tasks.
We use "roles" to describe agent responsibilities;
in our case, stakeholders are agents, and three
groups of responsibilities are identified:
Responsible people for Business Activities
performed by CTO, CEO, among others.
Responsible people for Technical Activities
performed by project managers, end-users, etc.
Responsible people for Organizational
Activities performed by operations staff,
maintenance staff, etc.
We call work performance to the assignment of a
stakeholder to a work unit, and the type of
assignment that is specified there (Mandatory,
Recommended, Optional, Discouraged, Forbidden).
In contrast with the relevance of the topic in
industry, so far there is not much research on IS
integration project management or in IS integration
methods. As far as we know, only two contributions
have appeared out of academic research: Lam and
Shankararaman (2004) and Themistocleous and
Irani (2006). Next we present them and compare our
proposal with them.
Lam and Shankararaman (2004) were the first
who proposed a methodology for enterprise IS
integration. Their proposal, called Enterprise
Integration Methodology (EIM), consists on five
stages (Lam & Shankararaman, 2004). The steps
defined in these five stages are also considered in
our proposal: To understand the end-to-end business
process is the first step of the analysis, which we
considered in our procurement planning phase.
Their tasks named Map the process onto
components and derive the requirements stages, are
considered in our Scenarios Building phase, because
of each scenario building we must map the process
onto components and we deal with the integration
requirements analyzed in previous phases. Their task
Produce the architecture is one of the steps that we
include in our Alignment and Development phase.
Finally, their stage named Plan the integration
corresponds to our beginning phase of the
Implementation stage.
The methodology proposed by Lam et al. defines
general lines but does not detail or describe specific
points in integration projects. They do not deal in
their procurement stage with issues such as scenario
building and evaluation. Regarding implementation
stage, unless they do not identify in early instances
the needs of new developments, they do not
consider their implementation either. Finally, no
usage stage is considered at all, thus leaving out any
integration evolution evaluation phases, nor the
evaluation of the usage of integrated IS.
The methodology of Lam et al. has some
limitations, such as the lack of consideration of
systems restructuring or the necessity to develop
new software. Trying to cover these limitations,
Themistocleous et al. (2006) propose another
methodology of eight stages.
The sequence of steps defined by
Themeistocleous et al. is distributed over our
structure of stages and phases. Their Planning stage
covers activities that aim towards the study of the
factors that affect the process of adopting an IS
Integration approach, such as barriers, costs or
benefits. We make these studies when evaluating the
different scenarios, because costs, barriers, benefits
or organizational issues in general affect in different
ways each scenario. Their Scenarios building and
evaluation stage, Business Process reengineering
stage and Systems restructuring stage corresponds
with our Scenarios building and business process
reengineering phase. While we build our scenarios,
we are taking advantage of the opportunity to
propose initiatives in business process reengineering
and Systems restructuring. We locate their
Requirements analysis stage in a different position,
because we believe that integration requirements
must be clear before the building of scenarios. Their
Filling the gap and New systems development stages
are included in our Align and development phase
within the Implementation stage. Their steps of
Integration and testing are distributed in our Align
and development and Testing and evaluation stages.
Finally, their Operation and maintenance stage
corresponds with our Use and evolution phase.
On the other hand, Themeistocleous et al. do not
consider hiring subjects, which we inserted in a
phase between the selection of the suitable scenario
and the beginning of the planning implementation
phase. The results obtained in the Hiring stage often
affect technically the development of a project, so
we considered them sufficiently important to
dedicate a phase where we can align the
technological strategy with the business strategy.
They do not propose any management tool to help
manage business initiatives or technical adjustments
derived from the continuous evaluation.
It is not yet usual that important failures in IS
integration projects are published, but through
interviews with experts in integration, we know
several fiasco cases in Spain and other countries. In
these cases, often after great investments in
integration platforms, at the end they have ended up
in great overruns and low satisfaction, with
interconnections have ended up being implemented
point to point to hide the project failure.
From these observations, we assume that it is not
enough to have implemented an integration platform
to take advantage of the benefits promoted from IS
integration, or from EAI projects.
In this paper we have presented our bases for a
new method for enterprise IS integration,
constructed on prior research on EAI topics, and
from the analysis of mistakes and successes in a real
rich experience study (Silveira et al., 2008), from
interviews with experts in integration projects, other
case studies published, and the analysis of the
methodologies previously proposed.
The ideas and artefacts incorporated in our
proposal must be formalized within the tenets of
prior research from other related areas, such as
Method Engineering from software and IS
engineering. Similarly, prior results on best practices
recognized in the management of other similar
projects within information systems, such as ERP,
CRM or SCM implementation projects, should be
taken into account in the refinement of our method
for IS integration projects.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems