Alessandro dos S. Borges and Germana M. da Nóbrega
Mestrado em Gestão do Conhecimento e da Tecnologia da Informação
Universidade Católica de Brasília
SGAN 916 - Asa Norte — Brasília, DF, CEP 70.790-160, Brazil
Experience Factory, Semantic Wiki, incentive mechanism.
Recent trends on organizational context include tools allowing collaboration under a perspective of emergent
structure rather than a priori embedded one. While these new tools are suitable for promoting spontaneous
large-scale content evolution and/or communication, bringing them to companies intranets seems still a chal-
lenge. In educational settings, ndings when applying mechanisms that provide awareness on community
needs improve quality and help to achieve on-time content evolution. We are currently defining a mechanism
inspired both in a particular company and based on theoretical background from previous work from literature.
A few years ago, within the context of Knowl-
edge Management (KM), Mark McElroy advocated
in favor of a different view of the field to over-
come the so-called First-Generation KM (FGKM)
and its “technology-centricbrand of thinking” (McEl-
roy, 2003). For McElroy, this Second-Generation
KM (SGKM) is more inclusive of human resource
and process initiatives. Also, SGKM should privilege
knowledge construction and team work.
While a new perspective for KM was born, as
attested by that second generation knowledge man-
agement, a number of open issues from the FGKM
seemed to concern yet the community. More crit-
ically, such problems have proven as an inherited
barrier against SGKM directives. These included,
for instance, lack of commitment and motivation for
knowledge creation, sharing, and reuse, as discussed
in (Malhotra and Galletta, 2003). The authors pur-
sue an empirical study relying on theoretical basis of
commitment and motivation, as an attempt to con-
tribute for answering questions like “why do organi-
zations often struggle with incentives for knowledge
sharing for users of KM systems when sharing of
knowledge occurs without any incentive whatsoever
in several public online communities?”
An example of a successful public community is
the Wikipedia project. The underlying technologi-
cal model - the Wiki approach - is one of the com-
ponents of what Andrew McAfee has recently called
the “Enterprise 2.0 technologies” (McAfee, 2006).
As highlighted by McAfee, the design principles of
these technologies are groundedon two rules, namely,
(i) the usage facility, and (ii) the reduction of a pri-
ori structure. In the specific case of Wikipedia, an
attempt to explain content convergence and quality
seems to meet the question of incentive, assigned to
one’s desire to author, and to a somewhat democratic
community regulation. On the other hand, McAfee
points out to some challenges for companies when
bringing up these technologies to their intranets. One
of these challenges are related to how managers will
deal with control face to these “voice-givingtechnolo-
gies”. The author suggests that one delicate role for
leaders to play in this incoming scenario is to “encour-
age and stimulate use of the new tools”.
The purposes of our current work are more mod-
est than achieving an answer to those questions, but
rather, we intend to step towards the matter of en-
couraging contribution in enterprise Wiki, by provid-
ing peer-rating of contributions and rendering explicit
to employees its impact. The methodology guiding
the organization of this short paper is coherent with
the current state of the corresponding work. In the
above introduction we just presented the overall con-
text of the problem being addressed, going up to iden-
tify open issues pointed out in recent relevant man-
agement literature, out of which we draw our research
question: how to encourage employees to contribute
to a Semantic Wiki-based Experience Repository? In
section 2, we present the main pillars on which we
dos S. Borges A. and M. da Nóbrega G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 571-574
DOI: 10.5220/0001716105710574
are currently building up a solution. In section 3, we
introduce the company environment being exploited
as a case study and then we describe our in-progress
solution, in terms of a compound gathering those pil-
lars. Finally, in section 4, we present our concluding
In this section we present the main pillars, from liter-
ature, on which we are building a solution towards a
mechanism to motivate knowledge sharing in a Se-
mantic Wiki-based Experience Repository. Firstly,
from Software Engineering (and under a KM perspec-
tive), we borrow the Experience Factory approach
(Basili et al., 1994). Then, Wikis (Leuf and Cunning-
ham, 2001) are being considered for their increas-
ing use worldwide also within organizational context,
and particularly Semantic Wikis (Schaffet, 2006) for
their more expressiveness power. Finally, a mecha-
nism to encourage participation in on-line commu-
nities (Cheng and Vassileva, 2006) is being adapted
from educational context to fit our purposes.
2.1 The Experience Factory
Experience Factory is an example of a knowledge
management approach for software organizations.
The Experience Factory (Basili et al., 1994) is defined
as a logical and/or physical organization that supports
project developments by analyzing and synthesizing
all kinds of experience, acting as a repository for such
experience, and supplying that experience to various
projects on demand. It packages experience by build-
ing informal, formal or schematized, and productized
models and measures of various software processes,
products, and other forms of knowledge via people,
documents, and automated support. The main idea is
that organizationsneed to learn from their past experi-
ences in order to deliver products faster, cheaper, and
with higher quality than before.
The Experience Factory is supported by a
methodological approach named Quality Improve-
ment Paradigm (QIP). QIP emphasizes the continu-
ous improvement by learning from experience, at the
level of organizations. It builds on experimentation
and application of measurement. QIP consists of the
following six steps (Basili et al., 1994): (i) charac-
terize, understand the environment based on avail-
able models, data, etc.; (ii) set goals, on the basis
of the initial characterization set quantifiable goals
for success and improvement; (iii) choose process,
on the basis of the characterization and of the goals,
choose the appropriate process to improve; (iv) ex-
ecute, execute the process constructing the products
and providing project feedback based upon the data
on goal achievement that are being collected; (v) an-
alyze, at the end of each specific project, analyze the
data and the information gathered to evaluate the cur-
rent practices, identify problems, record findings, and
make recommendations for future projects improve-
ment; (vi) package, consolidate the experience gained
in the form of new, or updated and refined, models
and other forms of structured knowledge gained from
this and prior projects, and store it in an experience
base so it is available for future projects.
A more recent approach to the Experience Factory
was proposed on the basis that it takes a relatively
long time to generate experience packages available
for the organization, since the data collected from
the projects need sophisticated analysis and synthesis
phases (Basili et al., 2001).
2.2 Semantic Wikis
Wikis are initiatives about the collective organization
of non-structured information on the Web, that are
widely used by domain experts. The first Wiki (Wiki-
WikiWeb) was conceived by Cunningham in 1995 as
a freely expansible interconnected collection of Web
pages, a hypertext system to store and modify infor-
mation - a database, where each page is easily ed-
itable by any user that has access to a Web browser
capable of dealing with forms (Leuf and Cunning-
ham, 2001). In (Schaffet, 2006), the author points to
a variety of uses for Wiki systems, as: encyclopedia
systems like Wikipedia, coordination in software de-
velopment, project management, personal knowledge
management and collaborative editing.
The above mentioned uses of Wiki systems have
increasingly been brought to workplace, both in small
and large companies. As highlighted in (Leuf and
Cunningham, 2001), “the workplace wiki provides a
central repository allowing distributed updates for ev-
eryone [...]”. On the other hand, as the authors advise,
other applications might be more convenient when-
ever rigid format adherence is required or if security
is a concern. Success uses of Wiki in large compa-
nies are reported (e.g. in Motorola), with pros and
cons in terms of people who showed resistant to the
tool, missing features, as well as its effectiveness as a
communication tool for relatively small size group.
More recently, a case study based on Wikis in a
small size company was conducted by Chau and his
team (Chau and Maurer, 2005). Their work was re-
lated to information organization in experience repos-
itories (on software development) specifically lying
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
on the Experience Factory approach. The study re-
vealed that self-organized maintenance of the reposi-
tory content among ordinary users (the ones that par-
ticipate in development activities) can be a conse-
quence of the open edition nature of Wikis.
In the direction of more expressiveness of infor-
mation represented, semantics are today being con-
sidered in several Wiki projects. A Semantic Wiki
(Schaffet, 2006) is a Wiki with augmented function-
alities based on Semantic Web technologies. Usually,
the additional knowledge is made available through
the use of formal languages, allowing inferences of
new facts based on the ones represented in the knowl-
edge model. This formal knowledge allows more ef-
ficient searches compared to syntactic searches using
keywords. One of the differences between Wikis and
Semantic Wikis lies in what can be formalized. In the
case of Semantic Wikis, it is possible to create types
for pages, categories and links.
2.3 Motivating User Participation in
Online Communities
As highlighted by the authors in (Cheng and Vas-
sileva, 2006), one major problem within small on-
line communities is how to encourage individuals
to contribute. In a project named Comtella, the re-
searchers have been addressing this issue in the con-
text of under-graduating education, in which sharing
course-related digital resource is a task assigned to the
students. The researchers are concerned with regulat-
ing not only quantity but also quality of contributions
as well as to ensure a sustainable level of participa-
tion. They propose to reward specific forms of partic-
ipation according both to the community needs and to
the user’s reputation. For such, it is necessary to build
and to dynamically maintain a community model as
well as individual user models. The former allows to
inform the user what kind of contribution is needed
at the current moment. The latter allows to anticipate
user contribution by taking into account his/her previ-
ous performance. Adaptive rewards are then shown to
the user such as to help him/her to take an action. The
case studies within educational context points out to
benefits the incentive mechanism brings to render sta-
ble user participation and also to prevent information
The Experience Factory (Basili et al., 1994) has
proven to be an interesting approach to knowledge
management on software development in large com-
panies. In addition, the study reported in (Chau
and Maurer, 2005) brings that approach to the con-
text of a medium-size software company by high-
lighting the gains from combining the EF to the less
structured Wiki approach. Moreover, the Comtella
project (Cheng and Vassileva, 2006) has been suc-
cessfully evolving over the last few years as an an-
swer to the problem of lack or inadequacy of con-
tributions within online communities in educational
settings. Our current research agenda includes merg-
ing those approaches while adapting them to assist the
IT department of an organization having its purpose
activity directed toward the valuation of independent
and diligent transporters from the Transport Sector in
the country. Our assumption is that the Semantic Wiki
approach - e.g., (Schaffet, 2006) - may bring signifi-
cant benefits to information search and retrieval to the
Wiki-based Experience Factory, while personalizing
community needs and user contributions may lead to
more qualitative and on-time content evolution.
The structure of the organization is as follows:
an Executive Department, including 2 Superintendent
Sections for 11 Coordinating Sections (Outbidding,
Human Resource, Marketing, Human Resource Ad-
vising, Accounting, Information Technology, Docu-
mentation, Legal Assessorship, Communication, and
Operational Performance). The Executive Depart-
ment is responsible for managing 160 branch offices.
Nineteen IT people work under the coordination re-
sponsible for the projects and activities related to
technology. This team is responsible for a cartel of 40
systems running on an infra-structure of 40 servers
and attending around 2600 users. The development
team includes 8 people, 3 of them being experts in
system analysis while the others are programmers.
The systems range from simple registering systems
to more complex ones, such as decision support sys-
One problem regards information exchange in-
volving the development team and the coordinations
responsible for each system. The rotation of the orga-
nization is not high, but the employees often neglect
appropriate documentation in projects, processes and
activities such as to allow reuse, or even to assist
novices. A number of other problems in a higher
knowledge management level are being identified, but
they are omitted here since the classical one just men-
tioned seems us significant enough to call the less
structured approach we are currently working on.
Aiming to achieve the intended incentive mecha-
nism, we are currently working on the following:
Rewarding contributions. This includes determin-
ing what activities within the Wiki are suitable
and when, such as to be able to score individ-
ual contribution according to community needs,
both in terms of non-answered searches and arti-
cles waiting to be rated.
Providing rating of peer’s contributions. This
should allow reused information to get rated by
a user according to the impact it causes in the ac-
complishment of a current project. Both the au-
thor’s and the readers reputation are being con-
sidered to normalize the resulting rating.
Providing contribution awareness. Contributions
ratings should be displayed to the user, as well
as frustrated searches under the positive form of
wanted information.
Our current work include defining a mechanism to en-
courage contribution in a Semantic Wiki-based Expe-
rience Repository, inspired both in a particular com-
pany and based on theoretical background. Future
work is foreseen for implementing and testing it into
the company.
The work reported in this paper is under develop-
ment within the engageGrid project, which is sup-
ported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq (Brazil), under the
grant MCT/CNPq 15/2007 - Universal - Proc. no.
The authors are grateful to Serviço Social do
Transporte - SEST/SENAT (Brazil) for rendering
available substantial data relevant to develop the work
reported in this paper, and also for partially support-
ing their participation at ICEIS 2008.
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Leuf, B. and Cunningham, W. (2001). The Wiki Way: Quick
Collaboration on the Web. Addison-Wesley.
Malhotra, Y. and Galletta, D. (2003). Role of commit-
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems