account synchronization. This value represents
the resources consumed by the process.
2. IO Other Operations: These are the operations
of the operation system, when executing
account synchronization - for example the
tasks of network communication. The higher
the number is, the larger the work load for the
systematic server to deal with is.
3. Page Faults: these shows the error time when
account synchronization occurs. The higher
the number value is, the more work the server
must deal with.
The project was used to test an SOA-based ISMS
implemented with a software engineering
methodology. In the ISMS, the operation
management portal provides administration pages
that have all been initially demonstrated using the
interfaces illustrated in figure 6.
Additionally, this paper analyzed the traditional
and SOA development styles. Doing so revealed
that the service-oriented development model was
capable of reusing existing programs, and reducing
the number of steps required in completing tasks.
The system also added additional subdivisions to
job-components, presenting a unified service process
model. Thus, whenever a new system began to
combine, the necessary service components were
available for use. The system was not affected by
low-level operations concerns.
In contrast, the traditional development lifecycle,
required components to be distributed
independently, during the construction phase.
Moreover, its hierarchical structure had the potential
of overweighting the server.
This paper, presented a mechanism for applying
SOA architecture to security management in single
sign-on environments.
This research has successfully demonstrated an
information security management system using
Service-Oriented Architecture. The ISMS not only
makes identity synchronization more effective, but
also reduces the gap between the basic identity
management engine and application domain needs.
The ISMS system employed reused identity
management functions in a complex domain. In
doing so, the SOA technology was found to be very
effective in addressing traditional reuse problems.
For an existing identity management engine, it is
advisable to have a service set that can guarantee a
high degree of support.
In terms of evaluation result, the model driven
development for SOA is a prescriptive method that
includes several complementary approaches to
identifying services for the security management
This research was supported by the Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Taiwan, and R.O.C. under grant
NSC 95-2221-E-027 -016.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems