into its suitable ontology, due to the ambiguity
of natural language and to the difficulty of
representing relations (verbs, actions, processes)
in a transparent way (see next point). Probably a
good parser will profit from the current
knowledge that OM has stored in the ontology
that was built before, as well as in additional
knowledge sources (point c below).
c. Additional language-dependent knowledge
sources could effort enhance OM. For instance,
WordNet, WordMenu, automatic discovery of
ontologies by analyzing titles of conferences,
university departments (Makagonov, 2007).
d. A query-answerer that queries a large ontology
and makes deductions. (Botello, 2007) works on
this for databases, not for ontologies. He has
obtained no results for real data, yet.
In addition, some caveats are:
e. OM does not have a way to know what is true
and what is false. All it does is to compute
ontology C as the fusion of A and B, in a
consistent form. If A and B say the same lies,
these will go into C.
f. Probably the first ontologies should be carefully
done by hand (even if parser existed), like, first
documents (their ontologies, that is) to be fed to
OM (“the first things OM will learn”) have to
be consistent, clear, and at a “low level.”
g. The formal support behind OM and OM
notation should be clearly adhered to.
This paper presents an automatic procedure (the OM
algorithm) to fuse two ontologies about the same
topic, which produces good results.. Thus, it is an
important improvement to the computer-aided
merging editors currently available (section 2.3).
OM is an automatic, robust algorithm that fuses two
ontologies into a third one, which preserves the
knowledge obtained from the sources, solving some
inconsistencies, detecting synonyms and homonyms,
and expunging some redundant relations.
The examples shown, as well as others in
(Cuevas, 2006; Cuevas & Guzman, 2007), provide
evidence that OM does a good job, in spite of very
general or very specific of joining ontologies. This is
because the algorithm takes into account not only
the words in the definition of each concept, but its
semantics [context, synonyms, resemblance (through
conf) to other concepts…] too. In addition, its base
knowledge (some pre-built knowledge, such as
synonyms, external language sources, stop words,
words that change the meaning of a relation, among
others) helps.
OM has not been tried on extensive, “real”
ontologies (for instance, an ontology describing the
complete work “100 Years of Loneliness”), due to
the tedious work to hand-craft such ontology from
the written document. Section 5.b addresses this.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems