Figure 3 : Cartographic mode of visualization of the
(a) Capacity of cover of the telemetric network;
(b) Telemetric network of seismic monitoring.
In conclusion, this paper presents a new approach
allowing to communicate information relating to the
dynamic of geographical data in order to reduce
natural risks. In order to avoid an overload of
information and to support adequately the decision
process, this approach advocate the integration to a
GIS a spatial balanced scorecard. The information
relating to the dynamic is communicated to the user
in forms of indicators which he can select, modify in
need, then consult in different levels of details.
We thank T. Alili (CRAAG) and C. M. Mokrane ,
T.Boudjemaa (USTHB) for their contribution in the
realization of the application.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems