Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis
Daniel Bachlechner
University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, Innsbruck, Austria
Keywords: Semantic Web services, integration architectures, industrial adoption, SWOT analysis.
Abstract: Web services brought about a revolution by taking a remarkable step toward seamless integration of
distributed software components. The importance of Web services as a cornerstone of service-oriented
integration architectures is recognized and widely accepted by experts from industry and academia. Current
Web service technology, however, operates at the syntactic level and, hence, requires human interaction to a
large extent. Semantic Web services pledge the automation of core Web service tasks, such as discovery,
selection, composition, and execution, thus enabling interoperation between systems and keeping human
intervention to a minimum. Within the scope of this work, we discuss the capabilities of integration
architectures based on Semantic Web services as well as relevant environmental factors. The discourse is
based on the findings of a SWOT analysis that was conducted in early 2007. In order to best assess the
relevance and applicability of integration architectures based on Semantic Web services in an organisational
context, particular importance was attached to differences in the viewpoints of practitioners and researchers.
Many enterprises employ multiple mission-critical,
best-of-breed application systems from different
vendors with different technologies and platforms
(Hohpe and Woolf, 2005). They chose the best
vendor for every operational area and connected the
products via the interfaces they provided. This
approach, however, normally leads to highly
complex systems. Nevertheless, until recently, this
strategy was considered a silver bullet when
assembling business software.
Together with mergers and acquisitions,
reorganizations, and leadership changes, which also
cause significant impact on IT infrastructures, best-
of-breed solutions lead to extreme heterogeneity.
Obviously, the operation of such patchworks is
extremely complex and costly. The maintenance of
numerous vendor relations and the necessity of
specific know-how usually are not justifiable.
However, the integration of application systems
within organizations and across organizational
boundaries is essential to realize competitive
advantages. Even if just a few critical systems
cannot share their data effectively, they create
information bottlenecks that often require human
intervention to be solved. Only with properly
deployed integration architectures can organisations
focus their efforts on their value-creating core
Web services brought about a revolution by
taking a remarkable step toward seamless integration
of distributed software components. The importance
of Web services as a cornerstone of service-oriented
integration architectures is recognized and widely
accepted by experts from industry and academia.
Current Web service technology, however, operates
at the syntactic level and, hence, still requires human
interaction to a large extent. Semantic Web services
(SWS) pledge the automation of core Web service
tasks, such as discovery, selection, composition, and
execution, thus enabling interoperation between
systems and keeping human intervention to a
minimum (McIlraith et al., 2001; Fensel and
Bussler, 2002; Terziyan and Kononenko, 2003).
However, with respect to SWSs, there seems to
be a gap between research trends and industrial
needs (Sollazzo, 2002). Within the scope of this
work, we discuss the capabilities of integration
architectures based on SWSs as well as relevant
environmental factors. The discourse is based on the
findings of a SWOT analysis that was conducted
Bachlechner D. (2008).
SWOT Analysis.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 45-52
DOI: 10.5220/0001718200450052
within the scope of a Delphi study (Bachlechner,
2007). In order to best assess the relevance and
applicability of integration architectures based on
SWSs in an organisational context, particular
importance was attached to differences in the
viewpoints of practitioners and researchers.
In section 2, we describe the design of the
underlying analysis. While sections 3 and 4 present
and discuss the results of the SWOT analysis in
detail, we conclude with a summary of major
findings in section 5.
The underlying Delphi study was conducted at the
University of Innsbruck in early 2007. The main
goal of the study was to collect and quantify the
opinions of clearly defined groups of practitioners
and researchers on the potential of SWSs as basis for
integration architectures that enable organisations to
link their data processing systems efficiently. It was
expected that an understanding of the relevance and
applicability of SWS-based integration architectures
would help to align future research efforts with
industry needs effectively. Another goal was to
make participating experts from academia and
industry more sensitive to the progress and focus of
SWS research in general.
2.1 Survey Design
Within the scope of the study, the participating
experts were provided with two questionnaires. The
first questionnaire contained open-ended questions
designed to capture the experts’ views concerning
factors potentially affecting the relevance and
applicability of SWS-based integration architectures.
The responses from the first round were aggregated
into groups and classified by the unique issues that
best summarized their contents. The second
questionnaire was based on the responses from the
first round. The participants were asked to review
the aspects identified in the first round and rank
them on structured bipolar rating scales ranging
from 1 to 5, with 1 representing Strong
Disagreement and 5 representing Strong Agreement.
Two rounds were expected to be sufficient to attain a
first impression concerning the opinions of the
The Delphi study consisted of four parts,
structured and formalized in a way that allowed for
various analyses: a SWOT analysis, a requirements
analysis, an analysis of expected effects, and a
technology roadmap. Within the scope of this work,
we focus exclusively on the results of the SWOT
analysis. Its purpose was twofold: firstly, it was used
to compare SWS-based integration architectures and
traditional approaches with respect to their
capabilities; secondly, it was used to collect
information on relevant environmental factors.
2.2 Questionnaire
The SWOT analysis helped to assess the relevance
and applicability of integration architectures based
on SWSs by analyzing their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. With regard to SWS-
based integration architectures, we wanted to know
the strengths and weaknesses that people with
industrial and academic backgrounds associate with
them. What makes them better than or inferior to
traditional approaches? What external factors drive
or restrict their use?
The questions stated within the scope of the
SWOT analysis read as follows:
Where do you see the strengths of integration
architectures based on SWSs?
Where do you see the weaknesses of integration
architectures based on SWSs?
What factors do you think will drive the use of
integration architectures based on SWSs in the
What factors do you think will restrict the use
of integration architectures based on SWSs in
the future?
2.3 Expert Panel
The candidates were selected from academia and
industry in similar proportion. Repeated
involvement at major conferences and publication in
at least one of the relevant fields were two of the
main criteria used to find suitable representatives of
the target population. The candidates were
exclusively people involved in at least one of the
major international conferences related to SWSs and
associated technologies, enterprise integration
architectures and middleware solutions, and book
authors or members of widely recognized initiatives
active in at least one of the related research fields.
The 38 experts who participated in both rounds
of the study were from all parts of the world and
affiliated with major universities and enterprises.
While 21 of the experts had academic backgrounds,
17 had industrial ones. These numbers correspond
well with Clayton’s (1997) recommendation for an
adequate panel size. The expertise of the participants
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in the area of research was gathered to evaluate their
technical qualification for the study. The expertise
distribution grouped by backgrounds is shown in
Figure 1. The scale ranged from 1 to 5, with 1
representing Novice and 5 representing Expert. None
of the participants ranked in the lowest category.
Beginner Competent Proficient Expert
Figure 1: Expertise distribution.
2.4 Survey System
Web-based surveys provide capabilities far beyond
those available for any other type of self-
administered survey technique. They can be
designed in ways that facilitate a dynamic
interaction between respondents and the survey
system, which is of particular interest for Delphi
studies (Dillman, 2004). Web surveys offer
enormous potential for conducting research.
However, it always must be kept in mind that a
survey corresponds to a level of technical
sophistication that makes it possible for most users
to respond. Within the scope of the development of
the survey system, programming and design steps
were taken to minimize the differences across
respondents caused by different operating systems,
Web browsers, and screen configurations.
In the following, we discuss the results of the SWOT
analysis. The respondents rated up to 40 statements
with respect to each of the questions stated within
the scope of the SWOT analysis. The respondents
were free to leave statements unrated or to check a
No Comment box. The most important statements
from respondents with either academic or industrial
backgrounds are presented in tabular form.
Statements are defined as Most Important if the
mean of their ratings is greater than or equal to 4
(i.e., on average, the experts at least agreed to the
statement). The most controversial statements
comparing the two groups of respondents are
illustrated by means of net diagrams. The five
statements in which the difference of the means of
the two groups of respondents is maximal are
defined as Most Controversial.
3.1 Strengths
Tables 1 and 2 list the most important strengths of
integration architectures based on SWSs from either
an academic or an industrial perspective. Improved
service discovery capability and facilitated
interoperability are the most important strengths,
according to both groups of respondents.
From an academic point of view, improved
mediation between services, enhanced process and
term definitions, and the formalization of systems
also play key roles. From respondents with an
industrial viewpoint, improved mediation between
services and enhanced process and term definitions
got average ratings of only 3.86 and 3.67,
respectively. Interestingly, the formalization of
systems is also among the most controversial
statements with regard to strengths of integration
architectures based on SWSs. This is due to the fact
that respondents with industrial backgrounds gave
the statement an average rating of 3.40 which is
significantly lower than the one of respondents with
academic backgrounds.
Table 1: Most important strengths from an academic
Improved service discovery capability 4.24
Facilitated interoperability 4.20
Improved mediation between services 4.10
Enhanced process and term definitions 4.06
Formalization of systems 4.00
Table 2: Most important strengths from an industrial
Facilitated interoperability 4.36
Improved service discovery capability 4.33
Facilitated reuse of services 4.07
Improved service composition capability 4.00
The facilitated reuse of services and improved
service composition capability also are among the
most important strengths of SWS-based integration
FUTURE? - Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis
architectures from an industrial point of view. The
facilitated reuse of services, with an average rating
of 3.95, also is quite important from an academic
point of view.
Figure 2 shows the most controversial strengths
of SWS-based integration architectures comparing
the two groups of respondents. Respondents with
industrial backgrounds perceive the goal-based
paradigm as a clear strength, with an average rating
of 3.93, while respondents with academic
backgrounds consider the statement rather neutral,
with an average rating of 3.16. Conversely,
respondents with academic backgrounds perceive
the formalization of systems, compliance with
business and legal rules, improved service
choreography capability, and facilitated system
upgrades as key strengths, while respondents with
industrial backgrounds rate them only slightly above
Figure 2: Most controversial strengths.
3.2 Weaknesses
Tables 3 and 4 list the most important weaknesses of
integration architectures based on SWSs from
academic and industrial perspectives. The use of
immature technologies and the description overhead
are the most important weaknesses, according to
both groups of respondents.
Respondents with academic backgrounds
perceive high initial start-up costs, the lack of
agreement on the description depth, and high system
complexity as particularly important weaknesses.
Interestingly, the lack of agreement on the
description depth and the high system complexity
both also are among the most controversial
statements. This is due to the fact that respondents
with industrial backgrounds rated them with average
scores of 3.31, significantly lower than the
respondents with academic backgrounds. The high
initial start-up costs also are not perceived as a very
serious weakness by the respondents with industrial
backgrounds. The statement got an average rating of
only 3.54 from practitioners. High service
development costs, unsatisfactory support of change
management, and the labour-intensive service
specification also are among the most important
weaknesses from an academic viewpoint. The
labour-intensive service specification with an
average rating of 3.92, also plays a key role for
experts with an industrial point of view. The
unsatisfactory support of change management and
the high service development costs with average
ratings of 3.58 and 3.17, respectively, play only
minor roles for practitioners.
For respondents with industrial backgrounds,
the facts that SWS-based integration architectures
have not yet been adopted and that software
engineers are not ontology experts represent
additional, and particularly important, weaknesses.
With average ratings of 3.68 and 3.89, respectively,
both also are relevant for researchers.
Table 3: Most important weaknesses from an academic
High initial start-up costs 4.42
Lack of agreement on description depth 4.38
Use of immature technologies 4.26
High system complexity 4.21
Description overhead 4.16
High service development costs 4.05
Unsatisfactory support of change
Labour-intensive service specification 4.05
Table 4: Most important weaknesses from an industrial
Use of immature technologies 4.23
Not yet adopted 4.15
Software engineers are not ontology
Description overhead 4.00
While respondents from both groups agree on
weaknesses such as the use of immature
technologies, description overhead, and labour-
intensive service specification, there also are some
controversies. Figure 3 shows the most controversial
weaknesses of integration architectures based on
SWSs comparing the two groups of respondents.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Most controversial weaknesses.
Respondents with academic backgrounds rate the
high degree of formality, unintuitive concepts, and
high service development costs as rather important
weaknesses. From an industrial perspective, these
aspects are rated only slightly above average.
Instead, respondents with industrial backgrounds
perceive as a key weakness the fact that integration
architectures based on SWSs have not yet been
adopted. Furthermore, the lack of a dominant design
seems to be a serious issue from an industrial
viewpoint, while it does not seem to be relevant for
researchers. However, the latter controversies are
not among the top five.
3.3 Opportunities
Tables 5 and 6 list the most important factors driving
the use of integration architectures based on SWSs
from either an academic or an industrial perspective.
The need for service interoperability and the
availability of business cases, compliant middleware
implementations and effective tools are the most
important driving factors, according to both groups
of respondents.
Interestingly, the factors that are perceived to
drive the use of integration architectures based on
SWSs differ significantly between the two groups of
respondents. Proven cost-effectiveness, a compelling
value proposition, and increasing dynamics of
cooperation are among the most important factors
driving the use of integration architectures based on
SWSs, according to the respondents with academic
backgrounds. With an average rating of 3.69, proven
cost-effectiveness is a significantly less important
factor for respondents with industrial backgrounds.
The difference of the means is large enough to make
it the most controversial statement with respect to
factors driving the use of SWS-based integration
architectures. Increasing dynamics of cooperation
and the compelling value proposition, with average
ratings of 3.73 and 3.80, respectively, are only
slightly less important from an industrial point of
view than from an academic viewpoint. Researchers
also attach particular importance to such factors as
the increasing support from standardization bodies
and the proliferation of services. From the point of
view of practitioners, with average scores of 3.69
and 3.77, respectively, both are less important.
Preceding agreement on standards, buy-ins from
large integration players, potential savings, and
increasing dynamics of systems are among the most
important factors driving the use of SWS-based
integration architectures from the point of view of
respondents with industrial backgrounds.
Interestingly, increasing dynamics of systems also is
among the most controversial statements with regard
to driving factors. This is due to the fact that
respondents with academic backgrounds rated the
statement with an average score of 3.58,
significantly lower than the respondents with
academic backgrounds. The other factors, preceding
agreement on standards, buy-ins from large
integration players, and potential savings, with
average ratings of 3.95, 3.68, and 3.74, respectively,
are significantly less important from the perspective
of a researcher as compared to that of a practitioner.
Table 5: Most important opportunities from an academic
Availability of business cases 4.42
Proven cost-effectiveness 4.33
Availability of compliant middleware
Increasing dynamics of cooperation 4.16
Availability of best practices 4.16
Need for service interoperability 4.05
Compelling value proposition 4.05
Increasing support from standardization
Availability of effective tools 4.00
Proliferation of services 4.00
Factors such as the availability of integrated
development environments and methodologies also
play key roles for SWS-based integration
architectures from an industrial viewpoint. However,
while the availability of methodologies, with an
average rating of 3.84, is only slightly less important
for respondents with academic backgrounds, the
availability of integrated development environments
got an average rating of only 3.68.
FUTURE? - Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis
Table 6: Most important opportunities from an industrial
Need for service interoperability 4.46
Preceding agreement on standards 4.33
Availability of effective tools 4.31
Buy-in from large integration players 4.25
Potential savings 4.18
Increasing dynamics of systems 4.18
Availability of business cases 4.15
Availability of compliant middleware
Availability of integrated development
Need for effective collaboration 4.08
Need for flexible integration 4.08
Availability of methodologies 4.00
Practitioners also perceive the needs for effective
collaboration and flexible integration to be important
drivers regarding the use of integration architectures
based on SWSs. Researchers, however, merely are
in accord with respect to the need for flexible
integration. It got an average rating of 3.95. With
respect to the importance of the need for effective
collaboration, participants with academic
backgrounds are less confident. The average rating
is only 3.68.
Proven cost effectiveness.
dynamics of
academia and
pattern algebra.
Figure 4: Most controversial opportunities.
Figure 4 shows the most controversial factors
driving the use of integration architectures based on
SWSs comparing the two groups of respondents.
From an academic point of view, cooperation across
industries, academia and other interest organizations,
as well as preceding globalization, play much more
important roles than they do for participants with an
industrial viewpoint. In contrast, the consolidated
pattern algebra is perceived as an important
opportunity only from practitioners.
3.4 Threats
Tables 7 and 8 list the most important factors
restricting the use of integration architectures based
on SWSs from academic and industrial perspectives.
Interestingly, not a single factor is among the most
important ones for both groups.
The difficulty in describing semantics and the
unavailability of convincing case studies are by far
the most important restricting factors for researchers.
With average ratings of 3.69 and 3.58, respectively,
both are significantly less important for
practitioners. However, despite the clear difference
regarding the average means, neither statement is
among the most controversial. From an academic
point of view, the increasing complexity, unproven
cost-effectiveness, high costs, failure to reach
critical mass, and limited consideration of business
needs play key roles with respect to factors
restricting the use of SWS-based integration
architectures. With scores of 3.85 and 3.77,
respectively, the average ratings of practitioners
regarding the limited consideration of business
needs and unproven cost-effectiveness are quite in
accord with those of the researchers. The other
factors, increasing complexity, failure to reach
critical mass, and high costs, with average ratings of
3.62, 3.54, and 3.33, respectively, are significantly
less important from the perspective of a practitioner
as compared to that of a researcher. Finally,
respondents with academic backgrounds attach
particular importance to the lack of skilled
developers as well as the lack of integration into
middleware technologies. From respondents with an
industrial viewpoint, they got average ratings of 3.69
and 3.83, respectively.
By far, the lack of effective tools is the most
important factor restricting the use of integration
architectures based on SWSs for practitioners. With
an average rating of 3.94, the lack of effective tools
also is quite important from an academic point of
view. Still, quite important factors from an industrial
perspective are the lack of industrial commitment
and the limited interest of vendors. Interestingly,
respondents with academic backgrounds rate both
statements with average scores of 3.35 and 3.17,
respectively, only slightly above average. Due to the
large differences of the means, both statements are
among the most controversial with respect to factors
restricting the use of SWS-based integration
architectures. The difficulty to catalyze the market
and the fact that the dominant vendors use their own
technology also play major roles with respect to
restricting factors from an industrial point of view.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
From the perspective of researchers, both are of
lower importance than for practitioners, with
average scores of 3.77 and 3.61, respectively.
Table 7: Most important threats from an academic
Difficulty of describing semantics 4.39
Unavailability of convincing case studies 4.22
Increasing complexity 4.11
Unproven cost-effectiveness 4.11
High costs 4.06
Failure to reach critical mass 4.06
Limited consideration of business needs 4.06
Lack of skilled developers 4.00
Lack of integration into middleware
Table 8: Most important threats from an industrial
Lack of effective tools 4.23
Lack of industrial commitment 4.08
Limited interest of vendors 4.08
Market does not understand values and
Difficulty of catalyzing the market 4.00
Dominant vendors use own technology 4.00
The two groups of respondents regard quite
different aspects of the threats to integration
architectures based on SWSs as important.
Figure 5: Most controversial threats.
Figure 5 shows the most controversial factors
restricting the use of SWS-based integration
architectures comparing the two groups of
respondents. From an academic point of view, the
lack of semantic annotations and the heterogeneity
of workflows and business processes play much
more important roles than they do for experts with
an industrial point of view. In contrast, the lack of
funding is perceived as an important threat only
from respondents with industrial backgrounds.
So far, we have shown that there are several more or
less agreed capabilities of integration architectures
based on SWSs. They were called strengths and
weaknesses. We also described environmental
factors relevant to the use of SWS-based integration
architectures. The factors that drive the use of SWS-
based integration architectures were called
opportunities. We also mentioned threats that
describe factors restricting the use of integration
architectures based on SWSs. Throughout this work,
we assigned opinions either to people with academic
or with industrial backgrounds. The former also
were called researchers and the latter practitioners.
The analysis was characterized by a continuous
comparison of hypothetical SWS-based integration
architectures and traditional integration approaches.
At the end of the day, it is the practitioners who
decide about the adoption of integration
architectures in industry. Researchers are supposed
to deliver technologies meeting the requirements of
the practitioners. The perceived strengths of SWS-
based integration architectures are worth knowing,
but the weaknesses are what researchers have to
focus on. The weaknesses are the limitations, faults,
or defects that keep an approach, such as an
integration architecture, from achieving its purpose.
The same applies to the environmental factors.
Exploiting opportunities is desirable, but countering
threats is essential. Focusing on the weaknesses and
threats ultimately helps to find an answer to the
question whether SWS-based integration
architectures are a fad or a model for the future.
Researchers and practitioners agree that SWS-
based integration architectures reduce
interoperability problems and facilitate enterprise
integration by improving such selected SWS usage
activities as discovery, mediation, and composition.
Enhanced process and term definitions, as well as
explicit definitions of service conditions and
functionalities based on ontologies, allow for a
better understanding of the used systems. It also is
agreed that the use of immature technologies
currently is one of the most important weaknesses of
integration architectures based on SWSs. One of the
key problems regarding evolving or immature
technologies, particularly within highly complex
FUTURE? - Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis
systems, is that no one understands the risks that
come with their use.
Weaknesses that are perceived as important, such
as the lack of agreement on description depth,
description overhead, and the labour-intensive
service specification, allude to one and the same
issue. There is a need to focus on this within the
scope of the research on SWS frameworks. It may
be reasonable to depart from the idea that generic
frameworks work for all SWS applications. It seems
important to find the right balance between the
satisfaction of high knowledge requirements and the
avoidance of description overhead. Sivashanmugam
et al. (2003) discuss the description of Web services
based on shared ontologies.
Interestingly, the costs incurred by setting up and
maintaining SWS-based integration architectures are
perceived as a weakness by researchers rather than
by practitioners. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that
the cost-effectiveness of SWS-based integration
architectures needs to be proved. Making disparate
systems share information cost-effectively is a key
problem for companies, and represents billions of
euros in technology spending, with a high
percentage of worldwide IT budgets dedicated to
enterprise integration projects. De Brujin et al.
(2005) describe a SWS framework that aims at
enabling flexible and cost-effective integration.
Unlike researchers, practitioners perceive a lack
of industrial commitment and only limited interest of
vendors. Furthermore, practitioners are aware that
the market principally does not understand the
values and capabilities of integration architectures
based on SWSs. This explains why it is difficult to
catalyze the market and why dominant vendors use
their own technologies. Interestingly, researchers
also are aware of this situation and know that their
consideration of business needs is limited. The
unavailability of convincing case studies and best
practices can be viewed as a direct consequence of
the lack of target group orientation.
With respect to many aspects, the picture of
integration architectures based on SWSs looks quite
different from an academic point of view than from
an industrial viewpoint. We hope that this discourse
helps to take a first step toward closing the gap
between research trends and industrial needs and,
subsequently, to exploit the full potential of SWSs
within the scope of integration architectures.
However, more could be done in this area.
Additional studies that address further issues would
be valuable to make more accurate conclusions. For
instance, it would be interesting to evaluate specific
SWS frameworks with respect to their relevance and
applicability for integration architectures.
Furthermore, based on the results of this work, best
practices that define the configuration of an SWS-
based integration architecture, could be formulated
for specific organisational environments.
Thanks go to the experts who contributed to the
success of the underlying study. Without the insight
they shared, it would not have been possible to
assess the potential of SWSs satisfactorily.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems