Kin Chung Liu, Dennis F. Kehoe
The Aimes Centre, the University of Liverpool, 10 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AS, U.K.
Dong Li
The University of Liverpool, Chatham Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZH, U.K.
Keywords: Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), system design, technology selection, system specification.
Abstract: Selection of technology in IT projects is recognized as a multi-criteria decision-making (MDCM) problem
because it is important to incorporate multiple opinions from people and consider the interdependence
among criteria (Lee and Kim, 2000). Various techniques were proposed to address the technology selection
problems and some of them, such as analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (e.g. Bard, 1986), were proved
effective in literatures. However, technology selection problem in a system development project can be
viewed as a system design activity and there is lack of literatures view technology selection from system
design perspective and integrate it with other system design activity. The research argues that AHP can be
applied to generate technology specification and other useful information for system design purpose, in
additions of technology selection. A high-level system design framework and the FAHP-based technology
selection and specification (TSS) methodology are presented in this paper.
Assessment and selection of technology in IT
projects are required when more than one alternative
are available and commit to a right technology can
lead to optimal benefits to the business. Literatures
(e.g. Chou et al., 2004) suggested that the
technology selection can be viewed as a MDCM
problem. It is because it involves activities that
intakes multiple opinions from different parties and
considers the interdependence among criteria (Lee
and Kim, 2000). Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
has been studied extensively and been used in
almost all the applications related with MCDM in
the last 20 years (Ho, 2007). Literatures (e.g. Bard,
1986; Nelson and Kastenberg, 1986) indicate that
AHP is an effective technique in the field of
technology selection.
Technology assessment and selection happens in
two stages of an IT project: project justification
(Gunasekaran et al., 2006) and system design. The
former activity may influence the later process by
providing partial technology selection decisions to
system designer in order to bind the developing
system to certain technology strategically.
From a system development perspective,
technologies that compose the developing system
must be well-defined in the system design process.
However, there is lack of literature associates
technology selection with system design activity.
Also, the research proposes that the characteristics
of AHP provide opportunities for system designer to
collect useful information from people for purposes
not limited to technology assessment.
The research proposes a generic high-level
system design framework and an FAHP-based
technology selection and specification (TSS)
methodology as a member of the framework.
According to Sommerville (2002), system design
generally encompasses six activities include
architecture design, abstract specification, interface
Chung Liu K., F. Kehoe D. and Li D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 161-168
DOI: 10.5220/0001721001610168
design, component design, data structure design and
algorithm design. Each of the activity takes design
product input from previous activity and generate
design product for the next activity (see figure 1).
In particular, the architecture design activity
aims to identify sub-systems and relationships of the
system while the abstract specification aims to
specify the sub-system. These two activities aim to
describe a complete picture of system with system
architecture and specification of the architectural
components. On the other hand, the other four
activities specify the details of the architectural
components. Therefore, these six activities can be
separated into two groups according to the level of
detail they concern, namely high-level design
activities and detailed design activities.
Figure 1: A general model of the system design process
(source: Sommerville, 2002).
According to above, there are two general high-
level design activities and they aim to produce the
system architecture and system specification for the
use of detailed design. Technology may be decided
strategically before the high-level design. Despite
the technology decisions made in project
justification before system design, the need for
technologies must be identified after the relevant
details of the related architectural components are
defined. This indicates that the technology selection
is a part of the abstract specification activity. In fact,
the activity aims to generate a system specification
which includes the technology definitions.
The research proposes a high-level system
design (HLSD) framework based on Sommerville’s
generic model and results from case studies. Based
on case studies, eleven functional areas of abstract
specification including technology selection and
specification are identified. The framework covers
the scope of the two activities mentioned above and
proposes that the second activity is composed by the
eleven identified functional areas. The eleven
functional areas are divided into four groups,
indicated by four different colours, according to the
subject they concern. The framework aims to
identify the role of technology selection within a
general system design process. Figure 2 illustrates
the proposed high-level system design (HLSD)
A FAHP-based TSS methodology is proposed in
section 4 that supports technology selection and
technology specification indicated by figure 2. The
function of the proposed methodology is to provide
a mean for decision-makers to assess technologies
and then select technologies among alternatives.
Furthermore, it utilizes the AHP process to collect
useful information from people and thereby generate
technology specification of the developing system
which serves as the part of the content of system
Figure 2: The proposed HLSD framework.
3.1 Introduction to FAHP
AHP was developed by Saaty in 1971 (Saaty, 1980)
and is recognized as an effective technique for
handling unstructured or semi-structured decision-
making problem with involvements of multiple
persons and multiple criteria inputs simultaneously
(Durán and Aguilo, 2007; Saaty and Kearns, 1985).
It has been proved to be effective tool for decision
supporting in MCDM problems such as ranking,
selection, evaluation, optimization, and prediction
(Lee et al., 2001; Ho, 2007). In particular, AHP has
been extensively applied to various technology
selection problems and is proved to be an effective
approach (e.g. Bard, 1986; Lai et al., 1999).
According to Saaty (1980) and other literatures
(e.g. Liu et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2006; Chang, 1996),
the conventional AHP encompasses two phases:
decomposition and synthesis. The first phase is to
decompose the complexity of problem by building a
hierarchy model in order to discover and structure
the relations. The second phase is to obtain useful
results with the hierarchy model through pairwise
comparisons and other techniques.
archi tecture
Interface design
Data structure
Algorithm design
Data structure
Design activities
Design products
Abstract Specification
Performance Requirement
Data Flow Definition
Data Synchronization
Component Composition
Component Functionality
Physical Distribution
Data Integration Definition
Component Compatibility
Requirement Definition
Data Communication
Protocol Definition
Technology Selection
Technology Specification
The FAHP-based
TSS Methodology
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, AHP has weakness in treating
fuzziness and vagueness data which commonly exist
in many decision-making problems (Levary and
Wan, 1998; Ribeiro, 1996). Integrate the fuzzy set
theory to the pairwise comparison of the AHP is
believed an effective solution (Karsak and
Kuzgunkaya, 2002; Mon et al., 1994). The
integration of the fuzzy set theory and the
conventional AHP is named fuzzy-AHP (FAHP)
which was first introduced by Van Laarhoven and
Pedrycz (1983).
The FAHP approaches presented by literatures
(e.g. Lee et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007; Chang, 1996)
are variable in steps and use of techniques.
According to literatures (Lee et al., 2006; Liu et al.,
2007; Sadiqa and Husain, 2005; Zeng et al., 2007;
Durán and Aguilo, 2007), FAHP has modified the
conventional AHP with the following steps
Fuzzification: judgments are transformed into
fuzzy values and pairwise comparisons are
based on fuzzy judgment matrices.
Synthesis: instead of dealing with crisp
judgment values conventionally using
techniques such as eigenvalue and eigenvector,
FAHP approach handles synthesis in a fuzzy
environment. Methods such as fuzzy extent
analysis (Chang, 1992, 1996) were proposed
by literatures.
Defuzzification: in order to obtain an overall
ranking of alternatives, the score of
alternatives in fuzzy number must either be
transformed into crisp number or be
3.2 FAHP as a Technology Selection
and Specification Approach
FAHP is adopted in the proposed TSS methodology
not only for technology selection purpose but also
for generation of information. FAHP is adopted for
the reason of its characteristics and the advantages it
AHP is “excellent for clarifying a problem and
displaying the decision process” (Nelson and
Kastenberg, 1986). Useful information such as
end users’ and decision makers’ concerns and
preferences, performance measurement of
alternatives, and reasons of selection result
can be identified through the AHP process. In
the proposed methodology, AHP process
contributes in the production of technologies
AHP is a powerful tool for communication
(Roper-Lowe and Sharp, 1990). Outcome
from AHP is a conclusion of selected
participants’ judgments. This meets the need
in an IT project that people from different
parties can be involved in selection of
technology. This also shares the responsibility
among different people as well as have useful
data input from appropriate people.
Use of FAHP instead of conventional AHP
means a significant benefit in a technology
selection problem since failed to deal with the
data fuzziness can lead to inaccurate
performance measurement of alternatives.
4.1 Objectives
The proposed FAHP-based TSS methodology aims
to facilitate the high-level design process mainly by
1) provides a mean for decision makers to assess
alternatives and make decision on selection of
technologies; 2) specify technologies and generate
respective technology specifications.
4.2 Multi-level Solution Structuring
As a matter of previous literatures, technology is to
be evaluated and decided separately from other parts
of the system. The proposed methodology considers
technology selection as a part of system design
activity which aims to achieve a technology solution
instead of only part of it.
To do that, the selection and specification needs
of the developing system must be identified and
structured into multiple hierarchical levels.
Terminologically, the top level is the technology
solution that includes solution components at lower
levels. A solution component means a particular
architectural component which requires the
technology selection and specification process. For
instance, design of an enterprise system requires
selection and specification of a database
management system which can be viewed as a
solution component. A solution means a set of
solution components indicated by system
The proposed methodology aims to evaluate
alternatives of different solution components
efficiently and thereby propose the best-performed
solution considering compatibility issues.
4.3 The Six Phases
The proposed methodology is illustrated by figure 5.
It includes six phases: Preparation, Decomposition,
Solution Component Decomposition, Solution
Component Assessment, Solution Assessment, and
Conclusions. Each phase contains one or more steps
and each step is composed by one or more process.
Process may require external data input such as the
requirement specification document and survey
The proposed methodology begins with the
Preparation phase in which a project team must be
constituted (process 1.1.1) and the team will act as
an important source of data in the later stages.
The second and the third phases are Solution
Decomposition and Solution Component
Decomposition respectively. The term
“decomposition” was adapted from the first of the
two basic phases of conventional AHP according to
Saaty (1980). Decomposition is a process that
decomposes the complexity of problem by building
a hierarchy model in order to discover and structure
the relations (Saaty, 1980).
In the second phase, the goal (process 2.1.1) and
objectives (process 2.1.2), solution components
(process 2.2.1) and the alternatives (process 2.2.2)
of them are identified and arranged into a solution-
level hierarchical model. Example of the goal can be
Evaluate and specify the most suitable technology
solution “. Process 2.1.2 is a generalization process
that translates the requirements into objectives for
technology. The objectives must be created based on
requirement specification in order to ensure the
selection and specification results are responsible to
it. The solution components can be defined with
system architecture created previously in system
design process.
As the outcome of the phase, the hierarchical
model is based on a well-defined fundamental-
objective hierarchy (process 2.1.3) that graphically
illustrates the relations between the hierarchy
elements (see figure 3 for example). In particular,
compatibilities of alternatives of each solution
component to alternatives of each other solution
component are considered. The alternatives that are
considered completely incompatible or poorly
compatible to alternatives of other solution
component should be eliminated (process 2.2.3).
In the third phase, solution-component-level
hierarchy models are created. While the solution-
level hierarchy model reflects the solution-level
elements, a solution-component-level hierarchy
model is defined with a solution components
perspective in regard to the solution-level goal and
Each solution component will have a hierarchy
model created as the output of the third phase. The
third phase is composed by two steps (step 3.1 and
3.2) and they are in iteration where each round will
create a solution-component-level hierarchy model
for one solution component. A solution-component-
level hierarchy model is created by define the means
to the solution-level objectives by a particular
solution component (process 3.1.1) and thereby to
build the respective means-objective network for the
solution component (process 3.1.3). As the means-
to-objectives of different solution component can be
different, some solution-level objectives may be
found irrelevant to certain solution component and
they must be eliminated from the solution-
component-level hierarchy (process 3.1.2). On the
other side, goal for the hierarchy must be defined
according to the solution-level goal (process 3.2.1).
With the goal and objective structured, the
fundamental-objective hierarchy can be defined
Figure 3: An illustrative example of a solution-level
hierarchy model.
Figure 4: An illustrative example of a solution-
component-level AHP hierarchy model.
Objective 1 Objective 2
Objective 1.1 Objective 1.2 Objective 2.2
Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean 3 Mean 6 Mean 7
Mean 2.1 Mean 2.2
Alternative a1 Alternative a2 Alternative a3
Alternative a1
Objective 1 Objective 2
Objective 1.1 Objective 1.2 Objective 2.1 Objective 2.2
Solution Component a
Alternative a2
Alternative a3
Alternative b1
Solution Component b
Alternative b2
Alternative c1
Solution Component c
Alternative c2
Alternative c3
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: The proposed FAHP-based technology specification (TSS) methodology.
(process 3.2.2). A means-objective network and a
fundamental-objective hierarchy together form a
solution-component-level hierarchy model (see
figure 4 for example).
Following the decomposition phases, the created
hierarchy models will be used in the fourth phase
Solution Component Assessment: It is a FAHP-
based process for assessment of each solution
component. It consists of two steps (step 4.1 and
4.2) and they are in iteration where each round will
have created assessment result for one solution
component. General FAHP steps are proposed in
this phase: surveying (process 4.1.1 and 4.2.1),
building of pairwise matrices (process 4.1.2 and
4.2.2), consistency test (process4.1.3 and 4.2.3),
fuzzification (process 4.1.4 and 4.2.4),
defuzzification and obtain overall ranking as the
assessment result (process 4.1.6 and 4.2.6).
The key differences of the use of FAHP in the
proposed methodology from other FAHP/AHP-
based approaches in literatures can be summarized
as below:
The proposed methodology is not for project
justification purpose but for the system design
benefit. Instead of involving people from
different background, Step 4.1 of the proposed
methodology requires the involvement of
experts to the fields of relevant technology. It
helps to improve the data quality and the
accuracy of assessment results.
Assessment of alternatives in step 4.2 requires
judgers to make judgment based on the
means-to-objectives and the objectives are the
Construct PCMs
of PCMs
4.2.6 Defuzzification
and Obtain Overall
Ranking of Alternatives
Constitution of
project team
6.1 Conclusions
Phase 1:
Phase 3: Solution Component Decomposition
Phase 4: Solution Component Assessment
Phase 6: Conclusions
4.1 Evaluation of Fundamental-objectives
Construct PCMs
4.2 Evaluation of Alternatives
of PCMs
4.1.6 Defuzzification
and Obtain Overall
Ranking of Objectives
Phase 5: Solution Assessment
5.1 Evaluation of Solutions
5.1.1 Identify
Potential Solutions
5.1.2 Obtain Overall
Ranking of
Potential Solution
Phase 2: Solution Decomposition
2.2 Construction of Solution Structure
More solution
2.2.1 Identify
2.2.4 Define
3.1 Construction of Means-objective Network
3.1.1 Define
3.1.3 Define
2.1 Construction of Fundamental-objective
Hierarchy I
Define Goal
2.1.2 Define
2.1.3 Define
objective Hierarchy
More solution
6.1.1 Assessment Result
Analysis, Decision-making
and Conclude Findings
Step /
Group of
3.2.2 Define Fundamental-
objective Hierarchy
3.2 Construction of Fundamental-
objective Hierarchy II
Define Goal
3.1.2 Eliminate
Irrelevant Fundamental-
generalization results of requirement
specification. Therefore, the means-objective
network acts as a linkage between the
requirement specification and participants’
judgments. This ensures the assessment results
be responsible to requirement definitions.
Judgers must provide evidence for the
judgment based on the means-to-objectives.
The evidence can be qualitative knowledge
relate to the alternatives or quantitative
measurement of their capabilities. These
information explain how and how well a
technology alternative satisfies the objectives.
In additions, the information can be used for
generate specification information about the
assessed alternatives (process 6.1.1).
Alternatives of each solution component are
ranked at the end of assessment (process 4.2.6). The
rankings of solution component alternatives can be
used to derive a score with crisp value through
defuzzification methods, for example. The scores are
useful for the assessment of the potential solutions in
the fifth phase Solution Assessment. With the result
from the compatibility analysis (process 2.2.3), the
potential solutions to be assessed must first be
defined (process 5.1.1) and thereby to be assessed
(process 5.1.2). The assessment aims to rank the
potential solutions by assign an overall score to each
of them. An overall score is obtained through
calculation with the scores of included solution
component alternatives. The calculation should
consider the relative importance of solution
component and other necessary criteria. The final
scores reflect how relatively well the solutions
satisfy the solution-level objectives for the solution-
level goal in regard to the requirement specification.
Finally, the sixth phase Conclusions provides a
space for decision makers to make use of the
information generated through the previous phases.
The best performed solution(s) suggested by phase 5
will be proposed to decision makers and thereby
decision makers may make decision on technology
selection. On the other hand, the specification
information of technologies can be identified
qualitatively and/or quantitatively in phase 4. The
process 6.1.1 concludes these findings and
documents relevant information to form the
technology specification for the detail design and for
other project management purpose. Furthermore,
other useful information such as relative importance
weight of objectives obtained in step 4.1, ranking of
alternatives obtained in step 4.2, and score of
potential solutions in step 5.1 can be documented for
various project management purposes as well.
5.1 Background
This section outlines the use of the key steps of the
application of the proposed TSS methodology to a
transportation management system development
ContainerPort (www.containerport.co.uk) is a
commercial project conducted by the Aimes Centre
(www.aimes.net), the University of Liverpool. The
project has developed an UK-based transportation
management system with GPS (Global Positioning
System), Oracle database, Microsoft .net Platform,
and Web portal technologies.
Technology selection and specification were
important in the system design stage of the system
development process. The proposed TSS
methodology was applied to the case for testing and
demonstration purposes.
5.2 Demonstration of the TSS
This section briefly outlines the key activities of the
six phases of the TSS methodology with the case
In the first phase, a project team was formed with
project manager and technology experts from the IT
consultant (the Aimes Centre), personnel from
management level of clients and end user.
In the second phase, solution components,
alternatives of them, and solution-level fundamental-
objective hierarchy were defined with goal “select
and specify the best technology solution”. Table 1
shows the 4 identified solution components and their
Table 1: Solution component and alternatives.
Solution Component Alternatives
management system
Oracle database, SQL database
Vehicle tracking
Long-range RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification),
short-range RFID, GPS system
Software platform Microsoft .Net Platform, Java-
based platform
Presentation GUI , Web page
Network Connection Web standards, private
network standards
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Therefore, the third phase had the four AHP
hierarchy models created with means-objective
network and the fundamental-objective hierarchy
included. Each of the models was created for
assessment of one of the solution components in the
next phase.
The FAHP processing in the fourth phase has
suggested the best-performed alternative of the
solution components as shown in table 2.
Table 2: Solution component assessment results.
Solution Component Best Performed Alternative
management system
Oracle database
Vehicle tracking
GPS system
Software platform Microsoft .Net Platform
Presentation GUI
Network Connection Web standards
Through the assessment process, information of
judgment and reason for judgment were collected
from experts. The data explain the reason for
assessment result as well as providing specification
data of the technologies. For instance, GPS was
believed more preferable for the lower
implementation cost as well as its satisfying
capabilities. Before researched above opinion,
capability and implementation cost of GPS and other
alternatives were given, evaluated and compared.
The information was documented for technology
specification purpose.
Although GUI (
Graphical User Interface) was
recognized as the best-performed presentation
technology for the capability, the fifth phase had
proposed the best-performed solution without it. The
main reason was that GUI was recognized relatively
less compatible than that of web portal in the fifth
phase: it requires installation of extra application on
user’s computer, local security settings may disallow
database connection, and GUI-based application is
usually software platform dependent. Accessing
Web portal through Web browser will not meet
above problems and thereby will work better with
other solution components. The proposed solution
includes Oracle database, GPS system, .Net
Platform, Web portal, and web standard network.
The best-performed solution above is currently
applied by the live system. As there has no issue
indicates any need in change of technology after the
system has gone live for approximately a year, I can
conclude that the proposed methodology provides
satisfying selection result to the goal.
A HLSD framework was proposed to indicate the
role of technology selection process within a generic
system design process. It suggests that the
technology specification and specification can be a
separate activity apart from other functional areas of
abstract specification.
A FAHP-based TSS approach was proposed to
support technology selection and specification
activities of the HLSD framework. As a part of the
framework, it takes input from the previous system
design step and aims to generate specification
information for later system design activities. By
taking the advantages of AHP (see section 3.2), the
proposed methodology attempts to generate useful
information, such as technology specifications, for
system design and project management purposes.
The proposed methodology applies the means-
objective network technique to strengthen the
linkages between requirement specification and
decision-makers’ judgments in order to ensure that
both technology selection and specification results
are responsible to the requirement definitions. The
proposed methodology also introduced the multiple-
hierarchical-level solution structure technique to
address the system design needs.
Beside the general advantages of FAHP that was
mentioned in section 3.2, some advantages of the
proposed FAHP-based TSS methodology are
outlined below.
Complete picture of technology solution is
considered by the proposed methodology with
compatibility issues between solution
Instead of assess all of the potential solution
using pairwise comparison according to
conventional AHP approach, the proposed
methodology divides the assessment of
solution into two parts – phase 4 and phase 5.
This greatly reduces the number of
comparison judgment necessarily to be made
and thereby has improved the efficiency. It
implies reduction in risk of creating
inconsistent datasets.
As the proposed HLSD framework is
developed based on a general design process
model (see section 2), it’s highly adaptable by
various software process model such as
waterfall model.
Nevertheless, there are several identified
limitations of the proposed TSS methodology that
indicates space of improvement in the future. For
example, although the TSS methodology considers
the compatibility of solution component alternatives
in assessment of potential solutions, it can be more
specific in handling different levels of compatibility
since it may influence the ranking of potential
solutions effectively.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems