This paper presented architecture for collecting and
analyzing user’s interactions. The partial
independence of the existent application showed us a
model that is easy to be comprehended and
implemented, called ArchCollect. Components with
specific functions allowed the creation of a tool that
keeps sufficient information for its purpose by the
final pattern of interaction that was established in the
architecture. All this was obtained by a single data
source which is the application user.
The architecture has already been implemented
and tested on (Lima, 2003), (Lima, 2004). The
presented work can be extended to improve the
understanding of the collected interactions. The
personalization component is just one concept for
the understanding of the collected interactions. Web
usage mining algorithms or communities creation
algorithms will be able to bring a huge contribution
for the understanding of the interactions, and then
providing a more sophisticated user’s behavior
profile. When establishing bigger sets called
communities, we improve crucial questions such as
a better performance in the obtainment of the
This version of ArchCollect collects the waiting
time, the service time of all the interactions that are
analyzed by the existent applications and by the
ArchCollect architecture. These times show us how
much it costs to carry out a certain service or process
to the user. The length of time that is necessary for
the administrator to analyze this interaction is still
unknown, this information is very important to any
web business. An extension of the architecture’s
internal analysis would be the development of time
collecting in all components, allowing us to know
which component, specifically, behaviors as the
bottleneck of the complete architecture in an
analysis moment previously specified.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems