A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User’s Interactions
Ahmed Ali Abdalla Esmin
Department of Computer Science (DCC), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Brazil
Joubert de Castro Lima, Edgar Toshiro Yano
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), Brazil
Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro
Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brazil
Keywords: Data acquisition tool, Interactions.
Abstract: This paper presents a low coupled acquisition mechanism focused on users interactions, associated with
semantic data. This tool, named ArchCollect, is used for collecting, transforming, loading and displaying
user interactions. Its architecture is composed by seven components that gather information coming directly
from the user, regardless the user monitored applications. The ArchCollect architecture has a relational
model with capacity for keeping important information for two main areas: the commerce with products or
services, quantities and prices, and applications with process, quantities, prices and employees. The
relational model also added the possibility of obtaining the time spent to serve each user interaction on the
application servers and on the ArchCollect servers. In this architecture, data extraction and analysis are
performed either by internal algorithms, or by decision support tools, such as OLAP, Data Mining and
Knowledge acquisition mechanism and tools that
monitor users’ interactions are being actively
developed on the Web. These tools are essential for
Web usage mining projects, either in electronic
commerce and electronic business.
Interaction is a general term used for classifying
specific events that were emitted by users in any sort
of application. These events are classified by clicks
on elements on a page of an application. These
elements are buttons, links and banners, the last one
used particularly for commerce applications.
Especially in (Chen, 1996), (Gomory, 1999),
(Lee, 2000), and (Kimball, 2000) the users
interactions analysis area has been largely studied.
There are also many commercial tools available for
this area such as Andromedia, DoubleClick, Engage
Technologies, IBM Corp´s SurfAid, Marketwave
Corp´s, Media Metrix, net.Genesis´net.Analysis,
NetRating Inc., Straight UP, Oracle 9i Inc.. All these
tools extract the initial data from servers log files,
what influences their portability and increases the
complexity to establish the interaction pattern.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss
ArchCollect internal components that are completely
adjusted to the newest metrics developed by
(Gomory, 1999), (Lee, 2000), and (Kimball, 2000),
have low coupling to the existent application and
represent a complete analysis model.
The internal components communication starts
with the information collected by the user
component, that are inserted by a parser software
into the HTLM, XHTML or XML code of the
existent application, and the information collected
by the collecting component from a user who visits
the application for the first time.
Since the data has been collected, forming the
interaction pattern, this interaction pattern has to be
transformed in a relational model that have
granularity in the order of the users unique
Ali Abdalla Esmin A., de Castro Lima J., Toshiro Yano E. and Garcia de Senna Carneiro T. (2008).
ARCHCOLLECT - A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User’s Interactions.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 375-380
DOI: 10.5220/0001722003750380
interactions. The relational model created in the
architecture emphasize purchases, sales,
actualization, business results, modules of the used
systems and users that can be classified in clients or
employees depending on the application that is
going to be monitored. We also aggregate to this
model the response and service time related to each
user interaction on each server (application and
The extraction of the stored data, according to
the final pattern of interaction, can be implemented
by OLAP tools, Data Mining, Statistics services, or
by the personalization component, depending on the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section2 explains, with details, the ArchCollect
architecture components, its low coupling to the
existent application and the relational model
developed for the main areas of the architecture. In
section 3, the related works are emphasized and
compared to the developed architecture. Finally,
Section 4 concludes this paper with some
discussions on the relevant future work.
ArchCollect components are separated in specific
servers to enable the architecture to have a low
coupling to the existent application and to be
scalable. The components are: user component,
collecting component, transforming component,
loading component, duplication component,
personalization component and visualization
component. Figure 1 shows the architecture with the
specific servers and their respective components.
2.1 User Component
The user component collect the name and the
identifier of the clicked element, the complete
interaction date with year, month, day, hour, minute
and second, the user IP address, the page where the
interaction occurred, the interaction position x and y,
the user operating system, the screen resolution, and
the viewed time. For specific elements called
business elements, that exist in commerce
application on the web, besides this information, the
ArchCollect collects the quantity that was bought,
sold or actualized and the amount in money that was
bought, sold or actualized for each product or
process. All this collected information is stored in a
specific element on each page, typically a hidden
text field, and afterwards re-passed to ArchCollect
server components.
The only ArchCollect architecture’s component
that depends semantically on the existent application
is the user component. This component is inserted
by parser software into the HTML, XHTML or
XML code of the existent application, causing no
changes on its code, besides an increment on the
number of lines of each page of the application. This
mechanism allows more flexibility for the user
component, once they fit perfectly to any application
with no changes in the context, and consequently
with no restructuring of the code at each application.
2.2 Duplication Component
When the user sends a request, a component (ASP,
JSP, etc) in the existent application server is
responsible for emitting a response to this request.
Each request is an interaction, in the ArchCollect
architecture’s point of view. This interaction has to
be received also by the ArchCollect server,
regardless the existent application. To solve this
problem, it’s proposed the duplication component.
This totally independent component operates after
the server that is responsible for collecting all the
interactions of all users. This server which belongs
to the existent application can be a firewall, a load
balancer, for example.
The duplication component starts listening to the
port 80, which has already been defined. Doing this,
all the requests made to the existent application will
also be made to the duplication component.
Since all the requests are obtained, it is necessary
to re-pass them to the collecting component and to
the components of the existent application. We send
an identical request to the existent application and a
modified request to the collecting component. We
analyze the URL sent by the user when carrying out
an interaction, and change the name of the
component written in this URL to the ArchCollect
architecture’s collecting component, named
CollectComp.class and, finally, sent it.
As each server receives a request and each server
sends a response. The ArchCollect architecture’s
server does not send the contents, only the heading
containing the architecture’s cookies. On the other
hand, the existent application’s server sends the
heading and the contents. It gathers both answers in
a unique answer and sends it to the client browser.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The ArchCollect Components.
2.3 Collecting Component
ArchCollect works with cookies to obtain unique
users identifiers. The architecture adopted two kinds
of cookies: one to identify the user permanence
during a visit called session, and the other to identify
the user in repeated visits, called persistent cookie.
Only for applications where the user can be
anyone, the deadline of persistent cookie is set up in
30 days. For the rest of the applications the deadline
is unlimited. Doing this we assure the host’s
identification. In cases where many users request a
certain application from the same host or one user
requests this certain application from many different
hosts, it’s not able to obtain a precise relation of
After verifying the cookies and attributing or not
these cookies to the users, the collecting component
adds the attributed cookies to the information
received by the user component. In some cases
where the user does not have session cookie, we
attribute a cookie to this user and add an identifier
that characterizes the interaction as the first
interaction of this user. This set of information is
defined as the pattern of ArchCollect architecture’s
This interactions pattern has sufficient
information, which adjusts to the metrics developed
by (Gomory, 1999), (Lee, 2000), and (Kimball,
2000) and to propose some questions that have not
been emphasized yet, providing, then, dynamic
content presentation forms to the users and
administrators of an application on the web.
For the applications where the user cannot be
previously identified, this information is obtained
from the collecting component. When verify the
existence of the cookies, in case the user does not
have the persistent cookie, he receives one and extra
information about this user is collected, e.g., the
HTTP heading. This extra information is stored in
the ArchCollect architecture’s multidimensional
model by the loading component. The
multidimensional model and the loading component
are described at the end of this section. For the rest
of the applications the persistent cookies and the
extra information are maintained, since in these
cases the users are previously registered.
2.4 Loading and Transforming
The transforming component is responsible for
identifying unique interactions and the unique
sessions of each user. The transforming component
obtains the unique interactions immediately, since it
follows the interaction pattern. By analyzing the
interaction pattern, it notices the existence of session
identifiers for some interactions that characterize the
beginning and the ending of a session. These
identifiers are responsible for guaranteeing the
entrance and the exit page of each user.
The unique sessions with unique interactions are
stored in the multidimensional model by the loading
component. The main purpose of the loading
component is to obtain the information from
different components, such as transforming,
duplication and collecting component, and stores it
on the multidimensional model.
2.5 Multidimensional Model
The relational model, presented in Figure 2, is the
ArchCollect architecture’s core. It reflects the
ArchCollect architecture’s final pattern of
ARCHCOLLECT - A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User’s Interactions
Figure 2. The ArchCollect Multidimensional Model.
Questions, illustrated by (Gomory, 1999) are
emphasized, such as business results and purchases.
Also, a new analyses focus can be obtained due to
the collection of the times related to each interaction
executed by the existent application’s users.
Information about costs together with information
about elapsed times gives us a sophisticated
multidimensional model that had not been proposed
In this model, two types of applications are
proposed. One type reflects e-commerce and e-
business applications. In this model, features such as
purchases, business results and the elapsed times
related to each interaction are emphasized. For the
other type of corporate interactions, it is relevant to
know features such as process, sales, purchases, data
updates and elapsed times related to each
interaction. So, the architecture is adequate to
innumerous contexts. For the general context of
interactions it is relevant to know information such
as date, user, page, page view, interaction positions,
session, operate system, screen resolution, and,
finally, the interaction itself according to the model
proposed by (Gomory, 1999), (Lee, 2000), and
(Kimball, 2000).
2.6 Visualization Component
Since the interactions are stored in the
multidimensional model, the visualization
component is used to visualize the answers to the
following 30 questions, presented in Figure 3. These
questions are divided in two parts: the first is
composed by the questions from 1 to 15, that were
formulated at (Gomory, 1999), (Lee, 2000), and
(Kimball, 2000). The second part is proposed in this
2.7 Personalization Component
Web commerce applications deal with anonymous
users who arrive, emit interactions and leave the
application. Important information with granularity
in the order of the users interactions are obtained by
the components that were described until now.
This strategic and behavioral information has
been passed online to the application managers, and
then re-passed to the users through modifications in
the application contents. Also, in order to re-pass
these modifications online to the commerce
application user, it is proposed the personalization
The information defined in the ArchCollect
multidimensional model is used for the
establishment of the user’s profile. With this profile,
the set of products, services or process that will
compose the next page to be presented to the user is
defined. When the monitored application needs to
send a new page to the user, it may request the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
personalization component for its content in terms of
product’s or service’s advertisements, or it may ask
what will be the better page layout for this user.
The personalization component task is to
generate, in background and periodically, a list of
products, services or processes, either associated to a
purchase or just visited by the user. This list
corresponds to the user profile, i.e., the items that
can be used to generate the next pages to be
Some works were proposed to deal with data
extraction under many different perspectives, in
other words, to illustrate analyses offered to
administrators (Sites Modification, Systems
Improvement, Business Intelligence) and offered to
the application users (personalization)
(Spiliopoulou, 1998), (Wu, 1998), (Srivastava,
2000), (Shahabi, 2001).
A procedure for analyzing and describing the
different works is using the three more important
parameters proposed in (Srivastava, 2000).
1. Data source: data for analysis may come from
many different sources such as the server, the client
or the proxy. Projects such as WebSifit, SpeedTracer
and WUM obtain their data from the servers. The
Shahabi project obtains its data directly from the
client and the ECI architecture analyzes data coming
from both sources, in other words, the client and the
2. Usage data: which categories have the data
obtained for analysis? Projects such as the WebSifit
use data called usage data, content data and structure
data. The SpeedTracer project uses only usage data.
The Shahabi project, as well as the ECI architecture
and the WUM project, use usage data and structure
Table 1 summarizes each work’s characteristics
using some of criteria proposed by (Srivastava,
Data Source
Usage Data
WebSifit Web server
Web server
Usage/Structure High
Web server Usage/Structure High
Web server Usage/Structure High
Shahabi User Usage/Structure Medium
Archcollect User Usage/Structure Low
Figure 3. Questions to be answered by the Visualization Component.
ARCHCOLLECT - A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User’s Interactions
This paper presented architecture for collecting and
analyzing user’s interactions. The partial
independence of the existent application showed us a
model that is easy to be comprehended and
implemented, called ArchCollect. Components with
specific functions allowed the creation of a tool that
keeps sufficient information for its purpose by the
final pattern of interaction that was established in the
architecture. All this was obtained by a single data
source which is the application user.
The architecture has already been implemented
and tested on (Lima, 2003), (Lima, 2004). The
presented work can be extended to improve the
understanding of the collected interactions. The
personalization component is just one concept for
the understanding of the collected interactions. Web
usage mining algorithms or communities creation
algorithms will be able to bring a huge contribution
for the understanding of the interactions, and then
providing a more sophisticated user’s behavior
profile. When establishing bigger sets called
communities, we improve crucial questions such as
a better performance in the obtainment of the
This version of ArchCollect collects the waiting
time, the service time of all the interactions that are
analyzed by the existent applications and by the
ArchCollect architecture. These times show us how
much it costs to carry out a certain service or process
to the user. The length of time that is necessary for
the administrator to analyze this interaction is still
unknown, this information is very important to any
web business. An extension of the architecture’s
internal analysis would be the development of time
collecting in all components, allowing us to know
which component, specifically, behaviors as the
bottleneck of the complete architecture in an
analysis moment previously specified.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems