Nikitas N. Karanikolas, Christos Skourlas
Technological Educational Institution of Athens
Ag. Spyridonos Str., 12210, Athens, Greece
Maria Nitsiou, Emmanuel J. Yannakoudakis
Athens University of Economics and Business
76, Patission Str., 10434, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Hospital Information Systems, Electronic Patient Records, Dynamic databases’ schema evolution,
correlating heterogeneous data.
Abstract: Today, there is an increased trend for Electronic Patient Records (EPR) incorporating and correlating
heterogeneous information imported from various sources and from different medical applications. New
possibilities are also given by the rapid technological progress and the development of independent software
applications and tools that handle multimedia medical data. Moreover, users (e.g. doctors, nurses) often
prefer to use general purpose software (e.g. word processors) and specific applications and tools for
organizing and accessing medical data and they only partially use Hospital Information Systems (HIS).
Therefore, it is necessary for the HIS to provide the capability for encapsulating in their EPR externally
created information. Dynamic evolution of the HIS must also be supported by flexible Database schemata.
In this paper, we conclude that modern HIS should be designed and implemented using database
management systems offering new enhanced database models and manipulation languages. Eventually, we
describe and discuss how to use the Frame Database Model (FDB) and the new Conceptual Universal
Database Language (CUDL) for supporting dynamic schema evolution and covering the needs of the users.
Recent years information related to patients
increases continuously and the quality of offered
services in the modern hospitals’ environment is
susceptible to drastic improvements following the
development of science and technology. This fact
leads to the adoption and application of information
technology based solutions in order to record and
process effectively data that emanates from the
medical as well as from the administrative-economic
operations of the nursing organism. The
improvement of provided services of care and the
tracking of cost constitute two of the most important
reasons for the import and exploitation of
information technology in the hospital organism.
The Hospital Information Systems (HIS) are
constituted by several applications and
interconnected sub systems. The Information that a
hospital should have in its disposal, with regard to
the medical incidents, is based on an enormous size
of data that should be combined suitably.
Karanikolas and Skourlas (Karanikolas et al,
2000, Karanikolas et al, 2002) have studied for five
years (1997-2001) the operation of Information
Systems at University Hospitals in Greece and their
conclusions can be summarized as follows:
Certain divisions of the Hospital have purchased
and installed in different time periods distinct,
operational, "legacy" systems covering their needs,
e.g. a Hospital Information System (HIS) and a
separate Laboratory Information System (LIS).
There are various problems of interconnection
between the different systems and their integration,
for value added services, is a very complicated task.
Clinical departments have difficulties using the
N. Karanikolas N., Skourlas C., Nitsiou M. and J. Yannakoudakis E. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 362-367
DOI: 10.5220/0001724703620367
complex and text only based electronic patient
record of the legacy systems. Hospital units also
have to operate and maintain local sources of
information apart from the database(s) of the HIS.
Doctors have only partially used the existing
complicated HIS all these years. They prefer to use
general purpose software for writing diagnosis notes
and discharge letters, and they also have a rigid
trend for storing, retrieving and handling medical
images from various sources, e.g. MRI, CT and
Ultrasound images.
Based on the above conclusions, in this paper we
propose the exploitation of a new database model
(the Frame Data Base model - FDB), a new database
language (Conceptual Universal Database Language
- CUDL) and the CAIRN architecture (Karanikolas
et al, 2000, Karanikolas, 2007). We use them for the
development of Enterprise Medical Information
Systems (EMIS) that integrate selective data from
legacy systems, hierarchically structured data and
further information (e.g. external files or other
resources). Such information could include medical
images and notes related to the diagnosis and the
therapy for specific cases, lists of experts etc. The
main advantage of this approach is that the doctors
continue to use their favourite software (e.g. word
processor for their notes) and store various
documents and statistics in their favourite system.
Hence, they contribute information in the enterprise
system using a document management module (with
simple interface) which interferes automatically.
Hence, doctors can work their way and the medical
files they collect and produce are correlated and
eventually form personalized electronic patients’
files. Moreover, we propose the integration, into the
enterprise system, of a text data-mining module
(Karanikolas et al, 2005, Hearst, 1999). Such a
module can offer great assistance to the doctor. For
example, text mining can permit the automatic or
semi-automatic selection of ICD Diagnosis codes
from textual data (specifically from patient
discharge letters coming from either external files or
legacy systems).
2.1 The Frame Database Model
Yannakoudakis et al, 1999, investigated dynamically
evolving database environments and corresponding
schemata, allowing storage and manipulation of
variable length data, a variable number of fields per
record, variable length records, fields that accept
repetitions, composite fields (attributes having
subfields) and manipulation of authority records. A
new framework called FDB - Frame DataBase - was
proposed and discussed for the definition of a
unified schema that eliminates completely the need
for reorganization at both logical and internal levels.
In the FDB schema a subset of data functions as a
descriptor (metadata) to determine the structure and
the way of handling of all the data and this property
makes easy the schema evolution.
Another approach for the support of dynamic
database schema evolution, for medical data is the
Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model (Anhøj, 2003).
There are three variations of the EAV model. The
latest (and the most mature) one (EAV/CR)
organizes the entities into classes and consequently
each class hosts the local and also the inherited
attributes. The attributes of a class’s instance can
have more than one value (repetitions), however
these repetitions are obligatory characterized by
different time stamps. Moreover, there is no clear
way for defining composite attributes as FDB does.
2.2 The CUDL Language
The FDB framework is complicated and the
management and operation of it is difficult,
laborious and time-consuming. It requires from the
user a very good acquaintance of this framework and
the structures and organisation of it (metadata and
data). An indicative example of the FDB’s
complication is the need to transform (pivot) FDB
data for displaying them in a more convenient
layout. The CUDL language (Karanikolas et al,
2007) is tailored to undertake the management of the
complicated structures of the FDB model. By the use
of CUDL, access in the information of an FDB
application becomes very simple with the use of
particularly simple statements. End users conceive
the data of the FDB system via CUDL as an
extension of the relational model in the sense of
organizing data into tables. Users can define and
manipulate data organized in the form of tables
(entities in the FDB model), rows (frames in the
FDB model) and columns (tags in the FDB model).
The extensions refer to the possibility that each field
can have multiple values, or a cell can be a list of
values. Also a cell in CUDL can have multiple
subfields and a cell can also entertain a whole table.
To our knowledge, there is no language defined for
the EAV model, to simplify its usage.
2.3 Method of Solving
Documents stored into local databases will not
simply form a flat collection of unrelated
documents. As an example, a patient can have more
than one episode in different periods of time. It is
obvious that various documents are related to the
patient’s episodes, incidents, examinations, etc.
Thus, there is a need to group all these related
documents in a hierarchical tree structure. The
system has to implement a tree structure of
categories where each level has a different number
of fields that characterize the category. The fields
that characterize the first hierarchy level can be
demographic elements of patients while the fields
that characterize the second hierarchy level can be
elements that describe a specific episode (e.g.
incident, admission date, discharge date, final
diagnosis and so on). The leaves (documents) in this
hierarchy can also be characterized by a number of
fields. This set of fields forms a (document) profile.
Document Management and retrieval can be
conducting by giving values and constraints for the
various fields of the document. A feature of interest
is the support of both multiple-value (multi-row) and
single-value fields. Data types supported by the
system can include integer and real numbers, dates,
strings, lookup fields and multiple attribute (or
multi-column) fields. The combination of a multiple
attribute field that accepts multiple values derives
the ability to use two-dimensional tables in the
position of a single field. It must be possible to store
structured documents (e.g. PDF and XML
documents), other documents downloaded from the
Internet (HTML documents), etc.
These capabilities of FDB model and CUDL
language allow us to easily design and implement
hierarchically structured medical data, allowing also
support for future schema evolution. They also give
us the opportunity to design and implement the
integration structures for the correlation of
heterogeneous data (for importing data either from
“legacy” systems or from external files and other
In this section we focus on a Hospital Information
System in order to clarify the concepts described in
the previous section. Information of interest could be
related to episodes or incidents (admission etc.) of
the patient to the hospital. For example, in each one
of the incidents the patient may need the care of
various doctors, and he may undergo some
operations. Certain physicians can participate in the
operations and certain (the same or others) attendant
physicians treat the patient. During the incident, the
patient may undergo Laboratorial or Radiological
Examinations on the same day in different hours or
in different days. In consequence the data we want
the HIS to hold for the various episodes could be the
following: patient’s code, social security institution
related information (e.g. code, name, rates for the
insured patients), data related to each incident of the
patient (e.g. code, admission date, discharge date),
data related to the doctors involved (e.g. attendant
physicians, surgeons), data for each operation that
took place and the description as well as the results
of the laboratorial examinations (e.g. laboratory,
test, date, results) during the incident. For each
patient we are also interested to keep demographic
Figure 1 illustrates a part of the simplified
relational database schema of the integrated HIS
comprising of seven discrete objects (entities):
Patients, Doctors, Social Security Institutes,
Laboratorial Examinations (test), Radiological
Examinations (MRI, CT, ECG, etc), Diagnoses and
Operations. Diamonds (acting as relationships
between entities in the case of the well-known
Enhanced / Entity - Relationship model (Badia,
2004) are depicted as objects: Incidents, Lab
Examinations / Incident, Rad Examinations /
Incident, Doctors / Incident, Operations / Incident,
Doctors / Operation).
The FDB model is more compact and simpler.
As we can see in the examples of the following
subsection the same seven discrete entities are
involved but the model comprises by only one object
describing all the relationships between the entities.
Therefore, the CUDL language permits the
definition of more sophisticated relationships
(sophisticated diamonds or CUDL diamonds). In our
example, the whole set of the six relationships (see
the circle in figure 1) is replaced by a single
sophisticated relationship (a single CUDL diamond).
The rationale for this fact is that the underlying
(FDB) model can offer the possibility of having
repeatable values, sub-fields and a whole table in
place of a field (tag, in our terminology). Therefore,
we can easily include the attendant physicians, all
the laboratorial and radiological examinations that
took place in an incident, all the doctors that
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: A part of the simplified relational database schema.
participated in each operation, etc. In order to create
the schema of the FDB database, the designer
provides CUDL language statements and the
metadata of the schema are updated. The following
is an excerpt of the CUDL data definition statements
used to create an FDB schema compatible with the
above relational schema:
# Add tag_attributes entity =
‘Incident’ title = ‘Laboratorial
Examinations’ repetition = ‘R’
datatype = ‘compo’
# Add subfield_attributes entity =
‘Incident’ tag = ‘Laboratorial
Examinations’ title = ‘LE code’
datatype = ‘char’ length = ‘5’
# Add subfield_attributes entity =
‘Incident’ tag = ‘Laboratorial
Examinations’ title = ‘LE date’
datatype = ‘date’
# Add subfield_attributes entity =
‘Incident’ tag = ‘Laboratorial
Examinations’ title = ‘LE time’
datatype = ‘time’
# Add subfield_attributes entity =
‘Incident’ tag = ‘Laboratorial
Examinations’ title = ‘LE result’
datatype = ‘char’ length = ‘15’
3.1 Using CUDL
As we see in the Figure 2, users conceive the
Incident data in the following way. Each record
(frame object in the FDB terminology) of the
incident diamond combines simple tags (incident
code, dates, patient code, social security number,
ICD diagnosis) and four lists: 1) doctors treating the
patient, 2) a whole table storing data related to the
operations that the patient undergoes in the incident,
3) a table of the laboratory examinations done and 4)
a table of radiological examinations. It is worth
Incident code S001
Date started 13/5/2007
Date ended 20/5/2007
Patient code Α001
Social institute code Τ001
Incident doctors Ι001
ended Op date
Ε002 13:35 15:05 14/5/2007 Ι001
Ε015 12:00 13:00 16/5/2007 Ι012
code LE date
time LE result
UREA 15/5/2007 10:00 32
4 m
UREA 15/5/2007 14:30 32
5 m
UREA 16/5/2007 08:00 31
6 m
CREA 15/5/2007 10:00 1
17 m
CREA 16/5/2007 08:00 1
08 m
PROT 15/5/2007 10:00 7
PROT 16/5/2007 08:00 6
code RE date
time File Path
Kidney 16/5/2007 12:00
Figure 2: An Incident frame object.
noticing that in the case of the operation with code
Ε002 we have a list of the four doctors participating
in the operation.
The way the users conceive the data is combined
with the CUDL language capabilities for easy but
powerful retrieval. An indicative CUDL retrieval
statement could be:
Figure 3: The CAIRN architecture.
# Find data when entity = ‘Incidents’
and subfield = ‘LE date’ restr data
= ‘16/5/2007’ hide and subfield =
‘LE code’ and subfield = ‘LE result’
and tag = ‘Incident code’ restr data
= ‘S001’
With this statement, we search for an incident with
incident code ‘S001’ and want to see all the data
concerning the laboratorial examinations that took
place on May 16
, 2007. By using the word ‘hide’
we declare that we do not want to include in the
results the examination date.
There is a need for digital asset management,
otherwise for designing and implementing
documentation tools capable for the collection,
organization, administration and retrieval of
unstructured and semi-structured information
imported from various sources (North Carolina,
2006). Several commercial applications and tools
exist today that incorporate some of the above
mentioned capabilities. Karanikolas, 2007, studied
and captured user requirements for special purpose
Information Retrieval and Documentation tools.
Such Computer Assisted Information Resources
Navigation (CAIRN) tools are capable for the
collection, organization and administration of
unstructured and semi-structured medical
information imported from various sources. The
architecture of CAIRN system incorporates all the
required modules and the way that these modules are
In the CAIRN architecture (see Figure 3), a
module (named “Document Profile Maintenance”
module) provides a graphical user interface and
users can fill the values of documents’ fields.
It is interesting that each field of a document’s
profile is able to hold more than one value and that
each value can be composed of one or more
attributes. Therefore, a field can have a single value,
a list of values or a table of values. In the latter case
the rows of the table represent the multiple values
and the columns represent the attributes of each
value (row).
FDB and CUDL provide us the capability to
define all needed database structures for the
Document Profile Maintenance module in a single
CUDL diamond (a single object implementing all
the required relationships). As we can see in figure
4, this object can include the following: file type,
document type, relevant persons, incident code,
clinical department, date, etc. The file type refers to
the file type or the external resource and it can be
tiff, jpeg, doc, rtf, xls, avi, mpeg, pdf, blob, dicom,
etc. The document type refers to the content type of
a document and it can be Kidney U/S, Thyroid U/S,
…, Brain CT, Kidney CT, …, ECG, patient
discharge letter, operation minutes, laboratorial
examination results, video recording of operation,
etc. The relevant persons can have multiple values
and each one of these values can have two or more
attributes (subfields). For example, in case that
document type is a patient discharge letter the
“relevant persons” field hosts the names of the
treating physicians and their roles (head doctor,
assistant, etc). In the case that document type is a
Brain CT the “relevant persons” field hosts the
names of the involved persons and their roles (CT
operator, the diagnosis provider (doctor), etc). There
are also other tags (incident code, clinical
department, date).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In the Figure 4 we can see how users conceive
the “legacy” data and the data (documents) imported
from external resources or applications.
file t
e doc
document type patient discharge letter
relevant persons
Person id Role
I001 Head of 2nd Sur
ical de
I002 Res
I079 Assistant
I082 Assistant
incident code S001
clinical department 2nd Surgical dept.
Date 20/5/2007
Figure 4: A frame object imported from a “legacy”
Eventually, we conclude that the proposed FDB
model offers innovative and useful design
capabilities to Information System developers,
giving them the ability to design and implement
medical databases with reduced need for new
entities and interconnections among them. It also
eliminates the need for reorganisation at both logical
and internal levels. Therefore, designers can build
databases without having to worry in the case that
the users’ requirements for the system and the
databases will change. The use of CUDL easily
solves the problem of creating enterprise systems
capable for handling hierarchical structured medical
data and also supporting dynamic evolution. CUDL
also offers the possibility to integrate the enterprise
information system and heterogeneous data imported
from “legacy” and independent, external systems.
We must mention that the solution of such
integration problems is very difficult when
traditional Database Management Systems are used.
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