In the functional dimension, the individual and
group cycles are projected adding the functional
annotation by the owners of the organizational units
where the activities are executed. In the process
dimension the individual and group cycles are
projected adding the process annotation by the
owners of the organizational units where the
activities are executed. The figure 3 shows a
representation of the general process, where the
output of the organizational model dynamic
management process – the annotation, are then
considered as an input to the redesign model
Figure 3: Model updating process.
This work is based in the idea that the dynamic
updating of the organizational model could bring
strategic advantages to the organizations. Thus it
was presented a first step to defend and deploy the
dynamic maintenance of an organizational model.
This maintenance is based in the defined
mechanism: the annotation.
This mechanism is the output of several activities
executed in the various layers of the model, which
allows the redesign of the as-is model, promoting its
alignment with the reality.
A prototype tool is allready being created to
support this Model Updating Process in a
governamental agency in Portugal.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems