Adrián Peñate Sánchez, Ignacio Solinis Camalich
Alexis Quesada Arencibia and José Carlos Rodríguez Rodríguez
Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
E35017, Las Palmas, Spain
Keywords: J2EE, Java, Web Monitoring and Controlling, Automation, Mobile Technologies, Internet Computing.
Abstract: The main aim of the project, presented in this paper, is to create a system that will give a solution to the
variety of situations we can encounter in industrial plants control; to achieve this goal we have given the
system different automation, remote control and remote monitoring functionalities. Industrial installations
can be composed of several plants; for this reason we offer a solution capable of defining a central office
that is in control of all plants, each plant with its own controller. Apart from the problem of geographically
disperse locations, it is also of the essence to offer automation for the tasks that take place in the plants. In
order to achieve an automation system capable of giving answer to a range of situations, as wide as possible,
we have designed an engine so that the user may create its own rule based system, defining himself the rules
by means of an interface that abstracts the user from the formal definition of the rules.
This application sprung up from the approach of
several companies interested in having an
application capable of surveying their plants and
being able to do those tasks automatically. These
approaches gave place to the development of two
consecutive projects that gave birth to the system
that we will outline in this paper.
1.1 Final Objective
The challenge was to create a system by means of
which an industrial plant could be controlled
remotely and its processes automated; all this
without being tied to a specific kind of industrial
plant or process.
For this we understand that any industrial
process, generally, is composed by three factors:
- Sensors.
- Actuators.
- Decision making.
By intending to control these factors we have
settled the basis on which to build the system.
1.2 System Structure
The system’s structure is composed by two
subsystems: the plant and the office; each one of
them will be managed by a different application. The
different plants will be connected to the office, from
where the surveillance of the plants functioning state
will be made.
The office will be managed by an application
that will take care of the visualization of the plants
state, store the historical data of each plant, allow the
user to make simple statistical studies of the
historical data, etc.
Each plant’s application will take care of the
usual tasks of monitoring and automation, as well as
communicating with the office. The information
flow between the office and the plants is
bidirectional, being established under the following
- The office starts the communication in order to
obtain real time data about the plant
- The plant sends warnings about the activation
or deactivation of alarms. We indistinctively
refer to rules or alarms in the same way.
Peñate Sánchez A., Solinis Camalich I., Quesada Arencibia A. and Carlos Rodríguez Rodríguez J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 267-270
DOI: 10.5220/0001725902670270
Figure 1: Topology of the system. In this picture both
subsystems can be seen in a centralized topology where
plants act as peripheral nodes and the office as the central
In the image we can appreciate how the system’s
different actors start communicating in order to
perform the tasks that are required. It can be seen
how the office asks the plants for data and how the
plants send the historical data to the office. It can
also be seen how the mobile phone starts the
communication, when it sends an action to the plant,
and how the plant starts the communication, when it
sends an SMS in the event of an alarm. Another
possible communication process can be established
in any computer with access to the internet, you can
ask both the plants and the office for information
about the actual state of the installations.
1.3 Development with Open Source
One of our main concerns was to develop this
system with Open Source tools. For this reason we
defined several requirements in order to use the most
suitable tools for the purpose of the project.
After the process of studying and selecting
different languages, frameworks and development
software, we chose the following ones:
- The developed system is based on a Java EE 5
platform. The J2EE platform consists of a set
of services, APIs, and protocols that provide
the functionality for developing multitier
Web-based applications.
- Open Source software: Linux, Specific software
(application server, databases, etc.),
Integrated development environment
(Eclipse, DBdesigner, etc.).
In this section we will introduce the system´s
architecture. We are going to show its modular
design as well as the most relevant modules.
2.1 A Modular Approach to the
This system was conceived as one that was going to
be made and evolved in several issues, so, as for the
architecture, a modular approach was of essence.
Introducing a modular design would make the
system capable of adding new modules without
other parts needing to be changed or adapted to
assemble with the new ones.
Figure 2: Modular architecture. It can be seen in this
picture the different modules of the plant architecture, the
interaction with each other and their access to their
specific databases.
2.2 Data Acquisition Manager
This module takes care of receiving the sensor
readings from the sensor manager and transmitting
them to the blackboard, from where the other
modules take their data as in a consumer/producer
classic concurrent problem, which in fact it is. In this
case the data acquisition manager will be the
producer and the consumers will be the plant state
supervisor, the alarm manager and the historical data
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Consumer/Producer role distribution.
Data acquisition manager
Alarm manager
Historical data manager
Plant state supervisor
2.3 Sensor Manager
This module is in charge of introducing, updating
and eliminating the sensors from the system; so this
module needs to have access to the Data Acquisition
Hardware (DAH). The DAH carries out the signals
from the sensors to the final computer. Then these
signals can be processed by the computer in order to
get the readings in real time.
2.4 Actuator Manager
The actuation control is done by this module; it will
take care of including, modifying and deleting the
actuators from the system, and it will also define in
which entry of the DAH it is connected. This
module offers an interface so that the user or the
rules can activate the different actuators that are
installed in the system.
The actuator manager offers digital and
analogical outputs in order to control different kinds
of switches, motors, etc. This is the part of the
system that will enable us with the capacity of
The actuator manager offers us the ability of
activating and deactivating the different components
of each plant over the distance. We can connect
ourselves to the plant via web or via mobile phone
and give orders to it. This will prove useful in
various situations like shutting down a plant if
desired, or a part of a plant (e.g. Water pumps), or
activating a plant that was idle.
2.5 Alarm Manager
This is one of the most important parts of the system
because it is here where we will be able to define the
behavior of the control that we want for our plants.
With the intention of creating a system capable of
giving a solution to a range of situations, as wide as
possible, we couldn’t define a specific control;
therefore, we decided to create an engine so the user
could define its own control.
We decided to use a rule-based-system (RBS)
where the user would define his own rule set.
Besides, we also had to make a special effort to
create a solution that could be used by users lacking
any knowledge of algorithms; this was achieved by
creating an interface that would guide the user
through, asking questions and offering different
possibilities, and translating them into an algorithm.
Each alarm can have as many conditions for
activation as desired. These conditions can be: a
sensor’s readings are over or under a certain value,
this value can either be a constant or another sensor,
or how long the condition has to be active to raise
the alarm. It is also possible to include a difference
between two different sensors, controlling these way
possible undesired fluctuations.
The alarm manager is composed of three
subsystems which deliver complementary but
different functionalities. The subsystems that
compose the alarm manager are the following ones:
- Alarm administrator. This subsystem takes
care of creating, modifying and deleting the
rules from the system. This will be the
subsystem that takes care of the alarm
database in which the characteristics,
conditions and actions will be stored.
- Alarm watchdog. The watchdog evaluates the
activation conditions of the rules in order to
detect the activation and deactivation of each
and every one of them; when it detects an
event it informs of it to the alarm dispatcher.
- Alarm dispatcher. This subsystem will give
instructions to other modules in order for the
actions to take place; such actions can
involve sending an SMS to a user to inform
of the alarm, activating an actuator so that it
can put the plant back in order, or both.
2.6 SMS Manager
This component introduces the functionality of
sending SMS to the users so they can know in every
moment if something is going wrong, and if it comes
to that, they can send an SMS to the plant to activate
or deactivate any actuators. This way we introduce a
lot of possibilities of remote controlling the plant.
The SMS sent by the user must be written
according to the specifications of the system so the
SMS manager can interpret the object of its action.
We have chosen to make the remote control over
mobile phone because it enables us to communicate
in places where an internet connection might not be
possible and because it is a cheap technology.
We are going to outline several examples where the
system is already in use, in order to obtain a real
source of data that will help us to decide whether the
goals of the project have been achieved, or whether
changes have to be made.
3.1 Desalination Plant
Several desalination plants are working with this
system at the moment. There is a company that
builds desalination plants offering this system to all
their new clients, so they are selling not only the
final product, the desalination plant, but also it
maintenance. The principal use of the system in this
case is to control pressures, flow and temperatures of
the water during the process of water desalination; it
has been introduced in different kinds of contexts as
airports, golf courses, etc. They have found that,
because of the remote locations of most plants, their
capability of detecting problems and failures has
been increased substantially. Now they can make a
much more efficient use of their human resources
and they can give support to their clients in a shorter
period of time.
3.2 Student Residence
Due to the request of the manager of the residential
service of the University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria for modernizing the installations of the
different buildings belonging to the university, the
system was offered as an alternative which has been
accepted by the manager as a quite promising
In the different buildings the control required
was mainly of temperature, flow level of water
tanks, actuation over the water pumps and the
valves, control over the gas tanks, etc. it was also a
project that needed a system able to control
buildings that were situated in different parts of the
At the moment this project has been installed and
it is facing different tests of performance, in order to
know whether more sensors or actuators are required
and if any adjustments are (required) to be
implemented to the installations.
As we have observed by the feedback of the final
users of the system and our studies of the real cases,
we think that the system has developed into broad
use software capable of adapting to the needs of
most of the industrial plants we have dealt with. This
is also because the project has been developed in
two phases; in the first one the system had less
features and possibilities of control, this was the
system placed at the desalination plants, whereas in
the second phase the user’s requirements were
brought into consideration.
As result of the second phase the actual system
was developed as an evolution adding the features
that were suggested by the user and thought through
by us. As future work further versions of the system
could be made, for example an expert system could
be integrated as an alternative to rule based system,
in the same way further features of
telecommunication could be included in order to
enhance communication with the plant from places
as remote as possible, etc.
In conclusion, this system will give answer to
systems that will need control and automation for
industrial plants without the need to create specific
software to control it and with numerous features,
such as control over mobile phone, a rule system
that automates processes, etc, and that will give
answer to the possible needs that it could encounter.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems