A Framework to Combine MDA and Ontology Learning
Regina C. Cantele
, Maria Alice G. V. Ferreira
, Diana F. Adamatti
and Moyses Araujo
InterLab - Laborat´orio de Tecnologias Interativas
Escola Polit´ecnica da Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Faculdade de Tecnologia - FTEC, Caxias do Sul, Brazil
IBTA, Brazil
Abstract. This paper proposes to join two different approaches: Software Engi-
neering and Semantic Web. The first one cames from Model Driven Architecture
(MDA) and the second one, from the Ontology Engineering area, more specifi-
cally Ontology Learning. The main idea of this work is to accelerate the initial
construction of ontologies from knowledge already represented in several differ-
ent models such as CASE repository or database dictionaries and text, based on
standards of MDA for interoperability. In this way, a framework was developed
to join these concepts, where the steps sequence to apply it were defined until an
initial representations of ontology was obtained.
1 Introduction
Nowadays, the Web is an important knowledge source and people use it to find relevant
information for their needs. However, Web information is unstructured and placed in
such a way that it is inconvenient for searching. Web pages are simple collections of
characters, and the agents - the knowledge collectors - may be unaware that the infor-
mation they need is available. In the mid 1990s, Berners-Lee and colleagues defined the
Semantic Web as an alternative approach to Web, where information can be structured
and used by the agents. Semantic Web use metadata and ontologies for this task [4].
In Computer Science, ontologies started to be used by the Artificial Intelligence
(AI) area, mainly in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).
However, many works in these areas fail to provide interoperability between works.
In Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is an approach to the
development of software that separates the specification of the system functionality
from its implementation on a particular platform. In this way, it can share models and
concepts between different tools and methods [29]. One of the major initiatives through
which the MDE is accomplishing this goal is by the MDA, defined by Object Man-
agement Group (OMG), as a comprehensive interoperability framework for defining
future interconnected systems. Another important specification is Architecture-Driven
Modernization (ADM) - the process of understanding and evolving existing software
C. Cantele R., Alice G. V. Ferreira M., F. Adamatti D. and Araujo M. (2008).
A Framework to Combine MDA and Ontology Lear ning.
In Joint Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC 2008) 4th International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise
Information Systems (MDEIS 2008) 3rd Inter national Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management (TCoB 2008),
pages 43-51
DOI: 10.5220/0001730400430051
artifacts and which details the use of the tools of progressive engineering with the tools
of reverse engineering. Among the this specifications, it is important to point out: Meta
Object Facility (MOF); XML Metadata Interchange (XMI); and ODM [1].
MOF is an extensible model-driven integration framework for defining, manipulat-
ing and integrating metadata and data in a platform independent manner. MOF-based
standards are used for integrating tools, applications and data [26]. In MOF terminol-
ogy, metadata that describes metadata is called meta-metadata, and a model that con-
sists of meta-metadata is called a metamodel. A MOF metamodel defines the abstract
syntax of the metadata in the MOF representation of a model. The MOF integrates
these metamodels by defining a common abstract syntax for defining metamodels. This
abstract syntax is allied to the MOF Model and is a model for metamodels; i.e. a meta-
metamodel. The classical framework for metamodeling is based on an architecture with
four meta-layers: M3 - meta-metamodel,M2 - metamodel, M1 - model e M0 - instances
of model.
XMI is a model-driven XML Integration framework for defining, interchanging,
manipulating and integrating XML data and objects. XMI-based standards are used for
integrating tools, repositories, applications and data warehouses. XMI provides rules
which can generate a schema for any valid XMI-transmissible MOF-based metamodel.
XMI provides a mapping from MOF to XML [26].
The specification Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) joins the Semantic Web
with MDA. ODM is formal grounding for representation of business semantics and de-
fines independent metamodels, related profiles, and mappings among the metamodels
corresponding to several international standards for ontology and Topic Maps defini-
tion, as well as capabilities supporting conventional modeling paradigms for captur-
ing conceptual knowledge, such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Entity-
Relationship (E/R) modeling.
However, ontologies need to be constructed and populated, which is a hard task.
Automatic machines acquisition is an open problem. Therefore, semi-automatic pro-
cesses with human intervention are widely used. A lot of tools as well as standards
allowing systems interoperability have been developed throughout the last years for
the accomplishment of such task. In this approach, Ontology Learning appears as a set
of algorithms and tools to automatically derive knowledge from domain-specific text
collections or unstructured textual resources [22] [17].
The goal of this paper is to develop a framework to combine the Software Engineer-
ing concepts (based on MDA approach) and Ontology Learning to build new ontologies
for Semantic Web, using knowledge already represented (e.g., legacy systems). This
framework is composed by blocks, where requirements and steps are defined.
The paper is structured in 5 sections. In sections 2 and 3, a brief overview of Ontol-
ogy Definition Metamodel (ODM) and Ontology Learning are presented, respectively.
Section 4 presents the developed framework to combine Ontology Learning and MDA.
Finally, the conclusions are presented in Section 5.
2 Ontology Definition Metamodel
According to [16], there are five components in ontology: concepts, relations, function,
axioms, and instances. Concept can be anything said about something, and therefore,
it could also be the description of a task, function, action, strategy, reasoning process,
properties, etc. Relations represent the type of interaction between domain concepts.
Functions are special case of relations in which the n-th element of the relationship is
unique for the n-1 preceding elements. Axioms are used for modeling sentences are
taken for granted as true. Instances are used for representing elements.
ODM is a standard to support ontology development and conceptual modeling in
several standard representation languages. It provides coherent framework for ontology
creation based on MOF and UML. Knowledge engineering requirements may include
some ontology development for traditional domain, process, or service ontologies, but
they may also include: generation of standard ontology descriptions (e.g., OWL) from
UML models; generation of UML models from standard ontology descriptions (e.g.,
OWL); integration of standard ontology descriptions (e.g., Ontology Web Language
(OWL)) with UML models [26]. Moreover, the metamodel increases with constraints.
These constraints are expressed in the Object Constraint Language(OCL), a declarative
language which provides constraint and object query expressions on object models that
cannot be otherwise expressed by diagrammatic notation.
All MDA specifications contribute to the interoperability of the constructed dia-
grams already with the necessary new representations. Some researchers joined the
existing ontology representation formalism to the MDA of OMG [2,15,32,20].
3 Ontology Learning
Ontology construction is a complex task and needs some criteria and methodologies
to be developed. Jimenez-Ruiz and Berlanga (2006)[19] studied several methodologies
and classified them into two groups: centralized or collaborative approach in the de-
velopment of ontologies. The first group has the examples Methontology [12], Unified
Process for Ontology Building (UPON ) [10] and CommonKADS [28]. The second
group has the examples KA2 [3], Human-Centered Ontology Engineering Methodol-
ogy (HCOME)[21] and Diligent [7]. The choice of approach is in accordance with the
type of ontology to be developed. For example, for an ontology of application, the cen-
tralized approach is recommended and for an ontology of domain, the collaborative
development is.
Ontology development can be based on the layer cake built by Cimiano [8], as
shown in Figure 1, where the acquisition of knowledge is executed in subtasks. It is pri-
marily concerned with axiomatizing the definition of concepts as well as the relation-
ships between them. After that, it is important to connect concepts and relations to the
symbols referring to them. This implies the acquisition of linguistic knowledge of terms
used for referring to a specific concept and potential synonyms of these terms. More-
over, ontology may consist of some concept hierarchy or any other non-hierarchical re-
lation. In order to constrain interpretations of concepts and relations, axiom schemata,
such as disjointness between concepts as well as symmetry, reflexivity, transitivity, etc.,
can be instantiated for relations. Finally, one is also interested in using an ontology to
derive facts that are not explicitly modeled in the knowledge base but can be derived
from it. For this purpose, logical axioms modeling implications between concepts and
relations can be defined.
Fig.1. Ontology Learning Layer Cake[8].
Another way of ontology construction is Ontology Learning. This work considers
the two approaches in Ontology Learning: from texts and from schematas.
The first approach shows to be a set of algorithms and tools for automatically deriv-
ing knowledge from domain-specific text collections or unstructured textual resources
[8]. Pattern-based techniques are used to identify words that are useful inputs for learn-
ing methods because they are likely to represent concepts or relations [20]. Special
syntactic patterns have been developed for populating the instances identified in the
ontological relations.
The second approach, Ontology Learning from schematas contemplates the data in
the form of schemata with a formal semantics and are typically represented in models
of data such as E/R, UML and XML. Generally, the techniques of Reverse Engineering
with mappings for representation of ontology languages are used.
A comparison between environments of Ontology Learning can be seen in Shams-
fard and Barfoush [30].
Some tools based on these techniques have been developed, such as, ASIUM [11]
of the University of Paris; OntoLT [5] of the German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence; Text2Onto and AEON [9] of the University of Karlsruhe; OntoLearn [24]
of the University La Sapienza of Rome; and Ontogen [14] of the Joef Stefan Institute.
One essential requirement for all methods and tools is that a representative input data
for the domain must be built in the ontology.
4 The Proposed Framework
The main goal of the proposed framework is to bring together the concepts of Software
Engineering with MDA and Ontology Engineering to accelerate the construction of on-
tologies from knowledge already represented. This process comprises four blocks and
associated resources, as shown in Figure 2: Selection of Resources, Ontology Learning,
Environment Ontologies and Ontology Engineering.
Fig.2. Framework to combine Ontology Learning and MDA.
A. Selection of resources. It is the part responsible for representing old resources of
an information system. The knowledge of the existing system is present in the in-
put resources (Standards and Texts - (1b)) and in the output resources (database
dictionary RDBMS, UML Diagrams, Programs, Helps, Texts etc. - (1c)) often rep-
resented in Data Repository - metamodels of the CASE tools used in its conception
and implementation (1d). When the existing system (1a) did not use a tool for its
construction (it is very common), the Data Repository (1d) does not exist, and then,
Reverse Engineering (1e) is necessary to populate this repository (1d);for example,
the database dictionary can be used to get the Class Diagram in UML [13]. This is
represented by the dotted lines in Figure 2.
B. Ontology Learning. In this block, the process of models extraction is carried out
by two tasks: extraction of models with standards MOF/XMI (2a) and Transforma-
tion between metamodels (2c). The process of extraction of models with standards
MOF/XMI can be achieved by means of tools implemented with standard MOF
(2a) so that the final result is presented in standard XMI in Metadata XMI (2a1) and
(2b1). The (2c) realizes a core transformation by having an input in E/R or UML
models represented in (2a1) and (2b1) and, producing an ontology according to the
OWL metamodel, resulting in an XML document at OWL/XML syntax: Metadata
OWL (2e). The transformation part is dedicated to the mapping out of the UML
model for ontology, i.e. UML classes are mapped into OWL classes, attributes into
datatype property, associations into object property, instances into OWL individu-
als, etc. This process needs to apply rules defined in the ODM to OWL model (2a2)
and (2b2). It is the transformation of a representation form into another, with the
same level of abstraction, preserving the system external behavior (functionality
semantics). This process offers the possibility to manage E/R and UML instances
and populate the ontology with corresponding knowledge. This process pipeline is
represented in gray lines in Figure 2.
The other process is Ontology Learning from text (3a). This process is responsible
for processing text resources (e. g. HTML pages and papers from a given domain)
and creating a very simple ontology from the extracted data. It considers the use
of some tools - based on techniques of natural language and machine learning -
to get concepts, its associations, and hierarchy in metadata (3b). In general, these
tools have implemented many algorithms for this, with incremental executions until
significant concepts were reached. After (3a) locks up, this process of extraction
in standard OWL is realized by obtaining the metadata OWL (3d). The extracted
information(3b) is stored in internal metamodel depending on the applied tools and
can be directly produced by applying specific algorithms. The requirement of tools
must be in compliancewith metamodel OWL for output documents or provide their
proprietary metamodel for the transformation processes.
C. Environment Ontology. After the accomplishment of process 2 or 3, it is necessary
to use the Manipulation Ontology (4a) to visualize the initial ontology representa-
tions - (2e) or (3d). Thus, the first conceptual representation of the ontology could
be edited (4b), in a clearly understandable way for ontology engineers, reusing the
first model of the ontology in format E/R and UML (1c) or in text format (1b) and
represented on a Ontology Database (5b).
D. Progressive Engineering. (4b) will be used for executing tasks of Development
Method (5a) in order to obtain the final ontology representation.The use of method-
ologies assures the Ontology Base (5b) to be consistent and coherent with the rep-
resented domain and with the current system model. The choice of methodology
is linked to the use of ontology; therefore, an ontology of application development
will be centralized as well as a domain ontology of the collaborative development.
One important aspect in this framework is the use of the OMG metamodels stan-
dards to Ontology Learning and ontologies environment according to Figure 3. At this
point, the proposed framework introduces the use of the MOF and their metamodels
already defined to represent the OWL model with ODM. This ensures that all models
(M1) considered by the different tools have their metamodel shared between the tools
through applied rules processing on metamodels with XMI. Also, all instances (M0)
of the models are shared. To really enjoy the results of the various tools for Ontology
Learning from texts, it is necessary to tailor the metamodel to the OWL metamodel.
This can be done with the creation of tools for conversion between the metamodel ex-
isting non-standardized model for the OWL, or a structural change in the architecture
of the tool to implement the standardized metamodel. Text2Onto [18] and Prot´eg´e [25]
are examples of tools with metamodels own disclosed.
Fig.3. Four-Layer Architecture of MOF.
The practical application of this framework was started in a previous work [6],
where the authors tested the schematas approach to generate new ontologies (phases
1, 2 and 4 in the Figure 2). The tests were conducted with a large number of tools, such
as Prot´eg´e [27], an ontology environment and Magic Draw [23], a CASE tool. Regard-
less of the semantics of each of the models being different (E/R, UML and, Ontology),
the represented knowledge is not lost by the transformations. The use of representative
mnemonics from the existent systems helps to generate knowledge-represented. This
process has shown to be effective when there is a large number of entities or classes
from the legacy system. Another test was conducted with UML diagrams provided by
the IMS Learning Design [31], and 192 classes and 390 properties were obtained from
these UML diagrams.
5 Conclusions and Further Works
This paper presented the conceptualviability of different standardsintegration and tech-
niques associated to the metadata to help Ontology Engineering. Many standards of
OMG (MDA, ADM, UML, MOF, XMI, ODM), as well as many standards of the W3C
(XML, and OWL) were recognized, accepted and used by the Information Technology
The success of the Semantic Web depends on the deployment of ontologies. Using
ontology studies from NLP and ML can make the Engineering Ontologies process eas-
ier and faster, because they just share a metamodel of the common representation from
an ontology as proposed by ODM. In the case of Ontology Learning from schematas,
the process is very simple and it presents good results. Therefore, in the case of Ontol-
ogy Learning from texts, it adopts standards of metamodel and it requires efforts from
the researchers’ community. Ontology Engineering can use the initial representations
so that it can be favored by the use of some already represented knowledge. It must be
taken into account that the semantic terms may vary from one context to another, from
a place to another, and from a person to another. Considering these semantic hetero-
geneities, Ontology Engineering is not a trivial activity and requires time, availability
and consensus by specialists. Therefore, the idea of exploring things that have already
been represented in the past has been taken into consideration in [11,5, 15,2] and in
this article and this idea can help in the construction of an initial model of ontology for
a specific domain.
The proposed framework starts to be the ontology engineers’ convergence point,
allowing the sharing of represented knowledge and the description of the most common
concepts obtained from the representantions initial ontology. As further works, some
tests will be conducted with Ontology Learning from texts tools (phases 1 and 3 in
the Figure 2), transformation tools and repository for XMI files with the application
of Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM) and Abstract Syntax Tree Meta-Model
(ASTM) specifications. The chosen tools must provide metamodels or generate meta-
models to ADM, ODM and OWL standards and control of the files intermediaries.
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