Summarizing Reports on Evolving Events
Part II: Non-Linear Evolution
Stergos D. Afantenos
LINA, (UMR CNRS 6241), Université de Nantes, France
Abstract. News sources, when covering an event, are emitting various reports
during the course of the event’s evolution. This paper focuses on the task of sum-
marizing such reports. After discussing the nature of evolving events (dividing
them into linearly and non-linearly evolving events), we present a methodology
for the creation of summaries of evolving events as they are being described by
multiple sources. At the core of this methodology lies the notion of Synchronic
and Diachronic Relations (SDRs) whose aim is the identification of similarities
and differences across documents. SDRs do not connect textual elements inside
the text but some structures which we call messages. We present the application
of our methodology via a case study.
1 Introduction
Using a news aggregation service, such as Google News for example, one realizes that
most events being described contain hundreds or even thousands of reports. This makes
it humanly impossible to keep track of the evolution of such events by reading all the
articles. A possible solution to this problem could be the task of automatic text summa-
rization. In this paper we present a methodologywhose aim is the creation of summaries
from multiple reports, emitted by various sources, on the same event. After presenting,
in section 2, a distinction between linearly and non-linearly evolving events, in section 3
we present our methodology.In section 4 we apply this methodologyin a particular case
study of events that evolve non-linearly. We present our future work and conclude with
section 5.
2 Evolving Events: What are They and How do They Evolve?
As we have said, this paper is on the summarization of events that evolve through time.
Two questions that could naturally arise at this point are: (a) what is an event and, (b)
how do events evolve?
The first question is actually a question to which researchers on the DARPA initia-
tive of Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) have extensively pondered throughout their
research. In the first TDT, a distinction was made between the notions of topic, event
and activity. An event was defined as “something that happens at some specific time
and place” [7,10], while a topic was considered as being the general class of “similar
D. Afantenos S. (2008).
Summarizing Reports on Evolving Events Part II: Non-Linear Evolution.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 3-12
DOI: 10.5220/0001730900030012
events (e.g. “volcano explosions” is a topic, while the explosion of Krakatoa on August
26 1883 was a particular event). Activities have been defined as “a connected set of
actions that have a common focus or purpose” [10, p 3]. According always to those
first definitions, each event contained several activities. Although the above definitions
seem to be quite clear, some further reflection reveals that the distinction between a
topic and an event is not always clear. Events, for example, could span more than a spe-
cific point in time, having thus a duration measured in hours, days or even longer time
spans. Problems of this nature, among other considerations, have driven the researchers
involved in later TDT conferences to change their perspectives on what the notions of
topic and events mean. According then to later consensus “a topic is defined to be a set
of news stories that are strongly related by some seminal real-world event” [6, p 2]. In
other words, according to this new viewpoint a topic is nothing else but a collection of
strongly related news reports which have been triggered by an initial event, and which
follow the evolution of this event.
The above distinction between topics and events is a point of view that we share
with the community of TDT and one which we will adopt in the context of this paper.
Let us now try to answer the second question posed at the beginning of this section: how
do topics evolve? This question can be more precisely formulated as “how do the events
that constitute a topic evolve?” Concerning this question we distinguish between two
types of evolving events: linearly and non-linearly evolving events. In the case of a topic
which exhibits a linear evolution of events, the events are happening in predictable and
possibly constant quanta of time. In the case of topics which exhibit non-linearevolution
of events, in contrast, we cannot distinguish any such regularity. Topics with linearly
evolving events have a fair proportion in the world. They can range from descriptions of
various athletic incidents to quarterly reports that an organization is publishing. On the
other hand, one can argue that most of the topics that we find in the news stories contain
non-linearly evolving events. They can vary from political ones to airplane crashes or
terrorist incidents. An auxiliary question that we could pose concerns the rate with
which the various sources emit their reports. In this context we can distinguish between
synchronous and asynchronous emission of reports. In the first case, the sources publish
almost simultaneously their reports, whilst in the second case each source follows its
own agenda in publishing their reports. In most of the cases, when we have a topic with
linearly evolving events we will also have a synchronous emission of reports, since the
various sources can easily adjust to the pattern of the evolution of the topic. This cannot
be said for the case of non-linear evolution, resulting thus in asynchronous emission of
reports by the various sources.
In this paper we will present a methodology for the creation of summaries from
evolving events, with a particular case-study to a topic which exhibits non-linear evolu-
tion of events (section 4).
3 Methodology
Our methodology is divided into two major phases, the topic analysis phase and the im-
plementation phase. The goal of the first phase is the definition of the building blocks”
with which we are going to represent the knowledge for the general class of topics that
we need to create summaries for. Those “building blocks” are: the ontology which en-
codes the basic entity types; the messages for representing the various actions inside
the document; and the relations that synchronically and diachronically connect those
messages across the documents. Once the above building blocks have been defined, we
pass then to the implementation phase whose aim is the identification and classification
of the instances of the ontology entities, the extraction of the messages and finally the
connection of the messages with the SDRs. The result will be the creation of an abstract
representation of the information contained in the initial set of documents, in a graph
whose nodes are the messages and whose vertices are the SDRs. We call this graph the
grid. The grid will later be passed over to a Natural Language Generation (NLG) system
in order to create the final summary. In this section we will provide more information
on the steps involved during the topic analysis phase. The implementation phase will
be the focus of section 4.
3.1 Ontology
According to the consensus that has been reached in the area of ontology creation [8,9,
11], there are four steps involved during this process: specification, conceptualization,
formalization and implementation.
For the purposes of our study we have followed the
above four steps in order to create our ontology.
3.2 Messages
Messages are semantic units of information which are meant to represent the actions
that are happening inside a given topic, connecting them with the entities involved with
those actions. A message thus is composed of two parts: its name and a list of argu-
ments which represent the ontology concepts involved in the action that the message
represents. In addition, each message is accompanied by information on the source
from which it was emitted and its publication time, as well as by information on the
time at which it refers. Usually the publication and referring time will be equal unless
some temporal expressions are found in the text that alter the time to which the message
refers. Thus, a message can be defined as follows.
m = message_type ( arg
, . . . , arg
where arg
Topic Ontology, i {1, . . . , n}, and:
: the source which contained the message,
: the publication time of the message,
: the referring time of the message.
The aim of the topic analysis phase is the creation of a list with all the messages that
can be found in a given topic. The way that this is currently performed is by studying
a given corpus and abstracting off the message types as well as the entities involved
in those message types. Later, during the implementation phase, the actual instances of
Actually, a fifth step of maintenance exists as well. At the current state of our research, this
step is not included.
the messages have to be identified in the corpora. We have to note that the above pro-
cess is similar to the Information Extraction paradigm, where a given set of templates,
representative to a given domain, is provided to a system, which has later to fill in the
slots of the templates. The method that we use in order to identify the instances of the
messages and fill in their arguments is presented in section 4.
3.3 Synchronic and Diachronic Relations
An essential task for the process of Multi-Document Summarization—as well as for
several other Natural Language Processing tasks—is the identification of the similarities
and differences that exist between various sources. When it comes to the task of creating
summaries from evolving events, we believe that this task entails the description of
the event’s evolution, as well as the designation of the points of conflict or agreement
between the sources, as the event evolves. In order to capture the evolution of an eventas
well as the conflict, agreement or variation between the sources, we introduce the notion
of Synchronic and Diachronic Relations (SDRs). Synchronic relations try to identify the
degree of agreement, disagreement or variation between the various sources, at about
the same time frame. Diachronic relations, on the other hand, try to capture the evolution
of an event as it is being described by one source. SDRs hold between two messages,
and a definition of an SDR consists of the following four fields:
1. The relation’s type (i.e. Synchronic or Diachronic).
2. The relation’s name.
3. The set of pairs of message types that are involved in the relation.
4. The constraints that the corresponding arguments of each of the pairs of message
types should have.
The name of the relation carries semantic information which, along with the messages
that are connected with the relation, are later being exploited by the NLG component in
order to produce the final summary. The aim of the Synchronic relations is to capture
the degree of agreement, disagreement or variation that the various sources have for
the same time-frame. The same time-frame is determined by the messages’ referring
time. The aim of Diachronic relations, on the other hand, is to capture the evolution of
an event as it is being described by one source. Thus, all messages that belong to the
same source and have a different referring time are initially considered as candidates
for connection with a Diachronic Relation. SDRs could hold either between messages
of the same type or messages of different types. Examples of SDRs will be provided in
section 4.
4 A Case-Study
As we have said in section 2, the evolution of topics can be either linear or non-linear.
The methodology that we have presented in section 3 applies for both kinds of evo-
lution. In previous studies [1–5] we have applied our methodology in a topic which
exhibits linear evolution. In this paper we would like to present a case study of a class
of topics which exhibit non-linear evolution. The class of topics that we have chosen to
work with are the terroristic incidents which involve hostages.
4.1 Topic Analysis
Corpus Collection. A prerequisite step before moving to the stages involved in the
topic analysis phase is the collection of a corpus. The perusal of this corpus will not
only be limited for the definition of the ontology, messages and SDRs, but it will also
be used for annotation purposes, something which will be useful during the training
phase of the various Machine Learning (ML) algorithms involved in the implementation
The corpora that we collected come from five different topics: the hijacking of an
airplane from the Afghan Airlines in February 2000, a Greek bus hijacking from Alba-
nians in July 1999, the kidnapping of two Italian reporters in Iraq in September 2004,
the kidnapping of a Japanese group in Iraq in April 2004, and finally the hostages inci-
dent in the Moscow theater by a Chechen group in October 2004. In total we collected
and examined 163 articles from 6 sources.
Figure 1 (left part) presents the statistics, concerning the number of documents and
words contained therein, for each event separately.
Event Documents Words
Airplane Hijacking 33 7008
Bus Hijacking 11 12416
Italians Kidnaping 52 21200
Japanese Kidnaping 18 10075
Moscow Theater 49 21189
Person Place
Offender Country
Hostage City
Demonstrators Vehicle
Rescue Team Bus
Relatives Plane
Professional Car
Governmental Executive
Fig.1. Statistics on each topic (left) and an excerpt from the topic ontology (right).
Ontology Creation. For the creation of the ontology we followed the guidelines pre-
sented in section 3.1. An excerpt of the final ontology can be seen in Figure 1 (right
Messages’ Specifications. The specification of the messages involves the specification
of the message types as well as the ontology entities that are involved in each of the
messages. After studying the corpora we concluded in the 48 messages shown in the
left part of figure 2. Full specifications for two particular messages can be seen in the
right part of the same figure.
Relations’ Specifications. After studying the corpora we concluded in 15 Synchronic
and Diachronic Relations (SDRs) as shown in the left part of figure 3. Examples of
actual relations’ specifications can be seen in the right part of the same figure.
4.2 Implementation
The stages involved during the implementation phase can be seen in figure 4. The result
of the processing will be the creation of a structure that we call the grid. The grid is a
graph whose nodes are the messages and whose vertices are the SDRs. The grid is later
passed over an NLG system in order to create the final summary. In the following we
will present in detail each of the stages involved in the summarization process.
free ask_for located
kill aim_at inform
hold kidnap organize
deny arrive announce
enter arrest transport
help armed negotiate
meet leave threaten
start end work_for
put return hijack
lead accept trade
negotiate (who, with_whom, about)
who : Person
whom : Person
about : Activity
free (who, whom, from)
who : Person
whom : Person
from : Place Vehicle
Fig.2. Excerpt from the message types (left) and example of message specifications (right).
Synchronic Relations
(same message types)
Diachronic Relations
(same message types)
Diachronic Relations
(different message types)
In the following we will assume that we have the following messages
negotiate (who
, with_whom
, about
free (who
, whom
, from
free (who
, whom
, from
The specifications for the relations are the following:
Relation Name:
Relation Type: Synchronic Diachronic
Pairs of Messages: {<free, free>} {<negotiate, free>}
Constraints on the (who
= who
) (who
= who
arguments: (whom
= whom
) (about
= free)
= from
Additionally, the messages should satisfy as well the constraints on the source and
referring time in order to be candidates for a Synchronic or Diachronic Relation. In other
words, the messages m
and m
will be candidates for a Synchronic Relation if
6= |m
= |m
and candidates for a Diachronic Relation if
= |m
> |m
Fig.3. Synchronic and Diachronic Relations (left) and example of their specifications (right).
Preprocessing. The preprocessing that we performed in our corpora involved the pro-
cesses of tokenization, sentence splitting and part of speech tagging.
Entities Recognition and Classification. The aim of this stage is the identification of
the various textual elements in the input documents that represent an ontology concept,
and their classification into the appropriate ontology concept. Take for example the
word “passenger”. Depending on the context, this textual element could be either an
instance of a Hostage, an instance of an Offender, or nothing at all (see again the
right part of figure 1 for an excerpt of the ontology).
The approach that we used in order to attack this problem involves the use of ML
techniques. More specifically we opted in using a cascade of classifiers which consists
of three levels. The first level of the cascade is a binary classifier which determines
whether a textual element in the input text is an instance of an ontology concept or not.
Fig.4. The summarization system.
At the second level, the classifier takes the instances of the ontology concepts of the
previous level and classifies them under the top-level ontology concepts. Finally at the
third level we had a specific classifier for each top-level ontology concept, which clas-
sifies the instances in their appropriate sub-concepts. For all the levels of this cascade
of classifiers we used the WEKA platform. More specifically we used three classifiers:
Naïve Bayes, LogitBoost and SMO, varying the input parameters of each classifier. We
will analyze each level of the cascade separately. For the first level of the cascade, we
experimented with using from one to up to five context tokens around a candidate on-
tology concept. The features that we used included the token types, the part-of-speech
types, as well as their combination. After performing a tenfold cross-validation using
the annotated corpora, we found that the classifier which yielded the best results was
LogitBoost with 150 boost iterations, using only the token types and a context window
of four tokens. For the second level, we created a series of experiments which took into
considerationone to up to five tokensbefore and after the textual elements, as well as the
tokens which comprised the textual element itself. The features that we used were the
token types, the part-of-speech types, and their combination. The classifier that yielded
the best results, after performing a tenfold cross-validation, was LogitBoost with 100
boost iterations with a context of size one, and using as features the token types and
part-of-speech types for each token. The final level of the cascade of classifiers consists
of a specialized classifier for each top-level ontology concept. In this series of exper-
iments we took as input only the nouns that were contained in each textual element,
discarding all the other tokens. The combined results from the cascade of classifiers,
after performing a tenfold cross-validation, are shown in Table 1. The last column in
that table, represents the classifier used in the third level of the cascade. The parameter
I in the LogitBoost classifier represents the boost cycles. For conciseness we present
only the evaluation results for each top-level ontology concept.
Table 1. The combined results of the cascade of classifiers.
Class Precision Recall F-Measure Classifier
Person 75.63% 83.41% 79.33% SMO
Place 64.45% 73.03% 68.48% LogitBoost (I=700)
Activity 76.86% 71.80% 74.25% LogitBoost (I=150)
Vehicle 55.00% 45.69% 49.92% Naïve Bayes
Media 63.71% 43.66% 51.82% LogitBoost (I=150)
Messages Extraction. This stage consists of three sub-stages. At the first one we try to
identify the message types that exist in the input documents, while at the second we try
to fill in the messages’ arguments with the instances of the ontology concepts identified
in the previous stage. The third sub-stage includes the identification of the temporal
expressions that might exist in the text, and the normalization of the messages’ referring
time, in relation to the document’s publication time.
In most of the cases we had a one-to-one mapping between message types and
sentences. We used once again an ML approach, using lexical and semantic features
for the creation of the vectors. As lexical features we used a fixed number of verbs and
nouns occurring in the sentences. Concerning the semantic features, we used two kinds
of information. The first one was a numerical value representing the number of the
top-level ontology concepts that were found in the sentences. Thus the created vectors
had eight numerical slots, each one representing one of the top-level ontology concepts.
Concerning the second semantic feature, we used what we have called trigger words,
which are several lists of words, each one “triggering” a particular message type. Thus,
we allocated six slots—the maximum number of trigger words found in a sentence
each one of which represented the message type that was triggered, if any. In order to
perform our experiments, we used the WEKA platform. The algorithms that we used
were again the Naïve Bayes, LogitBoost and SMO, varying their parameters during
the series of experiments that we performed. The best results were achieved with the
LogitBoost algorithm, using 400 boost cycles. More specifically the number of correctly
classified message types were 78.22%, after performing a ten-fold cross-validation on
the input vectors.
The second sub-stage is the filling in of the messages’ arguments. In order to per-
form this stage we employed several domain-specific heuristics which take into account
the results from the previous stages. It is important to note here that although we have
a one-to-one mapping from sentences to message types, it does not necessarily mean
that the arguments (i.e. the extracted instances of ontology concepts) of the messages
will also be in the same sentence. There may be cases where the arguments are found in
neighboring sentences. For that reason, our heuristics use a window of two sentences,
before and after the one under consideration, in which to search for the arguments of
the messages, if they are not found in the original one. The total evaluation results from
the combination of the two sub-stages of the messages extraction stage are shown in
table 2. As in the previous cases, we also used a tenfold cross-validation process for the
evaluation of the ML algorithms.
The last of the three sub-stages, in the messages extraction stage, is the identification
of the temporal expressions found in the sentences which contain the messages and
alter their referring time, as well as the normalization of those temporal expressions
in relation to the publication time of the document which contains the messages. For
this sub-stage we adopted a module which was developed earlier. As was mentioned
earlier in this paper, the normalized temporal expressions alter the referring time of the
messages, an information which we use during the extraction of the Synchronic and
Diachronic Relations (SDRs).
Relations Extraction. The extraction of the SDRs is a rather straightforward process.
As we can see from figure 3, once the messages have been identified and placed in the
appropriate position in the grid, then in order to identify the SDRs we have simply to
apply the rules for each of the relations. The results of this stage are shown in table 2.
Table 2. Evaluation for the message extraction module and the relation extraction module.
Messages SDRs
Precision 42.96% 30.66%
Recall 35.91% 49.12%
F-Measure 39.12% 37.76%
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have presented a methodology which constitutes the first step towards
the creation of multi-document summaries of evolving events and we have presented
a concrete implementation of this proposed methodology in a case study of five topics
of terroristic incidents which include hostages. The end result of the implementation
is the creation of a graph whose nodes are the messages and whose vertices are the
Synchronic and Diachronic Relations that connect those messages. According to [12]
the architecture of a Natural Language Generation (NLG) system is composed of three
main stages: (a) Document Planning, (b) Micro-Planning and (c) Surface Generation.
As we have shown earlier [1, 4] we view the creation of the grid as constituting the
Document Planning stage of an NLG system. We are currently working on the imple-
mentation of the other two stages (Micro Planning and Surface Generation) in order to
create the final textual summaries. Of particular concern to us is the fact that in order to
create the specifications of the messages and SDRs a corpus study by human beings is
involved, something which adds to cost and reduces the flexibility of our approach. We
are currently actively working on a methodology which will enable us to automatically
create message specifications. At the core of the theory that we are working on is the
fact that almost all of the observed messages are describing actions. Thus, each mes-
sage is triggered by a set of semantically related verbs or verbalized nouns. In addition,
most of the entities involved in a message (the message’s arguments) are found in near
proximity. Based on the above two basic remarks we are currently working on a method
for automatically providing messages’ specifications from raw text.
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