that if the node of a partner fails then the supply chain cannot be reconstructed and that
every participant must employ a compliant system.
Beier et al. [2] describe the role of an EPCDS in a EPC network and the requirements
for privacy and security. EPCDS is seen as an independent unit at which each EPCIS
repository has to register with the EPC when they observe an item for the very first
time. It is also mentioned that EPCDS should allow row-level data access control. The
presented requirements match those for this work but no details of the prototype archi-
tecture are given.
Huang et al. [7] present a distributed architecture that makes use of peer-to-peer tech-
nology and distributed hash tables to locate information about explicitly defined supply
urschner et al. [8] give an overview about requirements towards an EPCDS and de-
scribe the directory look-up design currently under consideration at EPCglobal.
4 Summary and Future Work
In this paper we presented hierarchical architecture approaches that allow to keep dis-
covery information related to single EPCs to be spread over multiple EPCDS nodes.
EPCDS and EPCIS AA remain anonymous from each other as long as a request pro-
duces no authorized result set because EPCIS AA and EPCDS do not interact directly
with each other. Instead, requests are routed through a tree of nodes that re-encode the
request and change its originator. For authorization needs the EPCIS AA has to give up
its anonymity when the request reaches a responsible EPCDS data node but the EPCDS
can stay anonymous at any time. On an empty response it is indistinguishable for EPCIS
AA whether access was denied or no information for the EPC was available.
Future work includes how routing tables in DSr nodes are organized and how they
can be compressed for more efficiency. It also should be investigated if the hierarchical
approach with routing tables can be replaced by a peer-to-peer approach with distributed
hash tables as the routing mechanism. It has to be ensured that a request does a suffi-
cient amount of hops to keep its anonymity. For both approaches a prototype has to be
implemented for performance measurements.
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2. Steve Beier, Tyrone Grandison, Karin Kailing, and Ralf Rantzau. Discovery Services – En-
abling RFID Traceability in EPCglobal Networks. In Proc. of the 13th International Confer-
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3. Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson. Tor: the second-generation onion
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pages 21–21, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2004. USENIX Association.
4. EPCglobal Inc. Object Naming Service (ONS) Version 1.0 Specification, October 2005.
5. EPCglobal Inc. EPC Information Services (EPCIS) Version 1.0 Specification, April 2007.