Building a Recommender System using Community
Level Social Filtering
Alexandra Balahur and Andr´es Montoyo
Department of Software and Computing Systems
University of Alicante, Ap. de Correos 99, Alicante, Spain
Abstract. Finding the “perfect” product among the dozens of products available
on the market is a difficult task for any person. One has to balance between per-
sonal needs and tastes, financial limitations, latest trends and social assessment of
products. On the other hand, designing the “perfect” product for a given category
of users is a difficult task for any company, involving extensive market studies
and complex analysis. This paper presents a method to gather the attributes that
make up the “perfect” product within a given category and for a specified com-
munity. The system built employing this method can be useful for two purposes:
firstly, it can recommend products to a user based on the similarity of the feature
attributes that most users in his/her community see as important and positive for
the product type and the products the user has to opt from. Secondly, it can be
used as a practical feedback for companies as to what is valued and how, for a
product, within a certain community. For the moment, we will consider the com-
munity level as being the country, and thus we will apply and compare the method
proposed for English and Spanish. For each product class, we first automatically
extract general features (characteristics describing any product, such as price,
size, and design), for each product we then extract specific features (as picture
resolution in the case of a digital camera) and feature attributes (adjectives grad-
ing the characteristics, as modern or faddy for design). Further on, we use “social
to automatically assign a polarity (positive or negative) to each of the
feature attributes, by using a corpus of “pros and cons”-style customer reviews.
Additional feature attributes are classified depending on the previously assigned
polarities using Support Vector Machines Sequential Minimal Optimization [1]
machine learning with the Normalized Google Distance [2]. Finally, recommen-
dations are made by computing the cosine similarity between the vector repre-
senting the “perfect” product and the vectors corresponding to products a user
could choose from.
1 Introduction
Finding the opinions different customers expressed about a product on the web is a
highly useful task for two reasons. The first one addresses the potential buyers of that
product, which can thus gather useful informationfrom the users of the product, without
being biased by commercial interests of one store or another. Secondly, opinions over
Balahur A. and Montoyo A. (2008).
Building a Recommender System using Community Level Social Filtering.
In Proceedings of the 5th Inter national Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 32-41
DOI: 10.5220/0001733200320041
products serve producer companies as feedback regarding how the consumer market
views their product, as well as for technological vigilance, regarding the products mar-
keted by other companies and the opinions the users have on them. However, a product
with the same features can be viewed as appropriate/ high-quality within a community
and as inappropriate/ low-quality within another. Different characteristics of products
are perceived differently, depending on the category of users, the country and the gen-
eral social acceptance that is given to a product. Whenever a company wishes to market
a product, it first studies the characteristics that the users the product is intended for see
as important, what they value in a product and how. Therefore, a static classification of
product feature attributes (such as “small” in size for a car being “negative” or “posi-
tive”) used in classifying the user opinions of products can not be viewed as correct. In
order to address this issue, we propose a method to automatically discover the feature
attributes that are viewed as positive and negative within a given community and con-
sequently classify products according to these discovered features. In this manner we
wish to avoid product features misclassifications due to overgeneralization and offer a
practical and easy method to search for products that are appropriate for different user
communities. In our approach, we use the “word-of-mouth” on the web [3], that is,
the user reviews of different products, in two steps. Firstly, we automatically obtain a
classification of what users within a specified community perceive as positive and neg-
ative in a product, using the “pros and cons”-style reviews of the given product. This
classification is used on the one hand to build a vector model of the “perfect” product
and on the other hand as basis for the SMO SVM learning using the NGD scores in
the feature classification and summarization system. Secondly, we employ a system for
product feature summarization to extract for the given products the vectors containing
the values for the feature attributes found in the reviews. Finally, we compute the simi-
larity between each of the vectors of the products and the perfect” product within the
category and recommend the top matching products.
2 Related Work
The approach we use for the customer review feature summarization system is similar
to the feature-driven opinion summarization paradigm, whose theoretical background
can be found in [3]. Systems employing this paradigm are described in [4] or [5]. How-
ever, our approach is called “feature-driven opinion summarization”, and differs from
the feature-based systems in that our primary goal is to identify all features of a prod-
uct and find examples of positive and negative attributes describing these features and
consequently extract those from customer review texts. In this manner, we can discover
implicit features in user reviews (for example, if the user mentions the word “small”
when describing the camera, we can map the small as describing the “size” feature).
Moreover, in extracting first the positive and negative examples of feature attributes
from reviews pertaining to the same community as the reviews classified, we ensure the
semantic coherence of interpretations we give to the classified reviews. The method we
propose is robust and customer-review independent, but at the same time it captures the
semantics given to feature attributes at the community level.
3 Determining Product Features
In the approach proposed, we concentrated on two main problems. The first one was
that of discovering the features that will be quantified and the second is determining
the feature attributes that describe the discovered features. As previously noticed in [3],
features are implicit or explicit. To this respect, apart from a general class of features
(and their corresponding attributes), that are applicable to all products, we propose a
method to discover product specific features and feature attributes using knowledge
from WordNet and ConceptNet, completed by knowledge discovered by applying a
series of extraction patterns.
There are a series of features that are product independent and that are important
to any prospective buyer. We consider these as forming a core of product features. For
each of these concepts, we retrievefrom WordNet[6] the synonyms which havethe same
Relevant Domain [7], the hyponyms of the concepts and their synonyms and attributes,
respectively. An example of term from the core of product features is “price”, with the
synonyms “cost”, “value”, hyponyms “asking price” and “selling price”, having as fea-
ture attributes “high”, “low”, “expensive” and “cheap”. The other product independent
features are “warranty”, “size”, “weight”, “design”, “appearance” and “quality”.
Once the product category has been identified, we use WordNet to extract the prod-
uct specific features and feature attributes. We should notice that, contrary to the obser-
vation made in [5], once we establish the product, its corresponding term in WordNet
is sense disambiguated and thus the obtained meronyms, synonyms and corresponding
attributes are no longer ambiguous. Moreover,the terms obtained in this manner,should
they appear in customer reviews, have the meant meaning. We accomplish this in the
following steps:
1. For the term defining the product category, we search its synonyms in WordNet[6].
2. We eliminate the synonyms that do not have the same top relevant domain [7] as
the term defining the product category
3. For the term defining the product, as well as each for each of the remaining syn-
onyms, we obtain their meronyms from in WordNet, which constitute the parts
forming the product.
4. Since WordNet does not contain much detail on the components of most of new
technological products, we use ConceptNet[8] to complete the process of deter-
mining the specific product features. We explain the manner in which we use Con-
ceptNet in the following section.
The final step consists in finding the attributes of the features discoveredby applying the
“has attributes”
relation in WordNet to each of the nouns representing product features.
In the case of nouns which have no term associated by the “has attribute” relation, we
add as attribute features the concepts found in ConceptNet under the
. In case the concepts added are adjectives, we further
add their synonyms and opposites from WordNet. As result we have for example, in
the case of “photo”, the parts “raster and “pixel” with the attributes “blurry”, “clarity”,
“sharp”. In order to obtain additional features for the product in question, we add the
concepts that are related to the term representing the concept with terms related in Con-
ceptNet by the
and the
. For example, for the product “camera”, the
“OUT” “Used-
relations that will added are “take picture”, “take photograph”,
“photography”, “create image”, “record image” and for the
“IN” “PartOf
relations “shutter”, “viewfinder”, “flash”, “tripod”. We employ EuroWordNet
map the features and feature attributes, both from the main core of words, as well as
the product specific ones that were previously discovered for English, independent of
the sense number, taking into account only the preservation of the relevant domain. The
majority of product features we have identified so far are one-word parts constituting
products. However, there remains a class of undiscovered features that are indirectly
related to the product. These are the features of the product constituting parts, such as
battery life, picture resolution, auto mode. We extract these overlooked product fea-
tures by determining bigrams made up of target words constituting features and other
words in a corpus of customer reviews. In the case of digital cameras, for example,
we considered a corpus of 200 customer reviews on which we ran Pedersens Ngram
Statistics Package
to determine target co-occurrences of the features identified so far.
As measure for term association, we use the Pointwise Mutual Information score. In
this manner, we discover bigram features such as “battery life”, “mode settings” and
“screen resolution”.
4 Polarity of Feature Attributes with Social Filtering
The concept of social filtering, also called collaborative filtering, denotes a series of
techniques for identifying information a given user might be interested in. The basic
principle of social filtering is developing a rating system for matching incoming mate-
rial, depending on certain defined criteria. We will employ this concept in creating the
prototype of the “perfect” product, based on the criteria extracted from “pros and cons”-
style customer reviews. Further on, we will be able to filter any product pertaining to the
category depending on the similarity score it has with respect to the constructed “per-
fect” prototype. Firstly, we create a corpus of “pros and cons”-style reviews for each
of the procut categories we are interested in. For English, sites that contain such types
of reviews are “” and “”, which are American, or “shop-”, on which the regional site can be chosen also for European countries. For
Spanish, sites containing reviews in the form of pros and cons (“a favor” and “en con-
tra” or “ventaja” and “desventaja”) are “” or “”. Further on, we
prepare the obtained corpus by eliminating the stopwords and performing lemmatiza-
tion. We split each of the paragraphs in phrases, considering as separators the commas
and fullstops. Next, for each feature discovered in the previous section, we extract from
the phrase it appears in the word preceeding and succeeding it. In case of compound
features (such as “battery life”), the process is identical. If the phrase is contained in
a “pro” section, then the extracted words are classified as positive feature attributes. In
the contrary case, the word is classified as negative. Extracted pairs are removed from
the corpus. Finally, we verify if the corpus contains implicit features by identifying
the feature attributes that remained in the corpus. In the case such feature attributes
3 tpederse/nsp.html
are found, their polarity is positive if they are found within the pros section and neg-
ative if they are found in the cons section. The feature attributes, together with their
assigned polarity, are added to the list of feature attributes that belong to the same
feature. For example: Pros: Beautiful pictures, ease of use, high
quality, 52mm lens. Cons: high price, a bit big and bulky.
Features encountered in text: picture, use, quality, lens, price. Feature attributes ex-
tracted: (positive): beautiful (picture), easy (use), high (quality), 52mm (lens); (neg-
ative): high (price). Feature attributes remaining: big, bulky, which are both negative
and correspond, according to the feature categorization made in section 4, to the “size”
5 Customer Review Feature-driven Summarization
When user asks the system to recommend a product from a given product category
in Spanish or English, the system will select the standard against which to compare
the discovered products. Since we have set the goal of comparing reviews in Spanish
and English-speaking communities, we will process product reviews in both languages,
using the same system, but different resources.
In order to solve the anaphoric references on the product features and feature at-
tributes, we employ two anaphora resolution tools - JavaRAP
for English and SUPAR
[9] for Spanish. Using these tools, we replace the anaphoric references with their cor-
responding referents and obtain a text in which the terms constituting product features
could be found.
Further on, we split the text of the customer review into sentences and identify the
named entities in the text. We use LingPipe
to split the customer reviews in English
into sentences and identify the named entities referring to products of the same cate-
gory as the product queried. In this manner, we can be sure that we identify sentences
referring to the product queried, even the reference is done by making use of the name
of another product. For example, in the text “For a little less, I could have bought the
Nikon Coolpix, but it is worth the extra money., anaphora resolution replaces <it>with
<Nikon Coolpix>and this step will replace it with <camera>. We employ FreeLing
in order to split the customer reviews in Spanish into sentences and identify the named
entities referring to products of the same category as the product queried.
Having completed the feature and feature attributes identification phase, we proceed
to extracting for further processing only the sentences that contain the terms referring
to the product, product features or feature attributes. Each of the sentences that are
filtered by the previous step are parsed in order to obtain the sentence structure and
component dependencies. In order to accomplish this, we use Minipar [10] for English
and FreeLing for Spanish. This step is necessary in order to be able to extract the values
of the features mentioned based on the dependency between the attributes identified and
the feature they determine.
4 qiul/NLPTools/JavaRAP.html
Further on, we extract features and feature attributes from each of the identified
sentences, using the following rules:
1. We introduce the following categories of context polarity shifters[11], in which we
split the modifiers and modal operators in two categories - positive and negative:
- negation: no, not, never etc. - modifiers: positive (extremely, very, totally etc.)
and negative (hardly, less, possibly etc.) - modal operators: positive (must, has) and
negative (if, would, could etc.)
2. For each identified feature that is found in a sentence, we search for a correspond-
ing feature attribute that determines it. Further on, we search to see if the feature
attribute is determined by any of the defined modifiers. We consider a variable we
name valueOfModifier,with a default value of -1, that will account for the existence
of a positive or negative modifier of the feature attribute. In the affirmative case, we
assign a value of 1 if the modifier is positive and a value of 0 if the modifier is neg-
ative. If no modifier exists, we consider the default value of the variable. We extract
triplets of the form (feature, attributeFeature, valueOfModifier). In order to accom-
plish this, we use the syntactic dependency structure of the phrase, we determine
all attribute features that determine the given feature. For the sentence “The hazy
image displayed on the screen disappointed me.”, the tuples extracted are (image,
hazy, -1) and (image, disappointed, -1).
3. If a feature attribute is found without determining a feature, we consider it to implic-
itly evoke the feature that it is associated with in the feature collection previously
built for the product. “The camera is small and sleek.” becomes (camera, small, -1)
and (camera, sleek, -1), which is then transformed by assigning the value “small”
to the “size” feature and the value “sleek” to the “design” feature.
6 Assignment of Polarity to Feature Attributes
In order to assign polarity to each of the identified feature attributes of a product, we
employ SMO SVM machine learning and the Normalized Google Distance (NGD).
The main advantage in using this type of polarity assignment is that NGD is language
independent and offers a measure of semantic similarity taking into account the mean-
ing given to words in all texts indexed by Google from the world wide web. The set
of anchors contains the terms {
featureName, happy, unsatisfied, nice, small, buy
}, that
have possible connection to all possible classes of products. Further on, we build the
classes of positive and negative examples for each of the feature attributes considered.
From the list of classified feature attributes in section 4, we consider all positive and
negative terms associated to the considered attribute features. We then complete the
lists of positive and negative terms with their WordNet synonyms. Since the number of
positive and negative examples must be equal, we will consider from each of the cate-
gories a number of elements equal to the size of the smallest set among the two, with
a size of at least 10 and less or equal with 20. We give as example the classification of
the feature attribute “tiny”, for the “size” feature. The set of positive feature attributes
considered contains 15 terms such as “big”, broad”, “bulky”, “massive”, “volumious”,
“large-scale” etc. and the set of negative feature attributes considered is composed as
opposed examples, such as “small”, petite”, “pocket-sized”, “little” etc. We use the
anchor words to convert each of the 30 training words to 6-dimensional training vectors
defined as v(j,i) = NGD(wi,aj), where aj with j ranging from 1 to 6 are the anchors and
wi, with i from 1 to 30 are the words from the positive and negative categories. After
obtaining the total 180 values for the vectors, we use SMO SVM to learn to distin-
guish the product specific nuances. For each of the new feature attributes we wish to
classify, we calculate a new value of the vector vNew(j,word)=NGD(word, aj), with j
ranging from 1 to 6 and classify it using the same anchors and trained SVM model. In
the example considered, we had the following results (we specify between brackets the
word to which the scores refer to): (small)1.52,1.87,0.82,1.75,1.92,1.93,positive; (lit-
(bulky)1.33,1.17,0.92,1.13,1.12,1.16,negative. The vector corresponding to the “tiny”
attribute feature is: (tiny)1.51,1.41, 0.82,1.32,1.60,1.36. This vector was classified by
SVM as positive, using the training set specified above. The precision value in the clas-
sifications we made was beween 0.72 and 0.80, with a kappa value above 0.45.
7 Summarization of Feature Polarity in Reviews
For each of the features identified, we compute its polarity depending on the polarity of
the feature attribute that it is determined by and the polarity of the context modifier the
feature attribute is determined by, in case such a modifier exists. Finally, we statistically
summarize the polarity of the feature attributes, as ratio between the number of positive
quantifications and the total number of quantifications made in the considered reviews
to that specific feature and as ratio between the number of negative quantifications and
the total number of quantifications made in all processed reviews. This process is re-
peated for all possible choices of products within the sought category.The formulas can
be summarized in
F pos(i)=#pos feature attributes(i)/#feature attributes(i);
F neg(i)=#neg feature attributes(i)/#feature attributes(i).
8 Product Recommendation Method
In order to recommend a product for purchase, we present a method to compute the
similarity between a product (whose features are summarized using the customer re-
view summarization system) and what is seen as the “perfect” product in the category.
For each product category,we consider a list containing the general and product-specific
features. The perfect product within that category can thus be represented as a vector
whose indices correspond to the list of features and whose values are all 1, signifying
that all features are positive. At this point, it is interesting to note that the semantics of
“positive” and “negative” for the product category are given by the feature attributes
we extracted for each of the categories ( positive for size thus includes “small”, “tiny”,
“pocket-fit” etc.). In order to find recommendable products, we use the customer review
summarization system presented in section 7 for each product model and its correspond-
ing collection of reviews. In this manner, we build vectors corresponding to the product
models, whose indices will be the same as the ones of the “perfect” product, and whose
corresponding values will be the percentage in which the feature is classified as positive
by the summarization system. Finally, we compute the similarity between the each of
the obtained vectors and the vector corresponding to the “perfect” product using the co-
sine similarity measure
.We recommend the top 5 matching products. In order to better
understand the process of recommendation, we will consider an example and suppose
the user would like to buy a 4 Megapixel camera. There are around 250 available mod-
els on the market and for each model one can read an average of 10 customer reviews.
Instead of having to read 2500 reviews, employing the presented system, being given
the 5 best products, the user will only have to browse through 50 reviews, in case (s)he
is not confident in the system classification; when the user is confident, (s)he has to read
The list of features for a 4 Megapixel camera is: (price, warranty, size, design, ap-
pearance, weight, quality, lens, viewfinder, optical zoom, digital zoom, focus, image
resolution, video resolution, memory, flash, battery, battery life, LCD size, LCD reso-
lution, accessories)
The vector associated to the “perfect” 4 Megapixel camera will have as indices the
features in the abovelist and all corresponding values 1: v perf(price)=1;v perf(warranty)
=1 and so on, in the order given by the list of features. After applying the customer re-
view summarization system on other 4 Megapixel cameras, we obtain among others the
vectors v1 and v2, correspondingto Camera1 4MP and Camera2 4MP. The values of v1
are: (0.7,0.5,0.6,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.5, 0.5,0.7,0.8,0.7,0.8, 0.4,0.3,0.3,0.7,0.6,0.3,0.8,0.4,0.4)
The values of v2 are: (0.8,1, 0.7,0.2,0.2,0.5, 0.4,0.4,0.8,0.8,0.8,0.8,0.7,0.7,0.3,0.8,0.6,
0.7,0.5,0.3,0.6) Calculating the cosine similarity between v1 and v perf and v2 and
v perf, respectively, we obtain 0.945 and 0.937. Therefore, we conclude that Cam-
era1 4MP is better than Camera2 4MP, because it is more similar to the “perfect” 4
Megapixel camera model.
9 Evaluation and Discussion
We performed a thorough evaluation the system for customer review summarization
and an informal evaluation of the recommender. For the first, we annotated a cor-
pus of 50 customer reviews for each language, collected from the sites containing the
“pros and cons”- style reviews: “”, “”, “”,
“” and “”. The corpus was annotated at the level of feature at-
tributes, by the following scheme: <attribute>[name of attribute] <feature>[feature it de-
termines]</feature><value>[positive / negative]</value></attribute>.
It is difficult to evaluate the performance of such a system, since we must take into
consideration both the accuracy in extracting the features that reviews comment on, as
well as the correct assignation of identified feature attributes to the positive or nega-
tive category. Therefore, we introduced three formulas for computing the system per-
formance: Accuracy (Eq 1), Feature Identification Precision (FIP) (Eq. 2) and Feature
Identification Recall (FIR) (Eq. 3).
A =
#pos id features(i)
#pos f eatures(i)
#neg id f eatures(i)
#neg f eatures(i)
7 sam/stringmetrics.html#cosine
F IP =
#(correctly identif ied features identif ied f eatures)
#identif ied f eatures
F IR =
#(identif ied features correctly identif ied f eatures)
#correctly identif ied f eatures
The results obtained are summarized in Table 1. We show the scores for each of the
two languages considered separately and the combined score when using both systems
for assigning polarity to feature attributes of a product. In the last column, we present
a baseline, calculated as average of using the same formulas, but taking into considera-
tion, for each feature, only the feature attributes we considered as training examples for
our method. We can notice how the use of NGD helped the system acquire significant
new knowledge about the polarity of feature attributes.
Table 1. System results.
English Spanish Combined Baseline English Baseline Spanish
A 0.82 0.80 0.81 0.21 0.19
FIP 0.80 0.78 0.79 0.20 0.20
FIR 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.40 0.40
In respect to the tools and resources we used for the system, the ones performing
sentence chunking and parsing are vital to applying the method described and they
cannot be removed from the system. As far as the anaphora resolution component is
concerned, in the considered English corpus, an average of 61.3 of the sentences con-
tained a reference to the product in question or its features. In the case of the Spanish
corpus, the average was 42.1. Among these, the error rate of anaphora resolution for
JavaRAP was 38 percent. It was however interesting to notice the fact that in the case
of wrong classification, the output was not negatively influenced in 20.4 percent of the
cases, when the resolution was done to a term identifying the name of another product,
since by unification the product name was replaced with the product category name. In
the case of anaphora resolution for Spanish, the error rate was 21 percent. An interesting
observation we must make, however, that the use of these natural language processing
tools is highly dependent both on the length of the reviews, as well as the collecting site,
since the use of rather informal styles of writing results in low success rates in anaphora
Regarding the evaluation of the recommender system, we asked 10 persons to rank
the 5 recommendations they were given by the system. All found the product they were
interested to buy within the 5 suggested alternatives.
10 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we presented a method to extract, for a given product, the features and
feature attributes that could be commented upon in a customer review. Moreover, we
presented a method to extract and assign polarity to feature attributes according to “pros
and cons”-style reviews. We showed the manner in which a system that statistically
summarizes the polarity of feature attributes in review texts in English and Spanish can
be built and finally the method to compute similarity between the product considered as
“perfect” and products of the same category that are available for purchase. The main
advantage obtained by using this method is that one is able to extract and correctly clas-
sify the polarity of feature attributes, in a product and community dependent manner.
Not lastly, we employ a measure of word similarity that is in itself based on the “word-
of-mouth” on the web. SVM learning and clasification is dependent on the NGD scores
obtained with a set of anchors and terms that are previously established depending on
the classification of the same users as those whose reviews are used to classify products.
Future work includes a finer-grained classification depending on smaller communities
and a more thorough evaluation of the differences in using a general classification sys-
tem as opposed to a community dependent one. Related to the technical side of the
implementation, future work includes the use of alternative natural language process-
ing tools, whose improved performance could also help achieve better results in the
feature-driven opinion summarization system.
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