Robust Pattern Recognition with Nonlinear Filters
Saúl Martínez-Díaz and Vitaly Kober
Department of Computer Science, Division of Applied Physics, CICESE
Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, B.C. 22860, México
Abstract. Nonlinear composite filters for robust and illumination-invariant pat-
tern recognition are proposed. The filters are based on logical and rank order
operations. The performance of the proposed filters is compared with that of
various linear composite filters in terms of discrimination capability. Computer
simulation results are provided to illustrate the robustness of the proposed fil-
ters when a target is embedded into cluttered background with unknown illumi-
nation and corrupted by additive and impulsive noise.
1 Introduction
Correlation-based filters have been an area of extensive research over past decades
[1-4]. A usual way to design filters is by optimizing some performance criteria. Vari-
ous performance measures for correlation filters have been proposed and summarized
[1]. For example, the classical matched spatial filter (MSF) [2] is optimal if an input
image is corrupted by additive Gaussian noise. However, many real images are cor-
rupted by non-Gaussian noise. Besides, the MSF is not able to discriminate effec-
tively an object of one class and that belonging to other classes. Composite filters
based on synthetic discriminant functions (SDF) [3] can be used for multiclass pattern
recognition. SDF filters utilize a set of training images to synthesize a template that
yields prespecified correlation outputs in response to training images. A drawback of
SDF filters is appearance of false peaks on the correlation plane. A partial solution of
this problem is to control the whole correlation plane by minimizing the average
correlation energy (MACE) [4]. MACE filters suppress sidelobes while produce
sharp correlation peaks at the target location. However, the filters are not tolerant to
input noise.
Traditionally correlation-based filters use a linear correlation operation. Minimiza-
tion of the mean absolute error (MAE) leads to a nonlinear correlation, which is com-
puted as a sum of minima. The MAE criterion is often used to solve optimization
problems in rank-order image filtering. This criterion is more robust when the noise
has even slight deviations from the Gaussian distribution, and produces a sharper
peak at the origin.
Recently, local adaptive correlations based on rank order opera-
tions were proposed to improve recognition in scenes with non-Gaussian noise [6,7].
However, their performance is poor in scenes with highly illuminated background.
In this paper we propose illumination-invariant nonlinear composite filters derived
from the MAE criterion. With the help of computer simulations the performance of