Semantic Navigation of News
Walter Kasper, J
org Steffen and Yajing Zhang
DFKI GmbH, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Abstract. We present a system for browsing a news repository that is based on
semantic similarity of documents. News documents get automatically annotated
semantically using information extraction. Annotations are displayed to a user
who can easily retrieve crosslingual semantically related documents by selecting
interesting content items.
1 Introduction
In the MESH project ( news from online sources get analyzed
for automatic annotation of their content with respect to domain specific information
about major reported events. News in English, German and Spanish from Deutsche
Welle ( and BBC ( are used. The service
enables professional users to search not only for news stories about specific events
but also to get a comprehensive overview of the information available from different
sources and supports intelligent navigation within related information and news about
the same and similar events. The most basic information about such events that gets
extracted is their time and location as well as involved persons and organizations.
The SENA system described here is based on a scenario like this: a professional user
is searching a news archive or repository for information about some event. He already
found some relevant document. Now he is interested to know whether there are other
documents about the same event or similar events in the same region, etc. This is where
SENA can help: when the user is viewing a document SENA also presents an overview
of relevant content items of some semantic categories that the user might be interested
in to find more information about. By selecting interesting content items the user can
retrieve documents related and similar to the document he is viewing with respect to
the selected items. As SENA is based on semantic annotations to the news documents
and not just textual search, SENA supports crosslingual retrieval of documents in a
straightforward manner for multilingual news repositories.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the
system environment and major components. SENAs concept of semantic similarity is
discussed in section 3. Then the SENA user interface will be presented in section 4.
Section 5 discusses related attempts to news annotation and navigation. Finally, we will
give an outlook towards further development of SENA.
This work was supported by the European Commission, under contract number FP6-027685
Kasper W., Steffen J. and Zhang Y. (2008).
Semantic Navigation of News.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 42-51
DOI: 10.5220/0001735700420051
Fig. 1. SENA architecture.
Fig. 2. Domain ontology.
2 System Environment
Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the SENA system. Basically it consists of
three layers: the acquisition layer where new documents get analyzed, the storage layer
for storing the annotations and the retrieval layer that interacts with the user interface
to retrieve documents from storage. The main components will be described in the next
2.1 Knowledge Representation
Annotations about news documents are defined by OWL ontologies, the most important
being a domain ontology derived from the IPTC subject code classification
and an
ontology of news metadata that was derived from NewsML
. For multimedia documents
a multimedia ontology based on the MPEG-7 standard is used.
Annotations are stored
as instances of these ontologies in an RDF repository, linked to the document identifier
or URL they belong to. Figure 2 shows parts of the domain ontology. The top-level
class is mesh event. Additionally, general properties of that class and some properties
specific for the earthquake subclass are shown.
The ontologies provide the conceptual core of the RDF knowledge base and the
basis for reasoning processes. In addition a repository of external knowledge is used to
support semantic reasoning. At present, this external repository mainly contains infor-
mation about locations, especially containment relations among them. Its current size
We use the SmartWeb multimedia ontology: en.html
is about 1.2 million RDF triples. In SENA this allows to retrieve documents concern-
ing e.g. Bavaria even if the document only mentions some place that is located in that
2.2 Information Extraction
The core annotation and information extraction engine is provided by the SProUT plat-
form ([1, 2]). SProUT combines finite state techniques with unification of typed fea-
ture structures (TFS). TFS provides a powerful device for representing and propagating
information. Rules are expressed by regular expressions over input TFSs that get in-
stantiated by the analysis. The uniform use of TFSs for input and output also allows
for cascaded application of rule systems. For the MESH application the rule system is
organized as
a set of core named entity recognition (NER) grammars for date and time expres-
sions, locations, persons and organizations
domain specific annotation and extraction grammars based on the domain ontolo-
an upper level merging component that merges partial annotations and information
into larger chunks, usually at paragraph level. It uses unifiability as main compati-
bility test.
TFSs support well information extraction (IE) by allowing to model OWL domain
ontologies: basically, the OWL classes become types, the properties are treated as fea-
As a result the domain ontology is represented in TFS by complex types that
provide templates that need to be filled by IE. This approach also makes it easy to map
the results of IE to instances of the domain ontology for further semantic processing
and storage in the RDF repository.
So, IE in SENA goes beyond semantic tagging of phrases to detect co-occurrence of
entities but attaches the information to event types. The analysis would not just detect
that an earthquake event and that a location like Iran is mentioned but if possible would
link the location to the event by a hasLocation property.
The result of IE is an RDF representation such as this for earthquake in Iran:
mesh:id1 rdf:type mesh:earthquake ;
mesh:hasLocation mesh:id2 .
mesh:id2 rdf:type mesh:country ;
mesh:name "Iran" .
On average, IE generates about 300 (raw) RDF statements as annotations for a docu-
A similar idea is underlying the approach of [3].
Actually UUIDs are used as unique instance identifiers.
2.3 Temporal Anchoring of Events
Often news texts talk not only about one major event but refer to other events and
circumstances as well. Important clues to distinguish what belongs to the main topic
of a news article and what is subsidiary information is given by temporal information.
However, this information may not be given explicitly by some date or time expression
but by relative references such as the week before. In order to distinguish and relate
event information from different news sources, a Time Anchoring Component (TAC)
was developed to resolve temporal expressions and anchor events to some date or time.
The MESH ontology uses OWLTime ([4, 5]) which provides classes for representing
temporal instants, intervals and duration. The core date-time representation is the class
The use of OWLTime presupposes to some extent that dates or times are completely
specified. But it poses some problems for the representation of partial and underspec-
ified temporal expressions as used in natural language text. The TAC component de-
scribed here bridges the gap between temporal natural language expressions and OWL-
Time representations.
We distinguish two types of temporal expressions:
Explicit expressions refer to a specific point of time or period of time. It can be
unambiguously identified in a calendar, for instance, June 6th, 2006.
Relative expressions refer to a point of time or period of time that can only be unam-
biguously identified with the help of a reference time given by context. Examples
include yesterday, two hours later, in summer, etc.
Different from the division made by [6], we do not distinguish deictic and relative ex-
pressions, since both of them require a contextually given reference time to anchor the
expression correctly. The difference is only in the type of context.
The result temporal representation consists of a structure with features
ordered by
their granularity: [second < minute < hour < pofd < dofw < day < weeknumber <
pofm < month < pofy < year]. Among all these features, the feature year is obligatory
which means each result at least must specify a value for year.
TAC includes a complete calendar model for date and time calculations as well as a
temporal interval reasoner (cf. section 2.4 below) for handling time spans.
TAC’s input consists of the RDF model from the IE system. The relevant temporal
representations are extracted by SPARQL queries ([7]) on the model. The reference
time is context-dependent. For news items it is often the publication or creation time.
But the reference time is a dynamic concept: when another explicit time is mentioned
in the text, it can become the new reference time for subsequent sentences in the same
TAC also decides about the granularity level at which completion is necessary. The
result inherits the granularity of the original incomplete expression. For instance, let
the reference date be October 24, 1997 (Friday). In example (1) the granularity of the
original expression is dofw and is anchored to Wednesday, October 15, 1997 while
example (2) has the granularity of minute and will be anchored to October 24, 1997,
pofd: part-of-day, dofw: day-of-week, pofm: part-of-month, pofy: part-of-year
(1) The president flew to Berlin on last Wednesday.
(2) The earthquake happened at 04:20 this morning.
2.4 Reasoning
The knowledge base (KB) is embedded into a reasoning component (RC). All access
to the KB has to go through the RC to prevent getting out of sync with the KB if that
were directly modified behind RC’s back. When the KB gets updated by analysis, the
RC can apply forward chaining reasoning to add immediately some standard types of
SENA uses the Jena framework for RDF handling and storage
. Jena also provides
a generic rule reasoner. In addition to pure rule reasoning, the Jena reasoner provides
an extensible set of operators, e.g. for arithmetic operations. In SENA the base set of
built-ins was extended to provide the core operators specified by the Semantic Web Rule
Language (SWRL) standard.
The RC consists of several reasoner modules: besides a generic OWL reasoner es-
pecially for inheritance and instance classification there are special purpose reasoners
extending the Jena reasoner. These provide additional functionality that is difficult, in-
efficient or impossible to achieve by pure monotonic, open-world deductive reasoning.
One example of such reasoning is TAC that was developed as it would be hard to deal
with the necessary contextual and numeric calendar calculations in a strictly deductive
One set of reasoners is applied when the KB gets updated by new analysis data.
Specific reasoners provide the following functionalities:
Validation: the RDF model from analysis is validated against the SENA ontolo-
gies for correctness. Also, the RDF model is purged with respect to intermediate
analysis data, not part of the system ontologies.
Identity reasoner: the RDF data from IE typically contains distinct instances for
distinct occurrences of some entity. The identity reasoner checks whether entities
from this set of fresh instances can be identified with each other and with enti-
ties already contained in the knowledge base. Basically, the reasoner derives a set
of identity statements as owl:same-as statements, then merges all the information
about the identical entities and links it to a base representative instance. It uses a
mix of rule reasoning and heuristic reasoning, such as that person names might
refer to the same person if their last name and the initials of their first names are
equal. Typically, the identity reasoner reduces the annotation set by about 30-40%
as persons, location etc. often can be identified with already known instances.
If there are several possible instances some entity might be identified with, disam-
biguation is necessary. E.g., our KB knows about eleven places named Paris, most
of them being in USA. For disambiguation, the reasoner then checks other locations
in the model whether they can be related to common location “containers”.
The extensibility and adaptability of the Jena reasoning engine was the main reason for not
using an OWL DL reasoner such as Pellet ([8]) as basis.
A second set of reasoners is mainly responsible for reasoning services at retrieval
time. It helps to infer implicit information in response to queries to the KB. These
reasoners are monotonic based on standard first-order logic implementing the OWL
semantics. This set includes a temporal reasoner, based on an efficient implementation
of Allen’s interval logics ([9, 10]) as well as a location reasoner for reasoning on the
location database.
3 Semantic Similarity of Documents
The most important information pieces for a document are contained in the KB as in-
stances of the mesh event class and its subclasses. The properties of an event specify its
location, time and duration, etc. Given an unique document id (like its URL) a SPARQL
query ([7]) is used to get all event instances for that document from the KB.
Each event instance can be interpreted as the root of a directed graph, with the
properties as edges, instances and literals as nodes. We group all event instances of
a document under a single artificial root node to get a single graph representing the
events described in the document. We use these document graphs as a base for defining
a similarity measure for documents. Numerous similarity measures for graphs exist.
We use a similarity measure based on the maximal common subgraph of two graphs
(e.g. [11]). This similarity measure has also the advantage that it is a metric. So for two
documents D
and D
represented by the two document graphs G
and G
, we define
the maximum common subgraph similarity (mcs) as:
, D
) =
, G
|, |G
This results in a mcs document similarity measure in an interval [0,1], 1 if G
and G
are isomorphic and 0 if G
and G
are completely distinct.
Our implementation of mcs document similarity is based on the SimPack Java li-
brary ([12]). The SimPack accessor for Jena ontologies was extended to use instances of
classes instead of just classes as we are interested in instance similarity, not in ontology
Besides the event annotations SENA creates additional annotations for information
that cannot be related directly to the main events mentioned in the documents but can
be of interest nevertheless such as persons or organizations mentioned. As we want to
use all annotations to compare two documents, we define a second similarity measure
that only considers these “unbound” instances.
We use a vector space model where
the extracted instances are arranged in a vector where each instance corresponds to a
dimension ([13]). The normalized frequency count of an instance c represents its weight
in the vector:
weight(c) =
ty pe(c)
These instances, of course, have also properties with literals as values and could also be treated
as graphs, but the identity reasoner described in section 2.4 makes sure that different occur-
rences of the same person, organization and location are represented by a single unique in-
stance in the knowledge base. This is why we consider these instances as single nodes.
where N
ty pe(c)
is the total number of occurrences of instances of that type.
The weight of instances from the headline of a document is boosted to accommodate
the fact that the headline often holds the most important concepts of the document. Such
instances are treated as if they appeared 5 times as often in the document. A similar
mechanism is used for re-ranking user selected concepts on retrieval (cf. section 4).
For vector space modeling also a number of similarity measures exist. We use the
cosine similarity. This measure quantifies the similarity between the two vectors as the
cosine of the angle between the two vectors. The similarity of two documents D
with the document vectors
is then defined as:
, D
) =
The resulting measure is also a value in the interval [0, 1].
Both similarity measures are combined to get a total similarity value for documents.
For each similarity measure sim
of a set of measures we define a weight w
to control
its influence on the total similarity value. The total similarity value is normalized to the
interval [0,1]:
, D
) =
× sim
, D
In the current setup we use equal weights for w
and w
In a similar way, additional similarity measure could get integrated into this frame-
work, e.g. text based document similarity measures such as TFIDF.
4 Navigating Documents
SENA is realized as a web-service. So only a browser is needed to access and use
the system. Figure 3 shows the main window of SENAs user interface, the Document
Selection tab. A second tab (New Document) allows users to add new documents to
the repository by entering their URL. The new document is analyzed immediately and
added persistently to the repository including the extracted annotations. In the Docu-
ment Selection view the new documents are immediately available on a par with the old
The Document Selection view is made up of three major areas:
the list of selected documents, the Selection
the Document area displaying the actual document.
the Navigator area to the right.
The selection list displays the selected documents with their title. The similarity or
relevance of the documents with respect to a start document the user had been viewing
before creating the selection is indicated by a numerical value. This start document
obviously always is the “most similar” selected document with a similarity value of
1. A second column shows the date, usually the publication or creation date of the
document. The ordering of documents can be changed by clicking on the Relevance
Fig. 3. SENA user interface for navigation.
or Date header to sort according to that dimension. Sorting by date corresponds to a
timeline view. The language buttons allow the user to exclude or include documents in
that language.
Clicking into the document list displays the corresponding document in the Doc-
ument area. For web documents, only the URL with the document’s annotations are
stored in the repository, not the document itself. So the document is retrieved directly
by its URL from the web when requested. The selected document becomes the start
document for further navigation.
The Navigator on the right side of the screen provides the main navigation de-
vice of SENA. Parts of the semantic annotations of the displayed document are shown
there, according to semantic categories such as event type, locations, persons and dates
mentioned. The date list contains not just the dates explicitly mentioned but also those
indirectly referenced that have been resolved by TAC. Each item is accompanied by
a relevance measure, based on the frequency, and a checkbox. The checkboxes allow
the user to select a combination of interesting items that he would like to get further
information about. Additionally, a time range for interesting documents and events can
be specified, e.g. by using the date list that is indicative of related events. The GetDocs
button then retrieves the documents according to his selection, computes their similar-
ity to the viewed document (the start document) with respect to the selected items. The
results of the retrieval then are displayed in the Selection area. From there the user can
select other documents. This way the user easily can navigate within a large set of doc-
uments by going from one document to the next along a path defined by his selected
concepts and the document similarity. Logically, the user selection corresponds to a
Boolean AND query for the set of documents satisfying all the constraints.
In this first version of SENA, the content items are displayed as flat lists, giving
an incomplete view on the extracted information, as it does not exhibit the semantic
relations between the entities. E.g. that the earthquake event actually had been in Bam
(and not in Malta, also mentioned in the text) is not obvious from that flat representation.
Better ways of representing the semantic information, maintaining the simplicity of use,
are under investigation.
5 Related Work
A large number of news services exist on the web that allow searching news archives.
Not only newspapers, journals or TV stations operate web portals for searching their
content, but there are also numerous cross-site news aggregators, e.g. from Google or
Yahoo. Usually they are based on some text indexing, classification or clustering tech-
niques that define textual document similarity measures though these usually are fixed
and not dependent on users’ choices. But there are also attempts to employ more seman-
tic based techniques. Most of the approaches appear to use more shallow term based se-
mantic tagging techniques, such as annotating documents with WordNet senses ([14]),
e.g. [15]. Recent examples of approaches employing semantic web ontologies and be-
ing more similar to what we are investigating in SENA are the NEWS project ([16]) and
especially the CALAIS project by Reuters ([17]) that provides a web based automatic
annotation service for news that can be integrated into applications. But, besides also
providing NER, their ontology framework seems to be more shallow than that of SENA,
resembling more classification schemes rather than defining complex domain specific
semantic objects that get instantiated by information extraction. In that, SENAs ap-
proach is close to the research done in the field of Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT;
Interesting navigation functionality beyond search is provided by the Europe Media
Monitor with its NewsExplorer ([19, 20]). But technically it seems to be closer to stan-
dard text based news services rather than using a semantic web ontology framework.
Similar to SENA it offers special navigation for some classes of named entities but does
not allow selection of multiple items.
6 Conclusions and Outlook
We presented a system that provides users with easy to use navigation clues for re-
trieving related documents based on his choice of points of interest. In contrast to most
other news services SENAs retrieval is based on semantic similarity with respect to
domain specific ontologies that get instantiated by information extraction technologies
and supports also crosslingual retrieval in a straightforward manner. First feedback from
user evaluations with news professionals in the MESH project indicates high interest in
navigation aids as provided by SENA.
SENA is at an early stage of development. For the future, improvements to the user
interface such as better visualization including the relations between entities from the
underlying RDF graph are planned. Also, additional similarity measures such as text
based measures that also support textual search will be included. An evaluation of the
similarity measures and retrieval quality is another point on the agenda.
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