An Integrated System for Accessing the Digital Library
of the Parliament of Andalusia: Segmentation,
Annotation and Retrieval of Transcriptions and Videos
Luis M. de Campos, Juan M. Fern
andez-Luna, Juan F. Huete and Carlos J.
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on e Inteligencia Artificial, E.T.S.I.
atica y de Telecomunicaci
on, Universidad de Granada, C.P. 18071, Granada, Spain
Abstract. In this paper, an integrated system for searching the official documents
published by the Parliament of Andalusia is presented. It uses the internal struc-
ture of these documents in order to offer not only complete documents but parts
of them given a query. Additionally, as the sessions of the Parliament are recorded
in video, jointly to the text, the system could return the associated pieces of video
to the retrieved elements. To be able to offer this service, several tools must be de-
veloped: PDF converters, video segmentation and annotation tools and a search
engine, all of them with their corresponding graphic interfaces for interacting
with the user. This paper describes the elements which comprises it.
1 Introduction
The Parliament of Andalusia was established in 1982. From that moment, this insti-
tution generates a group of electronic documents in PDF format called session diaries
and the official gazettes, published in the site. More-
over, the sessions are recorded in video, so additionally to the transcriptions, the digital
library of the Parliament is complemented with the videos.
In the session diaries, and therefore, in the videos, we can find all the participa-
tions of the members of parliament, and also all the agreements achieved in the plenary
sessions of the Permanent and Commission Delegation passing laws or celebrating in-
formative sessions with members of the regional Government.
If we take into account that each session celebrated in the parliament presents a very
well defined structure, as well as the fact that each document contains an exact replica
of its corresponding session, the content of each PDF is organized according to a strict
and rich structure that may be useful in terms of retrieval.
In the field of Information Retrieval (IR) [1], when the retrieval mechanism is able
to use the structured information contained in the documents, we are dealing with so-
called structured IR [2]. Then, the internal organization of the documents is used to give
back the user, instead of a whole relevant document, only those parts of them which are
relevant. This means an important saving of user time.
Thanks to the internal organization of the text from session diaries and the official
gazettes, the legislative collection of the Parliament of Andalusia could be studied from
M. de Campos L., M. Fernández-Luna J., F. Huete J. and J. Martíın-Dancausa C. (2008).
An Integrated System for Accessing the Digital Library of the Parliament of Andalusia: Segmentation, Annotation and Retrieval of Transcriptions and
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 38-47
a structured IR perspective. But also the videos, or the pieces of them associated to
the document units could also be delivered to the user, so she/he could read the text or
watch the video. This would be an added value for a search engine accessing this digital
library. In this paper, we briefly present the model in which this search engine is based
on, as well as the user interfaces of the search application.
But the infrastructure needed to reach this objective is quite complex, as text and
video must be processed properly. First of all, the collection of PDF documents must
be converted into XML, so the internal structure could be used by a search engine. A
second stage is the processing of the videos, because a link must be established between
a document, and its parts, and the video.of the same session. Then there is a task of
synchronizing the text contained in the session diary and the corresponding video. The
video is partitioned in segments of similar content, detecting the boundaries. When there
is a change of camera, a new segment is created. Finally, these segments are associated
with the textual transcription of the speeches. For these purposes, a segmetation and
annotation tools have been developed.
Most of the existing segmentation algorithms found in the specific literature are
designed for general videos [8]. This means that they are complex algorithms prepared
to detect the boundaries of the segment in all conditions. But in our context, a simple
algorithm based on histogram comparison could work very well, as the case is. In this
paper we briefly outline the algorithm itself, how it has been improved, as well as the
main features of the segmentation and annotation tools.
Therefore, in this paper we describe an integrated system for searching the docu-
ments composing the digital library of the Parliament of Andalusia, composed of the
PDF to XML converter, the video segmentation and annotation tools, and the search
engine, as well as the way in which the user interacts with them. With this aim in mind,
this paper is articulated as follows: the next section will introduce the general archi-
tecture of the integrated system. Section 3 explains the converter of PDF documents to
XML. The segmentation algorithm as well as the annotation tool are described in Sec-
tion 4. The search engine, and the model in which is based on are discussed in Section
5. Next, this paper outlines the search interface (Section 6), and the ends with some
conclusions and future research lines (Section 7).
2 General Overview of the System Architecture
In order to offer a general overview of the elements that comprise the system, its general
architecture is presented. Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the system.
The Parliament publishes the official documents in PDF format. This is not the
most appropriate format for structured retrieval. Then the first step is to transform each
PDF file in a XML file, where the internal organization of these types of documents is
captured and represented by means of XML tags, so all the content of the documents
is structured. This format will allow the search engine to access the most appropriate
units of textual information given a query.
With respect to the videos of the sessions, as the main objective is to give the user
the possibility of accessing not only the most appropriate unit of text but also the piece
of video associated to that text, all the units of the XML documents must be synchro-
nized with their corresponding portions of videos. To achieve this, a previous step is
the division of the videos in segments. In the case of this regional chamber, as there are
only four cameras recording the sessions, the realization of the recordings is really sim-
ple, so the segments will coincide with the changes of cameras. A segmentation module
will be in charge of this task, giving as a result the segments and their keyframes (the
automatically obtained segmentation could be edited manually). The next step is the
synchronization of text and video. By means of an annotation tool, an expert user will
proceed to visually associate each segment with the corresponding XML tag containing
the transcription of the audio of the video segment. The output of this process is the
XML of a session with time tags, indicating where the beginning and the end of the
corresponding speech is located in the video.
In order to assure a fast downloading time and a direct access to the segements
of the videos, we use the Flash format for them. Therefore, we have to apply another
converter to transform the videos from their original AVI format into Flash format. This
converter also adds time tags in the videos.
The search engine, which lies on Garnata [4], an Information Retrieval System for
structured documents based on Bayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams [7], is in
charge of retriving the relevant parts of the documents given a query. This piece of
software has got a Web interface to interact with the user
. She/he formulates a query
using a form, where the needed information could be described. The search engine
takes this query and compute the relevance of all the elements contained in the XML
collection. Finally, Garnata shows all the structural units in the Web page, sorted by
decreasing value of relevance degrees. For each result, the text of the retrieved element,
a link to the PDF document, a link to the XML file and if it has an associated video, a
link to reproduce the corresponding portion of video are shown.
3 The PDF to XML Converter
In order to be able to perform structured retrieval, we have to convert the digital library
of the Parliament in PDF format into XML. With this conversion, we are transforming
the text contained in the PDF files, extracting the contents and placing them in the
corresponding parts of the well defined structure of these official documents.
The conversion process has the following steps: Firstly, we transform the PDF doc-
uments into text files using an external tool called pdftotext. Afterthat the converter,
developed in Java, takes the text of these files and uses a lexical analyzer and a syn-
tax analyzer to process the text, extracting the tokens and generating the grammar to
detect these tokens. Finally, to create the XML files, we use the DOM API, based on
the building of a tree in memory whose nodes are XML tags. Therefore when a token
is detected a new node or a group of nodes are created in the DOM tree, generating
all the hierarchical structure of the XML format. Finally, the tree is converted into the
corresponding XML file and it is validated.
elements. If we denote H the vector, and H(i) the number of occurrences of the grey
level i in the image, then, in order to determine if there has been a change between
two shots S1 and S2, with histograms H1 and H2, respectively, we could compute the
difference of both vectors: (H1 H2)[i] =| H1[i] H2[i] |. Computing the difference
for each grey level, and summing up all of them, we have a scalar value of the difference
between both. If this value is greater than a certain threshold, then there is a change in
the shots.
This is a really simple algorithm as a set of shots are considered included in the
same segment if the difference between their histograms is low. But experimenting
with the videos of parliamentary sessions, we realised that sometimes differences of
histograms between shots are high even when there are no camera changes. Therefore,
mistakes might be made. A solution is the application of a convolution filter, which
makes that each element of the vector is the sum of those closest elements: H1[i] =
0.1 H1[i 2] + 0.2 H1[i 1] + 0.4 H1[i] + 0.2 H1[i + 1] + 0.1 H1[i + 2]
. An important decision that will clearly have a great influence in the performance of
the segmentation is the selection of the threshold value. It will depend on the resolution
of the video, as in shots with a higher resolution the difference of their histograms will
be proportionally larger. Moreover, images with a higher number of colours will also
present a higher difference among shots, so we will have to consider the number of
tones contained in the images. Therefore, the threshold used in our algorithm is defined
as: T = (W idth Height No. of colours)/K, where K is a parameter decisive to get
an optimal segmentation.
For the type of considered videos, the value of the K parameter has been obtained
empirically studying several of them. The process which has led us to get it has been
the following: first of all, we have obtained the difference for each pair of contiguous
shots in each video; secondly, we have localized manually the cuts (changes of scene)
that the segmentation algorithm should detect; and finally, once we have studied the
values of differences in the shots in which there is a cut, we have selected a value for K
such as the threshold value is sufficiently low to detect all the real cuts, and sufficiently
high to not detect cuts which does not exists. With a threshold of 16, 000 all the cuts are
detected, and nothing except real cuts will be detected in the videos of the Parliament.
This basic segmentation algorithm works properly, but not efficiently. As the videos
from the sessions of the Parliament of Andalusia are very long (about 5 hours), it is
required to improve the segmentation speed, but without worsening the effectiveness.
The first attempt is to reduce the number of shots to be considered. Instead of analysing
each pair of them, we will discard s shots between each studied pair. The next step will
be to refine the segmentation to locate exactly where the cut is produced. This process is
much faster than comparing each single pair of shots and also offers the optimal result.
A second optimization is related to the size of the image. If the difference of his-
tograms with the full image is enough to differentiate shots, we could suppose that the
histogram of only a portion of the image could offer enough information to perform this
action. Then the reduction would improve the efficiency of the process, as the number of
computations is lower. In the case of the videos of the Parliament of Andalusia, where
the location of the cameras is known, we could know the part of the image that will
suffer less interferences of movements. Then, if we divide the image in four quadrants,
the most appropriate section will be the lower left quadrant, using the pixels of this area
to compute the histogram.
Once the automatic segmentation of a video has finished, the software offers the
possibility of editing the segmentation manually. The output of this process is a set of
segments, represented by a keyframe. The user may need to adjust the segmentation to
prepare the posterior process of annotation, in order to be more accurate. Therefore, the
user is allowed to edit the segments, combining them if they are contiguous, or dividing
segments in two. In the application, all the segments found by the algorithm are shown
in a window (Figure 2). More specifically, the keyframe of each segment. If we click
in one of them, then all the shots contained in it are shown in a separate window. By
means of submenus activated by the left button of the mouse, the user could edit the
segments. There is also implemented a viewer that allows to play any segment.
When the posterior manual edition is over, the user is ready to carry out the anno-
tation stage. The input of this process will be the sets of segments found in the video
corresponding to a parliamentary session and the transcription of the speeches given in
the chamber for that video. This transcription is represented by means of an XML doc-
ument, which contains the structure of the session, as well as the text itself. The output
will be the XML document containing the transcription synchronized with the video by
means of time tags in the elements of the document. The segment of the video related
to a specific text could be easily accessed. The annotation tool will consist of the man-
ual association of segments with the corresponding elements in the XML document, so
each tag will have a link to its corresponding part of the video.
Fig. 2. User interface for the segmentation tool.
Fig. 3. User interface for the annotation tool.
Figure 3 shows the user interface of the annotation tool. It is composed of four win-
dows. The left window shows the tree representation of an XML document containing
a session diary. If a leaf node is clicked, then the text contained in it is shown in the
central uppest window. The window below contains the segments found in the first part
of the process. Finally, a player is included in the right part of the interface, in order
to help the annotation. The annotation process is as follows: the user selects a segment
in the video, then find the node in the XML document containing the transcription of
the audio of that segment, and by means of a drag and drop action, associate the former
with the latter. These steps are repeated until all the segments have been assigned a node
of the document. Actually, with the association of a segment to an XML element of the
document, we introduce a pair of attributes to the corresponding tags, containing the
beginning and ending times of the segment. This information will be enough to access
the portion of the video in retrieval time. Once all the segments have been assigned leaf
nodes of the XML tree, and therefore, all the affected tags have been complemented
with temporal attributes linking the text with the video, it is necessary to propagate the
times to upper nodes until reaching the root node.
5 The Search Engine: Garnata
The search engine to retrieve the relevant material for the user is Garnata [4], an In-
formation Retrieval System, specially designed to work with structured documents
in XML. This system is based on the Context-based Influence Diagram model (CID
model) [3], which is supported by Influence Diagrams [5, 7]. These are probabilistic
graphical models specially designed for decision problems.
An Influence Diagram (ID) provides a simple notation for creating decision mod-
els by clarifying the qualitative issues of the factors which need to be considered and
how they are related, i.e. an intuitive representation of the model. It has also associated
an underlying quantitative representation in order to measure the strength of the rela-
tionships. More formally, an influence diagram is an acyclic directed graph containing
three types of nodes (decision, chance and utility) and two types of arcs (influence and
informative arcs). The goal of influence diagram modeling is to choose the alternative
decision that will lead to the highest expected gain (utility), i.e. the optimal policy. In
order to compute the solution, for each sequence of decisions, the utilities of its un-
certain consequences are weighted with the probabilities that these consequences will
With respect to the CID model, starting from a document collection containing a
set of documents, D, and the set of terms, T , used to index these documents, then we
assume that each document is organized hierarchically, representing structural asso-
ciations of its elements, which will be called structural units. Each structural unit is
composed of other smaller structural units, except some ‘terminal’ or ‘minimal’ units
which are indivisible, they do not contain any other unit, but they are composed of
terms. Conversely, each structural unit, except the one corresponding to the complete
document, is included in only one structural unit.
The chance nodes of the ID are the terms, T
, and the structural units, U
. They have
associated a binary random variable, whose values could be term/unit is not relevant or
is relevant, respectively.
Regarding the arcs, there is an arc from a given node (either term or structural unit)
to the particular structural unit node it belongs to, expressing the fact that the relevance
of a given structural unit to the user will depend on the relevance values of the different
elements (units or terms) that comprise it.
Decision nodes, R
, model the decision variables. There will be one node for each
structural unit. It represents the decision variable related to whether or not to return
the corresponding structural unit to the user, taking the values ‘retrieve the unit’ or ‘do
not retrieve the unit’. Finally, utility nodes, V
. We shall also consider one utility node
for each structural unit, and it will measure the value of utility of the corresponding
In addition to the arcs between chance nodes, we shall consider two different set of
arcs. In order to represent that the utility function of a decision node obviously depends
on the decision made and the relevance value of the structural unit considered, we use
arcs from each chance node U
and decision node R
to the utility node V
. Another
important set of arcs are those going from the unit where U
is contained to V
, which
represent that the utility of the decision about retrieving the unit U
also depends on the
relevance of the unit which contains it. Finally, for each node V
, the associated utility
functions must be defined. In Figure 4, an example of the topology of the CID model is
T1T1T1 T2
T3 T4 T5
T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11
R1 U1
U2 R2 R3
U3 U4 R4
V2 V3
Fig. 4. An example of the CID model.
To solve an influence diagram, the expected utility of each possible decision has
to be computed, thus making decisions which maximize the expected utility. In our
case, the situation of interest corresponds with the information provided by the user
when he/she formulates a query, Q, so we wish to compute the expected utility of each
decision given the query. In the context of a typical decision making problem, once the
expected utilities are computed, the decision with greatest utility is chosen: this would
mean to retrieve the structural unit U
if the expected utility of retrieving is greater than
the expected utility of not retrieving, and not to retrieve otherwise.
6 The Search Interface: Interacting with the User
The user interface of the search engine is based on a web page (
WebParlamento), where a user, who wants to get some information from the legislative
collection of the Parliament of Andalusia, is able to express her/his information needs
by means of a form (see Figure 5). The search parameters are the number of legislature,
the kind of document (session diaries or official gazettes), publishing dates, range of
documents, and finally, the query text. There is also the possibility of indicating how
the results are arranged: a) Only one result for document: The system will show only
one result per document. This single document part should correspond to the best entry
point for starting to read the relevant text in the document. b) All the results grouped
by document: The search engine will return, for each document, all its relevant units
sorted by their relevance degree. c) All the results: all the relevants units, without any
association, presented to the user in decreasing order of their relevance degree.
Fig. 5. User interface for searching.
Fig. 6. Results of a query.
Once, the search engine has computed the relevance degree of the structural units of
the collection, the results are presented in a second web page in groups of ten. For each
result, it is provided a brief portion of the text of the structural unit, a link to the corre-
sponding PDF document that contains this unit, a link to the XML document displayed
in HTML format. Moreover, if a unit has an associated video, then there will be a link
to this video, so the user will be able to watch the portion of the video corresponding
to this structural unit. In Figure 6, we show an example of this presentation of results
when it has been selected ’All the results grouped by document’ option.
7 Conclusions and Further Research
This paper has presented an integrated software to access, from a structured retrieval
perspective, the documents and videos generated by the Parliament of Andalusia, com-
posed of all the tools needed to process these type of media: PDF to XML converter,
video segmentation and annotation and search engine, as well as the graphical inter-
faces to interact with the user. We think the system has yielded good results until now
but it is still in an experimental stage.
With respect to future works, we are planning the substitution of the video segmen-
tation and annotation stages, by an automatic synchronization of audio and text. We are
also working on the improvement of the retrieval capacity of the CID model.
Work jointly supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci
on y Ciencia (TIN2005-
02516), Consejer
ıa de Innovaci
on, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andaluc
ıa (TIC-
276), and Spanish research programme Consolider Ingenio 2010: MIPRCV (CSD2007-
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