includes e.g. labour
costs, IT maintenance and small investments in hard- and soft-
ware. Large IT projects can hardly be implemented by regulated hospitals without
additional external financial support [3]. In accordance with a survey by McKinsey &
Company, a quarter of German hospitals won’t be able to hold out against cost pres-
sure and will have to close by the year 2020 [10]. For the affected hospitals it is nec-
essary to develop concepts and reforms to save costs and to work more efficiently. As
it has in the fields of logistics and trading, Auto-ID can become an important compo-
nent for the solution of operational planning and optimization of processes in health
care, with the resulting cost reductions [11]. Primarily, Auto-ID can be help to opti-
mize and support the business processes in the medical and non-medical areas of a
hospital [7]. Nurses and doctors will be freed from avoidable and time-consuming
activities - there will be more time for patients. For example nurses are wasting 30%
of their time by organising their workflow and 40% with administrative duties, so that
the time for patient care is reduced to 8 minutes per patient and day [10].
Currently, various technologies are coming into operation. Wireless Local Area Net-
work (WLAN) is already firmly established in German hospitals. Other systems are
still at the trial stage, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as a procedure
for automatic identification (Auto-ID).
2 Goals of this Study
The evaluation of Auto-ID shows a professional approach to structured, rational se-
lection and procurement of a system in accordance with the requirements of the
health care sector. Various Auto-ID procedures are evaluated on the basis of health
care requirements and their resulting use criteria. The requirements definition is based
on practical experiences of the author and personal interviews with Chief Technology
Officers (CTO) of six German hospitals with experience in the implementation of
Auto-ID in different business contexts. Their experiences have been very different.
Some implementations had the status of fundamental research in small, autonomous
environments and others are funded by Auto-ID producers so that a clear considera-
tion of costs and needs cannot be made. The focus of this work is a general list of
requirements and makes no claim to be complete. The list will need adaption to a
concrete business context in a hospital. The aim, after the evaluation process, is to
make a valid and objective statement regarding which procedures are appropriate for
application in the health care sector.
3 Scientific Approach and Automatic Identification (Auto-ID)
Technologies Analysed
The following approach to evaluation was executed [12]:
1. Defining requirements. A structured catalogue with wishes and demands on
the Auto-ID was created with the help of the operating and IT department of
the hospital. If necessary additional expert knowledge can help to channel