Optimization of Log-linear Machine Translation Model
Parameters Using SVMs
Jes´us Gonz´alez-Rubio
, Daniel Ortiz-Mart´ınez
and Francisco Casacuberta
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Inform´atica
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera S/N, Valencia, Spain
Departamento de Sistemas Inform´aticos y Computaci´on
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera S/N, Valencia, Spain
Abstract. The state-of-the art in statistical machine translation is based on a
log-linear combination of different models. In this approach, the coefficients of
the combination are computed by using the MERT algorithm with a validation
data set. This algorithm presents high computational costs. As an alternative, we
propose a novel technique based on Support Vector Machines to calculate these
coefcients using a loss function to be minimized. We report the experiments on
a Italian-English translation task showing encouraging results.
1 Introduction
Machine Translation (MT) is a research field of great importance in the European Com-
munity, where language plurality implies both a very important cultural richness and
not negligible obstacle towards building a unified Europe. Because of this, a growing
interest on MT has been shown both by politicians and research groups, which become
more and more specialised in this field. In addition, Statistical Machine Translation
(SMT) systems have proved in the last years to be an important alternative to rule-
based MT systems, even outperforming commercial MT systems in the tasks they have
been trained on. Moreover, the development effort behind a rule-based MT system and
an SMT system is dramatically different, the latter being able to adapt to new language
pairs with little or no human effort, whenever suitable corpora are available.
SMT is a pattern-recognition approach to MT. The grounds of modern SMT were
established in [1], where the problem of MT was defined as following: given a sentence
f from a certain source language, an adequate sentence ˆe that maximises the posterior
probability is to be found.
ˆe = argmax
P r(e)P r(f |e) . (1)
At the origins of SMT, only word-based translation models P r(f |e) and target lan-
guage models P r(e) were used, but since their introduction in SMT by Och and Ney
[2], log-linear models have been a standard way to combine sub-models in MT systems.
A log-linear model implies the following decision rule:
ˆe = argmax
(f, e)
, (2)
González-Rubio J., Ortiz-Martínez D. and Casacuberta F. (2008).
Optimization of Log-linear Machine Translation Model Parameters Using SVMs.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 48-56
where θ
are features of the hypothesis e and ω
are weights associated with those
Selecting appropriate weights ω
is essential in order to obtain good translation per-
formance.In [3] the Minimum Error Rate Training (MERT) was introduced. The MERT
technique allows to find the values of the weights that minimize a given error rate mea-
sure. This has become much more standard than optimizing the conditional probability
of the training data given the model (i.e., a maximum likelihood criterion), as was com-
mon previously. In [3] was also stated that system performance is best when parameters
are optimized using the same objective function that will be used for evaluation; BLEU
[4], which computes the precision of unigrams, bigrams, trigrams and 4-grams
respect to a reference translation, remains common for both purposes and is often re-
tained for parameter optimization even when alternative evaluation measures [5, 6] are
The MERT technique relies on data sets in which source language sentences are
paired with (sets of) reference translations. This technique applies an iterative and (lo-
cally) convergent strategy to find a set of weights which optimizes the BLEU score;
a n-best list of translations provided by the decoder is exploited for this purpose after
each translation step. At each iteration of the MERT procedure, the whole corpus is
translated, and this process continues until convergence is reached.
The main disadvantage of the MERT procedure consists in its high time complex-
ity. Such time complexity is due to the above mentioned iterative nature of the MERT
1.1 Support Vector Machines
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are a learning method introduced by Vapnik in [7]
and [8]. SVMs are a set of related supervised learning methods used for classification
and regression. They belong to a family of generalized linear classifiers. A special prop-
erty of SVMs is that they simultaneously minimize the empirical classification error and
maximize the geometric margin, hence they are also known as maximum margin clas-
SVMs are well-founded in terms of computational learning theory and very open to
theoretical understanding and analysis. In [9] a generalization of the multiclass SVM
learning [10,11] was introduced. Such a formulation involves features extracted jointly
from inputs and outputs. The naive approach of treating each structure as a separate
class is often unfeasible, since it leads to a multiclass problem with a very large number
of classes. This problem is overcome by specifying discriminant functions that exploit
the structure and dependencies within the outputs.
[9] is a SVM algorithm for predicting multivariate or structured out-
puts. It performs supervised learning by approximating a mapping
H : X Y , (3)
A n-grams is a sequence of n consecutive words.
http://svmlight.joachims.org/svm struct.html
using labeled training examples (x
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
). However, unlike regular SVMs
which consider only uni-variate predictions like in classification, SV M
can pre-
dict complex objects like trees, sequences, or sets. Examples of problems with complex
outputs are natural language parsing, sequence alignment in protein homology detec-
tion, and Markov models for part-of-speech tagging. The SV M
algorithm can
also be used for linear-time training of binary and multiclass SVMs under the linear
kernel [12].
The 1-slack cutting-plane algorithm implemented in SV M
V3.00 uses a new
but equivalent formulation of the structural SVM quadratic program which allows a
cutting-plane algorithm that has time complexity linear in the number of training exam-
ples. The n-slack algorithm of SV M
V2.50 is described in [13,9]. The SV M
implementation is based on the SV M
quadratic optimizer [14].
can be thought of as an API for implementing different kinds of com-
plex prediction algorithms, e.g. Multiclass classification [9], Label sequence learning
[9], Natural language parsing [9] and Protein Sequence Alignment [15].
1.2 Motivation
The aim of this work is to replace the slow iterative MERT procedure by a new non-
iterative algorithm based on the SV M
algorithm. The proposed algorithm is able
to perform the log-linear model parameter optimization with a linear time complexity.
2 Structured SVMs for Log-linear Model Parameter Optimization
This paper introduces a new proposal to perform the optimization of parameters of a
log-linear translation model using the SV M
A log-linear model implies the following decision rule:
ˆe = argmax
(f, e )
, (4)
where θ
are features of the hypothesis e and ω
are weights associated with those
features. The problem consists on selecting the appropriate vector of weights ω so an
objective function is optimized. SVMs are used to accomplish this optimization.
The vector ω has a crucial influence on the quality of the translations. In the follow-
ing, we aim to learn ω from a set T of training examples:
T = ((f
, e
), (f
, e
), . . . , (f
, e
)) , (5)
where (f
, e
) are sentence pairs.
This training set is assumed to be generated independently and identically dis-
tributed according to some unknown distribution P(F, E). A MT algorithm can be
seen as a function:
(f) = argmax
{ω · Ψ (f, e)} , (6)
which maps a given source sentence f to a target sentence e. Our goal is to find a pa-
rameter vector ω so that the predicted translation h
(f) matches the correct translation
on new test data as well as possible. In particular, we want to find the values of ω that
minimizes the expected loss (also called risk) for the data distribution P(F, E):
) =
(e, h
(f))dP(F, E) , (7)
where (e, e
) is a user defined (non-negative)loss function that quantifies how ’bad’ it
is to predict e
when e is the correct translation. For example, one may choose (e, e
to be equal to 1 minus the BLEU score for e
Following the principle of (Structural) Empirical Risk Minimization [16], finding a
value of ω that predicts well on new data can be achieved by minimizing the empirical
loss (i.e the training error) on the training set T .
) =
, h
)) . (8)
This minimization lead to the computational problem of finding the value of ω
which minimizes R
). This vector ω is the vector of optimized weights for the
log-linear combination of models.
The problem of finding the value of ω that minimizes the empirical loss R
) of
the translation algorithm was formulated as a minimization problem [9]:
s.t i : ξ
0 ,
i, e E : ω · δΨ
(e) (e
, e) ξ
, (9)
where δΨ
(e) = Ψ (e
, f
) Ψ(e, f
The objective is the conventional regularized risk used in SVMs. The constraints in
Equation 9 state that the score ω · Ψ (e
, f
) of the correct translation e
must be greater
than the score ω · Ψ(e, f
) of any other alternative translation e.
This formulation includes a loss function (e
, e) that scales the desired difference
in score. Intuitively, the larger the loss of an alternative translation e, the further should
the score be away for that of the correct translation e
. ξ
is a slack variable shared
among constraints from the same example, since in general the constraint system is
not feasible. In [17] is proved that this formulation minimizes training loss, while the
SVM-style regularization with the norm ω in the objective provides protection against
over-fitting for high-dimensional ω. The parameter C allows the user to control the
trade-off between training error and regularization.
The general training algorithm [9] can be seen in Figure 1. This algorithm requires
the implementation of the feature mapping function Ψ (f, e), the loss function (e
, e)
and the maximization given in the 6
line of the algorithm in order to be adapted to a
specific task.
Following sections explain how to adapt the SV M
algorithm to perform the
log-linear model parameter optimization.
Fig.1. General training algorithm for structured SVMs.
2.1 Feature Mapping
The feature mapping function is a combined feature representation of the inputs and
outputs. In our case, the mapping function takes a pair of input/output sentences and
returns a vector with the scores of each of the models in the log-linear combination for
this pair of sentences.
2.2 Loss Function
The MERT algorithm performs an optimization of the log-linear parameters in order
to obtain the translation which maximizes the BLEU [4] score. Specifically, the BLEU
score measures the precision of unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, and 4-grams between two
sentences. Since the BLEU measure is a score instead of an error rate, the following
loss function is used:
, e) = 1 BLEU (e
, e) . (10)
As said in this section, the training algorithm (Figure 1) minimizes the training loss,
so BLEU will be maximized.
Other measures, as for example, TER (Translation Edit Rate) [6] or WER (Word
Error Rate), can be used as well.
2.3 Maximization
While the modeling of the feature mapping and the loss function is more or less straight-
forward, solving the maximization problem typically requires exploiting the structure
of the output values.
In our case, the maximization is stated as follows:
ˆe = argmax
H(e) . (11)
Among all possible target sentences E, we have to be able to choose that one which
maximizes H(e). The set of all possible target sentences is infinite so we approximated
this maximization by using n-best lists.
3 Implementation Details
This section describes the implementation details of the proposed optimization algo-
rithm. In our implementation, publicly-available well-known software in the field of
SMT has been used.
To calculate the feature function Ψ(e, f ), the score of each model in the log-linear
combination for the pair of sentences has to be computed. To calculate these scores we
have used an extension of the THOT toolkit [18], which is a toolkit for SMT to train
phrase-based models. The above mentioned extension of the THOT toolkit allows to
obtain the alignment for a pair of sentences which maximizes the probability given by
the log-linear model. It uses the current vector of weights ω (see section 2) to calculate
this alignment and returns the score of each model for this pair of sentences given this
Regarding the maximization problem described in section 2.3, given a source sen-
tence e
we have used the MOSES toolkit [19] to calculate a n-best list of translations
according to the current vector of weights ω. Then these n-best hypothesis are re-scored
according to H(e), and the one with the maximum score is returned as the required tar-
get sentence.
The THOT toolkit and the MOSES toolkit use slightly different translation tables.
Specifically, the MOSES toolkit allows to work with one or more score components for
each phrase pair while the THOT toolkit only allows to work with one. By this reason,
it is necessary to keep two translation tables, one for the MOSES toolkit where the
score for each component appears separately and one for the THOT toolkit where all
the components are gathered in only one value.
4 Experiments
We have carried out an experimentation in order to verify the effectiveness of our pro-
posal. In our experiments we have compared the performance of both the MERT pro-
cedure and our proposed technique. All the experiments have been carried out with the
FUB corpus.
4.1 The FUB Corpus
The FUB corpus [20], is a bilingual Italian–English corpus with a restricted semantic
domain. The application is the translation of queries, requests and complaints that a
tourist may make at the front desk of a hotel, for example, asking for a booked room,
requesting a service of the hotel, etc. The statistics of the corpus are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. FUB corpus statistics.
Training Development Test
Language Italian English Italian English Italian English
#Sentences 2900 138 300
#Words 51902 62335 2609 3119 6121 7243
Vocabulary size 2480 1671 534 443 715 547
#Out of vocabulary 55 31 129 84
Perplexity (trigram) 19.9 10.6 19.6 10.2
4.2 Results
The experimentation consists on training a MT model with the MOSES toolkit using
the Training set. Then the Development set is used to optimize the parameters of the
trained log-linear model. The MERT procedure and our algorithm are used to perform
the optimization. Finally the translation results of each of them with the Test set are
As first step, a log-linear model is trained using the MOSES toolkit. This log-linear
combination is composed of eight models: the distortion (reordering) model, the target
language model, the translation model which is also composed of five sub-models and
the word penalty model.
As said in Section 3, the THOT toolkit works with translation tables with only one
score for each phrase pair. So a new translation table has to be built. The score of a
phrase pair in that table is the weighted average (the MOSES default weights are used)
of the five scores in the MOSES translation table for that phrase pair. Once the transla-
tion scores have been gathered, a log-linear combinationof four models is obtained. The
new table with the gathered scores is used to perform the optimization of parameters.
To optimize the parameters the MERT procedure is used with its default options
values. It uses a 100-best list of translations.
Our proposal uses the extension of the THOT toolkit to perform the feature map-
ping. The maximization described in Section 2.3 is carried out using 10-best lists of
translations. The 10-best translations list is re-scored using the following equation:
H(e) = (e
, e) hδΨ
(e) · ωi . (12)
This H(e) function corresponds to the margin re-scaling (SV M
) on Figure 1
allows to modify a great amount of parameters relative to the SVMs
optimization process. Different combinations of values of some parameters have been
tested to choose those values with better performance.
Table 2 shows the BLEU scores for the different models after translating the Test
set. Baseline corresponds with the log-linear model before any parameter optimization,
MERT corresponds with the model after being optimized using the MERT procedure
and SVMs corresponds with a model which parameters had been optimized using our
The results on Table 2 show that our proposal is able to outperform the MERT pro-
cedure. But, if we optimize the parameters using the MERT procedure and the original
Table 2. BLEU score results summary.
Baseline MERT SVMs
64.46 64.93 65.38
table (the one with eight scores per phrase pair), the BLEU score raises to 65.8 9. In
this case, the MERT procedure is able to optimize the weights for each of the sub-
models in the translation model independently. So, the relative significance of each of
this sub-models can vary. Our proposal optimizes the weight of the gathered translation
model, so the relative importance of each of the sub-models do not change respect to
the non-optimized model.
5 Conclusions
This work have introduced a new method to optimize the parameters of a log-linear
translation model using SVMs. Our proposal is based on the SV M
which is an SVM optimization algorithm for multivariate or structured outputs. The
obtained results are very promising: using only a 10-best translations list, we outper-
form the MERT procedure when using equal number of components in the log-linear
As future work, our main goal is to compare our proposal with a standard imple-
mentation of the MERT procedure in terms of time complexity; to achieve such a goal
it is necessary to integrate the functionalities of the THOT, MOSES and SV M
toolkits, so the efficiency of the algorithm will be dramatically increased. In addition,
we also plan to accomplish experiments with larger corpora, to use other measures as
WER or TER as loss function, to use word graphs instead of n-best lists to perform the
maximization and finally to find the best way to go through the differences between the
THOT toolkit and the MOSES toolkit.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci
on y Cien-
cia (MEC) under FPU scholarship AP2006-00691, the Spanish MEC under grant Con-
solider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00018 and the EC (FEDER) and the Spanish MEC
under grant TIN2006-15694-CO2-01.
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