Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport
R. M. Luque, F. L. Valverde, E. Dominguez, E. J. Palomo and J. Mu
Department of Computer Science, University of M
alaga, M
alaga, Spain
Abstract. This paper presents a system information applied to video surveillance
to detect and identify aggressive behaviors of people in public transport. A com-
petitive neural network is proposed to form a background model for detecting
objects in motion in the sequence. After identifying the objects and extracting
its features a set of rules are applied to decide if an anomalous behavior is or
not considered aggressive. Our approach is integrated in a CCTV system and is
a powerful support tool for security operators to manage to detect in real time
critical situations in public transport.
1 Introduction
Research in video surveillance systems has been an area in which scientific community
has made a lot of number of contributions for the last years [1–3]. Developing systems
to detect the movement of the objects in a scene could be applied to a wide range of
potential applications, such as a security guard for important buildings, traffic surveil-
lance in cities and highways, or supervision of suspicious behaviors in supermarkets.
However, the increase of the research in video surveillance has not generated a huge rise
of intelligent surveillance systems in operation. At present, passive supervision systems
keep being used in many areas, in which the number of cameras exceeds the capability
of human operators to analyze and monitor them.
The aim of this work is to develop an intelligent video surveillance system to ana-
lyze people behavior in public transport [4]. This paper is really focused on detecting
unlucky events like hostile behaviors in public transport, using the steady cameras situ-
ated in these areas. These behaviors are relatively simples and based on action - reaction
principle, in which a person is attacked by another person who is the aggressor. In this
case, an event is thrown by the system to security people for checking if the signal
received is significant.
In this work an unsupervised competitive neural network [5] is proposed for ob-
jects segmentation in real time. The proposed approach is based on competitive neural
network to achieve background subtraction. This neural network is designed to serve
both as an adaptive model of the background in a video sequence and a classifier of
pixels as background or foreground. Neural networks posse intrinsic parallelism which
can be exploited in a suitable hardware implementation to achieve fast segmentation of
foreground objects.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; section 2 shows a system overview
and the interactions between human and machine; section 3 and 4 present a new pro-
posed segmentation method and describe the object tracking phase; section 5 describes
how the critical events are detected. Results and conclusion follow in section 6 and 7,
M. Luque R., L. Valverde F., Dominguez E., J. Palomo E. and MuÃ
soz J.
Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport.
DOI: 10.5220/0001739600570066
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), pages 57-66
ISBN: 978-989-8111-42-5
2008 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Fig. 1. Video surveillance system scheme.
2 A System Overview
Most video surveillance systems (SVS) require human interaction to detect critical sit-
uation. Usually, the number of cameras installed in SVS exceed the human capability
and it is generally accepted that guards frequently miss incidents clearly visible on
CCTV monitors. The vast majority of installed CCTV cameras remain unwatched and
incidents are not likely to be detected while they are occurring.
In this work additional functionalities are added to the current surveillance systems,
improving their effectiveness and becoming in a support tool for security enterprises.
This information system analyzes an input sequence obtained through CCTV cameras,
and informs about possible suspect behaviors in the passengers of the public transport.
An overall scheme of proposed system is shown in Fig. 1. A specific number of
cameras can be connected to analyze independently each scene observed. A detection
module manages to detect and extract features of the movement objects in the scene
to, subsequently, inform about a suspect anomalous behavior. In this case, the operator
validates or not the detected aggression through the user interface, by observing the
sequence in which the action is performed.
The control module interacts with the other modules to keep synchronizing the sys-
tem and executing an intervention protocol proposed by the company when an aggres-
sion is confirmed. This confirmation is sent towards to the detection module to learn
what kinds of anomalous detected behaviors are right. Raw and processed images are
shown to the security operators in the output monitors.
Certain information is required to decide what measures are taken in the intervention
protocol when an aggression is detected. A short sequence in which the aggressive
behavior is observed, the position of the vehicle inside its trajectory, the next station
where passengers get off, and the time to arrive to that station are some parameters
utilized to determine the immediate actions to perform.
Several steps are required by a typical video surveillance system to reach the ob-
jective. Detection module scheme of proposed system is observed in Fig. 2. At first, a
video object segmentation method is required to obtain the objects in movement of the
PRIS 2008 - 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
Fig. 2. Detection module architecture.
stream. A comparison among different techniques can be found in some works [6, 1, 7].
Next section describes in detail the proposed method to obtain the objects belong to the
In the second step and using the segmentation output, a tracking algorithm is applied
to identify the objects in several frames of the sequence. A matching between each blob
(or set of blobs) and an object previously recognized is done. In the literature, many
works can be found about tracking people [2]. Finally, a set of rules have been employed
to determinate possible dangerous movements. These events could be the reason of a
critical situation in the analyzed stream.
3 Object Segmentation
This process aims at segmenting regions corresponding to moving objects from the rest
of an image. Subsequent phase such as tracking and behavior recognition are greatly de-
pendent on it. It usually involves environment modeling, segmentation motion, shadow
detection and object classification.
Many works based on motion detection and, more concretely, on background sub-
traction using fixed cameras as the CCTV cameras installed in public transport can be
found [8, 9, 4, 10]. All of these methods try to effectively estimate the background model
from the temporal sequence of the frames and, subsequently get objects in motion of
the scene.
The goal of the proposed video object segmentation algorithm is to be able to clas-
sify the pixel in a frame of the sequence as foreground or background, based on statistics
learned by a neural network approach (NA). These statistics are learned from the frames
observed in the video sequence. Each pixel is modeled by a competitive network and,
by using its color components (RGB), the input pixels are classified as background or
foreground at each frame.
Our model performs a clustering based on a crisp-fuzzy hybrid neighborhood. For
each neuron, there is a value r
, representing the crisp neighborhood of the correspond-
ing synaptic weight w
: N
= {x : kxw
k r
}. The fuzzy neighborhood of neuron
j is given by a membership function µ
defined over the entire input space, and taking
values in the interval (0, 1).
The use of this hybrid neighborhood allows us to better assign an input pattern to a
class or category:
Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport
If the input pattern x belongs to N
, the network assumes that the best matching
category for x is the associated to w
If the input pattern x does not belong to any crisp neighborhood, its most likely
category is represented by the neuron achieving the maximum value of the mem-
bership function for this particular input.
Usually, the membership function present in this model is of the form:
(x) = e
The value of the parameter k
is related to the slope of the function. The higher its
value, the higher its slope is. For a great value of k
, the fuzzy neighborhood of w
be more concentrated around N
The synaptic potential of the neuron j is defined as
(x) =
1, if x N
(x), otherwise
the winning neuron (with index denoted as q(x)) will be the one receiving the maximum
synaptic potential:
= max
(x) (3)
The objective of this model is to study the color space associated to each pixel in
the video sequence and to determine, at every step, the most likely category to which it
belongs, according to the hybrid crisp-fuzzy neighborhood which measures the mem-
bership of every pattern to a given category.
The learning rule used by each network to model the input space is the standard
competitive learning rule:
(t + 1) = w
(t) + λ · (x w
(t)) (4)
where λ is the so-called learning rate parameter, usually decreasing to 0. It can
be viewed as the stochastic gradient descent technique to minimize the squared error
function (also named distortion function):
F (W ) =
where W represents a matrix whose rows are the w
When the segmentation results have been obtained, it will be necessary applying ad-
ditional techniques to obtain clear foreground regions. We are usually analyzing indoor
scenes (inside of a car train or in a building hall) so, it is probably objects in motion
cast shadow on the background, confusing with foreground pixels and interfering in the
correct detection of the scene objects. There are many shadow detection methods pub-
lished [11] but the majority of them depend on scene features, types of shadow found
{ slighter, darker, sharper,. . . }, technique applied, etc. In [12], an overall review about
them can be found. In our system, we develop the proposed technique cited in [13]. It
is based on the RGB pixels vectors in shadow regions are in the same direction that the
PRIS 2008 - 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 3. An example of the objects detection algorithm is presented. (a) original frame in raw form.
(b) segmentation result using the NA. (c) shadow detection is applied. (d) enhanced frame using
morphological operations.
RGB vectors of the same pixels in the background, with a little variation and a smaller
brightness between shadow pixels and background pixels. The results can be viewed in
Additionally, morphological operations have to be applied to eliminate one-pixel
thick noise and to fill those objects with pixels not correctly identified as foreground.
As the final step of foreground region detection, a binary connected component analysis
is applied to the foreground pixels to assign an unique label to each foreground object
and grouped them into an initial blobs. We can observe the results of this mechanism in
4 Tracking
In an object tracking phase, it is necessary to achieve a correspondence among obtained
blobs and identified objects in motion. This tracking object must be sufficiently robust to
overcome potential problems at the segmentation stage. It is possible to find incomplete
objects in the scene, caused by an object becomes temporally occluded (by some fixed
background object) or an object splits into pieces (due to a person depositing an object
in the scene or a person is being occluded by small object).
To solve these situations, we have implemented a simple mechanism to merge ob-
tained blobs based on their proximity. The system computes some features needed for
each blob according to its size and aspect. With this information and the area and posi-
tion of the objects previously identified, we can determinate which specific blobs belong
to these tracked objects.
Our approach manages to solve person blobs merged, making a restriction in the
scene based on the kind of events to detect. For our purpose of detecting aggressive
actions, such as a fight, it is not essential to distinguish people who are within a blob.
This situation would be starting in previous frames while the object features are being
processed, and it would be definitely identified when the merging blobs occurs and the
movement of the new merger object can be also considerate suspicious.
Typically, some aggressive behaviors involve the movement of some body parts,
hence with just the features computed previously is not possible to recognize with what
body part the aggression has been committed. Some works [14][15] try to obtain the
position of these parts to decide more efficiently in critical situations, if an arm or a
leg has caused damage to another person. However, this tracking body parts has cer-
Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. The convex hull of the object has been calculated. (a) originals frame in raw form. (b) A
polygonal figure has been calculated. In the upper-left image, we can deduce an arm in motion.
In the lower-left image, a silhouette of a kick could be inferred.
tain complexity and could provoke the overall system does not carry out with temporal
An intermediate solution is to find the convex hull object, namely the minimum pos-
sible area where all the object points are contained [16]. Thus, in a state of aggression,
the position of the points which have led to an increase in the object area are known
(one of the vertices of the polygon), and we can estimate which kind of extremity it is,
the speed increase from the previous frames, making the system more robust to possi-
ble errors or false positives. Figure 4 shows the convex hull of the object in a concrete
Therefore, some features of the identified objects are extracted to achieve the aim
of detecting aggressive behaviors in people of the sequence. Some of them are:
The centroid of the object
Its bounding box
Object convex hull
The number of the blobs to belong it and their positions
Its area and the object orientation based on its major axes.
With these parameters, trajectories of single persons are easily obtained (Fig. 5). Our
system is capable of dealing with possible object occlusions by computing a estimated
trajectory using data of the previous frames. Object speed in these uncommon situations
will be gained in terms of the median speed of the rest of the frames processed.
PRIS 2008 - 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
Fig. 5. Convex hull, centroid and principal axis of an person along several consecutive frames.
5 Detecting Critical Events
The information provided by the tracking task allows us to analyze the interactions
between objects that appear on the scene, as well as detect events that might be con-
sidered unusual or suspicious. An automatic surveillance system is capable to identify
some kind of diverse events like detection of abandoned luggage in buildings, unusual
movements of passengers, people falling down, people walking in dangerous areas such
as railway lines, aggressive behavior, etc.
In this work a set of rules are used for fights detection and dangerous behaviors. De-
tecting attacks on public transport is the focus at this work, using the existing CCTV in
those places. The system informs to the personal security which must confirm whether
the detected event is relevant or not.
An attack is composed by an active object and a passive object. Aggressive events
are considered when an object is performing the action of assault, and another object
reacting after that aggression. The system has three possible states (normal, suspect
and aggression) about people behavior. The normal state is defined as no detection of
uncommon behavior. The suspect state is defined by the detection of a person who is
committing an aggression, whereas an aggression-state is defined by the detection of
this aggressive person and an assaulted person.
A number of simplifications are considered to make this detection. For example, in
public transport is not common to find people running or moving quickly through the
wagon, hence the speed of the movement of objects is one of the main parameter for
determining anomalous behavior.
In this sense, an aggressor individual is detected by analyzing several features: the
irregular motion of the object centroid, a quick variation of the width and height of the
object or the change in the area of the object convex hull. Moreover, a sudden change
of distances of the vertexes of the object convex hull to its main axis, involves a sudden
movement of the limbs of a person, either a possible kick or a possible punch.
Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport
The detection of an assaulted individual involves the previous detection of the ag-
gressor person. The union and division of the objects recognized, the variation of the
centroid object and the position of the alleged victim are significant signs to identify an
aggression. A variation of the angle of the main axis of the object which envelop the
victim provokes a fall or an attempt to dodge the blow.
6 Results
The proposed surveillance system has been applied to a set of proof sequences to show
the validity of our method. These sequences have been grabbed in our laboratory and try
to simulate some possible critical situations related with aggressive behaviors happened
in public transport.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 6. Detecting of an aggressive behavior. In 6(b) an attack is detected. In 6(c) the reaction of
the other person is observed.
They are middle-sized with 264x352 and they are captured through a web cam for
domestic use. Our system has been proved in a standard PC with 3 GHz and 1 Gb of
RAM memory. Despite using a low cost hardware, we have achieved very good results,
like we can observe in Fig. 6. According to the previous section, initially, the system has
detected a suspect behaviour in the left person (Fig. 6(b)) and, this aggressive behavior
is confirmed when the reaction of another person is observed (Fig. 6(c)). To prove our
detection technique of aggressive person a low people-density situation is assumed.
Figure 7 shows another kind of critical scene. We have represented a situation in
which a person, who is sitting on a seat, is severely beaten by another person who is
standing and moving along the public transport. We can observe the sudden movement
of one person and the reaction of another one.
A similar scene happened in 2007 in a metro in Spain can be observed in Fig. 8 in
which a man is hitting a girl with his leg. A sudden change in the area and the silhouette
of the objects is detected, therefore a anomalous behaviors is identified. In this case, the
reaction of the assaulted person is less obvious than in Fig. 8 and its movement has not
been detected as an anomaly. The confirmation of security people would validity the
suspicious behavior recognized.
We have to take into account the dependence of a good result in the segmentation
phase. Without a great detection of the objects in motion is not possible develop a
tracking system and, subsequently, detect and analyze simple people behaviors.
PRIS 2008 - 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 7. Simulation of a public transport scene. In 7(a) two so-called passengers are observed. In
7(b) an aggression is being identified. The reaction of the assaulted person can be viewed in 7(c).
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 8. Real scene in a public transport. In 8(a) two persons are detected. In 8(b) a sudden union
between the two objects is found. A suspicious event keeps detecting in 8(c).
7 Conclusions
In this paper we have presented an information system for video surveillance in public
transport which is very useful to detect aggressive behavior in real time. Human inter-
action is only necessary to confirm the alarm in case of aggressive behavior is detected.
In this case, the information about the critical event (video of critical situation, real time
location of the transport, next step, time to reach next step, video of actual situation,. . . )
is provided by the system.
The proposed video surveillance system has been successfully applied to process
real-time video sequences (more than 25 fps) using only a conventional PC and a low
cost camera. Moreover, the speed of the proposed segmentation, can be improved in
a parallel hardware implementation using field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). In
addition, scalability is one of major advantages of neural networks, therefore we plan
to design new neural models with new functionalities.
This work is partially supported by Junta de Andaluc
ıa (Spain) under contract TIC-
01615, project name Intelligent Remote Sensing Systems.
Detecting Critical Situation in Public Transport
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