noticed that the amount of pixels that could end up being moved can be very large
suggesting that it is important to initiate the algorithm from a partitioning that is already
Even if the similarity matrix was sparse, we didn’t take advantage of this fact due
to lack of time to code a sparse approach for the weighted agglomerative algorithm,
so we preferred to omit running times. Although, experiments have shown that the al-
gorithm is fast and practical and a sparse version would definitely make it competitive
with a sparse spectral approach. All of the code used in the experiment has been writ-
ten in MATLAB and C++ and is freely available on the author’s website at the URL∼genovese/.
6 Conclusions
A new agglomerative algorithm for clustering data has been proposed. Despite the fact
that the algorithm has been proved to try to optimize the same objective function as
k-means like algorithms, it is meant more as a complement rather than a substitute to
partitioning algorithms. Many practical algorithms that deal with large datasets apply
partitioning algorithms after coarsening the data enough to make the approach feasi-
ble. The mathematical framework here introduced justifies the weighted agglomerative
approach as an algorithm to perform the coarsening.
An important direction of investigation would be the one of changing the weights
associated to the elements. We have chosen the weights that best optimize the normal-
ized cut objective function but any kind of weight would have delivered a different and
possible algorithm and understanding better this choice might help deciding which al-
gorithm should fit best the problem that is being tackled. In the clustering literature
usually it is the case that some elements act as exemplars for other elements and maybe
an appropriate weighting is exactly the right way to measure this fact.
This work is supported by NIH, grant number NIH R01GM075310-02.
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