4 Concluding Remarks and Future Work
Bernoulli HMMs have been proposed for off-line handwriting recognition in order to
directly model text image data in binary form. Empirical results have reported on two
tasks of off-line handwritten word recognition: Arabic subwords from CENPARMI cor-
pus, and English words from IAM database. In both cases each word (subword) has
been modelled with one HMM, and only the required preprocess to obtain binary im-
ages of same height, has been done. Feature vectors of different sizes, as well as HMMs
with different number of states have been tested. The results on the Arabic subwords
task are promising. In the case of the IAM words, the results were very similar to those
obtained using HMMs with one Gaussian per state.
Ongoing work is focused on the use of Bernoulli HMMs at subword (character)
level and extend them by using Bernoulli mixtures instead of single Bernoulli probabil-
ity functions in each state. A first step is to study the optimal number of states, training
iterations and Bernoulli components, as was done in [3] for the case of Gaussian com-
ponents. Then, we also plan to include explicit modelling of invariances in Bernoulli
components. In addition we plan to compare the results with other recognisers, mainly
with Gaussian HMMs recognisers.
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