6 Conclusions
The TTS algorithm described in this paper is an iterative process that offers a great
potential for analysing transcribed meetings involving a multi-party conversation. The
study has extended the use of cosine similarity measure to transcribed texts and im-
proved the performance of lexical chaining methods and text segmentation algorithms
by including complex semantic relations and speech specific cue phrases.
Although the evaluation results highlighted the effectiveness of TTS compared to
TextTiling and C99, there are few limitations related to the issue of compound words
and the POS tagging system used. The identification algorithm of compound words
developed in this study, has given, in some situations, unsatisfactory results, as not all
the compound words were the result of combined nouns. Also some compound words
in the corpus such as ‘high voltage line’ and ‘natural language processing’ were not
automatically identified, partly due to the limitation of WMATRIX. Future work will
attempt to resolve these problems.
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