Towards a Framework for Integrated Natural Language
Processing Architectures for Social Robots
Matthias Scheutz
and Kathleen Eberhard
Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory, Cognitive Science Program
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47401, U.S.A.
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A.
Abstract. Current social robots lack the natural language capacities to be able
to interact with humans in natural ways. In this paper, we present results from
human experiments intended to isolate spoken interaction types in a search and
rescue task and briefly discuss implications for NLP architectures for embodied
situated agents.
1 Introduction
Natural language processing on robots is currrently achieved in a sequential fashion,
where interpretations are built from utterances in a sequence that mirrors the different
linguistic abstractions. Yet, the sequential approch is very different from how humans
process language. The implications for human-robot interactions are that robots need
a different processing architecture with different processing algorithms if they are to
interact with humans in natural language in natural ways, for the properties of the hu-
man language processing system allows for interaction types that sequential processing
systems do not permit. For example, in natural human language interaction, the listener
often signals his/her understanding of the speaker’s utterance via backchannels or feed-
back (e.g., head nods, “uh huh” or “mhm”), which overlap with the speaker’s utterance
at precise points. For such feedback to occur before an utterance has finished, a language
processing system must be able to generate partial semantic interpretation on an incom-
plete sentence. Similarly, human listeners initiate various language-drivenactions, from
changing eye gaze, to head movements, to gestures and other bodily movements, while
the speaker has not finished the utterance. Again, being able to initiate actions based on
partial sentences (e.g., looking for referents described by referential phrases) requires a
system to be able to determine partial meanings.
In this paper, we will first review some of the psycholinguistic work that analyzes
the coordinated goal structure of language interactions as well as the mental processing
that underlies rapid incremental comprehension in the face of ambiguity. We then sum-
marize some of the implications for language processing on robots. We will present a
human experiment that required two individuals to coordinate with each other via re-
mote audio communication in order to achieve several task goals in a timely fashion.
Scheutz M. and Eberhard K. (2008).
Towards a Framework for Integrated Natural Language Processing Architectures for Social Robots.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 165-174
DOI: 10.5220/0001741001650174
The results are analyzed with respect to (a) the structure of dialogue that facilitated
versus interfered with effective coordination, and (b) the content and form utterances
that present challenges to successful comprehension in a remote communicative situ-
ation. We conclude with a brief discussion of the implications of our results for NLP
architectures for embodied situated agents.
2 Background
Clark (1996) views human language use as a joint project consisting of 4 hierarchical
levels of speaker-addressee coordinated actions, which he refers to as an “action lad-
der”. Consider the case of a speaker asking an addressee, “What is the current time?”.
At the first level, the speaker executes a communicative behavior, which consists of
producing the sounds of the utterance. The addressee, in turn, attends to the behav-
ior (speech). At the second level, the speaker presents words and phrases, which are
identified as such by the addressee. At the third level, the speaker signals an intended
meaning (a request for the current time), and the addressee understands the meaning. At
the fourth level, the speaker proposes a joint project, namely that the addressee inform
him of the current time, and the addressee considers accepting the proposal. There are
two essential properties of this hierarchy of actions. The first is upward causality: The
actions at a lower level cause the actions at the next level up. The second property is
downward evidence: Evidence of successful completion of the actions at a higher level
constitutes evidence of successful completion of the actions at all levels below it.
As Clark (1996, p. 222) states, A fundamental principle of any intentional action
is that people look for evidence that they have done what they intended to do. Fur-
thermore, people strive to provide evidence that is sufficient for current purposes, in a
timely manner, and with the least effort. In the example above, valid, timely, and suf-
ficient evidence comes from the addressee responding with the current time soon after
the end of the speaker’s utterance. In doing so, the addressee provides positive evidence
of her acceptance of the speaker’s proposed joint project at level 4, as well as posi-
tive evidence of her understanding the meaning of the speaker’s utterance (level 3), her
identification of the speaker’s words (level 2), and her attending to the speaker’s speech
(level 1). In other words, the evidence allows both the speaker and addressee to reach
the mutual belief of success at all four levels well enough for current purposes, which
is the process of grounding.
Often, a joint project may be extended across a sequence of utterances, as in the case
of telling a story, or providing a complex response to a question, or giving a complex
direction, where complexity refers to number of propositions or informational units. In
these situations, each utterance is an iteration through the first 3 levels, and positive
evidence at level 3 (understanding) is provided by addressees in the form of acknowl-
edgments, which may be verbal (e.g., yes, uh huh, mkay, okay) or nonverbal (head
nods). Acknowledgments may occur on a separate turn or they may overlap with the
speaker’s utterance (i.e., Yngve’s (1970) backchannels).
Most psycholinguistic research as well as research in developing artificial natural
language processing systems has focused on the processes involved at the first 3 lev-
els of action (i.e., producing and perceiving a speech signal, identifying words and the
phrase structure, understanding the propositional content of the utterance, including the
establishment of referents). The former research has shown that humans rapidly inte-
grate bottom-up constraints from the linguistic input, such as the sounds, words, syntax,
and semantics with top-down constraints from the discourse and pragmatic context,
such as the set of possible referents (e.g., [1]) and expectations about the speaker’s
communicative goals (e.g., [2]). The strength of both the linguistic and contextual con-
straints depends on their availability. The availability of linguistic constraints is affected
by the clarity of the acoustical signal, the fluency and rate of speech, the frequency of
the words, the specificity of their meaning, and the frequency, complexity and speci-
ficity of syntactic structure. The availability of contextual constraints is determined by
the “quality of evidence” for the bases of the speaker’s and addressee’s common ground
[3] or shared knowledge. The quality is high when, among other things, both the speaker
and addressee know the goal structure of the communicative task, and the set of rele-
vant referents is visually co-present (e.g., [4]. Importantly, the availability of linguistic
constraints interacts with the availability of contextual constraints in the incremental
construction of an interpretation [5], such that when the linguistic constraints are weak
or underspecified there will be greater reliance on contextual constraints [6]. Further-
more, speakers are likely to produce weakly underspecified utterances when there are
strong contextual constraints for their interpretation (i.e., when there is reliable evi-
dence for the speaker’s and addressee’s common ground). For instance, in face-to-face
conversations about visually co-present referents, speakers may use short deictic ex-
pressions accompanied by indicative gestures (e.g., saying, “move the box over there”,
while pointing to the location that is the referent of “there”) [7, 4].
3 Experiment and Results
To be able to isolate the design principles that are required for an NLP system for robots
that interact with humans in natural ways, we designed a human experiment in which
two individuals must coordinate with each other via remote audio communication to
accomplish several tasks. In particular, one person, the “director”, direct the other per-
son, the “member”, through an unfamiliar environment to locate and perform various
actions on target objects scattered throughout the environment. In the following we will
first describe the experimental task, and the report some of the findings that are useful
for extracting principles of the processing architecture.
The chosen task is a team search task where two humans, who are not co-located
in the same physical space, must coordinate their actions using natural language to
accomplish several goals within a limited amount of time. One individualis assigned the
role as the director, the other is assigned the role of member. Neither was familiar with
the search environment, which consisted of several (cluttered) rooms and a surrounding
hallway. The director was seated at a table in a quiet room outside of the environment.
S/he wore headphones and a microphone for communicating with the member. The
member wore a helmet fitted with a camera for recording the visual scene (not viewable
to the director), and a microphone and headphones for communicating with the director.
3.1 Procedure
At the beginning of the experiment, both the director and member were told that the
director would be given a map of the search environment, which consisted of all rooms
with open doors. The director was told that s/he would have to remain seated at a table
in a room that was external to the search environment. They were told that the direc-
tor’s map showed the locations of a cardboard box, a number of blue boxes containing
colored wooden blocks, and 8 empty pink boxes. They were also informed that the
lab environment contained 8 empty green boxes, which were not shown on the map.
They were told that there were several tasks that needed to be completed as quickly as
1. The member was to tell the leader the location of each of the 8 green boxes, which
had numbers written on them. The leader was to mark the map with the location of
the green boxes by writing their number on the map.
2. The leader was to direct the member through the environment to the location of the
cardboard box, which the member was to retrieve.
3. The member wasto then empty the blocks in all of the blue boxesinto the cardboard
box, leaving the blue boxes in their location. The leader was to assist the member
with finding the blue boxes by giving directions to them from the map. However,
they were informed that some of the locations of the blue boxes on the map would
be inaccurate, and that the map did not show the location of all of the blue boxes.
4. They were told that instructions for the pink boxes would be given at some point
during the task.
The director and member were told that each would receive $5.00 for participat-
ing in the experiment and that each would receive an extra $5.00 if they successfully
completed all of the tasks. After a sound check, the member began walking through the
After 5 minutes, the experimenter interrupted the director and informed him of the
task for the pink boxes: Each of the blue boxes contained a yellow block, and the mem-
ber was to place one yellow block into each of the 8 pink boxes. In addition, the team
had only 3 minutes left in which to complete all of the tasks (recording the location of
the green boxes on the map, emptying the blocks from the 8 blue boxes into the card-
board box, and putting one yellow block into each of the 8 pink boxes). A cooking timer
with an audible ticking sound was set to 3 minutes and placed on the table in front of
the director. Then the experimenter left the room. The experiment ended when the bell
on the timer rang.
3.2 Results
There were 7 pairs of subjects run in the experiment. The first pair was eliminated
because of problems with the audio recording equipment at the beginning of the experi-
ment. The second pair was eliminated because of poor audio recording. Thus, data were
collected for the 5 remaining pairs.
The results in Table 1 show that, with the exception of Team #5, there is no relation
between the number of green and blue box tasks completed during the 1st 5 minutes
and the grand total at the end.
Table 1. Table showing the number of tasks involving the green, blue, and pink boxes that were
successfully completed by each team. The maximum number for each type of box is 8. The teams
are sorted according to the total number of tasks completed. *Team #5 was the only team that did
not retrieve the cardboard box (for collecting the blocks from the blue boxes) before the 3 minute
1st 5 min. Last 3 min.
Team green blue* green+blue green blue pink Tl green Tl blue TOTAL
7 4 6 10 3 2 8 7 8 23
4 8 1 9 - 6 6 8 7 21
6 6 2 8 0 4 6 6 6 18
3 8 2 10 - 3 2 8 5 15
5 7 0 7 1 2 2 8 2 12
Dialogue Structure. The interactions between the pair that was most successful in
completing the task goals (Team 7) were compared with the interactions between the
pair that was least successful (Team 5) in order to identify structures of dialogue that
characterize effective vs. ineffective coordination, respectively.
For all teams, at the beginning of the experiment the nature of the task resulted in the
overarching goal in which the director uses his/her map to direct the member through
the multi-room environment to the location of the cardboard box, and an embedded
goal, in which the member reports the location of each green box as it is encountered
along the way. Thus, following Clark’s (1996) 4-level “action ladder” framework, the
overarching goal was an extended joint project requiring a sequence of directive ut-
terances that were subordinate joint projects, and the grounding of which required the
director and member to reach mutual belief of the member’s location in the environ-
Team 7s dialogue begins with the director (D) proposing the overarching goal and
the member (M) acceptance of it:
Example from Team #7:
1 D: from this first hole do you wanna get the cardboard box?
2 M: yes
3 D: alright let’s do it
The embedded goal resulted in multiple individual joint projects, the grounding of
which required the director and member to reach mutual belief that the director suf-
ficiently marked the location of a green box on his/her map. One aspect of Team 7’s
dialogue that made it effective was that the addressee routinely provided evidence of
understanding the speaker’s direction as well as evidence of when the directed action
(joint project) was completed. This routine may have been encouraged by the directors
explicit request for the latter evidence during the exchange that constituted the first sub
joint project of the overarching goal:
Note that all subsquent transcriptions are verbatim and include disfluencies (false starts, re-
pairs, etc.). Pauses are indicated by periods and syllable lengthenings, such as pronouncing
“the” as “thee”, are indicated by a colon following the vowel that is lengthened, e.g., “the:”.
Example from Team #7:
4 D: um . go straight through the room you’re in to an open door
that’s right across from you
5 M: alright
6 D: let me know when you get there
7 M: I’m at-I’m at the open door
So, in line 5, the Member’s response acknowledges understanding and acceptance
of the director’s direction (sub joint project). In line 6, the director explicitly requests
verbal evidence from the member of the completion of the directed movement. The
member does provides this evidence in line 7, and, furthermore, his description of his
location provides more reliable evidence than simply providing evidence in the form of
acknowledgment such as “okay”.
The sequence above continues below, with an embedded joint project in which the
member describes the location of a green box that is to be marked by director on the
map. Like the exchange above, but with the director and member’s roles reversed, the
director provides evidence of understanding the member’s description, by repeating
it, followed by an acknowledgment by the member, and then the director providing
evidence of the actions completion:
Example from Team #7:
8 D: okay go through the open door and towards the steps that are
right in front of you before the steps take a . take a right
9 M: okay . uh right-right on the steps there’s a green box
number two
10 D: oh number two right on the steps
11 M: yeah
12 D: okay I got it
Note that the Member’sutterance in line 9 simultaneous proposes an embedded joint
project (marking the location of a green box on the map) but also provides evidence of
the completion of the sub joint project proposed by the director’s utterance in line 8.
That is, upon completion of the embedded joint project, the director can assume that
the members location is near the steps. Thus, the director’s proposal of the next sub
joint project begins with that assumption:
Example from Team #7:
13 D: alright . if you’re looking at the steps you take a right
there should be another open door
14 M: so don’t actually go up the steps
15 D: don’t actually go up the steps
16 M: okay
17 M: yep I see the door
The exchange above also contains a side sequence that is initiated by the Member’s
request for clarification in line 14. The side sequence ends with the member’s acknowl-
edgment in line 16 of the director’s clarification in line 15, and the sub joint project is
completed with the member’s description of the door in line 17.
Unlike Team 7, Team 5’s dialogue lacks orderliness in providing evidence of both
understanding a proposed joint project and its completion. This is illustrated in the first
two lines of the transcript below, where the member neither requests nor receives evi-
dence from the director of his understanding and acceptance of her description of the
location of the third green box in line 33 (i.e., an embedded joint project). More im-
portantly, however, as the complete exchange below shows, there was no established
agreement between the director and member on achieving the overarching goal of lo-
cating and retrieving the cardboard box by having the director direct the member to the
box’s location. Specifically, this agreement does not occur until line 47 in the transcrip-
tion below, which occurs approximately 3.5 minutes into the task. Until that point, the
member simply provided descriptions of her movement through the environment along
with descriptions of the location of green boxes (the embedded goal/joint project).
Example from Team #5:
33 M: Okay I’m going forward and then taking a right and the first
bo-in the f-to the first room there . so: right now I’ve got
um a green box number three on the chair on my right
it’s-it-as soon as I’m in the doorway I’m facing forward
green box on my right
34 M: and there’s also a blue box on my right but I don’t have the
brown box yet so I’m gonna turn around and keep looking for
the brown-or go back and look for the brown box or somethin
35 D: alright the brown box-let me-alright t-two questions for you
now you said you walked in u:h you walked in that- that room
which is . to the right of the doorway
36 M: uh huh
37 D: now you said as soon as you walked in, there was a chair on
your right hand side?
38 M: yep
39 D: with it-so it’s basically on the wall where the door is
40 M: it’s a little bit off the wall but it’s like maybe my foots
worth of a distance between the
41 D: mkay
42 D: alright and that’s number three
43 M: yes
44 D: alright there’s a blue box in that room
45 M: yes
46 D: and you said that-uh the cardboard box is-is basically all
the way to the end so should I-should I se-should I send
you-do you want me to send you to where the cardboard box is
and then we can backtrack
47 M: u:m yeah that’s fine
Having established the overarching goal as well as established mutual belief as to
the member’s current location in the environment, the exchange above continues with
the director proposing the first sub joint project, followed by the second. The member
provides evidence for both in the form of an acknowledgment, which is ambiguous with
respect to being evidence for level 3 (understandingthe direction) or level 4 (acceptance
and completion of the directed action). This ambiguity results in a side sequence in
which the director requests clarification with respect to the member’s current location:
Example from Team #5:
48 D: alright . uh so you’re gonna wanna go back-step back out of
the room you were just in
49 M: uh huh
50 D: and continue in through that doorway that was on your left
51 M: uh huh
52 D: u:h . are you in that room already?
53 M: yep
At this point, which is slightly more than 4 minutes into the task, the member pro-
poses explicitly establishing of agreement on the embedded goal of her informing the
director of the location of the green boxes.
Example from Team #5:
54 M: I actually see like three more green boxes do you want
those now or do you want those later
55 D: uh whatever you wanna do we can stop and get those on
the way if you want
56 M: okay let’s just do that now
The member continues with proposing an embedded joint project (description of
the location of a green box); however, the complexity of her proposal results in a
side sequence initiated by the director who needs further clarification before accept-
ing/completing the embedded joint project:
Example from Team #5:
57 M: so as I walked in I go to the room on my right there’s two
filing cabinets on the second filing cabinet there’s box
number four green box number four
58 D: alright as-the second one close to the wall that you are
entering in
59 M: I walk in there’s one on my right and then there-I just
make another step it’s-it’s the second one on my right so
this is gonna be the second one
60 D: alright and that’s number four you said?
61 M: yes
62 D: okay
3.3 Content and Forms of Utterances
As the example transcripts above illustrate, disfluencies were the norm, not the excep-
tion, which are potential impediments to the director and member’s successful ground-
ing of understanding. The disfluencies include frequent pauses within utterances often
signalled with the fillers “um” or “uh”. In addition, there are numerous repairs (e.g.,
“the first bo-in the f-to the first room”), false starts/repetitions (e.g., “it’s-it’s the second
one on my right”, “uh right-right on the steps”, “so should I-should I se-should I send
you do-you want me to send you”), and omissions of words (e.g., “I’m facing forward
green box on my right”), which result in ungrammatical utterances. There also are in-
stances of uncorrected speech errors such as substituting the words “block” and “book”
for the intended word “box”.
In addition, there are numerous examples of lexically ambiguous words, most no-
tably, the word, “right”, which often would occur several times within a sequence of
utterances, with each occurrence correspondingto a differentmeaning (i.e., an acknowl-
edgment (correct), a direction (vs. left), and an intensifier (right there)).
Example from Team #5:
M: alright . okay I’m going forward and then taking a right and
the first bo-in the f-to the first room . there so: right now
I’ve got um a green box number three on the chair on my right
it’s-it-as soon as I’m in the doorway I’m facing forward green
box on my right.
Much of the ambiguity in the linguistic input can be resolved by the contextual and
pragmatic constraints resulting from the director and members shared knowledge of
the task’s goals and their shared knowledge of the environment and referents in it that is
provided by the correspondence between the director’s map and physical environment.
3.4 Implications for NLP Architectures for Natural spoken Language
The main implications for designing a natural language processing architecture for
robots is that, different from the standard picture of constructing meanings out of sen-
tences, meanings are obtained from interactions that serve particular purposes and ac-
complish particular goals. Language here serves a coordinating role in establishing a
joint project and humans define those projects, agree on them, and keep track of them
until they are accomplished or the goal structure changes. The goal structure can also
be seen as imposing constraints on the natural language processing system that allows
for dealing with disfluencies and ambiguity of various kinds. Moreover, perception,
action, and language processing are all instrinsically intertwined, sometimes involv-
ing complex patterns of actions, utterances and responses, where meaningful linguis-
tic fragments result from their context together with prosodic, temporal, task and goal
information, and not sentence boundaries. An NLP architecture for robots, therefore,
needs to be able to process language in the same kind of interactive, goal-oriented
way that humans use; this includes the timing of utterances, non-linguistic informa-
tion, backchannel feedback, and any other component involved in establishing meaning
(for a first step towards implementing some of these principles, see [8–12]).
4 Conclusions
In this paper, we argued that processing multiple linguistic, perceptual, and contex-
tual constraints incrementally and determining partial meanings to be able to provide
backchanneling feedback and initiate actions early is of critical importance for robots
that are supposed to interact with humans in natural language in natural ways. We re-
ported results from human experiments in a search task that demonstrated these and
other important principles that can be used for specifying a natural language processing
architecture for robots which will allow robots to engage in more human-like interaction
This work was in part funded by an ONR MURI grant N00014-07-1-1049 to both au-
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