thereby validates an error-free transcription prefix which is used by the system to pro-
pose a hopefully better transcription continuation. Now, the mouse-click with which the
user implicitly indicates the point where an error has occurred is used by the system to
attempt to correct the error pointed to. It is worth noting that alternative (n-best) suffixes
could also be obtained with the conventional CATTI system. However, by considering
the rejected words to propose the alternative suffixes, the interaction methods here stud-
ied are more effective and (hopefully) more comfortable for the user. Moreover, using
the new single-click interaction method, a second alternative suffix is obtained with-
out extra human effort. A simple implementation of this system using word-graphs has
been described and some experiments have been carried out.
In spite of the extreme difficulty of the corpora used in the experiments, the ob-
tained results suggest that this new kind of interaction can speed-up, facilitate and save
significant amounts of human effort in the handwritten text transcription process.
Work supported by the EC (FEDER), the Spanish MEC under the MIPRCV “Con-
solider Ingenio 2010” research programme (CSD2007-00018), the iTransDoc research
project (TIN2006-15694-CO2-01), and by the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia (FPI
fellowship 2006-04)
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