not adhere to least privilege and propose architectural transformations for solving this
violation. Other conditions and transformations for identifying and solving least privi-
lege violations can be found by dropping the assumptions the authors made, or by using
one of the other strategies for accommodating least privilege.
The main challenge of enforcing least privilege at architectural level is that it is
hard to find good architectural changes that solve least privilege violations and that
do not change the semantics of the architecture, because the knowledge to make such
changes is limited at architectural level. In the future, our work can be further refined
to address the issues discussed in the paper. New transformations for the other two
strategies accommodating least privilege should be identified as well as transformations
changing actors and use cases. Next, our work should be validated. Finally, our work
will be extended to (i) other activities of the (secure) software development life-cycle,
and (ii) to other security principles. Metrics should be identified to (i) guide the architect
in selecting the software architecture best adhering to the principle and having the right
semantics, and to give an indication that the resulting software is indeed more secure.
Research for this paper was sponsored by IBBT, the Interdisciplinary institute for Broad-
Band Technology.
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