Increasing Translation Speed in Phrase-based Models
via Suboptimal Segmentation
Germ´an Sanchis-Trilles and Francisco Casacuberta
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Inform´atica
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Abstract. Phrase-Based Models constitute nowadays the core of the state of the
art in the statistical pattern recognition approach to machine translation. Being
able to introduce context information into the translation model, they usually
produce translations whose quality is often difficult to improve. However, these
models have usually an important drawback: the translation speed they are able
to deliver is mostly not sufcient for real-time tasks, and translating a single sen-
tence can sometimes take some minutes. In this paper, we describe a novel tech-
nique for reducing significantly the size of the translation table, by performing a
Viterbi-style selection of the phrases that constitute the final phrase-table. Even
in cases where the pruned phrase table contains only 6% of the segments of the
original one, translation quality is not worsened. Furthermore, translation quality
remains the same in the worst case, achieving an increase of 0.3 BLEU in the best
1 Introduction
The grounds of modern Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), a pattern recognition
approach to Machine Translation, were established in [1], where the problem of ma-
chine translation was defined as following: given a sentence x from a certain source lan-
guage, an adequate sentence
y that maximises the posterior probability is to be found.
Such a statement can be specified with the following formula:
y = argmax
P r(y|x) (1)
Applying the Bayes theorem on this definition, one can easily reach the next formula
y = argmax
P r(y) · P r(x|y)
P r(x)
and, since we are maximising over t, the denominator can be neglected, arriving to
y = argmax
P r(y) · P r(x|y) (3)
where P r(y|x) has been decomposed into two different probabilities: the statistical
language model of the target language P r(y) and the (inverse) translation model P r(x|y).
Sanchis-Trilles G. and Casacuberta F. (2008).
Increasing Translation Speed in Phrase-based Models via Suboptimal Segmentation.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 135-143
Although it might seem odd to model the probability of the source sentence given
the target sentence, this decomposition has a very intuitiveinterpretation: the translation
model P r(x|y) will capture the word or phrase relations between both input and output
language, whereas the language model P r(y) will ensure that the output sentence is a
well-formed sentence belonging to the target language.
In the last years, SMT systems have evolved to become the present state of the art,
specially since the up-rise of Phrase Based (PB) models. Introducing information about
context, PB models have widely outperformed word based models [2,3]. However, an
importantdrawbackof the systems which implementthe former models is the enormous
size the phase tables need, which has as consequencethe high requirements such models
need, in terms of space but also time. In this paper, we propose a novel technique for
reducing the amount of segment pairs needed for translating a given test set.
Related work was performed by [4]. In this work, the authors present a method for
reducing the phrase table by performing significance testing. Our work, however, does
not perform a statistical analysis of the phrases in the phrase table, but instead uses
the concept of optimal segmentation of each sentence pair to reduce significantly the
amount of segments to be included in the final phrase table. In addition, we also perform
a speed analysis of the different systems built, both before and after the reduction.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we will briefly review the
main ideas of Phrase Based models. In Section 3 we propose the algorithm which has
been used for pruningthe phrase table. Section 4 presents the experimentswe performed
showing that BLEU and WER scores are not affected by the pruning. In Section 5 we
analyse the results and give some insight on why this pruning can be performed. Lastly,
we conclude on Section 6.
2 Phrase-based Models
Phrase based (PB) [5–8] models have succeeded to achieve predominance in the state
of the art in SMT. One would only need to take a look at the most recent international
competitions [2,3] to realise that PB models have succeeded to achieve predominance
in the state of the art in SMT. Under this framework, phrases (i.e. word sequences) are
extracted automatically from a word-aligned bilingual corpus. Because of their nature,
PB models make use of context information, which has led them to outperform single-
word SMT models.
Common assumptions under PB models are that only sequences of contiguous
words are considered, that the number of source phrase (or segment) is equal to the
number of target segments, and that a given source segment is aligned with exactly one
target segment. Hence, when learning a PB model, the purpose is to compute a phrase
translation table, where each input phrase is assigned to one or more output phrases
with a given probability.
In the last years, a wide variety of techniques to produce PB models have been
researched and implemented [9]. Firstly, a direct learning of the probabilities of each
segment was proposed [5,6]. At the same time, heuristics for extracting all possible
segmentations coherent with a word-aligned corpus [7], where the alignments were
learnt by means of the GIZA++ toolkit [10], were also proposed. Other approaches
have been suggested, exploring more linguistically motivated techniques [11,12]. In
this paper, we report experiments using the heuristic, (word) alignment-based phrase
extraction algorithm.
However, these models have an important drawback, which must be tackled with
whenever being applied to real time tasks: PB models tend to produce huge phrase
tables, which entail slow translation speeds. In this paper, we propose a Viterbi style re-
duction of the phrase table, as it is done in the Viterbi re-estimation of Hidden Markov
Models, achieving size reductions of over 90% and multiplying translation speed, mea-
sured as words per second, by almost a factor of 10.
3 Phrase Table Reduction via Suboptimal Bilingual Segmentation
The problem of segmenting a bilingual sentence pair in such a manner,that the resulting
segmentation is the one that contains, without overlap, the best phrases that can be
extracted from that pair is a difficult problem. In the first place, because all possible
segmentations must be considered, and this number is a combinatorial number. In the
second place, because a measure of “optimality” must be established. Consider the
following example:
Source: The table is red .
Target: La mesa es roja .
At the sight of this example, one would probably state that {{ The table , La mesa} ,
{is red, es roja}, {. , .}} is a good segmentation for this bilingual pair. However, why
is such a segmentation better than {{The , La},{ table is , mesa es},{red . , roja .}}?
As humans, we could argue with more or less convincing linguistic terms in favour of
the first option, but that does not necessarily mean that such a segmentation is the most
appropriate one for SMT, and, moreover,one could easily think of several linguistically
appropriate segmentations of this small example. To overcome this problem, PB SMT
systems are forced to extract a large number of possible overlapping segmentations, and
hope that one of them will be useful. Obviously, such an aggressive approach is bound
to be computationally costly, and decoding time greatly suffers because of this issue.
When considering all possible segmentations of a bilingual sentence pair and as-
suming a “bag of words” model for the target sentence, the probability P r(x|y) in
Equation 3 can be modelled as:
P (x|y) =
) (4)
where K is the number of bilingual segments into which each bilingual pair is divided,
µ is the set of possible segmentations of the source sentence x and γ the set of possible
segmentations of the target sentence y. In this formula we have assumed monotonic
translation, in which no word (or segment) reordering is performed for the sake of
Our approach for solving the problem of the overwhelming amount of possible seg-
mentations, and the consequent increase of the phrase table, is based on the concept of
Viterbi re-estimation [13]. Following this idea, we can approximate P(x|y) by chang-
ing the summations by maximisations:
P (x|y)
P (x|y) = max
) (5)
Given that the phrase table establishes the probability of an input segment given
a certain output segment, we can use the scores within the phrase table to compute
P (x|y), and then build a phrase table by only taking into account those segments used
to compute the optimal segmentation of each bilingual sentence in the training corpus.
P (x|y) according to a given phrase table is not an easy task: if
we establish a certain maximum length for the segments contained in the phrase table,
it is common that, due to non-monotonic alignments, certain words of a sentence will
not be contained in the segments extracted. Observing all possible segments without
constraining the maximum length is not a solution either, since the number of entries in
the phrase table would grow too much. This implies that the phrase table has coverage
problems even on the training set.
However, our intention is to discard unnecessary segment pairs contained in the
phrase table. To this purpose, a suboptimal bilingual segmentation, in which we trans-
late the source sentence, may be enough. We are aware, nevertheless, that translating
the input sentence will not necessarily produce the output sentence in the training pair,
but our experiments show that this might be good enough to prune the phrase table
without a significant loss in translation quality.
4 Experiments
We conducted our experiments on the Europarl corpus [14], with the partition estab-
lished in the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation of the NAACL 2006 [15].
The Europarl corpus [14] is built from the proceedings of the European Parliament,
which are published on the web, and was acquired in 11 different languages. However,
in this work we will only focus on the German–English, Spanish–English and French–
English tasks, since these were the language pairs selected for the cited workshop. The
corpus is divided into four separate sets: one for training, one for development, one for
test and another test set which was the one used in the workshop for the final evaluation.
This test set will be referred to as Test”, whereas the test set provided for evaluation
purposes outside the final evaluation will be referred to as “Devtest”. It must be noted
that the Test set included a surprise out-of-domain subset, and hence the translation
quality on this set will be significantly lower. The characteristics of the corpus can be
seen in Table 1. It might seem surprising that the average sentence length in the training
set is significantly lower than in the rest of the subsets. This is due to the fact that,
for the competition, the training corpus pruned to contain only those sentences with a
maximum length of 40, whereas this restriction was not imposed on the other subsets.
The translation systems were tuned using the development set with the MERT [16]
optimisation procedure, where the measure to be optimised was BLEU [17].
We performed experiments on both test sets, yielding similar results for both of
them. Because of this, and in order not to provide an overwhelming amount of results,
Table 1. Characteristics of the Europarl corpus.
German English Spanish English French English
Sentences 751088 730740 688031
Running words 15.3M 16.1M 15.7M 15.2M 15.6M 13.8M
Average length 20.3 21.4 21.5 20.8 22.7 20.1
Vocabulary size 195291 65889 102886 64123 80349 61627
Sentences 2000 2000 2000
Running words 55147 58655 60628 58655 67295 58655
Average length 27.6 29.3 30.3 29.3 33.6 29.3
Out of vocabulary 432 125 208 127 144 138
Sentences 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Running words 54260 57951 60332 57951 66200 57951
Average length 27.1 29.0 30.2 29.0 33.1 29.3
Out of vocabulary 377 127 207 125 139 133
Sentences 3064 3064 3064
Running words 82477 85232 91730 85232 100952 85232
Average length 26.9 27.8 29.9 27.8 32.9 27.8
Out of vocabulary 1020 488 470 502 536 519
we only report the results obtained with the Test set, being this result more interesting
because of the out-of-domain data it contains.
4.1 Suboptimal Segmentation Filtering
As a baseline system, we used the same system as the one used in the workshop. To
filter the phrase table as described in the previous section, we translated the whole
training subcorpus using the baseline model, and kept only those entries of the phrase
table which were used while doing this. Since the baseline system uses lexicalised re-
ordering [18], we also filtered the reordering table according to the segments used. The
result of this setup can be seen in Table 2.
In this table, the sizes are given in number of entries in the phrase table and the
speed is given in words per second. fsize is the size of the phrase table after filtering
out all segments which will not be needed for translating the current test set, which is
usual when dealing with big phrase tables. In this context, it must be noted that the
translation speed detailed in Table 2 was measured in all cases when translating using
the filtered phrase table, since loading the complete phrase table into memory without
any filtering is unfeasible with the baseline model. Moreover, the speed does not take
into account the time the system needs to load the model files (i.e. phrase table and
lexicalised reordering table), which is reduced in a factor of ten due to the difference
in model size. S
is the speedup, which is given by the formula S
= T
, where
is the time taken by the baseline system and T
is the time taken by the filtered
system. The values appearing as “size red.” in the table represent the fsize reduction in
percentage with respect to the original fsize. Hence, this column displays the effective
reduction of data loaded into the decoder when translating.
Translation quality, as measured with BLEU [17] is not affected by the reduction of
the size of the phrase table we proposing. Moreover, we can see that, in the worst case,
Table 2. Performance comparison between the baseline system and our suboptimal-
segmentation-reduced approach. Lexicalised reordering is considered. Speed is measured in num-
ber of translated source words per second, and fsize is the size of the phrase table when filtered
for the test set.
baseline reduced
pair WER BLEU size fsize speed WER BLEU size fsize speed size red. S
Es–En 57.8 30.6 19M 1.6M 5.3 57.5 30.9 1.9M 0.15M 13.1 91% 2.5
En–Es 57.5 30.3 19M 1.8M 5.7 57.4 30.6 1.7M 0.16M 11.3 92% 2.0
De–En 68.1 23.7 12M 1.1M 6.6 68.2 23.9 1.8M 0.18M 11.4 84% 1.7
En–De 72.5 16.4 13M 1.7M 4.3 72.4 16.5 1.9M 0.23M 9.0 86% 2.1
Fr–En 60.2 28.3 15M 1.6M 5.6 60.1 28.3 1.5M 0.12M 17.7 92% 3.2
En–Fr 60.5 30.5 16M 1.7M 4.5 60.1 30.9 1.6M 0.15M 9.5 91% 2.1
we get exactly the same score than with the baseline system, and in the best case we are
improving BLEU by 0.35 points. As measured with WER, which is an adaptation of the
edit distance used in Speech Recognition, the translation quality is slightly worsened in
some cases (with a maximum of 0.1 points), and in some cases improved.The behaviour
difference between BLEU and WER can be explained because of the measure being
optimised in MERT, which was BLEU.
Although the differences named in the previous paragraph are not significant, it is
important to stress that we are improving translation speed by a factor of 3.2 in the best
case and 1.7 in the worst case, without a significant loss of translation quality even in
cases where out-of-domain sentences were translated.
4.2 Increasing Translation Speed Further
Although the speeds achieved in the previous subsection are already competitive, they
may not be enough for real time applications: translating an average sentence of 25
words may take more than two seconds, and this might not be enough for the user who
is waiting for the translation.
A common resource for increasing translation speed is to consider only monotonic
translation. Under this decoding strategy, a given bilingual segment must occupy the
same position in both input and output sentences. For example, if the source part of a
certain bilingual segment is placed at the start of the source sentence, it cannot be placed
at the end of the target sentence (or anywhere else but at the start). Although it is true
that some translation quality is lost by doing so, the difference is relatively small the
language pairs considered in our work. Our phrase table reduction technique can also
be applied to monotonic translation. The results for this setup are shown in Table 3,
yielding, again, no significant worsening (or improvement) of the translation scores,
but achieving speedups ranging from 3.2 to 9.5, depending mainly on the language pair
chosen and when compared to the non-reduced monotonic search.
In this case, it must be emphasised that the fsize of the baseline is the same as in
the case of the lexicalised reordering search, since the reordering has no effect on the
number of phrases extracted. This is not so, however,with our suboptimalsegmentation,
since the monotonicity constraint is also imposed when obtaining the segments that will
Table 3. Performance comparison between the baseline system and our suboptimal-
segmentation-reduced approach. Monotonic search is considered. Speed is measured in number
of translated source words per second, and fsize is the size of the phrase table when filtered for
the test set.
baseline reduced
pair WER BLEU fsize speed WER BLEU fsize speed S
Es–En 58.8 29.6 1.6M 17.6 58.4 29.7 0.13M 91.5 5.2
En–Es 58.5 29.2 1.8M 19.1 58.6 29.2 0.08M 125.0 6.5
De–En 68.9 22.6 1.1M 20.6 69.0 22.5 0.14M 107.0 5.2
En–De 73.1 16.0 1.7M 23.5 72.6 16.2 0.20M 80.0 3.4
Fr–En 60.3 27.6 1.6M 15.8 60.9 27.4 0.11M 147.0 9.3
En–Fr 61.7 29.4 1.7M 19.0 61.5 29.4 0.16M 74.7 3.9
Table 4. Performance as measured by BLEU and WER for the re-normalised system. Both mono-
tonic and non-monotonic search are considered.
baseline re-normalised
monotonic reordering monotonic reordering
Es–En 58.8 29.6 57.8 30.6 59.0 29.1 57.8 30.5
En–Es 58.5 29.2 57.5 30.3 58.8 29.0 57.6 30.4
De–En 68.9 22.6 68.1 23.7 69.1 22.5 68.3 23.8
En–De 73.1 16.0 72.5 16.4 72.7 16.3 72.7 16.4
Fr–En 60.3 27.6 60.2 28.3 61.0 27.2 60.2 28.1
En–Fr 61.7 29.4 60.5 30.5 61.8 29.3 60.4 30.9
be part of the final phrase table, which implies that fewer (but shorter) segments will be
5 Analysis and Side Notes
A question which could be asked at this point is whether we can truly obtain the same
translation quality by just taking into account the suboptimal segmentation, or rather
what we are doing is simply a filtering, but we actually would need the probabilities
contained within the complete phrase table. In order to clarify this, we re-normalised the
phrase table, assigning to each segment the score obtained by only taking into account
those phrase pairs contained within the reduced phrase table. In Table 4 we can see the
results of performing such a renormalisation.
As can be seen in the table, the performance is not significantly affected by the
renormalisation. In our opinion, this clearly reveals that computing the phrase transla-
tion probabilities by only taking into account the segments used to translate the training
set obtains a similar result than taking into account all possible segmentations that are
consistent with the word alignments, as is common in regular SMT systems. A possible
interpretation is that those segments which were selected to stay in the final, filtered
table are those which account for the biggest part of the probability mass.
Table 5. BLEU and WER scores for the Training set, with both monotonic and non-monotonic
monotonic reordering
Es-En 44.9 48.2 43.2 50.6
En-Es 47.1 46.3 44.8 49.4
De-En 53.9 41.6 51.8 43.6
En-De 55.6 37.9 55.6 37.9
Fr-En 46.7 45.9 46.9 46.0
En-Fr 51.5 44.4 46.4 49.8
Lastly, and since we already had translated the training set, we found interesting to
compute the BLEU and WER scores over the training data. These scores, which can be
seen in Table 5, constitute an upper bound of the score that could be achieved in the test
set. However, these results are not as good as could be expected, which hints towards a
relatively weak (but even though state-of-the-art) performance of the translation models
and (or) decoding algorithm.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
In this work we have presented a straight-forward method for reducing the size of the
phrase table by a factor of ten, and increasing translation speed up to nine times. By
doing so, the translation quality as measured by WER and BLEU remains unaffected,
for both in-domain and out-of-domain data. Given that translation speed is a serious
issue in systems implementing phrase-based models, the approach presented in this
paper provides an efficient solution for the problem.
As future work, we are planning on researching ways to obtain the optimal segmen-
tation of the sentences in the training corpus, without going through the drawback of
having to translate the corpus. This includes both segmenting the sentences according
to a phrase table, and without having the phrase table as a starting point.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MEC under scholarship AP2005-
4023 and under grant CONSOLIDER Ingenio-2010 CSD2007-00018, and by the EC
(FEDER) and the Spanish MEC under grant TIN2006-15694-CO2-01.
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