tion of the dependencies between different plugins is complex and no sufficient com-
mercial tools exist that can visualize the structure of the whole system appropriately.
6 Conclusions and Outlook
We presented a technique and a tool for explicit modeling of dependencies between
agents and services. The benefit from this technique is an intuitive diagram consisting
of only four elements. The use of the proposed diagram helps a software developer
to get an overview on the overall structure of the system and to identify desired or
undesired dependencies hidden in the source code. Furthermore, the diagram may be
used for design, presentation and documentation purposes.
With the dependency diagram tool and the round-trip engineering system develop-
ers can generate and use the dependency diagram without additional effort. The depen-
dency diagram always shows an up-to-date documentation of the system.
The dependency diagram can not be used only for showing dependencies between
agents but also for other components. The current version of the tool, for example, can
generate diagrams that show the RENEW plugin dependencies. Because the RENEW
plugins and the plugin system were conceptually based on agent technology, this addi-
tional functionality was achieved with very little effort (compare with [4]).
The dependency diagram tool can be extended in many directions. It is possible to
show additional informations of the knowledge bases such as comments to the required
or offeredservices. The comments can be shown as UML note figures that are connected
to the corresponding agent figures.
Another interesting point is to analyze the connection between agent interaction
diagrams and dependency diagrams.
The work on dependency modeling presented in this paper is one building block
of a broader approach on agent-oriented software engineering based on Petri nets and
other graphical modeling formalisms. It includes research in the context of MULAN,
CAPA and also application development (see [3,7,13]).
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