We improved and normalized the employee life-cycle support significantly, but
our work isn’t finished yet. Currently, we are working on the following enhancements
to the system:
• Improve Integration with ONO’s Implementation of SAP: after an employee
life-cycle process is finished it should be directly registered in SAP (now this
step is performed manually) using a loosely-coupled service interface.
• Dynamic HR Budget with SAP Business Warehouse: implement SAP BWI to
provide dynamic and up-to-date information on the headcount budget. Cur-
rently the budget is loaded in the system upon HR’s request.
• Improving the Support for the Selection Process: currently some parts of the
selection process (for hiring new employees) are done offline. The system
doesn’t provide support for managing the interviews with candidates and man-
aging offer letters (this two issues need very special attention of ONO’s legal
department according to Spanish laws on information protection).
• Creation and Archival of Formal Letters: Automatically create formal letters
within each process and archive them in the process instance.
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