Improving Employee Life-Cycle Processes Support by
using a Web-Enabled Workflow System: An Agile
Leon Welicki
, Francisco Javier Piqueres Juan
Fernando Llorente Martin
and Victor de Vega Hernandez
ONO, Information Systems and Internet Services Department
Basauri 7-9, 28007, Madrid, Spain
ONO, Human Resources Department, Basauri 7-9, 28007, Madrid, Spain
Abstract. Employee life-cycle processes management (hiring new employees,
changing their conditions, and dismissing them) is a critical task that has a big
impact in HR Information Systems. If these processes are not handled correctly
the consistency of HR databases is compromised. In many cases (especially in
small and mid-size business) these processes are implemented using semi-
manual procedures based on unstructured information. In this paper we will
present the results of our real-world experience building a web-enabled work-
flow system for managing employee life-cycle process instances in the context
big Spanish telecommunications company.
1 Introduction
Employee life-cycle management is a critical task that affects all companies without
regard of their size and business. These processes include hiring new employees,
changing working conditions (promotion, demotions, change of cost centre, changes
in the compensation package, change of function, change of organizational unit, etc.)
and dismissals (end of relationship). In this paper we will present our real-world ex-
perience building a web-enabled workflow system for managing employee life-cycle
process instances in a big Spanish telecommunications company. In the first section
we will present ONO, our company, in order to set the organizational context. In the
second section we will present the problem that we faced and set the requirements for
building a tool to solve it. In the third section the web-enabled workflow system is
presented, making special focus on the agile approach used to build it and how the
previously stated requirements are met. Finally we will offer some conclusions and
future lines of work.
Welicki L., Javier Piqueres Juan F., Llorente Martin F. and de Vega Hernandez V. (2008).
Improving Employee Life-Cycle Processes Support by using a Web-Enabled Workflow System: An Agile Approach.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, pages 63-75
DOI: 10.5220/0001745000630075
1.1 About ONO
ONO is the leading alternative provider of telecommunications, broadband Internet
and pay television services in Spain and the only cable operator with national cover-
age. ONO offers its services to more than 1.8 million residential cable access and
69,000 business customers as of 31 March 2007, through its own state of the art net-
works which give direct access to nearly six million homes in franchises that cover
the majority of Spain, including the nine largest cities. ONO is the principal competi-
tor to the incumbent telecommunications and pay television operators in Spain. For
the first Quarter 2007, ONO generated revenues of €1,608 million and EBITDA of
€592 million, on an annualized basis. ONO has several offices all around Spain.
Fig. 1. ONO Spanish coverage and operating highlights. ONO offers their services to clients in
almost all the national territory, covering more than 17.500 homes in Spain (according the
Spanish INE).
2 The Problem
In the last years, ONO experienced a very fast growth in a very short period of time.
The biggest leap was the merge with Auna (a company that had the same size than
ONO at the time of the joint). One of ONO’s main characteristics was being very
agile, with very simple and human-centred processes. Some of them didn’t scale to
the new context of the company, since they were designed and implemented having
another model of enterprise in mind. The employee life-cycle management support
processes (hiring, changing working conditions, and dismissal) fell in this group.
Each of these processes were based on paper-printed documents (that in the best
case where based in corporate Excel templates), with all the problems that this im-
plies including inconsistency in the input (files were completed differently by the
requestors), traceability (all the Excels were sent internal mail), problems for enabling
team-work (there wasn’t any mechanism for dispatching the requests and therefore a
single request could be handled incorrectly by several HR (Human Resources) em-
ployees at the same time), lack of a unified way for notifying the participants in the
flow, lack of tools for reusing the requests, lack of reporting (there wasn’t any auto-
matic way to get a report of what was going on in the company), lot of human effort
of very low added-value (HR managers consolidating hundreds of Excel files and e-
mails), among other problems. To make things worst, ONO has a region-based organ-
izational model (based on the division of the company in the Spanish geography),
increasing the impact of the above mentioned problems.
2.1 Description of the Manual Processes
ONO is a young company, and therefore some of their processes matured in the last
years and some of them are still maturing. The employee life-cycle management proc-
ess was a manual process that was based in interactions among people that knew each
other (at least by telephone). They were manual workflows where all the participants
worked collaboratively on a physical paper document.
Following, we will describe briefly (and in a broad way) how the processes were
1. A user creates a request document (for staring a new hire, a change in the con-
ditions of one of his employees, or a dismissal). In the best cases this docu-
ment was based on a corporate template. While this was the best case, it was
far from being ideal: since the requestors weren’t HR specialist (a petitioner
could be any manager that needs to hire a new employee or to promote one of
his employees) usually the document wasn’t correctly fulfilled.
2. After the document was created and printed, it was signed by the petitioner
and by her manager.
3. The petitioner notifies the HR department (by email or by phone) and then he
sends the physical document by internal mail.
4. HR receives the document and validates it. If they need further clarification,
they would contact the petitioner or her manager to discuss about the request.
5. In the case that the conditions of the hiring / promotion / change / etc. varied
significantly after the discussion, a new physical document needed to be is-
sued and signed again.
6. HR registers the transaction, contacts the employee that would be hired / pro-
moted / fired / etc., does their usual tasks according the type of process, and
registers all the information in their HR systems (payroll, SAP HR module,
7. Periodically (twice a month), the HR staff manually created reports of the on-
going processes to inform the upper management. They also used this infor-
mation to verify that the HR budget wasn’t overrun (this verification was also
manual on a process-by-process basis).
The above description is a simplified version of the manual processes, with the
goal to illustrate its fragility. It was very error prone, produced lots of unnecessary
work, unreliable (in some cases, papers where lost and the process needed to be
started over), and unique for each petitioner (according to her personality). It con-
sumed lots of time of the HR team performing tasks of near-to-null value, such as
verifying the input data and trying to interpret it, creating reports manually, tracking
papers, notifying personally each of the actors in the process, and controlling the
2.2 ONO-AUNA Merge Related Problems
The process mentioned above worked fairly well in mid-to-low-size environment
(less than 2.500 employees), with a relatively small HR department, and a very peo-
ple oriented culture. Since the process was mainly based in human interactions, it
worked better when the participants knew each other. Additionally, each instance of
the process was highly dependant in the actors: some requesters (hiring managers in
the hundreds of departments of the organization) where good “process players” and
sent the information in good shape while others where very chaotic.
When ONO bought Auna and the merge started the company doubled its size. A
manual process mainly based in interactions among people that knew each other
didn’t scale well in the new scenario, in one part because the size of the company
increased but mainly because the people running the process didn’t knew all their
counterparts anymore (and given the new size of the company, it was very improb-
able that they would do ever).
To worsen things, the amount of HR transactions regarding employee life-cycle
increased exponentially: is well known by everyone that in a merge process lots of
new people come to the company, lots of people leave the company, and even more
people changes position (in the average, there are two employees for each position,
since both companies where in the same business).
A final added problem was traceability and auditability: since the process was
based in physical paper sheets, it was mandatory to keep the original papers for a time
period according with the Spanish law. During the merge, lots of work centre moves
were done. Each move affected the paper files and therefore increased the difficulty
to locate the papers (they could be lost or at any branch of the company). In these
cases, lots of time of the HR was lost just doing “paper chasing”.
2.3 The Need for a Tool
It was very clear that the company needed a tool to assist the employee life-cycle
management, with the goal of making it easier, more reliable, predictable and audit-
able, to provide all the participants in the process the information they need just in
time without any further hassle, and to provide the upper management with reporting
tools to know the global picture regarding the overall HR budget of the company.
After jointly studying the problem ONO’s HR and IT departments decided to build
a set of tools to support the employee life-cycle processes. The main goal of these
tools was to enable the collaborative work between all the actors implied in each of
the employee life-cycle management processes. Each of these actors should be able to
interact with the new tool in a very simple and efficient manner. Additionally, the tool
should be proactive, providing a “push model”: each participant in the process should
be notified whenever a process instance requires his participation. The tool should
support the approval workflow [13] for each type of process, dynamic headcount
validation and automatic reporting.
2.4 Requirements for the Tool
The following requirements where established by ONO’s HR department:
HR Budget Control. Provide an automatic control of the HR budget at all the
appropriate levels. For example, when a new request is issued it should be
checked against the requesting department HR budget to verify if the request is
valid. At a higher level the upper management and HR directors need to have re-
porting facilities to have a general view of evolution the overall HR budget of the
Support for the Approval Workflows. Model the manual processes using a work-
flow systems. This implies modelling semi-formal processes using formal speci-
Enabling Collaborative Work. The tool should allow each employee to partici-
pate in the approval workflow at the right moment. It should inform the partici-
pant in the flow of the new events that require their attention. It should also give
a unique single point for checking the status of the on going processes (eliminat-
ing e-mail and phone).
Automatic Reporting. Generate all the reports automatically, without manual
Traceability and Auditability. All the process instances should be traceable and
auditable, giving a fine grained control over the past events.
Reducing Manual Work. reduce all the low value added manual work
Input Consistency: simplify data input in order to give reduce ambiguity and
improve consistency in data that enters to the approval flow.
Reduce Bottlenecks in the Process. Provide tools to avoid a single person to stop
all the ongoing flows when she is not available.
Ease of use and Far Reach. Create a very easy to use tool in order to make the
learning curve as low as possible. It should also accessible by any employee of
the organization without the need of any complex setup in his computer.
3 A Web-Enabled Workflow System as a Response to the Problem
After the problem was clearly established ONO’s IT and HR departments started
working on how to deliver a cost and time effective solution following ONO’s cul-
tural principles [4]. The working group determined that the best approach for solving
the problem was building a web-enabled workflow-based system, since it would
empower the collaborative work on the employee life-cycle requests without any
special requirement in the client computers.
The group also decided to build it with a low budget without sacrificing the quality
and functionality, using the technologies and tools available at the company (mainly
based in the development framework created by ONO’s IT department). An agile
approach was the methodological choice since it allowed to build small deliverables
in short iterations, delivering value in small (but continuous) slots of time. In the
economic side, this approach would allow to build with the resources at disposal: if
the team was short on economic resources, it could do less ambitious iterations or
even do no iteration without affecting the overall project (whenever any iteration was
finished a new fully working module was delivered and deployed in production).
3.1 Modelling the Business Processes
The processes were modelled after a careful analysis of their manual counterparts. A
joint work between ONO’s HR and IT department was performed in order to come
out with the most accurate representation of the business processes involved in the
employee life-cycle.
The business process modelling was a very important part of the process: lot of
tacit organizational knowledge [10] needed to be transformed in explicit knowledge
[10] that can be used as a formal specification. It was a big challenge to come out
with a model that clearly represents the interactions for each employee life-cycle
process: since the process was semi-formal, there where significant ambiguities that
needed to be resolved.
The main premise in this specification process was simplicity: our goal was to
come out with the simplest process definition as possible. All the resulting flows are
very similar: this is the result of a commonality analysis [6] between all the processes
in order to find all the similarities between processes and model them as uniform as
possible to make them simpler and easier.
Observing, Learning Building, and Delivering: An Agile Approach for Model-
ling the Business Processes. We took an agile [1] [8] [2] [11] approach built our first
model iteratively and incrementally: instead of trying to come out with the final ver-
sion of the three flows up-front we went through several short iterations on the first
one (the hiring process) and improved it using the feedback and experience gained
from its real users.
We created a simple implementation of the hiring process according to the more
immediate needs of HR. When it was in production we actively observed the prob-
lems and situations that arose to our users when using the tool and the error logs of
the system. With all this information we built packages of fixes (in short sprints) and
delivered new versions taking the same approach (observing, learning, building, and
This approach allowed us to constantly deliver value and to supply a working solu-
tion to our users without spending unnecessary time in the analysis phase (lot of the
changes that we included in the packages where product of our continuous improve-
ment process).
3.2 An Agile Approach for Implementing the HR Workflow System
The Software Development area in ONO’s IT department works under the principle
of dividing big projects in small chunks in order to deliver functionality earlier in
shorter intervals of time and with more client checkpoints. This allows building ap-
plications with smaller budget, deliver early working products to the clients, and
giving them the chance to change or add new requirements after each iteration. The
main goal of our approach is to deliver value to clients in the shortest interval as pos-
sible and to evolve the functionalities based on real world information mined from the
usage of the application (observe, learn, build, and deliver).
ONO’s Software Development area uses a variant of SCRUM [11]. Each sprint
[11] starts with the creation of a scope document that is validated by IT and its clients
(in this case, HR). After the document is approved, a high level architecture and high
level designs are built and a product backlog is created. This backlog may also con-
tain small user stories on each of its items. The backlog is revised on a daily basis
doing stand-up meetings. In that stand-up meetings, some architectural or design
issues may arise. In that case they are discussed later in other special purpose meet-
ings, in order to make the daily stand ups as short as possible and not keeping all the
members of the team busy with things that are not interesting for them. In our
SCRUM variant, the sprints are not of a fixed size and we have an architect role to
ensure conceptual integrity [3] and alignment and synergies with Ono.CDI, our cor-
porate software development framework.
We calculate the size of the sprint according to the commitments established with
the clients. However, we always work actively with the clients to keep the sprints
shorter than six weeks. Ideally, and on the average, the sprints have three weeks dura-
After sprint is finished, a User Acceptance Test (UAT) with the client area is per-
formed. In this test some minor issues may arise, so we always plan some days in our
schedule to fix these minor issues. After the UAT is passed and the fixes are ap-
proved we deliver the product of the iteration.
Deliverables Planning: Technology for the Masses. HR and IT established to pol-
icy of “Deliver value to 4980 employees first and later to the remaining 20”. This
was our guiding metaphor [10] [2] and means that we work to deliver functionality to
all the company first (the front-end of the application) and leave the detailed back-end
operations for later iterations.
The following example illustrates the idea: we focused on creating client applica-
tions with very clear and crisp user interfaces to deliver good tools to all the employ-
ees in the company for going through the employee life-cycle processes. This elimi-
nated the physical sheet of paper, the phone calls, and the ambiguities in the process,
improving the operations of all the hiring managers and organizational unit managers
in the company (and potentially of any employee in the company). However, in the
first versions the back-end tools for the HR team where less sophisticated since we
used all our resources for providing value to the biggest number of users.
Technology Planning. In order to create a reliable and fully functional tool with a
low budget and fast delivery we leveraged Ono.CDI (Ono Content Driven Infrastruc-
ture Framework), our corporate software development framework for intranet based
applications. Ono.CDI contains a set of tools and engines that provide core and basic
services (figure 2) that includes a Workflow Engine, Document Management Engine,
Business Request Framework, and Caching Engine [14] [15]. It has crosscutting Se-
curity and Audit modules that ensure that applications complain with ONO’s IT secu-
rity policies and with legal audit requirements.
Ono.CDI also includes prescriptive architectural guidelines and blueprints that
govern the architecture of ONO’s intranet applications. Therefore the application is
completely aligned with ONO’s development policies lowering its technology trans-
fer and maintenance cost (the maintenance and the development team are formed by
different people) and ensuring a quality minimum based proven architectural patterns
[5] [6] and development practices.
Fig. 2. ONO’s development framework high level architectural view.
3.3 HR Workflow System
The result of the process is the HR Workflow System that provides support for the
employee life-cycle management processes. In the section 2.4 we established a set of
requirements that needed to be fulfilled by the system. Following, we will explain
how these requirements have been met by the tool.
HR Budget Control. The system provides a detailed HR budget control. It has been
designed and built to keep track of the budget of each organizational unit on a process
instance basis. For example, when a manager requests HR to hire a new employee the
system checks if his area is above or below its headcount budget. If the area is above
its headcount budget the request is annotated with special information (as shown in
figure 3) in order to make this situation easily noticeable to the rest of the participants
in the flow. The application also includes reports to provide the HR experts and the
upper management with high level real-time views of the overall HR budget evolu-
tion in the organization.
Fig. 3. Fragment of the “hiring request” screen. Notice how the headcount indicators (“HC
presupuestado” and “HC real” fields) are highlighted in red. This means that this request is
above the headcount of the requesting organizational unit.
Support for the Approval Workflow. The system used ONO’s Workflow Engine
capabilities to model the approval workflows. A workflow definition has been created
for each of the flows associated with each type of employee life-cycle process (hiring,
change of working conditions, and dismissal).
Enabling Collaborative Work. The HR Workflow System notifies each employee
of new events via e-mail whenever a process needs his participation. This enhances
the users experience since the users don’t need to be polling the application periodi-
cally to check if there is something that requires their attention. Additionally, the
system implements an “Inbox” metaphor (similar to the one used in the e-mail sys-
tems) that gathers the requests that need participation of the user. When a user enters
in the application his inbox is displayed. Additionally a summary of it (figure 4) is
present during all his session within the application.
Fig. 4. Inbox summary. This widget is displayed in the left menu bar of the screen and is al-
ways visible. This widget shows the total number of requests of each type that require the
participation of the logged user. When the user clicks in any of the request types the complete
inbox is displayed
Automatic Reporting. The system generates automatically the necessary reports for
HR control and for the upper management control. They are generated dynamically
and can be requested at any moment providing an up-to-date picture of the overall
active employee life-cycle processes in the organization.
Traceability and Auditability. Every action in the approval workflow of the em-
ployee life-cycle process instances is recorded in a history log that is displayed within
each process instance (figure 5). Additionally, access information is recorded but not
shown (this is used for privacy and access control audits)
Fig. 5. History of a process. Each action performed on the request is recorded (including the
execution user, date, target state, and observations).
Reducing Manual Work. All the notifications to participants, reporting, and archival
of finished processes is done automatically, eliminating the most tedious and error
prone manual tasks.
Input Consistency. The input screens reduce the work to be done by the users. Each
participant only needs to complete a very concrete (and ideally small amount of)
information in each step of the flow. The employee and organizational related infor-
mation is extracted directly from ONO’s IT infrastructure, and the rest of the fields
are parameterized lists (whenever is possible) simplifying considerably the creation of
new requests (figure 6).
Fig. 6. Input screen for working conditions change. After an employee is selected (first field)
all his information is retrieved from the corporate SAP HR database and displayed in read only
fields. The remaining input fields in the form are parameterized drop down lists.
Reduce Bottlenecks in the Processes. The application provides “delegation” func-
tionality that allows an employee to “delegate” in another employee his functions.
There are also “super-users” (HR members) that can act in any request at any time.
Therefore, except in the case rare situations that need a careful analysis of a senior
manager, no employee is a bottleneck for a process instance in the system.
Ease of Use and Far Reach. We based our user interface (UI) in our corporate Intra-
net (OnoNET) that is well known among all ONO employees (figure 7). We also used
all the UI widgets of our development framework having consistency with the exist-
ing applications in the intranet. The use of web-based technologies simplifies the
deployment and reach of the tool: any user with a browser can access and use the HR
Workflow System. Our UI foundation follows the usability guidelines presented in
[7] and [9].
Fig. 7. UI consistency and simplicity: the HR Workflow System (right side of the figure) is
similar to the corporate intranet (left side of the figure).
4 Conclusions and Future Work
The workflow system has been in production for a year. It has successfully managed
a big number of requests (we cannot disclose that information here), bringing reliabil-
ity, traceability and audatibility to the employee life-cycle management processes. It
has become one of the core systems for supporting HR operations.
The resolution of each employee life-cycle process went down from weeks (in the
manual case) to just days or hours (according the complexity of the request). Each
participant in the process has to just perform a very concrete action and work with
very concrete set of data. Additionally, he is notified via mail every time he needs to
perform an action on a request.
Reporting is done automatically. The HR staff doesn’t have to spend time on creat-
ing reports and the upper management has real-time in information on the on-going
employee life-cycle processes.
Everyone in the company knows the processes (they are unambiguous, well docu-
mented, and accessible to everyone in the organization) and the processes are always
the same for every employee in the organization. They are no longer dependent on the
participants. At the same time the processes model the reality of our company and had
been tailored to provide as much value as possible to it.
We could summarize the main benefits of the system in these three items:
1. Reliable Information: the data sources are accurate based on normalized input
and each process instance is auditable.
2. Agile Information: the employees are notified only when they have to partici-
pate in a flow eliminating unnecessary and unproductive “polling” in an appli-
3. Improved Information Management: the employee process life-cycle proc-
esses information is centralized, easy to access, and normalized, making it
easy to know about the state of any on going or finished process in a uniform
and simple way.
We improved and normalized the employee life-cycle support significantly, but
our work isn’t finished yet. Currently, we are working on the following enhancements
to the system:
Improve Integration with ONO’s Implementation of SAP: after an employee
life-cycle process is finished it should be directly registered in SAP (now this
step is performed manually) using a loosely-coupled service interface.
Dynamic HR Budget with SAP Business Warehouse: implement SAP BWI to
provide dynamic and up-to-date information on the headcount budget. Cur-
rently the budget is loaded in the system upon HR’s request.
Improving the Support for the Selection Process: currently some parts of the
selection process (for hiring new employees) are done offline. The system
doesn’t provide support for managing the interviews with candidates and man-
aging offer letters (this two issues need very special attention of ONO’s legal
department according to Spanish laws on information protection).
Creation and Archival of Formal Letters: Automatically create formal letters
within each process and archive them in the process instance.
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