This paper introduced an approach which combines
knowledge engineering with quality driven software
architecture development. The metrics of one
quality attribute were introduced and used together
with the quality variability model for defining a
quality profile and representing quality properties in
architectural models. An integrated tool
environment was built for supporting the approach.
It is commonly known that the role of the
software architect is an extensive one; the architect
should be able not only to understand business
drivers and technical issues but also to be able to
organize the work and to communicate the
architecture to different stakeholders. Furthermore,
quality engineering, even when focusing on only
one quality attribute, requires a lot of domain
knowledge. One of our contributions is that our
approach separates knowledge management of
quality attributes from technical software
engineering. Ontologies help in developing and
sharing architectural knowledge, while modeling
assists in achieving high-quality software
architectures. We believe that this kind of approach
is required for future service oriented systems,
which are co-developed and delivered globally, and
locally adjusted to usage contexts.
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ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering