as show in Figure 9 is in the order of six minutes
related to the DECT case study. The TTCN-3 test
suite consisted of over 200 test cases, which means
that about 20 hours are needed to derive the TTCN-3
source code. After additional 24 hours to compile
the executable test suite by means of Telelogic Tau
G2 the actual test could be started and revealed
around ten failures of different types, e.g. the
reception of a wrong message type, wrong parameter
values and even a non-functional violation of a
given time constraint.
In the TestUS approach no overhead for
generating, transforming and translating test cases in
order to produce the TTCN-3 test suite is necessary.
Instead, the transformation of the MCUM to the
TTCN-3 source code for the DECT case study can
be done within 5 seconds using a Java tool that was
developed to do this task and which can be selected
via the Eclipse plug-in shown in Figure 12. The
compilation of the executable test suite is done by
Telelogic Tau G2 within additional 15 minutes.
Now, as long as one likes test cases can be
performed and interpreted on-the-fly in real-time
without any further modifications of the TTCN-3
test suite.
The advantage of the new approach implemented in
the TestUS framework is obvious:
• The main effort at the beginning of the test
process is to construct a MCUM in order to
reflect the correct usage behaviour between the
SUT and all possible actors.
• Based on a UML 2.0 software engineering
process, which starts from use case diagrams
that contain interaction diagrams to refine the
user interactions an automatic derivation of the
MCUM protocol state machine representation is
achieved by a proper tool chain.
• There is no need to calculate TTCN-3 test cases
in advance. Therefore, it is possible to avoid the
unfolding of finite loop fragments with upper
and/or lower boundaries and the serialization of
interleaved events that are responsible for a
factorial growth of the length of the test cases.
• Once the MCUM is transformed to a TTCN-3
test suite, test cases and the evaluation of test
verdicts are interpreted on-the-fly in the
executable test suite.
We proved the new concept by means of a
realistic case study for testing a DECT
communication system. The previous generation and
compilation time for the dedicated DECT test suite
summing up in the order of 44 hours was reduced to
only 15 minutes and we got a TTCN-3 test suite at
the end that interprets as many test cases as one likes
for the DECT system on-the-fly and in real-time.
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ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering