This paper represents a contribution in the process
modeling issues. In particular it concerns with the
relationships between processes and operative
environment that drives to a context-based process
model specialization.
We propose a pattern-driven approach to capture
and explicitly represent abstract problem–solving
knowledge. This approach uses a decision tables set
to formalize the relationships between all the
possible environment factor configurations and the
specialized solutions.
This approach has been experimented in a real
context with encouraging results. The combined use
of the pattern-driven model and the decision table
notation has been able to promptly react to each
environment change. In particular, it is adequate
mainly for expecting changes because the pattern-
driven approach permits to show the path for the
new specialized solution: a new context factor value
implies a table consultation and the extraction of
new specialized actions in order to re-modeling the
business process on use. The proposed approach is
useful also for unexpected changes because it
implies the reorganization of relationships between
processes and the operative context through a quick
decision table update.
In order to validate the proposed approach, we
have conducted an on-field investigation in several
industrial environments using two automated tools.
Our future studies will be aimed to the optimization
of these tools.
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