Petar Atanasov
New Bulgarian University, Montevideo 21 Street, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: e-Learning, databases, OLAP, data warehouse, grid architecture, web services.
Abstract: This paper introduces the design and implementation of information solution especially designed for the
purposes of e-Learning at New Bulgarian University. The described architecture combines the best of
modern technologies and theoretical foundations. In addition is examined the close future plans on
researching for creation of data repository with semantic file system and its relation with the system.
Databases are commonly used for storing structured
data and for analysis of its content. They present the
most modern manner of persisting and manipulating
information. Most e-Learning systems (e.g. Moodle,
A-tutor, OLAT) use relational database systems
(RDBMS) when handling that process such as My
SQL, PostregSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server. Each of
these systems allows in different stage the
organization and the systematical approach (ad hock
queries, stored procedures, views, materialized
views) in data manipulation as well as optimal disk
storage and security.
At the present moment this is the best way of
working with large amounts of data, especially in the
large fast growing field of e-Learning and especially
in assessment, where the amount of content and
active users is vast. The structure of the data itself is
with critical importance for the correct functioning,
ease collection and responsive interaction with the
system. In the process of e-Learning as a whole the
process of testing and assesment is using most
actively the database resources provided by the
particular RDBMS.
The modern need of handling large data amount
activities leads to cross various combinations and
techniques in definitely not so close fields like
OLAP database architectures and e-Learning.
There are several, reported as successful,
projects that combine OLAP technologies and use
them as powerful data analysis tool.
iSUS (University of Manchester, 2006) uses the
technology in the process of classifying items for
tests. Some metrics of the product:
1. manages over 8000 learning events for
more than 140 students
2. classified more than 24 000 qualitative and
more than 2 000 quantitative test elements
3. perspective direct and aggregated view over
data for objects like (again classified according
to the product specification), Student, Teacher,
In others such as the system (Lay, 2006) from
the presentation of Mhairi McApline form Scottish
Qualifications Authority (SQA), who presents
complex set of programatical methods implemented
in services and business operations, the foundations
of the system are based in centralized data
On the other hand several e-Learning entreprise
companies had developed OLAP compatible
systems in addition to their product lines. For
example such a tool is Docent Analytics (Docent,
2006) which gives the opportunity to analyze trends
in education, certification, compatibility, partnership
channels, sales and etc.
All projects present independent approaches
toward solving the problem of manipulating and
analyzing large amounts of data for the purposes of
e-Learning. They influenced strongly the solution
designed and implemented at New Bulgarian
University, but still does not contain the key of
mastering the solution for the concrete goals and
further research activities, but rather are milestones
showing that the direction is right.
In addition a very interesting application of the
OLAP technology can be found in the process of
generating tests, classifying items and calibrating
Atanasov P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 251-254
DOI: 10.5220/0001867202510254
them as well as in presenting reports for test
activities and results.
The solution is composed of system framework and
four independend but integrated parts, grouped in
two major segments according to their purpose:
Figure 1: Segment A.
Segment A is covering the area of everyday
activities: it includes LMS installation integrated
with external database containing user accounts. The
additional server on the figure is serving backup role
and in case of failure can recover completely the
working process.
Figure 2: Segment B.
The foundation of Segment B is data analysis
(using OLAP technology). The main purpose is
processing assessment data for prognosis,
simulations and further testing of different learning
styles as well as observing student behaviour.
The framework purpose is synthesized in the
communication of both segments. It collects user
data from Segment A which is than aggregated in
the OLAP database in Segment B.
2.1 Background
At project initiation time NBU was using three
separate web platforms wich were partially serving
the e-Learning activities, both for students and
teachers. Yet no integration between the systems,
nor abilities of sharing data, resources and activities
were met. In addition there were no feature in any of
the systems to continuously monitor and analyze
data, user activities and etc.
The needs of the modern times and the new
challenges of e-Learning in nowadays had shaped
the requirements into two separated but completely
compatible systems and the framework beneath
them: LMS for handling activities in everyday work
and analytical system for collecting, analysing and
2.2 Design Concepts
The design policy is based on the best practices and
theoretical basis in the software engineering and is
completely focused on the two main streams of the
solution and its supportive framework. The main
concepts are as follows:
use design patterns in development practice
framework settlement
open source
2.3 Major Objectives
There are two main objectives that shape the
solution: First to provide solid base for everyday
activities and than after successful deployment of the
first stage, as second sequential phase, to develop an
advanced analysis and reporting system for the
resultant data of the first stage.
provide LMS environment for completely
serving various activities
provide homogeneous approach in
customizations and maintenance of the
working environment
provide high availability and security
provide homogeneous approach in managing
provide service oriented framework
provide analytical features
provide ability for continuous monitoring in
acceptable way of the user activities and
testing results
2.4 Physical Structure of the Solution
Containing four physically independend servers
responsible for management of the e-Learning
process, the e-Learning content, management of
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
users, system backup and archive, and deployment
of particular customization and modules source
code. The servers are segregated according to its
major priorities in the following manner:
Working server – used for everyday work
Staging server – pre-release with
customizations after the successful
deployment of particular features
Deployment server – responsible mainly for
the development and customization of the
working installation
Archive server – contains backups and
archives of the working installation, as well as
complete versioning of particular modules and
2.5 Organizational Structure of the
Separate installation of LMS Moodle (latest
stable version) used for everyday work
Separate (legacy) system with users integrated
with the working Moodle installation
Development area – customizations, bug fixes
and tests of new features with latest archived
working copy as playground
Regular backup of the working installation –
with on demand feature as well as regularly
scheduled timed backups of the database and
the external data. The module is purposed as
instant replacement and recovery of the
working version.
2.6 Services Module
User management- handle, secure,
import/export, etc.
Dynamic ranking of searched results and
categorization algorithms
Data tier (for various data sources: relational
database including pilot module with semantic
file system)
e-Learning content presentation
OLAP Toolbox.
Separate reporting module – user activity and
others (e.g. test results)
2.7 Comparison of Different OLAP
The different strategies when designig OLAP
solutions shape behaviour not only for the various
products on the market but also sketch the different
purposes and goals of the respective information
systems. At present moment 'four main options
dominate' (White, 2003) in designing OLAP
solution. The most conservative approach is when
data is stored in a relational database and than
accessed with SQL statements. Data is structured in
star or snowflake table design and the database is
managed by client or server RDBMS. One of the
best features when using this way is that it avoids
the need of purchasing specialized multidimensional
database product while on the other hand its biggest
fault resides in pour performance and limitations of
traditional SQL. Vendors in the area like Microsoft,
Oracle and IBM, are constantly working on
improvements on SQL analysis power and
performance. This option is supported from any
product that can provide relational view of data.
The second approach is depending hardly on vendor
provided OLAP engine which retrieves data from
the working database and performs more complex
processing on it. This processing is achieved by
using vendor-specific visual tools or by applications
that execute OLAP language statements through a
provided API. There are couple of options for the
OLAP engine: it can reside in the same operating
platform as the RDBMS, it may be integrated with
the RDBMS or may be presented as middle-tier
server in a three-tier architecture. Solutions based on
this option are provided by Applix, IBM, Microsoft,
MicroStrategy and Oracle.
The third way offers the ability of storing data in a
multidimensional database (as arrays or cubes) and
manipulate it using queries and OLAP visual tools.
As in the first approach the database may be
managed by client- or server-based
multidimensional DBMS (MDBMS). The reason
why this approach is popular is because the
MDBMS can be optimized for OLAP, which leads
to good performance particularly in array processing
large amounts of memory. But this still not means
that the approach is scalable to processing large
amounts of data an large user activities which results
in using this approach for manipulation of
summarized data. Key vendors in this area include
Applix, Cognos, Comshare, Hyperion, Microsoft,
Oracle and SAS.
The last way in designing OLAP solutions is to store
small amounts of data in files in user computers and
than access it with the OLAP engine. Usually this
data is gathered from RDBMS or MDBMS. At the
present moment this option is really popular, further
more the growth in the use of Web-based thin clients
indicates that the business is exploring the
opportunity to move client OLAP processing
(described in the third option) to Web-based servers.
Vendors working in the area of the fourth approach
are Business Objects and Cognos.
Each option has its own positive and negative sides,
so the successive OLAP solution will combine
different features from the various approaches.
Alternatve method would be the integration of the
OLAP solution with pilot module with semantic file
system. The succesive result would lead to variuos
possibilities when collecting data not only from the
current chosen LMS (Moodle) but actually from any
other giving the oportunity to process and analyse
different data sources.
The HP servers are operating on Gentoo Linux
(Gentoo 2007) with PHP 5 and MySQL 5 (standart
edition) as database server. We are expecting future
migration to My SQL Enterprise Edition as the need
of more data manipulation arises. Currently we
server about 5 000 users with almost 3GB user data
stored in the database and additional 10GB of data
stored in the file system and served by the LMS
The working server is operating with Moodle 1.7
with integrated module (both using the Moodle
coding style and another with completely external
method) for user import and verification.
Currently our plans are focused on establishing
framework for handle and manipulation of large
volumes of data and the process of reviewing,
reporting and describing the university processes
and activities as a whole. In order to sketch the
contours of the big picture we evolved to initiating
the development of OLAP module closely coupled
with the chosen working LMS (Moodle) and
implementation of data warehouse solution.
The OLAP toolbox will represent subsystem
with two main branches: data visualization module
and services for aggregating, collecting and feeding
the reporting module.
In addition we plan implementation of a data
repository with the particular goal of organizing and
manipulating bank of items. Again this module as
well all others in the system is designed in service
oriented manner.
Finally we are discussing and exploring the
possibilities of integration with other modern e-
Learning systems as A-tutor and OLAT, keeping in
mind that e-Learning still doesn't mean Moodle,
although so wide spread and well accepted around
the world
This paper has presented the conceptual basis and
the implementation status of the NBU's university e-
Learning system. The theory and practices behind
the solution are inspired form the most advanced
modern techniques, which are very new to the e-
Learning in Bulgaria.
The homogeneous approach implemented in grid
organized with operational LMS and the subsequent
analyzing system are in harmony with the latest
tendencies in modern technology and wich is more
importeant serve better its purposes.
Docent Analytics, 2006
iSUS, University of Manchester, 2006
Lay S., (2006), QTI and Item Banking
White C., (2003), OLAP in the Database, Intelligent
Business Strategies, DM Review Magazine
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies