It is important to remind ourselves that we do not take
for granted that implementing the principles in accor-
dance with any of the definitions above, is
a priori,
in itself, virtuous or necessary (although it seems rea-
sonable) to achieve usability. We see this as an em-
pirical question, which needs to be assessed indepen-
dently. It will, however, be a much more doable as-
sessment in the first place, if as we have suggested, a
precise and formal definition of what each principle
entails. Moreover, the availability of a tool which can
identify fulfillment or breakage of consistency criteria
will be necessary for any quantitative assessment of
the correlation between practice and theory. A subjec-
tive or example-dependent qualification of each prin-
ciple may be sufficient for teaching the notion com-
prised by each principle, but it will not do as a point
of departure for experiments of a more quantitative
nature. We believe that the latter will be a strong sup-
plement to the existing body of work.
Another equally important contribution of the re-
search presented in this paper is that it documents
shortcomings of modeling techniques when their ob-
jective has not been taken properly into account. We
know that many of the more generic frameworks for
describing user interfaces are not suitable for the dual
task of development and formal analysis. In many re-
spects that we have touched upon in this paper, they
are not suited for formal validation of usability de-
sign principles. There are many drawbacks. The vol-
ume and verbose nature of the specifications make
them hard to write and understand for the “human
model checker,”who at least has to be able to check
the model checker. We are of course aware of the
irony in this, but improvement of practice must be
seen as desirable even if it is stepwise rather than to-
tal, in our opinion.
It will, as we see it, be a great advantage compared
to most other automatic usability evaluation methods
based on models, if one can devise an approach which
does not need be ”made to match” an existing artifact,
i.e. a dedicated format or tool. These approaches
suffer from an ”impedance mismatch” problem, by
which we mean that the representation of the artifact
intended for checking may itself be an inaccurate im-
age (or it may not be one-to-one). By definition, us-
ing a declarative product from the software life-cycle
product chain itself, will make our ”substrate” corre-
spond more accurately with the manifest artifact that
one aims to implement in the next instance, namely
the dynamic user interface. Th result may still not
be exactly what the users wanted, but at least we can
check it properly and know that it represents correctly
the artifact, since the relationship between them is
one-to-one. On the other hand, this may represent a
problem for the specification of the search strategies
that perform the model checking.
Finally, we need to state that in our opinion the
possibility of a nice framework and associated toolkit
for logical and precise analysis of usability principles
in an interactive application, does not pre-empt the
need to work closely with users. Notwithstanding the
internal validity of our contribution, which is to some
extent only depending on our efforts to formulate an
abstract world, the usefulness of such a framework
depends wholly on the “real world”. Thus, we look
forward to being able to compare the predictions of
a formal analysis with traditional usability evaluation
of the same systems. Only when correlation on this
level has been established, of course, one may con-
clude that this type of approach is really viable.
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LEARNABILITY AND ROBUSTNESS OF USER INTERFACES - Towards a Formal Analysis of Usability Design