- There was no gradually acceptance of information.
- 34 statements remain without any comment.
- 4 statements were formulated in a wrong way.
This procedure has to be performed again by other
experts and the set of formulas has to be enhanced.
But the analysis of the prototypical answers is very
interesting and the conclusion is following (here
only concerning IOL destination)
1) The knowledge concerning the IOL destination
including the different preconditions and
situations is distributed on different experts.
2) The knowledge is not available any time for
each human specialist.
3) The meaning can be contradictory.
The human expert expressions concerning the IOL
destination have to be transformed into rules.
Premises of the rules will be to the domain specific
class and object, conclusions will be results,
attentions and other IOL specifics.
The warnings, recommendations and results must be
comprehensible. The explanation component is
responsible for providing the user with explanations
as to how the selection process was performed. It is
essential to understand the reasoning process and to
obtain new ideas for further advanced solution
processes. In this way, the confidence into the
conclusion and the developed knowledge based
system is enhanced.
Due to the probably very complex and wide
solution paths (numerous conditions and constraints)
the user specific results have to be analysed by
backward chaining processes. This requires a
comfortable capacity to interact with the system
through text and graphics.
The benefit and necessity of knowledge based
structures for selection of an optimized
parameterized accommodation system (ASS) are
outlined. The acquired knowledge (in this proposal
for the selection of a classical IOL) must be
managed using intelligent processes, because
absolute information is lacking in the instantaneous
state. Original rules developed may be rewritten
later and redefined. The complex knowledge is more
circular than linear. In this meaning comfortable
formulised structures and refinement mechanisms
must be developed as well as comfortable decision
making processes including their explanation
(configuration and selection).
Hence, the classical algorithmic based system has to
be extended to a knowledge based system for
selection and optimizing the IOL’s with following
Natural language based user access
Object oriented knowledge structuring
Generation of network with causal relations
Consistent extension of knowledge base
Comfortable consistent refinement process
The advantage of a frame based information system
could be demonstrated. Formal representations are
designed for knowledge acquisition and the static
knowledge base, where an inference engine starts
with logical methods to select the desired patient
specific implant. Furthermore, causal relations and
interactive effects between the different
preoperational conditions have to be regarded in the
configuration and selection process.
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ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies