students to build Concept Maps online and to
receive immediate feedback about their maps based
on automatic scoring systems that are derived from
scoring methods detailed in (Novak and Gowin,
1984). The Concept Mapping system is based upon a
pre-defined set of concepts and linking phrases. The
system is currently being used for online homework
In this paper, we present a tool that is suitable for
managing the domain knowledge in an ITS. More
specifically, the tool allows for creating, viewing,
editing and deleting knowledge concepts, which are
organized in a network (map). Concepts are
connected between each other by a variety of
relations (e.g. “requires”, “isa” etc), which can be
user defined. Also, it allows associating concepts
with corresponding learning objects, i.e. real
teaching material. In addition, the user has the
capability of adding to or modifying metadata
(which complies with IEEE LOM data model) of
each learning object associated with a concept and
create XML files which he/she can view and edit in
the process.
All the above are not offered by existing tools, as
reported in Section 5. We’ve used the tool for the
creation of the domain knowledge of an ITS
teaching “Intelligent Tutoring Systems” (see Figure
8) and another one teaching “Aspects of Artificial
Intelligence”. It has been really very helpful.
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