A Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving Platform
Luis Vinuesa, Francisco Ortin, José M. Félix and Fernando Álvarez
Computer Science Department, University of Oviedo, Calvo Sotelo s/n – 33007 Oviedo, Spain
Keywords: Aspect Oriented Programming, static, dynamic, reflection, code instrumentation, performance, flexibility.
Abstract: Aspect Oriented Software Development is an effective realization of the Separation of Concerns principle.
A key issue of this paradigm is the moment when components and aspects are weaved together, composing
the final application. Static weaving tools perform application composition prior to its execution. This
approach reduces dynamic aspectation of running applications. In response to this limitation, dynamic
weaving aspect tools perform application composition at runtime. The main benefit of dynamic weaving is
runtime adaptability; its main drawback is runtime performance.
Existing research has identified the suitability of hybrid approaches, obtaining the benefits of both methods
in the same platform. Applying static weaving where possible and dynamic weaving when needed provides
a balance between runtime performance and dynamic adaptability. This paper presents DSAW, an aspect-
oriented system that supports both dynamic and static weaving homogeneously over the .Net platform. An
aspect can be used to adapt an application both statically and dynamically, without needing to modify its
source code. Moreover, DSAW is language and platform neutral, and source code of neither components
nor aspects is required.
Aspect Oriented Software Development AOSD
(Kiczales, 1997) is a concrete approach of the
Separation of Concerns (SoC) principle. AOSD
offers a direct support to modularize different
concerns that cut across the main functionality of
applications. Separating the application functional
code from its crosscutting aspects, the application
source code would not be tangled, being easy to
debug, maintain and modify (Parnas, 1972). Typical
examples of cross-cutting concerns are persistence,
authentication, logging and tracing (Ortin, 2004).
The process of integrating the aspects into the
main application code is called weaving and a tool
called aspect weaver performs it. The weaving
process can be performed statically or dynamically
at runtime.
Most programming environments that offer
AOSD employ static weavers. Once the final
application has been weaved, compiled and
executed, it is not possible to add new aspects, or
remove existing ones, at runtime. However, there are
specific scenarios when it is necessary to adapt
running applications in response to runtime
emerging requirements (Popovici, 2001), (Zinki,
1997), (Matthijs, 1997), (Segura–Devillechaise,
2003). In these cases, dynamic weavers are a
powerful tool to create runtime adaptable software.
The main benefit of static weaving is runtime
performance. Since the combination of components
and aspects is performed prior to application
execution, there is little performance cost when
compared to traditional object-oriented development
(Böllert, 1999), (Haupt and Mezini, 2004). On the
other hand, dynamic weaving AOSD tools imply a
performance penalty.
Dynamic weaving provides higher flexibility in
the development of software. While developing
aspect-oriented applications, the dynamic adaptation
mechanism is preferable because it facilitates
incremental weaving and makes application
debugging easier (Ortin and Cueva, 2002). Upon
deployment, aspects that do not need to be adapted
at runtime should be woven statically for
performance reasons.
Another limitation of existing runtime weavers is
a more reduced join-point set, because runtime
adaptation is more complicated to be implemented
(Blackstock, 2004).
Previous work has identified the appropriateness
of integrating both static and dynamic weaving in
the same development environment (Blackstock,
Vinuesa L., Ortin F., M. Félix J. and Álvarez F. (2008).
DSAW - A Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving Platform.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE, pages 55-62
DOI: 10.5220/0001872900550062
2004), (Böllert, 1999), (Gilani et al, 2007). Benefits
of both approaches would be obtained in the
software development process. This approach is the
result of applying the separation of the weaving-time
concern to AOSD. This process should be performed
transparently, reducing the impact of changing this
concern in the application’s source code. As an
example of this benefit, the programmer could use
non-invasive dynamic weaving for agile
development. Once the application has been tested,
static weaving, where possible, could be applied to
obtain a better runtime performance.
In this paper we present DSAW, an aspect
platform that support both static and dynamic
weaving. DSAW offers the better performance of
static weaving and the agile interactive development
of dynamic weaving in a transparent way. Moreover,
DSAW is language and platform independent and it
has a set of join-points wider to most dynamic
weaving tools.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
the next section we present a classification of AOSD
systems based on when the weaving is done and
describe some requirements on AOSD. We
introduce the basic architecture of the system
presented in section 3. Section 4 comments the
benefits we obtain with our system. Section 5 gives
an overview of some tools that offer static and
dynamic weaving and the conclusions are presented
in Section 6.
A classification of AOSD is based on when the
weaver is executed. Static tools perform weaving
prior to application execution. A well-know example
of static weaving is AspecJ (Kiczales, 2001). There
are AOSD tools that offer some kind of dynamic
adaptation of aspects, being PROSE (Popovici et al,
2001) (Nicoara and Alonso, 2005) and JBoss AOP
(JBoss, 2008) two well-known examples of this
Most dynamic AOSD systems are not totally
adaptable at runtime. The majority of them require
the static specification of which aspects are going to
be weaved at runtime. Others offer dynamic addition
of new aspects but they do not support dynamic
deletion. In addition, the set of join-points they offer
is significantly smaller than static ones (Blackstock,
2004) (Vinuesa and Ortin, 2004).
Although static weaving offers undeniable
performance benefits, it also involves some
limitations. If the weaving process is only static,
AOSD is not especially suitable for rapid
prototyping development. If we take logging or
testing aspects as an example, it is needed to weave,
compile, run and debug the application. Runtime
contexts should be reproduced and all the
information generated by the aspects analyzed. If
some error occurs, the application should be
modified, re-weaved, re-compiled and re-executed
(Böllert, 1997), (Eaddy, 2007c).
In case a dynamic weaver is used, aspects could
be added in the exact execution point indicated by
the user, and subsequently removed. Moreover,
application execution should not be stopped if we
want to modify an aspect, and debugging is easier
because of the non-intrusive weaving approach.
These different scenarios motivate the use of
static weaving where possible and dynamic weaving
when needed (Gilani et al, 2007), (Böllert, 1999),
(Schröder-Preikschat et al., 2006). A tool that
supports both techniques should define aspects
independently of when they are weaved. This
approach will benefit from both static and dynamic
weaving in the same system. The result is the
separation of the weaving-time aspect in the AOSD
process (Gilani et al, 2007).
Apart from the dynamism an aspect platform
would benefit from a language-neutrality feature.
Language independence permit the adaptation of
applications by aspects developed in a different
programming language. This promotes component
and aspect reutilization. Furthermore, if platform
neutrality is also achieved, aspect-oriented systems
could be run over any platform.
Another important characteristic of AOSD
systems is the adaptation of binary modules, where
source code is not required to adapt the application.
Taking into account all these requirements an
AOSD platform must support to obtain the benefits
previously described, we have developed the DSAW
(Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving) platform.
This system offers both static and dynamic weaving,
a wide set of join-points, language and platform
neutrality, and an executable-level aspect injection.
DSAW is a homogeneous static and dynamic
weaving aspect-oriented platform. Its main aim is to
achieve language and weaving-time neutrality. Not
only is it possible to weave aspects both statically
and dynamically, but also the same implementation
of components and aspects is maintained in both
scenarios. The application need not to be changed if
we need to make static a dynamic aspect and vice
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
versa. This way, it is possible to use aspect-
orientation for rapid prototyping (dynamic weaving)
and later optimize the released application (static
weaving) without performing any change to its
source code. The programmer should finally indicate
the trade-off between performance and flexibility,
regarding to the system requirements (Gilani et al,
One of the features that have been considered in
the design of DSAW is the set of join-points to be
provided. The collection of join-points DSAW offers
is similar to the one supplied by AspectJ (Kiczales,
2001). We currently support the following static and
dynamic join-points: method and constructor
execution, method and constructor call, field and
property read and write, field and property write,
and exception handling. We also provide before,
after, and around aspects.
The design of the platform has been performed
following the .Net standard reference (ECMA,
2006), without modifying, neither extending, the
semantics of the platform. This fact guarantees
complete platform independence, permitting the
deployment of our system over any .Net
implementation (such as Mono, SSCLI and
DSAW performs software adaptation at the
intermediate language (IL) of the virtual machine –
executable files. This means that our weaver does
not require source code, and it is not language
dependent either.
Finally, point-cuts are specified by means of
XML documents that specify the mapping between
join-points and advices. The schema of this XML
documents is an evolution of the one used on the
Weave.Net platform (Weave.Net, 2008). We have
modified this original schema to provide wide set of
point-cut, similar to the one supplied by AspecJ.
This separation between point-cuts and advices
improves the reutilization of aspects. In fact, aspects
can be also treated as components. They may be
adapted by other aspects, statically or dynamically,
regardless of its programming language.
3.1 ReadyAOP
DSAW is the enhancement of a previous AOSD tool
called Ready (Really Dynamic) AOP (Vinuesa,
2007) (Vinuesa and Ortin, 2004). ReadyAOP is a
language and platform neutral system that offers a
real separation of aspects at runtime. It is possible to
add new aspects (and remove existing ones) to a
running application, even if the aspects were
developed later than the application. There is no
static coupling between components and aspects.
The system was implemented over the standard
.Net platform specification, obtaining full language
independence. The weaving process is performed at
the virtual machine level, without requiring
applications source code. Its join-point set is similar
to the one offered by AspectJ. Both ReadyAOP and
DSAW are freely available at
DSAW extends the core of ReadyAOP to
provide the programmer a transparent static and
dynamic weaving, maintaining all the advantages of
ReadyAOP. This way, it is possible to mix dynamic
and static aspects in the same application. It is also
possible to change in any moment of the software
development process if an aspect must be static or
dynamic. The programmer manages the trade-off
between performance and flexibility, following the
separation of the weaving-time concern.
3.2 System Architecture
Our system is composed of three main elements: 1)
the JoinPoint Injector (JPI) performs both static and
dynamic weaving; 2) the application server that
coordinates components with dynamic aspects; and
3) the aspect framework that consists of a set of
interfaces to integrate all the elements of the system
in dynamic weaving scenarios.
In our system, there are two stages in
applications life cycle. The first one is prior to
program execution. Once the application has been
compiled, the JoinPoint Injector (JPI) manipulates
the program, weaving static aspects and including
code to make possible a future dynamic aspect
The second stage of application life cycle is
about application execution. The running program is
launched together with its statically-weaved aspects.
The application server provides the dynamic
adaptation of the program at runtime. Any aspect,
making use of the interfaces defined in the aspect
framework, will be capable of adapting running
The application server is the Mediator
component of the system (Gamma, 1994). This
server works as a registry of running applications,
making them capable of being adapted by the
aspects. The application server offers the aspects the
list of running applications, facilitating their
adaptation at runtime.
The aspect framework provides a set of
interfaces that orchestrates all the elements of the
DSAW - A Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving Platform
system at runtime. These interfaces are implemented
by the applications in order to be able to be adapted
at runtime. Applications do not implement these
interfaces explicitly. It is the JPI the responsible for
adding this implementation at weaving time.
In DSAW aspects could also be processed by the
JoinPoint Injector to become fully-functional
applications in our system –i.e. components.
3.3 Static Weaving and JoinPoint
Before to its execution, the application to be adapted
is processed by the JPI. The JPI receives the
application, aspects to be statically weaved, and the
XML document mapping join-points to advices. The
JPI generates a new program that includes the main
functionality plus the aspects that have been
statically weaved.
The JPI also instruments the application with
code that allows its dynamic adaptation by aspects at
runtime. Concretely, what is added is a Meta-Object
Protocol (MOP) that offers dynamic computational
reflection (Ortin, 2002). A MOP is a technique that
permits the dynamic adaptation of running
applications. This behavior is called computational
This MOP modifies virtual machine semantics
such as the message passing mechanism or field
access. This way, it will be possible to adapt running
applications with dynamic aspects. Finally, the JPI
adds other functionalities of the platform such as
application registration at startup, intra-application
introspection, and application deregistration at exit
(Figure 1).
Adapted Application(.exe)
Figure 1: Static weaving and JoinPoint injection.
The JPI performs the following operation:
1. The JPI takes the compiled application, its static
aspects, and the XML file that specifies the
join-point / advice mapping.
2. Analyzing the IL code, the JPI detects the
application join-point shadows -the mapping
between join-points and the points in the
program text where the compiler actually
operates- (Masuhara and Kiczales, 2003) .
3. When a join-point shadow is selected by any
point-cut described in the XML document, a
call to the selected advice is included into the
program’s IL code.
4. Besides the code added to the application
described in the previous point, a reflective
MOP is included in each join-point shadow.
This MOP will make the application capable of
being adapted at runtime by new runtime
aspects. In order to obtain a better runtime
performance this MOP injection could be
avoided in certain join-point shadows –this is
described in the XML file. This is part of the
trade-off between performance and runtime
5. The JPI adds new code to make the application
register in the application server at startup. It is
also included a deregistration routine at exit,
and the publication of .Net reflective
information to permit runtime aspects inspect
application’s structure.
6. The final application is generated.
3.4 Application Execution
The application, once processed by the JPI, has been
weaved together with its static aspects. These
aspects are included in the application until its
execution is over. If new static aspects should be
added, or any existing one removed, the JPI must re-
process the application.
However, if the application needs to be adapted
at runtime, our system will facilitate the dynamic
addition or deletion of aspects. Notice that this
behavior is obtained after the instrumentation of the
application by the JPI.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Adapted Application(.exe)
1)App. registers itself
at startup (GUID)
2,6)Aspect sends
PointCuts and
GUID of the App.
to adapt
3,7)JoinPoint activation
4)Execution reaches
an activated JoinPoint
5)Aspect accesses
application to adapt it
8) App. Execution finished
8) App. Execution finished
Figure 2: Dynamic adaptation.
These are the steps followed at runtime to
dynamically adapt an application with dynamic
aspects (Figure 2):
1. At startup the application is registered into the
application server with a GUID. This GUID was
generated by the JPI during code
instrumentation and is used to identify the
application in the system.
2. Once the application is running, an aspect may
be used to dynamically adapt it. If so, the aspect
calls the application server via .Net remoting.
The information passed is a reference to the
aspect, a point-cut XML document, and the
GUID of the application to be adapted.
3. The application server parses the XML
document finding the point-cuts required by the
aspect. These point-cuts are activated in the
application join-points by means of the MOP
added in the JoinPoint injection phase. This
activation implies the precise call to the aspect
at runtime, making use of all the framework
services. The result of this process is a dynamic
4. When the dynamically weaved application
execution reaches an activated join-point, the
system calls the aspects that have been
previously weaved with the application. Aspects
should implement the specific interfaces
described in the application framework
(Vinuesa and Ortin, 2004) to make this happen.
This way, the application will send the aspect
information regarding the join-point and the
own application (including a reference to the
application). The aspect has now the
opportunity to adapt the application behavior at
5. The aspect may use the reference to the
application to access the latter by means of the
publication of .Net reflective services added by
the JPI. The operations offered by these
reflective services are inspection of the
application structure, field values modification,
and method invocation.
6. A runtime weaved aspect could have the
necessity of changing the point-cuts at runtime.
This operation is also offered by the application
server. The aspect should send a new XML
document specifying the new set of point-cuts.
The application server will then analyze this
XML file, activating new join-points and
deactivating old join-points in the running
7. If a dynamic aspect does not want to adapt the
application any more, it notifies so to the
application server. The application server
deactivates the application join-points
previously turned on by the aspect. Therefore,
the aspect will not receive future notifications.
8. When the application execution finishes, the
code added by the JPI notifies all the registered
aspects and the application server that the
application has exited.
The application server acts as a mediator
between aspects and applications. This mediation is
only performed when join-points are activated or
deactivated. Once these operations have been
performed, the application and the aspect interact
directly one with the other. The application calls the
aspect when an activated join-point is reached. The
aspect may inspect the application when a join-point
notification is received.
With this design, applications do not need to
know the aspects that might be weaved at runtime.
At the same time, aspects can be applied to any
application, or even aspects, without any static
dependency. This behavior reduces coupling and
promotes aspect and component reutilization.
We have used .Net remoting to communicate the
application server, the aspects and the applications.
.Net remoting is a standard service over the .Net
platform and is channel independent. It could be
even used in distributed environments.
3.5 Aspect Conflict Resolution
DSAW provides the weaving of multiple aspects in
the same application join-point. This feature
involves the establishment of aspect coordination
strategies. The programmer could use this
coordination mechanism to control the order and
priority of aspect execution.
DSAW - A Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving Platform
The coordination mechanism offered by DSAW
is based on the classification of aspect in static and
dynamic, plus the utilization of aspect priorities.
Since dynamic aspects are aimed at adapting
applications to runtime emerging requirements, we
have granted dynamic aspects a higher precedence
than the static ones.
Static aspects are weaved following a priority
strategy that the application developer could change
while the application is being developed. Therefore,
the execution of static aspects registered in the same
join-point will depend on their priority level. The JPI
is the responsible for adding this coordination
behavior while the application is being statically
In the case of dynamic aspects, DSAW gives
precedence to dynamic aspects. However, conflicts
between dynamic aspects are solved following the
same priority-based strategy than the static ones.
The main difference is that this resolution of
dynamic aspects is performed by the application
server, whereas static conflicts are solved by the JPI.
Apart from that, dynamic aspects may modify their
priority at runtime, depending of their specific
3.6 Runtime Performance
The main drawback of dynamic weaving is runtime
performance (Böllert, 1999) (Haupt and Mezini,
2004). A statically-weaved aspect-oriented program
may be almost as efficient as it was developed
without an AOSD approach (Böllert, 1999).
However, the process of adapting an application at
runtime, as well as the use of reflection, induces a
certain overhead at the execution of an application
(Popovici et al., 2003).
In our previously developed ReadyAOP system,
runtime performance penalties are produced by two
key features: 1) the MOP injected by the JPI to
dynamically enable or disable join-points, and 2) the
communication between different modules of our
The first feature implies a dynamic check of join-
point activation. It is also performed some
verifications that manipulate the state of the stack,
implying a performance cost. The average
performance cost of this primitive is 70%.
The second penalization of runtime performance
is derived from the communication between aspects,
applications, and the application server. We have
used .Net remoting for this purpose. The
performance cost is linear with respect to the amount
of information exchanged. This inter-process
communication implies the highest performance cost
at runtime. This is the reason why DSAW is an
improvement of ReadyAOP. One of the benefits of
static weaving is the performance benefit obtained.
While applications are being developed, DSAW
offers a dynamic-weaving approach to facilitate the
creation of AOSD applications. This facilitates the
incremental development and the application of the
agile “fix-and-continue” debugging scheme (Ortin
and Cueva, 2002) (Dmitriev, 2002). Prior to the
deployment of the application, aspects that do not
require dynamic weaving could be statically injected
to the final application. This way, runtime
performance of the whole application will be notably
improved. This is the main benefit obtained from
separating the weaving-time concern in our system.
The AOSD platform presented in this paper provides
the following benefits:
Both static and dynamic weaving is supported
in a homogeneous way. Aspects could be
injected in an application statically or at runtime
without any modification.
Separation of the weaving-time concern. The
homogeneity described in the previous point
provides the translation between static and
dynamic weaving without changing the source
code of the application, neither the aspects.
Combination of dynamic and static adaptation.
Not only it is possible to statically and
dynamically aspectize applications, but it is also
viable to combine both approaches in the same
Really dynamic aspect weaving. Applications
need not to know anything of future aspects to
be weaved. Moreover, aspects could be added to
or removed from any running application.
Language neutrality. DSAW works at the
intermediate language (IL) of the .Net platform.
Components and aspects could be implemented
in any programming language.
IL instrumentation. The weaving process is
performed by means of IL instrumentation, once
applications and aspects have been compiled.
This feature is important when we need to adapt
components developed by third parties and its
source code is not provided.
Platform neutrality. The use of the .Net platform
makes DSAW capable of being executed over
any standard .Net implementation.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Wide join-point set. Our system offers an ample
set of join-points, similar to the one offered by
AspectJ. These join-points are provided for both
dynamic and static weaving.
Aspect and components reutilization. The non-
invasive weaving technique followed and IL-
level instrumentation promotes aspect (and
component) reutilization. This is an effect of the
null coupling between aspects and components.
Aspects aspectation. Aspects could be
considered as components in DSAW. This
involves the aspect adaptation by other aspects.
There exist many static weaving AOSD tools, and
there are also some dynamic ones. However, there
are few that offer both approaches.
Wicca is one example of a dynamic and static
aspect-oriented system (Eaddy, 2007a). Wicca has
been developed over the .Net platform making use
of the Phoenix framework –a back-end compiler
infrastructure (Phoenix, 2008). Wicca performs
static weaving by means of code instrumentation.
However, dynamic weaving is achieved using the
debugging API of the CLR. The dynamic weaving is
released in an alpha version, and it does not support
dynamic aspect deletion. The static and the dynamic
weaver are not equivalents. This means that static
weaving is more expressive than the dynamic one
(Eaddy, 2007b). Moreover, Wicca makes use of the
debugging API specific of a single implementation
of .Net (the CLR), losing the platform neutrality.
Runtime performance is poor because applications
should be executing in debugging mode, enabling
the edit-and-continue support of the CLR (Eaddy,
AOP.NET, also known as NAop, is another
dynamic and static weaving proposal –no
implementation has been released (Blackstock,
2004). Its design follows a proxy-based component
decoration. This proxy is used in both static and
dynamic scenarios. The weaver uses a proxy class
instead of any class in a component. The proxy is
capable of adapting the behavior of its decorated
class. Depending on the point-cuts, the proxy
delegates its functionality on the original class or it
calls the registered aspects. The static weaver
performs this process prior to the application
execution; the dynamic weaver does it at runtime.
The LOOM.NET project provides dynamic and
static weaving over the same core implementation,
using the .Net platform (Schult, 2003). Rapier
LOOM.NET is the dynamic weaver. Point-cuts in
aspects are expressed by means of .Net’s custom
attributes. At load-time, the application is weaved
together with its aspects. Applications and aspects
should be linked, prior to their execution. It is
currently being developed a static weaver, called
Gripper-LOOM.NET, which is in alpha version
(Köhne et al, 2005) (Schult, 2008). The syntax of the
point-cut language description is not the same in
both weavers. This makes it difficult to convert
static aspects into dynamic ones. The dynamic
weaver requires the source code of applications and
provides a reduced set of join-points (Schult, 2003)
(Köhne et al, 2005); it does not support dynamic
aspect deletion either (Frei et al, 2004).
AOSD is an effective approach to obtain the benefits
of the Separation of Concerns principle. In this
paradigm, final applications are built from the main
functionally of the application plus cross-cutting
There are many tools that support AOSD. Some
of them offer application weaving prior to its
execution, while others provide this adaptation at
runtime. Although the static approach is suitable in
most cases, dynamic adaptation may also be
required when the application should respond to
runtime emerging contexts and requirements. Static
weaving supports efficient AOSD, whereas dynamic
weaving involves runtime application adaptation.
This paper describes the architecture of DSAW,
a dynamic and static weaving platform that provides
language and platform neutrality, and the separation
of the weaving-time concern.
DSAW has been designed over the .Net
platform, benefiting from its features. Both weavers
are built by means of IL code instrumentation. This
makes DSAW language neutral, permits the
adaptation of legacy applications, and promotes
aspects and components reutilization.
Both dynamic and static weavers supply the
same rich set of join-points. An aspect may be
weaved statically or dynamically without changing
its source code, not the component’s one. This
facilities the fix-and-continue development at first
stages of software development, and the later
efficient static weave when the application is about
to be released. That is, DSAW completely separates
the weaving-time concern. The programmer may
modify the flexibility / performance trade-off during
the development life cycle.
DSAW - A Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving Platform
Finally, it is possible to create applications with
aspects that have been statically weaved, together
with aspects that are later added at runtime. The
conflict resolution mechanism is based on making
dynamic aspects have precedence over static ones.
Resolution between aspects of the same kind follows
a priority-base strategy.
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