An Architecture-Based Tool
Violeta Bozhikova, Mariana Stoeva, Anatoly Antonov and Vladimir Nikolov
Technical University, Str.“Studentska” N
1, Varna, Bulgaria
Keywords: Software re-structuring, software decomposition, program understanding, software clustering algorithms.
Abstract: The practice shows that many software systems have been evolving for many years and are now large and
complex. Because the structure of these systems is usually not well documented, great research effort is
needed to find appropriate abstractions of their structure, that we can simplify their maintenance, evolution
and adaptation. A variety of techniques and tools are developed trying to effectively solve this problem. In
this paper an Architecture-Based Framework for software re-structuring is discussed. Next, how this
framework is implemented in an ever evolving and user-driven tool that can effectively support the software
re-structuring process is commented.
Since many software systems are now large,
complex and poorly documented appropriate
abstractions of their structure are needed to simplify
program understanding and software re-structuring
(D. Doval et al., 1999). A lot of techniques and tools
are now developed to effectively support software
architecture decomposition than facilitating software
maintenance, software evolution and re-engineering.
Since software decomposition is known to be
NP-hard, obtaining a good partition by exhaustive
exploration of the search space is unlikely. That is
why the researchers focused on using heuristic
search techniques (B. S. Mitchell et al., 2002) to find
“good enough” solutions quickly.
A lot of software clustering approaches can be
found in the reverse engineering literature, each one
using a different algorithm to identify clusters.
Cluster analysis has been used in many disciplines to
support grouping of similar objects (highly
dependent objects) of a system. The resulting groups
are called clusters.
With Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) we can
identify similarities among a set of program objects
based on their attributes. Using Program Slicing we
can locate within the source code that objects that
use common data items.
We have developed an architecture-based
framework that integrates a group of heuristic
techniques to solve this problem. A tool is developed
(Божикова В.Т, 2001) that implements this
framework and can be used to effectively support
software re-structuring process. The newer version
of this evolving tool (V.Bozhikova et al., 2007) is
more interactive and flexible, enabling to better
manage the re-structuring process. We can choose
appropriate analysis technique; we can enter weights
of components; we can change the restrictive
conditions. In the paper, we briefly describe the
framework and show how this framework is
implemented in a software re-structuring tool. Using
such tools we hope effectively extend the usable life
of a legacy application recovering or re-organizing
its structure.
The problem of how to re-structure a software
system can be seen as an architecture decomposition
problem. Software architecture defines the
components of the software system and embodies
information (L. Bass et al., 1998), about how the
components interact with each other. Software
architecture is a collection of different structures
(module structure, process structure, conceptual
structure, uses structure, call structure, class
structure etc.), different kind of components
(modules, processes, procedures, objects…) and
Bozhikova V., Stoeva M., Antonov A. and Nikolov V. (2008).
SOFTWARE RE-STRUCTURING - An Architecture-Based Tool.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE/GSDCA/MUSE, pages 269-273
DOI: 10.5220/0001873402690273
relationships among the components (calls,
synchronization relations, relation type inherits-
from…), more than one kind of context
(development time, runtime). Decomposition is one
of the main operations in the software architecture
theory. This operation is used to separate the
system’s structure or a large system’s component
into more, smaller ones sub-components. The result
of this operation is a higher-level software structure.
We have developed an architecture-based clustering
framework, called ABFSR that can be used to come
to a solution of the early defined problem. Central to
ABFSR are the architectural structures.
Some notions in the architecture-based
framework described below are adopted from
Symphony (A. van Deursen et al., 2004). Like
Symphony the process of ABFSR contains 2 stages.
Let us describe briefly this process:
1. Decomposition Design
2. Decomposition Performance
During the first stage:
Target structure is selected;
Source structure is defined;
Mapping rules are defined;
Evaluation techniques and reference
structures are defined.
The source structure can be extracted from
software artefacts (A. van Deursen et al., 2004),
such as source code, build files, configuration
information, documentation or traces. The target
structure is the structure that we hope to solve the
problem. The mapping rules define how the target
structure is created from the source structure and
depends on the analysis method used.
During the second stage the mapping rules are
applied to source structure to obtain the target
structure, earlier defined (during the reconstruction
design). This stage has only 2 steps:
Knowledge extraction
Information interpretation
During the knowledge extraction step, the
mapping rules, defined during reconstruction design
are applied to the source structure and a target
structure is obtained. During the next step the
created target structure is analyzed and evaluated.
Comparison with a reference structure is made.
Results from this stage lead to a refined
decomposition design, to choose a new analysis
method or to choose a new mapping rule to
eventually come to a satisfactory solution of the
It is important to note that ABFSR has been
practically in use since 2001. The re-structuring tool
described in (Божикова, 2001) is the first tool
version and the first implementation of this
methodology. Some advantages of the new version
of the tool for software restructuring may be
summarized as follows:
a) It is more interactive enabling the user to better
manage the re-structuring process. Figure 1 shows
the main window. Users can specify the source
structure as weighted oriented graph.
b) It is more flexible, enabling the user to choose
an appropriate analysis method and the appropriate
algorithm that based on a particular analysis method.
Figure 3 shows the window that appears when
choosing a cluster analysis method. Figure 4 appears
when a FCA method is chosen.
Figure 1: The main window.
When choosing a particular analysis method we
can use different mapping rules (algorithms) to
transform the source structure to a target structure.
Mapping rules (i.e. algorithms) depend on the
analysis method that is used. The tool enables the
user to create the target structure using: a cluster
analysis method (fig.2), FCA method and program
slicing technique (fig.3). For each analysis method
static relations between entities are taken as source
viewpoint. Special external tools can be used to
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
extract static information from software artefacts
and to present this information graphically
(Mancoridis et al., 2001). We start with inputting the
source structure presented as a weighted oriented
graph. Below the main window is presented (fig.1):
The re-structuring process is supported through a
set of heuristic algorithms. The task for finding the
optimal solution to the software re-structuring
problem is known to be NP-hard. That is why many
researchers focused on using different heuristic
techniques (Mancoridis, 2001) that find “good
enough” solutions quickly.
c) An improvement of the early included
algorithms is realized in the tool.
We aim at improving our algorithms
permanently. The “Tabu-Search” clustering
algorithm is (V.Bozhikova, 2007) an
improvement of an early developed descent-hill
climbing algorithm for software clustering. It is
based on weighted Module Dependence Graph –
MDG=(X, U). The components of the source
structure are modelled as the set of graph’s nodes
(X, N=|X|), and the source code dependencies
(inherit, call, instantiated) are modelled as the set of
graph’s edges (U). The quality of the resulting target
structure is evaluated through a quality function that
measures the number “k” of the static dependences
between the clusters (1):
In the case, “k” is based on the “inter-
connectivity” - the solution with a lowest value of
“k” would be the best solution to the problem. Let x
denote the node with an index i (i=1…N) and a
weight of w
. Let “M” is the number of clusters in
the target structure. The weight W
(2) of each
cluster “i” is the sum of the weights of all nodes in
the cluster “i”. W
must be less then W
, where W
a user-defined restrictive condition.
Figure 2.a shows the target structure that is a
result of re-structuring the presented MDG in (Doval
et al., 1999). We observe that our Tabu-Search
algorithm produces a partition with a better quality -
k=29, comparing the reference structure in figure 2-
b. The result of applying the similarity measurement
technique (Rainer Koschke et al., 2000) is also
encouraging: the similarity between the two
partitions is good.
2.a) k=29 2.b) k=32
Figure 2: The target (a) and the reference (b) structures.
Similarity 66%.
Figure 3: Using a Cluster Analysis method.
We have developed an approach that integrates
FCA and Program Slicing and we show below
(figure 4) the window visualizing the target
structure. The source structure includes the smallest
architectural components – subprograms with their
features (the data used by the component, i.e. global
variables, constants and user-defined types). To find
the target view, our algorithm groups subprograms
having a common features, i.e. using a common set
of global data elements. These groups of
subprograms become candidates for modules, i.e.
buildings blocks for larger architectural components,
at the next higher architectural level.
Figure 4: Using a FCA method.
1.. 1..
SOFTWARE RE-STRUCTURING - An Architecture-Based Tool
Figure 5: The visualized target structure using Cluster
Analysis Method
We find it is not convenient to create fully
automatic tools; we believe it is better to develop
user-driven tools. Our tool offers an improved and
more flexible user interface. To improve the final
result we can visualize the source structure (figure
1), three intermediate structures and the target
structure (figures 2a, 4 and 5). We consider
graphical visualizations an important aid to support
the processes of program understanding and re-
Now that a lot of approaches to software re-
structuring exist, the validation of produced target
structures is starting to interest the researchers.
Recently, researchers have begun developing an
infrastructure to evaluate clustering techniques, in a
semi-formal way by proposing similarity
measurements (Rainer Koschke et al., 2001),
(Mancoridis et al., 2001), (B. S. Mitchell et al.
2002). These measurements enable the results of
clustering algorithms to be compared to each other,
and preferably to be compared to reference structure
agreed upon (“benchmark” standard). We emphasize
that the reference structure need not be the optimal
solution in a theoretical sense. Rather, it is a solution
that is perceived as being “good enough”.
There are a lot of similarity measurements for this
purpose: Anquetil (Mancoridis et al., 2001) has
published a similarity measurement technique,
named “Precision and Recall”; Mojo has developed
a technique that measures the distance between two
decompositions of a software system by calculating
the number of operations needed to transform a
decomposition to an other; Tzerpos and Holt
introduce also a distance quality measurement based
on MoJo; Koschke and Eisenbarth (Rainer Koschke
et al., 2000) have developed a framework for
experimental evaluation of clustering techniques that
we have used in our case study (figure 2). We have
evaluated our algorithm on several small size
systems (where N20) with similar success to the
one demonstrated in figure 2. In the future, we
intend to conduct further validation of our technique
using other systems.
It is widely known that more than 50% of the costs
of a software system have to be attributed to
maintenance. There is an urgent need for methods
and tools which assist software understanding and
software restructuring, reducing the maintenance
In the paper our Architecture-Based Framework
(ABFST) for software re-structuring is briefly
described. ABFST puts a strong emphasis on
software architecture. We would like to point out
that having a framework like ABFST can help
practitioners by giving them guidance in performing
an architecture re-structuring. In addition, ABFST
can help researchers by providing a unified approach
to re-structuring, with consistent terminology and a
basis for improving, refining, quantifying, and
comparing re-structuring processes.
Next the paper describes our ever evolving tool as
an implementation of ABFST and marks some new
features. The paper demonstrates how the source
structure of a software system can be effectively re-
structured and understood using our tool (figure 2).
In the future, we plan to conduct and document more
intensive studies to demonstrate the effectiveness
and the limitations we find in the tool version. We
hope to further improve both its performance adding
new heuristics and its visualization futures.
This work is supported by a project in Technical
University of Varna, untitled “Software Intensive
Systems Research”, with number 481 /2008.
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SOFTWARE RE-STRUCTURING - An Architecture-Based Tool