Mohammed Sharaf Al Zebdi and Tereska Karran
Cavendish School of Computer Science, University of Westminster
115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1M 8JS, U.K.
Keywords: Personalisation, Web Usage Mining, Data Mining.
Abstract: This research explores some of the directions for improving the performance of personalised web usage
mining applications. The study uses ANP (Autonomous News Personalisation) to provide personalised
news to online newsreaders according to their interests. This is achieved within an intelligent web browser
which monitors users' behaviour while browsing. Web usage mining techniques are applied at the site's
access log files. These are first pre-processed, and then data-mined using specific algorithms to extract the
interests of each user. User profiles are created and maintained to store users' interests. User interests within
the profile are ranked according to their reading frequency of news items ranked according to category and
location. Profiles are refined continuously and adapt to users' behaviour. Besides being adaptive and
completely autonomous, the system is expected to improve on existing performance in news retrieval and to
provide higher level personalisation. A system prototype has been implemented and tested using SQL
Server 2005 to pre-process logs, data-mine cleaned data, and maintain user profiles. The main system tasks
can be demonstrated with further work to address all the issues.
The amount of text data on the web is growing
enormously, while users' ability to keep up with it
seems to be limited. Consequently, the concept of
personalisation is growing in importance. One major
growth data area is the news websites (Paliouras et
al., 2006; Ardissono et al., 2000).
There are a large number of news websites,
usually covering the top world news and aiming for
general coverage of the majority interests. Because
of the huge number of news items, and the diversity
in people's interests, most people tend to read only
specific types of news in specific locations. So,
when log on, they waste part of their time scanning
existing news and trying to locate items that match
their interests. Some sites solve the problem by
allowing users to specify their interests manually
and log in to the system using ‘credentials’
Although this could potentially save users' time and
effort, the user is still required to specify some data
manually. Moreover, there are problems as users
A credential is an electronic representation of user's identity
(user name and password).
interests evolve continuously depending on world
ANP aims to provide users with news related to
their specific interests directly without the need to
neither specify them manually nor even log in using
credentials. One way of achieving this is to develop
intelligent news websites/browsers, which
automatically identify users and monitor their
behaviour as they are browsing. The aim of this
approach is to profile the needs of each user and
provide relevant news automatically. It is predicted
that this process will have two benefits. Firstly, it
will minimise users' time and effort on extracting
news information. Secondly, it will make the process
of browsing news sites more interesting and
efficient. Furthermore, the process has applicability
across different personalisation mechanisms.
ANP is designed to be applied on existing news
websites. It consists of a data warehouse that collects
data from web server log files through an ETL
(Extract Transform Load) layer. The collected data
is then pre-processed and data-mined to analyse
users' behaviour and produce a profile for each type
of user (user clusters will evolve over time). These
profiles are maintained in a separate ANP database
Sharaf Al Zebdi M. and Karran T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 263-267
DOI: 10.5220/0001875202630267
which is used by web servers to filter news items
with the aim of delivering personalised news
ANP aims to make online news systems fully
autonomous including user identification, data
collection and preparation, data analysis, building
user profiles and news filtration. As well as
providing adaptive high-level personalisation, the
ANP should enhance performance on the client and
on the server as well.
Great deals of academic research as well as
commercial applications have been done in news
personalisation. Most of them were trying to achieve
four main features:
Autonomy: how autonomous is the developed
system? Is it completely autonomous or it
requires some tasks to be done manually?
Adaptation: is the system dynamic? i.e. does
it change according to user's behaviour?
Performance: how fast is the tasks of the
personalisation process are accomplished?
Matching user requirements: to what extent
the delivered news matches user
Table 1 below compares between five different
studies/systems, including ANP, in terms of
achieving the aforementioned features. Those results
are verified experimentally in section 4.
Overall, all of these studies/applications for
managing news personalisation manage specific
features well. However, none meets all the features
required for personalisation in an efficient way.
Some of them achieved high performance, but
resulted with poor degree of personalisation and
adaptation. Others produced high-level
personalisation but suffered from low performance
and high complexity. Therefore there is an urgent
need to develop a system that compromises between
those features, and results with an adaptive,
autonomous and high-performance personalisation
that matches user requirements in an acceptable
ANP provides a personalisation service to news
websites aiming to give users different news
presentations that match their interests, while
minimising processing. It uses web usage mining
technology to monitor users as they are browsing
news websites by modelling their needs based on
analysis. The project aims to compromise between
the features of personalisation discussed earlier. The
approach applied involves a set of methods and
techniques as follows:
¾ The first stage collects usage data collection
from web access log files. This log data is
pre-processed to remove noise (non-related
data) and transformed where appropriate to be
ready for analysis.
Table 1: Personalisation features achieved by different systems/studies.
Automation Adaptation Performance
Matching User
Google News (Google,
adaptive high Medium
Yahoo News (Yahoo,
non autonomous non adaptive high Medium
Adaptive User Profile for
Filtering News (Singh et
al. 2006)
adaptive low High
Mining Web Logs of an
On-line Paper (Batista
and Silva, 2002)
autonomous non adaptive high Low
ANP autonomous adaptive high High
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: The general ANP architecture.
¾ ANP specified techniques identify sessions
and users
¾ The resulting clean data is merged and
analysed using data mining algorithms,
particularly clustering. This discovers usage
patterns used to construct user models/types.
¾ User profiles are created and a best match
user model is assigned to each user.
¾ Finally ANP filters newly-arriving news
items according to user profiles and provides
a personalised output to each user.
Figure 1 shows how the ANP Architecture
Although the tasks involved in ANP are similar
to those of other previous systems (Castellano et al.,
2007; Grcar, 2004; Paliouras et al., 2006; Yang et
al., 2006) the ANP uses additional techniques to
provide better results. First, it achieves autonomy by
monitoring users while they are browsing without
the need to insert any information manually. Users
are identified autonomously by their IP addresses,
and the other tasks execute without any manual
processes. Secondly, the system continuously
monitors and analyses users' behaviour and produces
improved profiles (to a finite depth). Thus ANP uses
an adaptive personalisation cycle. Finally, the
system should improve performance, as it does not
require complex processing as part of browsing. It
avoids the need for joins between huge data tables.
The result is that ANP provides a high degree
personalisation without a significant performance
overhead. A novel part of the ANP profiler is that a
Text Miner is used to mine each news item and
thereby derive its news category and location. Most
existing systems maintain users' interests ranked by
the category of news items they read. However,
ANP adds another dimension, news location,
allowing user interests to be ranked by both category
and location. Figure 2 shows the difference between
ranking interests in previous systems and in ANP.
User interests
Category Location Rank
Politics UK 1
Politics Middle East 5
Sports Brazil 13
Sports UK 4
Weather UK 7
. . .
. . .
Interests Ranking (ANP)
User interests
Category Rank
Politics 2
Economics 1
Sports 7
Family 4
Weather 5
. .
Interests ranking (Previous systems)
Figure 2: Interests ranking in previous systems vs. ANP.
SQL Server 2005 with Business Intelligence Studio
was chosen to implement a prototype for ANP. The
tool was used to perform most of the tasks involved
Logs Files
Data mining Ranked interests
Personalised news
User profiles
including connecting to data sources (log files), data
preprocessing, data mining (pattern discovery), text
mining and user profiling.
Figure 3 below shows the transformations
involved in the data pre-processing phase. As
shown, the process starts with the log flat file (row
data) and ends with the clean data stored in a SQL
Server destination. Raw data is first filtered by
choosing the related fields/columns and
records/rows. Then, some transformations are used
to extract the news category and location as well as
the session ID from each row of the log file. Finally,
the resulted data is aggregated to analyse how many
news items the user read and of which category and
location. The resulted data is stored in a separate
table in order to be analysed later.
Figure 3: Transformations involved in the pre-processing
For the data mining phase, Microsoft Clustering
Algorithm is used to cluster users into groups based
on their behaviour. The algorithm begins with
identifying relationships between columns, and
generating a series of clusters based on those
relationships. After that, the algorithm calculates
how well the clusters represent the groups of the
points (users), and tries to redefine the groups to
create clusters that represent the data in a better way.
The algorithm iterates through this process until it
cannot improve the results more by redefining the
clusters. The result of the clustering process is
illustrated by figure (4) below.
Figure 4: Results of applying Microsoft Clustering
Finally, the text mining task has not been
implemented in this prototype since it requires an
independent research project. Therefore, it has been
left for further work.
To test the prototype, a fake news website was
developed using and a sample of 5 users
browsed the site for a database of 1000 news items
once daily for 5 minutes. The test lasted 6 days using
Google and Yahoo for 3 days and then ANP for 3
days. All users were also given a questionnaire
about news categories and locations in which they
were interested. After using the test website for 3
days the ANP system was able to create a profile for
each user. The average match between the results of
the questionnaire and the automatically generated
user profiles was 87.3% which suggests that the
system recognised user interests with a reasonable
level of accuracy even over such a short period of
time. It is hoped that some improvement could be
expected over a longer period. The next step was
comparing the time the users spent in browsing
relevant news items. Both Google and Yahoo News
provide a poor degree of personalisation in addition
to the lack of complete autonomy in delivering
news. Initial results suggest that the ANP does
provide some improvements. The average wasted
time (calculated as a percentage of the 5 minutes
daily browse time) for the 5 users was 2.2 minutes in
Yahoo News, 2.75 in Google News but .75 minutes
when using ANP.
These results are limited in that the users were
looking at news in a range of locations as well as
within the source country, which was the UK. They
were therefore outside the broad spectrum of users
expected on news sites who could be expected to
look for news in their home country only. However,
ANP was able to recognise these location
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
preferences and produce news from the users
commonly requested locations. The browser was
able to work autonomously in feeding news to users
on the basis of the location and news category of the
user’s past browsing profile. It seems clear that
adding location dimensions to the browsing history
of each user is likely to produce improvements to
news browser performance.
Personalisation has become an urgent need because
users need to manage the massive data explosion in
all information-based systems, particularly in web
applications. Therefore, websites have started to
offer personalisation services for their users,
particularly in online news providing systems. In
order to be efficient, a personalisation system needs
to achieve four features: autonomy, adaptation to
changes in users' behaviour, acceptable performance,
and satisfactory matching to user requirements.
ANP is a prototype system designed to provide
on-line-personalised news meeting the key features
of personalisation outlined earlier, without affecting
retrieval performance. The prototype provides a
systematic method for managing personalisation by
using web usage mining .
The results of implementing the prototype can be
summarised in the followings:
¾ The system was able to connect to web log
files and transform delimited values into a
table of columns and rows.
¾ Logs raw data was successfully cleaned from
noise in an intelligent way, with relatively
noncomplex transformations. Non-required
columns were not selected, where unrelated
rows such as file headings, image, and
unsuccessful records were filtered using
several transformations.
¾ Users were identified by their IP addresses
and browsing time was divided into sessions
using certain transformations.
¾ After the data was preprocessed, it was
summarised/aggregated according to user IP,
news category and location, and session.
¾ The Microsoft clustering algorithm was
applied successfully on the aggregated data,
and resulted in a set of clusters. The
clustering was efficient, and with the
capabilities provided by SQL Server 2005,
the results of clustering were refined further.
The developed prototype worked autonomously
in performing the main system tasks, but not in all;
because the system was not applied in a live scenario
and there are still several issues to be addressed
before this can be done. Furthermore, adaptation
needs lots of log files and other resources in order to
be implemented in a real context and this has been
outside the scope of the immediate project.
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