Tereska Karran
Department of Informatics, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London,W1W 6UW, U.K.
Keywords: Information quality, enterprise architectures, CODA, business intelligence, autonomous data quality
monitoring, data mining.
Abstract: Organisations are driven to meet data quality standards by both external pressures and by internal quality
processes. However, it is difficult to add these to existing systems as part of enterprise architecture.
Moreover, where business intelligence is delivered autonomously, it is difficult to implement efficient data
quality processes. We discuss the value of making data quality part of enterprise architecture using CODA
and outline how this can be implemented by adding autonomous processing to specific architectural
As database technology has developed and matured,
it has become possible to extract intelligent
information from data and to create self-adaptive
systems based on analysis of past and present
transactions. As a result, business information
systems have become more focused on meeting
information objectives at all levels of the
organization. This in turn implies managing
information flow within a complex architecture in
such a way that it mirrors the way that the
organization manages decisions. A great deal of
management decision-making is based on
information which is automatically extracted from
data stored within the database via a warehouse or
data mart. Therefore it has become increasingly
important to monitor and control the flow of data
through the organization because detail is lost as it
becomes increasingly aggregated and generalized.
During this process it is easy to lose track of the
ownership and responsibility for errors as well as
letting errors creep in. In line with this the auditing
and IT governance procedures have changed so that
it has become necessary to show the accuracy and
the ownership of data behind complex business
reports. It is no longer sufficient to audit operational
the core transactions within computer systems since
errors can occur as information is passed from level
to level (Sayana (2002)).
A successful enterprise needs a transparent data
architecture which incorporates a strategy for the
management of information quality (Rees &
Dineschandra. (2005)). However, this architecture
should also monitor information at each stage of the
data transformation process. Several serious failures
within organisations can be pinpointed as
originating in the mismanagement of information
(Sercu et al. (2006)). It often proves particularly
difficult to establish the causes because, in general,
flows of information cannot be easily traced due to
the lack of transparency in the architecture.
There are two solutions.
The first solution is to ensure that the data is fit
for the purpose. This involves establishing
objectives and data ownership at a business level
and then creating data cleaning processes for each
layer of the enterprise. Thus it becomes possible to
redefine data for each separate objective.
The second solution is to measure the data
quality at each level of the architecture. This
involves customised correction of data as it moves
through every level of the enterprise. However, it is
difficult to do this as a business process since the
warehouse aggregation and data gathering process is
usually set to operate as an autonomous process.
It would be most efficient to incorporate both
solutions within the enterprise architecture. If data
quality is part of a layered architecture, it becomes
possible to improve system performance globally.
Karran T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 112-117
DOI: 10.5220/0001875301120117
Where data ownership is managed within the
architecture it is possible to manage data correction
in such a way that the data meets specific objectives.
An enterprise architecture needs to support the
mechanisms for turning source data into information
and then into knowledge that is useful for decision
making. BI architecture can be approached as a
number of transactional data sources connected and
integrated by an ETL layer feeding a data warehouse
that holds aggregated, transformed,
multidimensional data which in tern is used to feed
different data marts used for analysis such as
queries, OLAP, and data mining cubes.
Because of the multiple purposes to which
information is put, and because of the way that new
information can have multiple impacts, an enterprise
architecture can be seen as a type of complex non-
deterministic system. This allows us to use complex
system theory allows us to model the enterprise
architecture as consisting of multiple interacting and
semi autonomous databases (Ramanathan (2005)).
Figure 1: The CODA Architecture showing layers.
At the highest level, an architectural strategy for
data quality involves the autonomous and strategic
management of data passing through enterprise
layers. There are two steps for doing this effectively.
Firstly, the automatic filtering of information as it
enters the organization. Secondly, the controlled
manipulation of information flows within the
architecture matching the organizational decision
flows. There are several different enterprise
architectures on offer
Dill et al (2004) describe the ESA (Enterprise
Service Architecture) and show how the addition of
a service-oriented BI improves data quality
assurance. However, the processes are not viewable
and their impact on data flows is not easily
Wu et al (2007) have proposed a Service
Oriented Architecture which breaks legacy data
components down into service-oriented reusable
components communicating with each other using
XML messages. IEach of these has a specific
functionality such as Data Cleaning, Data
Transformation, Data Load and other services. The
architecture was used for assessing IT service
management performance. However, it does not
allow direct communication between data
integration and data analysis services except through
a centralised data store.
It is advantageous to have a cellular structure
with an viewable interface so that it is possible to
view the data transformations. Such a structure is
available in the CODA enterprise architecture.
CODA is a generic intelligent architecture for
use in enterprise applications (Karran et al (2003)).
It has been applied in a variety of research contexts
(Karran & Wright (2007)) (Karran &Justo (2003)).
It is designed to be added to existing systems with a
minimum of interference with existing information
processing. It also uses autonomous processes for
the self management of error. Most enterprise
architectures contain three layers, but at the macro
level CODA consists of five processing layers
(shown in figure 1).
2.1 CODA Layers
Each layer is made up of processing cells. The layer
functions can be loosely described as transactional,
decision support, executive information, knowledge
discovery and planning. These five layers
correspond to systemic functions described by Beer
and by Espejo (Beer (1998), Espejo & Gill (1999)).
2.2 CODA Cells
At the micro level the smallest atomic component of
the CODA architecture is a cell. The generic
Feedback loops Data access and filters
Interlayer filters
Command (Planning)
Control (knowledge discovery)
Monitor the monitors
Monitor Operations
structure of a cell is shown in figure 2. The cell
grain depends on how the enterprise manages its
information processing involving stored data.
Hiding the details of the processing within a cell
wrapper enables the architect to concentrate on the
flows of information and the types of data flowing
between the cells with a view to making this process
The cell structure is the key to monitoring data
quality. Each cell is initiated with processing
objectives by an activating role (Megaache, Karran
& Justo (2002)). Each cell passes its execution
status (a minimum of three conditions: opportunity,
threat or normal, with a maximum of five) to a
senior cell for intelligent monitoring. As data passes
into a cell it goes through the cell filter and is given
a quality status (red, amber or green depending on
the quality settings defined at the filter). All threat
and opportunity data is automatically monitored as a
priority, while normal data is placed at a lower
priority. At the same time the process is given a
condition setting allowing senior cells to know how
well the objective is being executed.
Figure 2: Structure of a CODA Cell.
2.3 Structure of a CODA Layer
Figure 3 shows the structure of a layer, managing
information for decision support objectives. Each
layer consists of multiple interacting component
cells which manage the information needed by a
specified user. The user is defined by the user
profile which consists of security protocols and
permissions as well as a history of accesses. Within
each layer the component cells continuously adapt
their behaviour based on critical tolerances which
are managed by cells at ‘senior’ layers.
An important advantage of layering the
information flows is that it becomes possible to add
new component ‘cells’ and test their effects on the
enterprise with the minimum of side effects (Bedau
(1997)). Once this has been established, it is
possible to design and test both individual elements
and the whole system in a variable environment
(Bedau (1996)).
Figure 3: Data Warehouse Architecture showing a
Decision support Layer composed of multiple cells.
We have outlined how the management of
information quality is a key property of complex
enterprise architecture. The complete information
quality management process involves designing and
managing multiple views of the original input data
each with their own data quality requirements. Each
of these may be modified as a result of the
intelligence gained by cells at the higher layers.
Quality has to be strictly managed at each cell and
each layer because although the source input data is
likely to be highly detailed, it becomes highly
generalised as it moves through the decision layers
We assume that information is logically structured so that the
steps from the detail to the general are logical.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The first step is to wrap existing database
systems and data marts using a cell structure (Karran
& Wright (2007)). Each cell manages its data-flow
autonomously providing it has been initiated by a
role with the required access permissions. Each cell
can assess the data quality which passes through its
‘cell membrane’ and returns a quality value for data
it uses. Data which does not meet predefined quality
settings is transferred to holding bay for further
cleaning and at predefined intervals (depending on
user settings), the dirty data is passed to a higher
level cell for further cleaning. As well as dealing
with the error and the number of errors, the higher
level cell is able to assess and count the type of
errors reaching that layer. If necessary, a new data
cleaning filter can be added to the lower level cell to
prevent this type of error from occurring in future.
The layered cells allow the organization to
develop a strategy for managing day to day
transactions. At the same time the internal
monitoring procedures of the cell membranes allow
the organization to respond to unforeseen situations,
and to abnormal or incorrect data. At the higher
layers, the intelligence cells may base their decisions
on generalised versions of core information, but it is
also possible to drill through the underlying layers to
obtain the source data on which these decisions were
made. The rules for decision making are refined at
the control layer, depending on what is needed for
extrapolating rules about the environment,
monitoring patterns of behaviour, and adapting to
Data quality is a fundamental property of good
intelligence and is managed in a layered way so that
the source of the generalized rules can be retrieved
and tested if necessary. Since data quality is also
vital to ensure a holistic and speedy adaptive
response once new information has been discovered,
there are efficient feedback loops linking the layers.
The whole process is dynamic since decisions made
must result in improvement and the intelligence cells
can test this. The system will become increasingly
autonomous because it is possible for the top layer
to test the rules and predictions made by the lower
layers and to replace poorly performing strategies
with better adaptations based on analysis. This data
quality cycle holds true for any complex information
system and not only business enterprises.
Testing of the architecture has so far been confined
to specific architectural elements. It is important to
note that there are several different strands to the
automation process for data quality. For example,
there is a distinction between architectural elements
which deal with the intrinsic quality and those which
deal with the data requirements of the user/role. For
example, in figure 3 above, each user has a security
profile detailing accesses and permission to cells. At
the same time, the enterprise layer has it own data
quality requirements. It is anticipated that each
layer will include a data mining tool which analyses
user accesses and transactions. It is envisaged that
this may become part of the meta data catalogue
which stores details about the quality of the data. It
should help to ensure that users receive the right
data in a timely manner. At the same time, it is
possible to monitor for potential unauthorised
4.1 Managing Database Autonomy
The concept of managing databases autonomously is
still in its early stages. This is because the data held
by the organization is a primary resource and any
change is potentially dangerous to the integrity of
the existing systems. However, we have explored
how it is possible for a remote agent, initially the
database administrator, but potentially an
autonomous cell, to administer the database logs in
terms of simple errors, and other log conditions
(Karran & Wright (2007)). We have shown that it is
possible to design and build a CODA type cell
which is able to provide advice for the database
administrator away from the console.
4.2 Creating Autonomous Filters for
Managing Data Quality at ETL
The methods and principles of autonomously
filtering data have been applied using Oracle and
Excel formats for project metrics in a large software
house maintaining third party software(unpublished
research Ragaven (2005)).
The original source data was huge, error prone
and duplicated. Each project had a separate metric
spreadsheet. The template used as a starting point
for each new software maintenance project was not
accurate. The result was that time was spent in re-
defining MS Excel macros to generate derived data
for analytical purposes. Designing errorless macros
to do this work required expensive training, and,
because of high staff turnover, calculated
management reports contained inaccurate figures.
Lack of integration of data in multiple spreadsheets
made it difficult to spot patterns and trends to
estimate future project resource use, such as cost and
manpower. There was no security so that sensitive
data such as daily/hourly cost for staff were not
protected. Finally, there was no data integrity due to
the lack of efficient in-built validation in the
spreadsheet application. Backup and restore proved
difficult due to the vast number of individual
spreadsheets and where spreadsheets had shared
access, the system crashed regularly.
The solution was implemented in three stages.
The first step was to ensure quality of collected and
stored data. The second step was to filter and
consolidate data in a meaningful way for use at
decision support level. The third step was to add role
profiles to ensure that the right data should be
available in a secure way.
Figure 4: Autonomous Transformation of Data for the
Decision Support Layer (Ragaven 2005).
It was possible to ensure the quality of OLTP
data by creating a user-friendly graphical interface
as front-end filter for entering metrics together with
an appropriate database as back-end for storing data.
The front end, designed in Java-swing, allowed a
single point data entry system to record metric data
and the data was autonomously transformed to meet
the needs of the users at the decision support layer
(as shown in figure 4.). This data was moved to the
data warehouse using java processes to add missing
data and dimensions. The cleaned data was then
loaded to spreadsheets customised for specific
decision support roles.
The project showed that it was useful to apply an
autonomous data filtering program to a layer and to
tie data access to specified roles.
The project developed a single set of cells with
viewable and autonomous data cleaning interfaces.
The application involved a single role to manage an
ETL utilities workflow metrics system. The process
cells were designed using JAVA and extracted
transformed and loaded project metrics data into a
business intelligence data warehouse adding
multidimensional data structures. The data in the
business intelligence warehouse was used to support
management decisions involving project work
flows, risks and costing. The overall results obtained
from the system were meaningful because they
mirrored the workflow of the business decision
processes exactly. This was possible because the
Java based cells mirrored the role actions. The ETL
utility programs were fast, reliable and automatic
and transformed the OLTP core data in a way which
was intuitive and clear to the management roles
using it. The data moving between the cells is
viewable at all stages so that data quality can be
assured. For example, the date is defaulted to the
project inception date, and the system automatically
prompts for data quality checks. The information
available allows the user to check and confirm, not
only current system releases under test, but also past
system releases, which were under test.
By making the system both autonomous and
close to the business workflow test manager were
able to combine information drawn from multiple
sources and analyse metric data without complex
external checking of sources. For example,
chargeable, non-chargeable and overall cost for each
MS Access data
ETL Utility – Extract,
Transform and Load
Java program to
transform &
load data
interface for
Java program to
extract &
dimensions data
Java program to
transform &
dimensions data
output files
input files
Cross tab and
– multi-
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
staff can be viewed in terms of staff ids for each
system release and this improves the understanding
of project actual costs. This provides useful
information to monitor performance of staff within
the organization because the data quality is reliable,
timely and up to date.
We were able to test the principles for cell
design and role activation for managing data quality
autonomously. The application showed that it is
possible to obtain good results for managing data by
separating OLTP and OLAP filters and attaching
data to a specified role. So far we have only
developed a single role view of the system. The next
stages will involve attaching quality status to data
and passing the data to a further layer. It will also
involve adding further roles and showing the
interactions between them.
The application of Beer’s model to an enterprise
architecture in the CODA application has so far
produced a number of interesting results. Initial
research suggests that the model has some bearing
on the problems facing large organizations in adding
data quality processes to existing enterprise
architectures. Initial trials have proved promising
and have been enthusiastically adopted by the
organizations involved.
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