Makoto Imamura, Yasuhiro Takayama
Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
5-1-1 Ofuna, Kamakura, Kanagawa, 247-8501, Japan
Masanori Akiyoshi, Norihisa Komoda
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan
Keywords: Linguistic knowledge acquisition, case frame, operating manual, document structure.
Abstract: This paper proposes a method for automatically extracting term knowledge such as case relations and IS-A
relations between words in the headline sentences of operating manuals for information equipments. The
proposed method acquires term knowledge by the following iterative processing: the case relation extraction
using correspondence relations between surface cases and deep cases; the case and IS-A relation extraction
using compound word structures; the IS-A relation extraction using correspondence between the case
structures in the hierarchical headline sentences. The distinctive feature of our method is to extract new case
relations and IS-A relations by comparison and matching the case relations extracting from the super and
sub headline sentences using the headline hierarchy. We have confirmed that the proposed method has
achieved 92.4% recall and 96.8% precision for extracting case relations, and 93.9% recall and 89.9%
precision for extracting IS-A relations from an operating manual of a car navigation system.
As the functions of information equipments increase
diversity and complexity in recent years, users can
hardly find the target items from several hundred
pages of operating manuals. Especially for
information equipments such as car navigation
systems, mobile phones, and DVD recorders, the
help of operation is important because the target
users of those are broad range of people (Waida,
2007). To facilitate the help of equipment operations
and manual search, the function of refining user’s
intention is desired, and term knowledge is required
to implement the function (Kurohashi, 2000),
(Kawahara, 2003). The representative term
knowledge are case relations like equipment
operations and their objects, and the super-sub
relations (IS-A relations) between objects of the
equipments. For example, by using term knowledge
of case relations and IS-A relations, help systems
can suggest the related terms with the user-input
keywords to improve search ability. However, the
human workload of term knowledge creation with
expertism for each special domain is at issue.
Therefore, the needs of term knowledge acquisition
from operating manuals, necessarily with the
commercialization of the equipments, are growing.
Conventional technologies of acquisition of case
relations and IS-A relations are based on statistical
machine learning (Oishi, 1997), (Kawahara, 2000)
or sentence pattern rules (Kurohashi, 1992),
(Kobayashi, 2004). The former methods require
huge corpus. The targets of latter methods are
restricted in dictionaries and blogs. Therefore, both
methods cannot be applied to term knowledge
acquisition from operating manuals whose volumes
are relatively small. Moreover, the conventional
methods are based on one sentence processing, so
the methods using the document structure such as
the hierarchy of headlines or the relations between
the cells in the tables, specific to the business
documents, has not been examined.
We focus on the headline hierarchy as the
document structure in the business documents. This
Imamura M., Takayama Y., Akiyoshi M. and Komoda N. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE, pages 301-308
DOI: 10.5220/0001875803010308
paper proposes a method of automatically acquiring
case relations and IS-A relations, whose distinctive
feature is the matching the case elements by using
the headline hierarchy.
In the operation help and the manual search for
information equipments, the system can support the
users of the equipments to find the desired
explanation pages quickly by suggesting the related
terms of the user-input keywords using term
knowledge. For example, the user can easily reach
the targeted page by only choosing the desired terms
from the alternatives suggested by the system using
term knowledge shown in Table 1, instead of
wandering around looking for a number of the pages
in the search result list.
Table 1: Examples of term knowledge.
{verb/settei-suru (setting),
object/mokuteki-chi (destination place),
instrument/navi-meyu (navigation menu)}
{verb/settei-suru (setting),
object/mokuteki-chi (destination place),
instrument/ touroku-chi (registered place)}
{verb/kensaku-suru (search),
object/ mokuteki-chi (destination place),
instrument/jusho (address)}
IS-A( kisetsu-no-supotto (seasonal spot),
osusume-jouhou (recommended
IS-A( hyakusen(the hundred best),
osusume-johou (recommended information))
IS-A(osusume-supotto (recommended spot),
osusume-jouhou (recommended
Ex.1 in Table 1 are called the case frames that
represent the verb centred relations about the role
(deep case) of the noun to the verb. For example,
{verb/settei-suru (setting), object/mokuteki-chi
(destination place), instrument/navi-menyu
(navigation menu)} represents “nounmokuteki-chi
(destination place)’ has a role of ‘object (objective
case)’, and noun ‘navi-menyu (navigation menu)’
has a role of ‘instrument (instrumental case)’ for the
verb ‘settei-suru (setting).’” The case particles with
nouns that depend on the verbs are called ‘surface
cases’. For example, “tourokuchi-wo (registered
place)” is called “wo-case”, “risuto-ni (to the list)” is
called “ni-case”. From Ex.1 in Table 1, we can see
the following: “The verbs with ‘mokuteki-chi
(destination place)’ as the object are ‘settei-suru
(setting)’ and ‘kensaku-suru (search)’”; “The
instruments for ‘mokuteki-chi-wo settei-suru (setting
the destination place)’ are ‘navi-menyu (navigatioin
menu)’ and ‘touroku-chi (registered place).’”
Ex.2 in Table 1 are examples of IS-A relations
extracted from the super-sub relations between terms.
These examples represent: “there are 3 instances for
osusume-jouhou (recommended information)’:
kisetsu-no supotto (seasonal spot)’ hyaku-sen
(the hundred best)’, and ‘osusume-supotto
(recommended spot).’”
The methods for automatic extraction of term
knowledge are mainly the named entity extraction
method (Sudo 2001) and the corpus-based
knowledge extraction method (Utsuro 1998). These
methods are classified broadly into the machine
learning based methods and the linguistic structure
patterns based methods.
The machine learning based methods require the
huge workload for preparation, because they require
huge corpus like hundreds of millions of sentences
or the training data created by human. Then, there
are the problems: (1) It is difficult to collect huge
corpus for certain business domains. (2) The cost for
creating answer data is high. Therefore, it is hard to
apply the methods to acquire technical term
knowledge in business domains.
The linguistic structure patterns based methods
enable term knowledge acquisition to decrease the
required size of documents by using the human-
created pattern rules specified in each type of
documents. The examples of these methods are
“term knowledge extraction of hyper text
construction from dictionary (Kurohashi 1992)”, and
“term knowledge acquisition for sentiment
extraction (Kobayashi 2004).” The former specialize
the target documents for extraction in the dictionary
and the latter specialize those in Web bulletin boards
and blogs. Because the pattern rules need to be
created for each type of documents, the specific
pattern rules are difficult to apply to the other type
of documents. We call this issue “issue 1: using
characteristics of the headline sentences in the
information equipment manuals.”
Moreover, the conventional methods are based
on processing one sentence, so the case relations and
IS-A relations acquisition using the headline
hierarchy has not been examined. We call this issue
“issue 2: case relations and IS-A relations in the
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
headline hierarchy.” The conventional methods use
the surface dependency relations with case particles,
so extracting the case relations between words that
consist of the compound words has not been
examined. We call this issue “issue 3: case relations
in the compound words.”
4.1 Overview of Proposed Method
To cope with “issue 1: using characteristics of the
headline sentences in the information equipment
manuals”, we propose a method of extracting case
relation by the correspondence rules between surface
and deep case based on the speciality of linguistic
expressions of operations, status and conditions in
the operating manuals. We also propose a method of
extracting IS-A relation by using the commonality of
word ending in compound words.
To cope with “issue 2: case relations and IS-A
relations in the headline hierarchy”, we propose a
method of extracting case relation by merging cases
in the super and sub headlines when the both verbs
are identical, but cases are different. We also
proposes a method of extracting IS-A relations, by
comparing with cases in the super and sub headlines
when the both verbs are the identical, and both cases
are also identical.
To cope with “issue 3: case relations in the
compound words”, we propose a case analysis
method for compound words by using the linguistic
expressions specific in the operating manuals.
Results of
syntactic analysis
for each sentence
Hierarchy of
headline sentences
Case frame
IS-A relation
surface case analysis
common ending word processing
Different type case merging
compound word case analysis
Same type case refinement
Case relation extraction processing group
IS-A relation extraction processing group
Figure 1: The architecture of the automatic term
knowledge acquisition method.
The architecture of our proposed term knowledge
acquisition consists of the processings corresponding
to the above methods, the case frame dictionary that
is a set of case relations, and the IS-A relation
dictionary that is a set of IS-A relations as shown in
Figure 1. Each processing extracts new case
relations or IS-A relations by using the results of
syntactic analysis for each sentence, the hierarchy of
headline sentences, the case frame dictionary, and
the IS-A relation dictionary, then registers the new
relation in the case frame dictionary or the IS-A
relation dictionary. The whole process of the
proposed method is repeated iteratively until no new
term knowledge can be extracted.
4.2 Extraction of Case Relations
4.2.1 Case Relations
There is no consensus on what deep cases exist
(Tsujii 1985), therefore, we use the deep cases
shown in Table 2, which are customized from
Fillmore’s deep cases (Fillmore 1975) for the
operations of information equipments.
Table 2: Deep cases for information equipment operations.
Deep case Explanation
Agentive case (A) Information equipment of
operation target, or the parts of it
Experiencer case (E) User of the equipment
Objective case (O) Operation target of the users
Instrumental case (I) Instrument or mean of equipment
Source case (S) Status or place before equipment
Goal case (G) Status or place after equipment
Locative case (L) Place or location about equipment
Time case (T) Condition of equipment operation
Table 3: Examples of case relations in the headlines.
Headline sentence Case relation
touroku-chi-no sentaku
(choice of the registered
{verb/sentaku-suru (choose),
(registered place)}
koe-niyoru sousa
(operation by voice)
{verb/sousa-suru (operate),
instrument/koe (voice)}
Saisei-gamen-kara navi-
gamen-ni modosu
(bring replay screen back
to the navigation screen)
{verb/modosu (bring back),
(replay screen),
(navigation screen)}
Table 3 shows the examples of case relations
obtained by analysing the headline sentences in the
operating manuals of a car navigation system. Here
we denote the cases by attribute-value pairs whose
attribute names are the deep cases and values are the
words or phrase in the sentences. For example, {verb
/sentaku-suru (choose), object/touroku-chi
(registered place)} represents “the objective case of
the verb sentaku-suru (choose) is touroku-chi
(registered place).”
4.2.2 Surface Case Analysis
The corresponding relations between surface and
deep cases become simple when we restrict the
sentences to the headlines of operating manuals for
equipments. The processing for the correspondence
between surface and deep case extracts the case
relations by determining deep cases from the
analyzed results of each sentence using the rules
shown in the left and the upper-right column in
Table 4. The underlined expressions in Table 4 are
examples of surface cases.
In Table 4, the operation words, status words,
and conditional expressions, specific to the operating
manuals of information equipments, are as follows.
(i) Operation Words. The operation words are the
verbs and sahen-nouns in the headline sentences.
For example, “settei (setting)” in “mokuteki-chi-no
settei (setting of the destination place)” and “meiru
(mail)” in “meiru kinou (mail function)” are the
verbs, and then they are the operation words.
(ii) Status Words. The status words are nouns that
are related by the verbs with the expressions of
beginning, duration, and completion. For example,
sukurouru-suru (scroll)” is an operating word,
auxiliary verb “ta (have -ed)” represents completion
of (9) in Table 4: “sukurouru-shita chiten (the place
that have been scrolled to)”, so the noun “chiten (the
place)” is a status word. The examples of beginning,
duration, and completion are “hajimeru (start)”,
teshimau (have -ed)”, and “teiru (have been)”. We
can make the dictionary beforehand for the status
words, because these expressions are formulaic and
domain independent.
(iii) Conditional Expressions. The conditional
expressions are terms that represents conditions such
as “baai (case)”, “ji (time)”, and “sai (as)”. The
conditional expressions have functions as the surface
cases. For example, the “ji (time)” in “setsuzoku-ji-
no kakunin (confirmation at the time of connection)”
of (10) in Table 4 is a conditional expression, and
ji-no (at the time of connection)” has a function of
time case. We can make the dictionary beforehand
for the condition words, because these expressions
are formulaic and domain independent.
Table 4: The correspondence rules between surface and
deep case.
Surface case that can be the left deep case Deep
Example of headline sentence
- wo-case
- no-case that is sahen-noun or adverbial form of
verb that cannot be time case
(1) shisetsu-wo sagasu (search the facility)
(2) touroku-chi-no sentaku
(choice of
the registered place)
- niyoru-case
- deno-case or no-case that cannot be (T) or (L)
- kara-case that cannot be source case
(3) koe-niyoru
sousa (operation by voice)
(4) jusho-de sagasu (search by the address)
(5) risuto-kara sagasu (search by the list)
- kara-case or karano-case whose depending
operation word is depended by (G)
(6) saisei-gamen-kara navi-gamen-ni modosu
(bring the replay screen back to the navigation
- ni-case or heno-case (G)
(7) genzai-chi-ni modosu
(bring back to the current place)
(8) audio-kinou-heno
(connection to the audio function)
- deno-case or de-case with a status word (L)
(9) sukurouru-shita chiten-deno
(operation at the place that have been scrolled
- deno-case or no-case following a conditional
(10) setsuzoku-ji-no kakunin
(confirmation at the time of connection)
(O): objective case, (I): instrumental case, (S): source case , (G):
goal case, (L): locative case, (T): time case
4.2.3 Different Type Case Merging
Different type case merging extracts case relations
by merging the different cases in the case relations
between the super and sub headlines when the both
verbs are the same, using rules shown in Table 5.
Table 5: The merge rules for different type cases.
Category The merge rules for different type cases
case element
if ( ec( Si ) = {verb/X, C1/A}
ec( Sj ) = {verb/X, C2/B}
headline-hiearchy( Si, Sj ) )
then ec( Sj ) = { verb/X, C1/A, C2/B }
Case element
if ( ec( Si ) = {verb/X, C1/A}
ec(Sj) = { verb/Y }
headline-hiearchy( Si, Sj ) )
then ec( j) = { verb/Y, C1/A }
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
For example, this processing can extract the case
relations “{verb/settei-suru (setting), object/touroku-
chi (registered place), instrument/kensaku-rireki
(search history)}” and “{verb/settei-suru (setting),
(registered place),
instrument/jusho (address)}” form headline
hierarchy of the left column in Table 6.
Table 6: Case relations extracted from each headline.
Headline sentence Case relation
touroku-chi- no settei
(setting the registered
- kensaku-rireki-
kara settei-suru
(setting from search
- jusho-kara settei-suru
(setting from the address)
{verb/settei-suru (setting),
(registered place)}
{verb/settei-suru (setting),
(search history)}
{verb/settei-suru (setting),
headline sentences
merge rules for different type case
with case elements
touroku-chi no settei
(setting the registered place)
kensaku-rireki kara settei-suru
(setting from the search history)
assignment of words
for variables
if ( ec( Si ) = { verb / X, C1 / A }
ec( Sj ) = { verb / X, C2 / B }
headline-hierarchy ( Si, Sj )
then ec( Sj ) = { verb / X, C1 / A, C2 / B }
instantiated rules
X = settei-suru (setting)
C1 = object
A = touroku-chi
(registered place)
C2 = instrument
B = kensaku-rireki
search histor
if ( ec( S1 ) = { verb / settei-suru, object / touroku-chi }
ec( S2 ) = { verb / setttei-suru,
instrument / kensaku-rireki }
headline-hierarchy (S1, S2 )
then ec( S2 ) = { verb / settei- suru, object / touroku-chi,
instrument / kensaku-rireki
case relations for each sentence
ec( S1 ) = { verb / settei-suru,
object / touroku-chi }
ec( S2 ) = { verb / settei-suru,
instrument / kensaku-rireki }
extracted case relations
ec( S2 ) = { verb / settei-suru,
object / touroku-chi,
instrument / kensaku-rireki }
Figure 2: Extraction of case relations by the merge rules
for different type cases.
The execution flow of the different type case
merge processing is shown in Figure. 2. Here, S1
denotes the headline in the upper layer (super
headline), S2 denotes the headline in the lower layer
(sub headline). This processing merges the deep case
“C1/A = object/touroku-chi (registered place)” in S1
with the deep case “C2/B = instrument/kensaku-
rireki (search history)” in S2, using the common
verb “X = settei-suru (setting)” in the case relations
extracted from each sentence. Then the processing
extracts the case relation {verb/settei-suru (setting),
object/touroku-chi (destination place),
instrument/kensaku-rireki (search history)} by
complement with the objective case omitted in S2.
4.2.4 Compound Word Case Analysis
Compound word case analysis extracts case relations
form compound words. By using the rules in Figure 3,
a new case relation {verb/Mn, case C/[M1, M2, …,
Mn-1]} is extracted, if the word ending is an
operation word Mn, and the noun [M1, M2, …, Mn-
1] is in the case frame dictionary as a case element or
a headline word.
if there is a compound noun N= [M1, M2, ..., Mn]
consists of the words M1,M2,...Mn, and
Mn is an operation word.
if there is a word Mn-1 as the ending word
of the term of case C in the case frame dictionary
then ec(N) = {verb/Mn, C/[M1, M2, ..., Mn-1]}
else if Mn-1is a sahen-noun
Mn-1 is an adverbial-form of verb
Mn-1 is a word stem of adjective/adjective-noun
then ec(N) = {verb/Mn, instrument/[M1, M2, ...,
else ec(N) = {verb/Mn, object/[M1, M2, ..., Mn-1]}
Figure 3: The case analysis rules for compound words.
Table 7: Examples of case relations extracted from
compound words in headlines.
Headline sentence
Extracted case relation
(1) sisutemu-onryo- no henkou
(modification of volume in the system)
(2) AV-onryo settei (AV-volume setting)
{verb/henkou-suru (modify),
object/[sisutemu (system), onryou (volume)]}
{verb/settei-suru (setting), object/[AV (AV),
onryou (volume)]}
(1) ukai-ruuto-wo tsukuru(create a detour route)
(2) ruuto-henkou (change the route)
{verb/tsukuru (create),
object/[ukai (detour), ruuto (route)] }
{verb/henkou (change), object/[rouuto (route)}
Table 7 shows examples of case relations
extracted from compound words. If the headline
sentence “
AV-onryo settei (AV-volume setting)” is a
compound noun N, N= [
AV (AV), onryo (volume),
settei (setting)], and the operating word is Mn =
settei (setting)”. Then, Mn-1= “onryo (volume)” is
the ending word of the case “C = object” in the case
relation extracted from the headline sentence
“sisutemu-onryo-no henkou (modification of volume
in the system).” Therefore, a new case relation
{verb/settei-suru (setting), object/[AV (AV), onryou
(volume)]} can be extracted by the rules in Figure 3.
4.3 Extraction of IS-A Relations
4.3.1 Common Ending Word Processing
There is a conventional heuristics that an IS-A
relation holds when an inclusive relation as substring
between words that consists of compound words. This
heuristics incorrectly extracts IS-A(settei-naiyou
(setting content), naiyou (content))” whose IS-A
relation is not important for applications like the
operation help. Common ending word processing
extracts IS-A relations between terms by the rule
using the headline suffixes and the case frame
dictionary that are the specific expressions for the
headlines in the manuals.
Here, the headline words are the headline
sentences whose endings are the nouns depending on
“the headline suffixes” such as “gaiyou (overview)”,
toha (what ~is)”, “oteire (maintenance)”, and
sousa (operation)”, or the nouns without the
headline suffixes. For example, “onryou-settei-no
gaiyou (overview of volume setting)” is a headline
sentence, “onryou-settei (volume setting)” is a
headline word becausegaiyou (overview)” is a
headline suffix. We can make the dictionary of the
headline suffixes beforehand, because they are the
formulaic and domain independent.
if (there is a compound noun N= [M1, M2, ..., Mn]
consists of the words M1,M2,...Mn
there is a word Mn-1
as the ending word of the term of case C
in the case frame dictionary,
or the ending word of the headline word )
then IS-A(N, Mn)
Figure 4: The rule for the words with the common ending.
Using the rule in Figure 4, “IS-A(AV-onryo (AV-
volume), onryo (volume))” can be extracted from
Sisutemu-onryo-wo henkou-suru (modify the
system volume)” and “AV-onryo (AV-volume).”
Because “{verb/ henkou-suru (modify),
object/[sisutemu (system), onryou (volume)]} ” is
extracted from sisutemu-onryo-wo henkou-suru
(modify the system volume)”, here, “compound
noun N=[AV (AV), onryo (volume)]”, “Mn= onryo
(volume)”, and “C=object”, then “IS-A(AV-onryo
(AV-volume), onryo (volume))” is extracted.
4.3.2 Same Type Case Refinement
Same type case refinement extracts the IS-A
relations using the case refinement rules for the
same type cases for nouns and for verbs in Table 8.
Table 8: The case refinement rules for the same type
Category The case refinement rules for the same type
if ( ec( Si ) = {verb/X1, C1/A}
ec( Sj ) = {verb/X2, C2/B}
( X1 = X2 IS-A(X2, X1) )
headline-hiearchy( Si, Sj ) )
then IS-A(B, A)
if ( ec( Si ) = {verb/X1, C1/A1}
ec( Sj ) = {verb/X2, C2/A2}
( A1 = A2 IS-A(A2, A1) )
headline-hiearchy( Si, Sj ) )
then IS-A(Y, X)
For example, by using the case refinement rules
for the same type cases for nouns, IS-A(kisetsu-no
spotto (seasonal spot), osusume-jouhou
(recommended information)) and IS-A(hyaku-sen
(the hundred best), osusume-jouhou (recommended
information)) are extracted from headline sentences
“‘kisetsu-no supotto-wo sagasu (search the seasonal
spot) ’and ‘hyakusen-wo sagasu (search the hundred
best)’” which have super headline ‘osusume-jouhou-
wo sagasu (search the recommended information).’”
5.1 Experimental Setting
We describe the evaluation result of our proposed
method using “an instruction manual for a car
navigation system (Mitsubishi 2005)” as input data.
The input data are 875 headline sentences with
hierarchical tags, and the output data are case
relations and IS-A relations. Here we use JUMAN
(Japanese Morphological Analysis System)
(Kurohashi, 2005a) and KNP (Kurohashi-Nagao
Parser) (Kurohashi, 2005b) for sentence analysis. In
evaluation, we calculate recall and precision by
comparing with the human-extracted relations as
answer relations. The numbers of answer relations
are 858 for case relations and 495 for IS-A relations.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
5.2 Recall and Precision
We have compared that the proposed method using
headline hierarchy relation with the basic method
using one sentence analysis. Here we consider the
processing for the correspondence between surface
and deep case as the basic method for case
extraction, and the processing for the words with the
common ending as the basic method for IS-A
relation, because they are considered to be a
customization of the conventional methods to the
operating manual headlines. The evaluation result
for extracting case relations of the proposed method
has achieved 92.4% recall and 96.8% precision,
increasing 31.1% and 1.5% respectively from the
basic method as shown in Table 9.
The evaluation result for extracting IS-A
relations has achieved 93.9% recall and 89.9%
precision, increasing 21.0% and 1.0% respectively
from the basic method as shown in Table 10.
Table 9: An evaluation result of case relation extraction.
Basic Proposed Improvement
Recall 61.3% 92.4% 31.1%
Precision 95.3% 96.8% 1.5%
Table 10: An evaluation result of IS-A relation extraction.
Basic Proposed Improvement
Recall 72.9% 93.9% 21.0%
Precision 88.9% 89.9% 1.0%
The proposed method has almost achieved 90 %
of target recall and precision on the practical view.
The future issue is the establishment of the method
for suggesting related information like certainty
factors for human to correct false extraction.
5.3 Analysis of Extraction Failure
5.3.1 Extraction Leaks for Case Relations
The 22 relations (7.6% of all answers) of 65 total
leaks of case relations can be extracted by human
from one sentence as shown in Ex.1 and Ex.2 in
Table 11. They are difficult to extract because of the
lacks of clue in the target sentences. A future issue is
to establish a method of finding sentences, which
have the clue from the body of the manuals or Web
text, such asdenwa-de tsuuwa-suru (call by
telephone)”, “taju-de moji-wo housou-suru
(broadcast the characters by multiplex).”
The other 43 leak relations can be extracted by
human from headline hierarchy. The 30 leak
relations in them need knowledge about verbs
regarding the actions and the results of the operations
as Ex.3 in Table 12. The 13 leak relations in them
need to fill the ellipsis of case elements in the
sentences. To cope with former cases, it is required to
describe knowledge about basic verbs. To cope with
latter cases, it is good to consider the convention of
designing the headlines for the operating manuals.
Table 11: Examples of extraction leak for case relations.
Headline sentence
Extraction leak for case relation
denwa-no tsuwa (call by telephone) Ex.
{verb/tsuwa-suru (call),
instrument/dennwa telephone)}
moji-taju-housou (teletext broadcast) Ex.
{verb/housou-suru (broadcast),
object/moji (character),
instrument/tajuu (multiplex)}
torakku-risuto-wo hyouji-suru
(display the track list)
- arubamu-risuto-kara modoru
(return from the album list)
{verb/modoru (return),
source/torakku-risuto (track list),
goal/arubamu-risuto (album list)}
adoresu-chou-wo kanri-suru
(manage the address book),
- touroku-suru (register)
{verb/touroku-suru (register),
object/adoresu (address),
goal/adoresu-chou (address book)}
5.3.2 Extraction Errors for Case Relations
The extraction errors for case relations are 26 (7.6%
of all extracted relations). The 4 errors are caused by
the processing for the correspondence between
surface and deep case. For example, the case relation
{verb/tsuuwa-suru (call), object/denwa (telephone)}
is extracted as an error. The 13 cases are caused by
the case analysis processing for the compound word.
For example, the case relation {verb/housou-suru
(broadcast), object/moji-tajuu (multiplex)} is
extracted as an error of Ex.2 in Table 11. The other 9
errors are caused by the different type case merge
processing. For example, the case relation
{verb/tourokur-suru (register), object/adoresu-chou
(address book)} is extracted as an error of Ex.4 in
Table 11 The countermeasure of them are the same
as the extraction leaks.
5.3.3 Extraction Leaks for IS-A Relation
The 30 cases of extraction leaks for IS-A relations
(6.1% of all answers) do not meet the preconditions
of the same type case refinement processing as
shown in Table 12. It needs using the meaning of the
terms to extract them correctly. A future issue is a
method of suggesting how to loose the preconditions
of the extraction rules.
Table 12: Examples of extraction leak for IS-A relation.
Headline sentence
Extraction leak for IS-A relation
tsuushin-houhou-nitsuite (on communication method)
- i-moudo-setsuzoku (i-mode connection)
- internettto-setsuzoku (internet connection)
IS-A(i-moudo-setsuzoku (communication method),
tsuushin-houhou (i-mode connection))
IS-A(internetto-setsuzoku(internet connection),
tsuushin-houhou (internet connection))
5.3.4 Extraction Errors for IS-A Relations
The extraction errors for IS-A relations are 52
(10.1% of all extracted relations). The 45 errors of
them are caused by the processing for the words with
the common ending. For example, the IS-Arelation
IS-A(mokuteki-chi (destination place), chi (place)} is
extracted as an error from the headline sentences:
mokuteki-chi-no kensaku (search of the destination
place)” and “touroku-chi-wo sagasu (search the
registered place)”. This is because the word chi
(place) that is the ending word of the compound
noun mokuteki-chi (destination place) is in the case
relation {verb/sagasu (search), object/ tourokuchi-
chi (registered place)}. The noun suffixes such as
chi (place), “mei (name)”, “chou (book)”, and “kata
(type)”, that appear in the word ending of the proper
nouns or technical terms are unnecessary for
extracting terms. It is preventable if we prepare the
dictionary for noun suffixes, however, we need to
create the noun suffix dictionary depending on each
application domain.
This paper describes a method for automatically
extracting case relations and IS-A relations from
operating manuals for help or search about
equipment manuals. The distinctive feature of the
proposed method is to use the hierarchical structure
of the headline sentences, while the conventional
methods are based on the processing of one
We have confirmed the effectiveness of our method
by comparison of extraction accuracy of term
knowledge with the conventional methods.
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