Camelia Vidrighin Bratu and Rodica Potolea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Computer Science Department, Baritiu St.,Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Feature Selection, Classification, Baseline Accuracy, Combined Method.
Abstract: Feature selection is an important step in any data mining process, for many reasons. In this paper we
consider the improvement of the prediction accuracy as the main goal of a feature selection method. We
focus on an existing 3-step formalism, including a generation procedure, evaluation function and validation
procedure. The performance evaluations have yielded that no individual 3-tuple (generation, evaluation and
validation procedure) can be identified such that it achieves best performance on any dataset, with any
learning algorithm. Moreover, the experimental results suggest the possibility of tackling a combined
approach to the feature selection problem. So far we have experienced with the combination of several
generation procedures, but we believe that the evaluation functions can also be successfully combined.
In supervised learning, a set of instances, each
having a number of features, is given, and the goal is
to evaluate some objective function, and optimize it.
A common objective function is the prediction
accuracy, and in this paper we are considering it as
the evaluation criterion. It is a well known fact that
no classifier can perform remarkably well on any
data set (neither real, nor artificial). Hence, the
classifier should be selected and adjusted according
to the data particularities. Previously, (Moldovan,
2007) we have introduced a method for establishing
the baseline accuracy for any problem domain. Thus,
the choice of a specific learning scheme for a certain
problem is further justified only if its performance is
better than that of the system proposed there. The
new system was evaluated on several classical
benchmark datasets, and its performance was
compared to that of its component classifiers.
Moreover, comparative evaluations have been
carried out with ensemble learning methods in order
to emphasize the advantages of the chosen
methodology. The results obtained have confirmed
the assumptions related to the selective superiority
of classifiers and have shown that the system’s
accuracy is, overall, higher than that of the
individual classifiers. Stability across different
learning problems was also improved.
Supposing that, for a given dataset, the best
classifier has been identified, the assumption of
monotonic behaviour – that more instances and more
attributes improve the performance – is not generally
valid. This means that further refinement is required
in order to ensure the best possible performance of a
given classifier. Identification of the optimal feature
subset becomes thus a prerequisite which allows a
classifier to improve its performance. As the search
for such a subset can be driven in various ways, in
this paper we focus on evaluating several feature
selection methods. We have started this work with
the intention of developing a methodology to select
the optimal feature subset for any data set. However,
the experimental results have shown that no such
single, all-purpose method could be designed, as the
feature selection mechanism is strongly related to
the particularities of the dataset, in a similar way the
learning scheme is. Therefore we extended our work
on more selection mechanisms, combining the
results with different classifiers, in the attempt to
identify the best combination for each individual
dataset. Just like in the case of classifiers, our goal
is to device a methodology for determining the
baseline accuracy for the feature subset selection
function, to represent a starting point in the attempt
to develop a better method on a given particular
Although the final purpose of any data mining
effort is to solve a real-world problem, and our work
also focuses on that, any new approach needs to be
first validated on benchmark data, to allow for
comparative evaluations. All the tests presented in
Vidrighin Bratu C. and Potolea R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 134-139
DOI: 10.5220/0001878401340139
this paper have been performed on benchmark data,
from the UCI Machine Learning Repository (UCI).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the feature selection method. The
experimental work is presented in section 3, while
section 4 contains our conclusions and further work.
In this information age, the volume of data which is
gathered for a certain problem is usually immense.
The monotonic assumption (i.e. classification on a
set of features should perform better than on any
subset it contains), has proven to be false for real-
world datasets. In many applications, the size of a
dataset is so large that learning might perform
extremely poorly on the full feature set. This
introduces the need to restrict the learning process to
an optimal subset of predictor attributes. If the cost
is taken into account, it is even more desirable to
determine the optimal subset of features that are
relevant to the target concept to reduce the
evaluation cost. Moreover, if the running time is
considered, by reducing the search space (due to the
reduced number of features), the running time of the
learning algorithm is also improved.
Feature selection is a research area with
remarkable results. Important efforts are made to
find better methods for feature subset selection, in
order to make classifiers more efficient. However,
most methods offer different answers when
determining whether a particular feature is or not
relevant. As presented in (Nilsson, 2007), there are
several definitions of relevance, depending on the
end goal of the analysis. This results in different
feature selection problems, for which Nilsson offers
very comprehensive definitions. He also presents the
relation between the different feature subsets.
Another good overview of the available
formalisms is presented in (John, 1994) and
(Kohavi, 1997). The last argues that, from a purely
theoretical standpoint, whether a feature is relevant
or not is not as important. Instead, the optimal set of
features for a given inducer and problem should be
analyzed, taking into the account the inducer’s
heuristics, biases and tradeoffs. Although a relation
between the optimal feature subset and relevance is
provided, one should focus on finding optimal
features, rather than theoretically relevant features.
A lot of work has been carried out to develop
feature selection methods, in order to satisfy the
demand for obtaining good machine learning
techniques. There exist two main categories of
feature selection algorithms: filter methods, which
base their selection on the properties of the data
distribution alone, and wrapper methods, which
employ an empirical risk estimate for a certain
inducer to evaluate a feature subset. Representative
for the first category are: FOCUS (Allmualim,
1997), RELIEF (Kira, 1992), LVF (Liu, 1996),
statistical methods based on hypothesis tests, e.t.c.
Wrappers have been first introduced in (Kohavi,
(Dash, 1997) contains a comprehensive
overview of many existing methods. They are
classified using two criteria: generation method and
evaluation measures. Fifteen possible categories are
identified, and representative methods are discussed.
A similar survey, but which uses a 3-dimension
classification on existing methods is presented in
(Molina, 2002). There, algorithms are classified
using three criteria: search organization, generation
of successors and evaluation function.
Among the many feature aspects considered by
feature selection methods, we focus on identifying
those features which characterize the target concept
best. Therefore, we are not interested in the
theoretical classification of features in weak/strong
relevant, or relevant/irrelevant/redundant/correlated.
In real-world situations, relevant/ irrelevant features
are unknown a priori. Therefore, many candidate
features are introduced assuming they represent the
domain better. However, some of them fail to
characterize the target concept, so that the overall
result is the degradation of the objective function. A
mechanism to make an initial selection on a new
real-world data set is required. Such a mechanism
includes a generation procedure, an evaluation
function, and a validation procedure.
Definition: The feature selection process
selects the minimal subset of features, considering
the prediction accuracy as evaluation function.
So, after selecting the feature subset, we consider
each selected feature as (strong) relevant, and
rejected features as irrelevant (with no further
Definition: The generation procedure is a
search procedure that selects a subset of features (F
from the original feature set (F), F
There are many search methods available today,
from greedy hill climbing search, to genetic or
random search methods. Each has its advantages and
disadvantages. For the purpose of this paper, we
have evaluated 4 of the best known search
procedures, on 11 data sets (in more detail later).
Since the particularities of each dataset strongly
influence the choice of the best feature subset, there
is no general method for partitioning the dataset in
relevant/irrelevant features. Exhaustive search in the
attribute space may provide better results on a new
dataset, but its application in problems with more
than a few attributes is intractable due to complexity
Definition: The evaluation function measures
the quality of a subset obtained from a given
generation procedure.
As the optimal features subset depends on the
evaluation function, the process of selecting the
appropriate evaluation function is dependent on the
particular initial data set. An evaluation function
measures the capability of a feature (subset of
features) to distinguish among different class labels.
We have considered the prediction accuracy as
the evaluation function (the wrapper method). A
subset is considered to better characterize the data
set if and only of it improves the prediction
Definition: The validation procedure tests the
validity of the selected subset through comparisons
obtained from other feature selection and generation
procedure pairs.
The objective of the validation procedure is to
identify the best performance that could be obtained
in the first two steps of the method for a given data
set, i.e. to identify the selection method which is
most suitable for the given dataset and classification
method. As a consequence, the minimal feature
subset is selected. All features from the subset are
considered relevant to the target concept. Moreover,
the classification method performs the best, so it is
to be considered for further classifications. In order
to perform the validation we have employed 4
different learning algorithms: Naïve Bayes
(Cheeseman, 1995), AdaBoost.M1 (Freund, 1997), a
PANE method (Onaci, 2007) and a method for
determining the baseline accuracy of a dataset, based
on the theory of Dempster-Shafer (DST) (Moldovan,
2007). This was also done with the purpose of
studying the connection between the selected subset
of features and the final learning scheme: is the
attribute subset universally good or there is a strong
connection between it and the employed learning
Our vision on the feature selection process
assumes a very strong connection between the
different steps of the method. Moreover, since there
is no generic best approach to feature selection (no
single combination of steps yields the best solution
on a random dataset), there appears the need to
consider several approaches at once on a new real-
world problem. Although this might not lead to the
best possible performance, it guarantees
improvement over the initial dataset, due to its
stability. Thus, it offers an effective starting point
for the evaluation of a new problem.
In the evaluation part we concentrate on one feature
selection method, the wrapper subset evaluation
method, which uses the learning algorithm as
evaluation function. This method has been reported
to obtain more significant accuracy improvements
than other feature selection approaches (Hall, 2003).
As generation procedures, we focused on 4 well
known methods: greedy forward selection and
backward elimination, and forward and bidirectional
best-first search.
Forward selection starts with an empty subset of
attributes. At each step, it tries to add a new attribute
to the subset, by evaluating the worth of the subset
with the added attribute, using some numeric
measure of the expected performance of the dataset.
The best attribute according to this measure is
selected, and the procedure continues with the new
subset. The search stops when no further
improvement can be found. Backward elimination
works in a very similar way: it starts with the full
feature set and, at each step, tries to eliminate an
attribute. Best-first search is slightly more
sophisticated. It does not terminate when the
performance drops, but instead keeps a list of best
partial attribute subsets evaluated so far, so that it
can backtrack.
We have employed J4.8 (revision 8 of the more
popular C4.5 algorithm (Witten, 2005)) as
evaluation function. For validation we used 4
different learning methods. In the trials we have
performed we experimented with the WEKA
implementation of the wrapper subset evaluation and
search methods (Witten, 2005).
The datasets we experimented on have been
taken from the UCI Machine Learning Data
Repository. We selected datasets for which the
baseline accuracy (determined with the method
presented in (Moldovan, 2007)) was around 70-90%,
because these possess the highest capacity for
improvement. Most of the datasets are two-class
problems, with both nominal and numeric attributes.
A first set of tests was conducted to establish
whether a certain search method performs better
than the others when used with wrapper subset
evaluation. We used forward (gsf) and backward
(gsb) greedy stepwise search, and forward (bfs) and
bidirectional (bfs_bid) best first search. Ten fold
cross-validation was performed, which generated
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: Accuracy levels of J4.8 on attribute subsets resulted from wrapper subset evaluation with different search methods.
Australian 14 86.2 6 85.10 8 87.43 1 85.51 5 84.97
Breast-cancer 9 73.68 4 75.67 4 75.67 3 75.60 4 75.67
Cleve-detrano 13 76.63 7 79.84 5 78.64 5 77.28 5 78.86
Crx 15 84.93 5 85.87 6 86.32 4 85.49 6 85.36
German 20 71.72 10 73.82 10 74.12 8 73.85 7 74.86
Heart 13 76.16 4 83.19 7 80.19 4 83.19 5 82.00
Hepatitis 19 78.05 3 83.59 10 82.28 3 83.59 4 83.45
Labor 17 78.38 6 80.17 7 79.90 4 81.63 6 80.17
Lymphography 18 76.46 6 82.90 8 82.20 4 81.23 6 82.90
Pima diabethes 8 73.82 3 74.26 3 75.73 3 74.26 3 74.26
Tic-tac-toe 9 83.43 7 82.96 6 81.44 1 69.94 6 81.44
selection percentages for each individual attribute.
These percentages were used to quantify the “worth”
of an attribute. The final feature subset was
composed of those attributes having percentages
above the average. The feature subset selected by
each individual method was then presented to J4.8
for classification (validation), and the accuracy of
the learned model was evaluated.
The results are presented in table 1. Although
accuracy improvements can be observed for all but
one dataset, there is no single method that constantly
boosts the performance on every dataset. As
reported in (John, 1997), greedy stepwise search
may halt prematurely, leaving forward selection with
too few attributes, and backward elimination with
too many. Best first search (both forward and
bidirectional) are somewhere in between, selecting
usually more attributes than forward selection and
fewer than backward elimination. Like in the case of
classifiers, attribute selection methods also exhibit a
selective superiority, which makes the problem of
appropriately choosing the selection scheme be very
Next we wanted to verify whether the evaluation
function used in the wrapper selection introduces a
significant bias, or the feature subset that was
selected and validated with a certain procedure is
successful with other learning methods. Therefore,
we evaluated the accuracies of the selected subsets
with four other learning methods: Naïve Bayes,
AdaBoost.M1, a PANE method and a method for
determining the baseline accuracy of a dataset, based
on the theory of Dempster-Shafer (DST).
Naïve Bayes (Cheeseman, 1995) is a simple
probabilistic classifier. It employs Bayes’ theorem
under strong independence assumptions. It is naïve
because, in practice, the independence assumptions
usually don’t hold.
AdaBoost.M1 (Freund, 1997) employs an
ensemble method, by combining several weak
Table 2: The accuracy of Naïve Bayes on the attribute
subsets selected previously, with different search methods.
Australian 77.35 86.68 76.71 85.51 84.78
Breast-cancer 73.16 74.87 74.87 74.97 74.87
Cleve_detrano 83.73 84.06 83.89 83.30
Crx 77.86 86.00 78.87 85.45
German 75.16 73.70 74.70 73.72 73.28
Heart 83.59 82.26 81.00 82.26 83.00
Hepatitis 83.81 83.67 85.89 83.67 85.3
Labor 93.57 89.63 92.23 89.23 89.63
Lymphography 84.90 77.00 77.65 79.52 77.00
Pima diabethes 75.75 75.68 76.72 75.68 75.68
Tic-tac-toe 69.64 71.14 73.12 69.94 73.12
Table 3: The accuracy of AdaBoost.M1 on the attribute
subsets selected previously, with different search methods.
Australian 84.64 85.55 85.35 85.51 85.26
Breast-cancer 72.38 73.58 73.58 74.41 73.58
Cleve_detrano 83.30 84.12 82.91 83.20 83.99
Crx 84.80 85.61 85.48 85.49 85.64
German 71.27 71.74 72.57 72.49 71.8
Heart 81.59 84.85 80.56 84.85 84.52
Hepatitis 81.37 81.80 79.95 81.80 80.72
Labor 88.37 86.43 90.70 87.67 86.43
Lymphography 74.98 75.72 75.72 74.84 75.72
Pima diabethes 74.92 74.80 74.43 74.80 74.80
Tic-tac-toe 72.72 72.34 71.35 69.94 71.35
classifiers through voting; the resulting composite
classifier generally has a higher predictive accuracy
than any of its components. Each distinct model is
build through the same learning mechanism, by
varying the distribution of examples in the training
After each boosting phase, the weights of the
misclassified examples are increased, while those for
the correctly classified examples are decreased.
Table 4: The accuracy of DST on the attribute subsets
selected previously, with different search methods.
Australian 83.63 83.69 83.28 85.26 85.98
Breast-cancer 71.02 74.76 74.76 74.80 74.76
Cleve_detrano 76.34 78.17 79.45 74.50 78.91
Crx 83.79 84.27 84.34 82.42 85.36
German 69.99 69.69 69.92 67.82 68.64
Heart 76.09 81.17 77.23 81.17 80.90
Hepatitis 81.53 83.19 80.69 83.19 81.15
Labor 80.00 77.00 79.10 77.50 77.00
Lymphography 77.36 77.32 79.11 75.89 77.32
Pima diabethes 72.06 70.68 70.34 70.68 70.68
Tic-tac-toe 87.63 83.30 82.34 69.89 82.34
Table 5: The accuracy of PANE on the attribute subsets
selected previously, with different search methods.
Australian 85.36 86.28 85.25 85.29 85.89
Breast-cancer 72.23 74.00 74.00 74.41 74.00
Cleve_detrano 76.42 79.27 78.77 81.19 81.67
Crx 85.33 85.46 86.06 86.19 85.42
German 71.36 74.14 74.02 75.03 74.56
Heart 78.14 82.57 80.12 82.57 81.87
Hepatitis 80.04 84.17 84.37 84.17 83.54
Labor 79.19 82.64 79.73 79.88 82.64
Lymphography 77.9 78.87 78.90 80.21 78.87
Pima diabethes 74.5 75.27 75.22 75.27 75.27
Tic-tac-toe 84.31 81.40 79.60 69.42 79.60
The PANE method (Onaci, 2007) focuses on
improving the performance of symbolic classifiers
(such as decision trees, or rule learners), by using as
preprocessing step a neural network ensemble. The
aim is to improve the performance and the stability
of the classification process, while keeping its
The DST method (Moldovan, 2007) focuses on
establishing the baseline accuracy of a dataset, such
as to allow the initial assessment of a dataset. It uses
belief functions and the plausible reasoning from the
Dempster-Shafer Theory to combine the predictions
of different learning schemes.
Table 6: The accuracy of J4.8 on the attribute subsets
selected with the combination method.
14 86.2
84.83 5
9 73.68
75.67 4
13 76.63
82.88 5
15 84.93
86.25 8
20 71.72
73.88 9
13 76.16
83.19 4
19 78.05
83.18 7
17 78.38
81.63 4
18 76.46
82.90 6
Pima diabetes
8 73.82
74.26 3
9 83.43
75.08 3
The results for this second batch of tests are
shown in tables 2-5.
Although no selection method
yields always the best improvement, the bfs and gsb-
based methods perform constantly very well.
Moreover, the attribute subset that obtains the best
improvements depends strongly on the learning
scheme. It is known that for the Bayesian classifier,
the independence of the attributes is of utmost
importance (Cheeseman, 1995), while the decision
trees prefer fewer and more relevant attributes.
the choice of the selection scheme, such that it
produces the optimal attribute subset for a given
problem and learning algorithm is of interest.
Our current efforts focus on combining the
selections made with different search methods. In
this direction we have already performed
experiments with three search methods: forward and
backward greedy stepwise and forward best first
search. In this version also cross-validation was
employed, and we considered the votes of each
search method uniformly, resulting in the selection
of those attributes which “gathered” a percentage
above the average of the three different methods.
The results for this experiment are presented in table
6 below. With the exception of two datasets,
significant accuracy improvements are observed.
The accuracy levels are similar to the highest rates
achieved by the individual selection strategies in
table 1, or higher. Also, the combination method
improves the stability of the selection schemes.
Experience has proved to us that feature selection is
a very important step in the data mining process.
Although there are many good approaches for
selecting a feature subset, there appears to be no
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
such thing as a globally best feature selection
method, or a globally optimal feature subset. No
individual 3-tuple (generation, evaluation and
validation procedure) can be identified such that it
achieves best performance on any dataset, with any
learning algorithm. However, due to the
particularities of the attributes selected by individual
inducers, we expect that the tuples using the same
inducer in the evaluation and validation steps will
perform better than combined tuples.
Moreover, the experimental results suggest the
possibility of tackling a similar approach to the one
in (Moldovan, 2007). There, because of the high
degree of stability (smaller variations than single
classifiers across several datasets), the system can be
used to establish the baseline accuracy for a certain
dataset. In a similar manner, the selections of several
generation methods can be combined in order to
achieve higher stability and (possibly) improved
performance. The evaluations performed so far in
this direction have yielded promising results.
However, work still has to be done, to perfect the
method, and try new combination approaches. Here
we only experimented with a number of different
generation procedures, in a manner similar to the
ensemble learning methods. The evaluation
functions can also be combined. To do that,
however, you need a more sophisticated approach.
One that seems appropriate is the one used to
establish the baseline accuracy of a dataset, using the
Dempster-Shafer theory.
The feature selection process can be considered
for data imputation as well. By switching the target
concept from the class to a particular feature which
is incomplete, we can efficiently predict the missing
values using only the optimal feature subset which
characterizes the particular attribute. This is another
current concern in our work.
Also, to enhance cost-sensitive learning, the
feature selection mechanism could be modified such
as to consider a cost-sensitive evaluation function,
instead of the prediction accuracy. This is something
we haven’t tackled yet, but the idea seems
The authors wish to thank to Dan Bratucu, Cristian
Botau and Adrian Cosinschi for their contributions
to the implementation and for running part of the
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